# Compute PRFs for all respondents simultaneously.
# Also, compute a functional data object with all the PRFs.
# See: Ramsay, Hooker, & Graves (2009). Functional data analysis with R and Matlab.
PRF <- function(matrix, h=.09, N.FPts=101)
  Diffs       <- 1 - colMeans(matrix, na.rm = TRUE)
  focal.pts   <- seq(0, 1, length.out = N.FPts)
  GaussKernel <- function(x) {dnorm(x, mean = 0, sd = 1)}
  KernArg     <- expand.grid(focal.pts, Diffs)
  KernArg     <- matrix(KernArg[, 1] - KernArg[, 2], nrow = length(focal.pts), byrow = F) / h
  weights     <- GaussKernel(KernArg) / rowSums(GaussKernel(KernArg))
  matrix.NAs.0 <- matrix
  matrix.NAs.0[is.na(matrix.NAs.0)] <- 0
  PRFest      <- weights %*% t(matrix.NAs.0)
#   PRFest      <- weights %*% t(matrix)
  # Specify a B-spline basis system (Chapter 3).
  # 'basis.bspline' below is a functional basis object of class 'basisfd'.
  # It is based on B-splines (piecewise polinomials, all of the same degree/order [order = degree + 1]).
  # Here we focus on degree three / order four splines (i.e., cubic polinomial segments),
  #   with one knot per break point.
  # This allows any two consecutive splines (piecewise polinomials), sp1 and sp2, with common break point BP,
  #   verifying sp1(BP) = sp2(BP), sp1'(BP) = sp2'(BP), and sp1''(BP) = sp2''(BP).
  # At 0 and 1 (extremes of the x-range), four (= order) knots are used.
  basis.bspline <- create.bspline.basis(rangeval = c(0, 1), norder = 4, nbasis = (4 + 9))
  # Specify coefficients c for the B-spline basis system computed above and then create functional data objects.
  # Based on smoothing using regression analysis (Section 4.3 in Ramsay et al., 2009).
  x.values     <- focal.pts
  basis.values <- eval.basis(evalarg = x.values, basisobj = basis.bspline)
  y.values     <- PRFest
  basis.coefs  <- solve(crossprod(basis.values), crossprod(basis.values, y.values))
  # Observe that 'basis.values %*% basis.coefs' is the B-spline approximation of PRFest.
  fd.obj       <- fd(basis.coefs, basis.bspline, list("Item difficulty", "Subject", "Probability correct answer"))
  return(list(PRFdiffs = focal.pts, PRFest = PRFest, FDO = fd.obj))

PRF.VarBands <- function (matrix, h=.09, N.FPts=101, alpha=.05)
  focal.pts <- seq(0, 1, length.out = N.FPts)
  N         <- dim(matrix)[1]; I <- dim(matrix)[2]
  PRFscores <- PRF(matrix, h, N.FPts)$PRFest
  # Jackknife estimate of the SE:
  PRF.SEarray <- array(NA, c(length(focal.pts), I, N))
  for (it in 1:I)
    matrix.jack         <- matrix[, -it]
    PRF.SEarray[, it, ] <- PRF(matrix.jack, h, N.FPts)$PRFest
  PRF.SE <- apply(PRF.SEarray, 3, function(mat)
    sqrt( ((I-1)/I) * rowSums((mat - rowMeans(mat))^2) )
  crit.val         <- qnorm(1-alpha, mean=0, sd=1)
  PRF.VarBandsLow  <- PRFscores-crit.val*PRF.SE
  PRF.VarBandsHigh <- PRFscores+crit.val*PRF.SE
  # Specify a B-spline basis system.
  basis.bspline <- create.bspline.basis(rangeval = c(0,1), norder = 4, nbasis = (4 + 9))
  # Specify coefficients c for the B-spline basis system computed above and then create functional data objects.
  x.values      <- focal.pts
  basis.values  <- eval.basis(evalarg=x.values, basisobj=basis.bspline)
  y.values        <- PRF.VarBandsLow
  basis.coefs.Low <- solve(crossprod(basis.values), crossprod(basis.values, y.values))
  fd.obj.Low      <- fd(basis.coefs.Low, basis.bspline, list("Item difficulty", "Subject", "Probability correct answer"))
  y.values         <- PRF.VarBandsHigh
  basis.coefs.High <- solve(crossprod(basis.values), crossprod(basis.values, y.values))
  fd.obj.High      <- fd(basis.coefs.High, basis.bspline, list("Item difficulty", "Subject", "Probability correct answer"))
  return(list(PRF.VarBandsLow=PRF.VarBandsLow, PRF.VarBandsHigh=PRF.VarBandsHigh, 
       FDO.VarBandsLow=fd.obj.Low, FDO.VarBandsHigh=fd.obj.High))

