
Defines functions ROI_expand .sort_types get_solvers_from_db get_solver_methods_from_signature get_solver_methods ROI_applicable_solvers ROI_available_solvers.OP ROI_available_solvers.ROI_signature ROI_available_solvers.NULL .ROI_available_solvers ROI_available_solvers signature_in_df ROI_installed_solvers ROI_registered_solvers select_solver which_op_type ROI_solve

Documented in ROI_applicable_solvers ROI_available_solvers ROI_installed_solvers ROI_registered_solvers ROI_solve

## Package: ROI
## File:    roi.R
## Author:  Stefan Theussl
## Changed: 2016-05-27

## Imports
#' @importFrom stats variable.names setNames na.omit terms aggregate
#' @importFrom utils str tail download.file
#' @import slam


##  -----------------------------------------------------------
##  ROI_solve =========
##' @title Solve an Optimization Problem
##' @description Solve a given optimization problem.  This function
##'     uses the given solver (or searches for an appropriate solver)
##'     to solve the supplied optimization problem.
##' @param x an optimization problem of class \code{"OP"}.
##' @param solver a character vector specifying the solver to use. If
##'     missing, then the default solver returned by
##'     \code{\link{ROI_options}} is used.
##' @param control a list with additional control parameters for the
##'     solver.  This is solver specific so please consult the
##'     corresponding documentation.
##' @param ... a list of control parameters (overruling those
##'     specified in \code{control}).
##' @return a list containing the solution and a message from the solver.
##' \itemize{
##' \item{solution}{the vector of optimal coefficients}
##' \item{objval}{the value of the objective function at the optimum}
##' \item{status}{a list giving the status code and message form the solver.
##'               The status code is 0 on success (no error occurred) 
##'               1 otherwise.}
##' \item{message}{a list giving the original message provided by the solver.}
##' }
##' @examples
##' ## Rosenbrock Banana Function
##' ## -----------------------------------------
##' ## objective
##' f <- function(x) {
##'    return( 100 * (x[2] - x[1] * x[1])^2 + (1 - x[1])^2 )
##' }
##' ## gradient
##' g <- function(x) {
##'    return( c( -400 * x[1] * (x[2] - x[1] * x[1]) - 2 * (1 - x[1]),
##'              200 * (x[2] - x[1] * x[1])) )
##' }
##' ## bounds
##' b <- V_bound(li = 1:2, ui = 1:2, lb = c(-3, -3), ub = c(3, 3))
##' op <- OP( objective = F_objective(f, n = 2L, G = g),
##'           bounds = b )
##' res <- ROI_solve( op, solver = "nlminb", control = list(start = c( -1.2, 1 )) )
##' solution( res )
##' ## Portfolio optimization - minimum variance
##' ## -----------------------------------------
##' ## get monthly returns of 30 US stocks
##' data( US30 )
##' r <- na.omit( US30 )
##' ## objective function to minimize
##' obj <- Q_objective( 2*cov(r) )
##' ## full investment constraint
##' full_invest <- L_constraint( rep(1, ncol(US30)), "==", 1 )
##' ## create optimization problem / long-only
##' op <- OP( objective = obj, constraints = full_invest )
##' ## solve the problem - only works if a QP solver is registered
##' \dontrun{
##' res <- ROI_solve( op )
##' res
##' sol <- solution( res )
##' names( sol ) <- colnames( US30 )
##' round( sol[ which(sol > 1/10^6) ], 3 )
##' }
##' @author Stefan Theussl
##' @references Theussl S, Schwendinger F, Hornik K (2020). 
##'     'ROI: An Extensible R Optimization Infrastructure.' Journal of Statistical Software_,
##'     *94*(15), 1-64. doi: 10.18637/jss.v094.i15 (URL: https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v094.i15).
##' @export
##  -----------------------------------------------------------
ROI_solve <- function( x, solver, control = list(), ... ) {
    ## if no second argument is supplied we use the default solver
    if( missing(solver) )
        solver <- ROI_options("default_solver")

    if ( is.null(objective(x)) )
        stop("objective is missing, with no default")

    dots <- list(...)
    control[names(dots)] <- dots

    x <- as.OP( x )

    methods <- get_solver_methods( OP_signature(x) )
    sig <- OP_signature( x )
    if ( !length(methods) ) {
        ## CASE: no method found for this signature
        stop( "no solver found for this signature:\n\t",
              paste(paste(names(sig), sig, sep=": "), collapse="\n\t") )
    if ( isTRUE(solver != "auto") ) {
        SOLVE <- methods[[ solver ]]
        if ( !is.function(SOLVE) ) {
            ## CASE: applicable solvers found but the solver provided is wrong
            ##       => issue warning and fallback to the other solver            
            if ( isTRUE(solver %in% names(ROI_registered_solvers())) ) {
                stop("solver '", solver, "' is not applicable to this OP! ",
                     "Consider using one of the following