PRFplot <- function (matrix, respID, h=.09, N.FPts=101, 
                     VarBands=FALSE, VarBands.area=FALSE, alpha=.05,
                     Xlabel=NA, Xcex=1.5, Ylabel=NA, Ycex=1.5, title=NA, Tcex=1.5, 
                     NA.method="Pairwise", Save.MatImp=FALSE, 
                     IP=NULL, IRT.PModel="2PL", Ability=NULL, Ability.PModel="ML", mu=0, sigma=1, 
  matrix      <- as.matrix(matrix)
  N <- dim(matrix)[1]; I <- dim(matrix)[2]
  # Sanity check - Dichotomous data only:
  Sanity.dma(matrix, N, I)
  # Dealing with missing values:
  res.NA <- MissingValues(matrix, NA.method, Save.MatImp, IP, IRT.PModel, Ability, Ability.PModel, mu, sigma)
  matrix <- res.NA[[1]]
  res1 <- PRF(matrix, h, N.FPts)
  res2 <- PRF.VarBands(matrix, h, N.FPts, alpha)
  basis.bspline    <- create.bspline.basis(rangeval = c(0,1), norder = 4, nbasis = (4 + 9))
  x.values         <- seq(0, 1, length.out = N.FPts)
  basis.values     <- eval.basis(evalarg = x.values, basisobj = basis.bspline)
  PRF.VarBandsLow  <- basis.values %*% res2$FDO.VarBandsLow$coefs
  PRF.VarBandsHigh <- basis.values %*% res2$FDO.VarBandsHigh$coefs
  for (i in 1:length(respID))
    if (message)
      readline(prompt = paste0("Respondent ", respID[i], ": Press ENTER."))
    par(mar = c(4, 4, 2, 1) + .1, las = 1)
    plot(1, type = "n", axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE, frame.plot = TRUE, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1))
    tmpx <- if (is.na(Xlabel)) {"Item difficulty"} else {Xlabel}
    axis(1, at = seq(0, 1, by = .2)); mtext(side = 1, text = tmpx, line = 2.5, col = "black", cex = Xcex, font = 1)
    tmpy <- if (is.na(Ylabel)) {"Probability correct answer"} else {Ylabel}
    axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = .2)); mtext(side = 2, text = tmpy, line = 2.8, col = "black", cex = Ycex, font = 1, las = 3)
    if (VarBands.area)
      polygon(c(x.values, rev(x.values)),
              c(PRF.VarBandsHigh[, respID[i]], rev(PRF.VarBandsLow[, respID[i]])), col = "lightpink1", border = NA)
      par(new = TRUE); plot(res2$FDO.VarBandsLow[respID[i]], ann = FALSE, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), 
                            lty = 2, lwd = 1.5, href = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
      par(new = TRUE); plot(res2$FDO.VarBandsHigh[respID[i]], ann = FALSE,xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), 
                            lty = 2, lwd = 1.5, href = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
    if (!VarBands.area & VarBands)
      par(new = TRUE); plot(res2$FDO.VarBandsLow[respID[i]], ann = FALSE, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), 
                            lty = 2,lwd = 1.5, href = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
      par(new = TRUE); plot(res2$FDO.VarBandsHigh[respID[i]], ann = FALSE,xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), 
                            lty = 2,lwd = 1.5, href = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
    par(new = TRUE); plot(res1$FDO[respID[i]], lwd = 2, axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE, frame.plot = T,
                          xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), href = FALSE)
    tmp <- if (is.na(title)) {paste("PRF (respID # ",respID[i],")",sep="")} else {title}
    mtext(side = 3, text = tmp, line = .5, col = "black", cex = Tcex, font = 2)
  invisible(list(PRF.FDO = res1$FDO, VarBandsLow.FDO = res2$FDO.VarBandsLow,  VarBandsHigh.FDO = res2$FDO.VarBandsHigh))

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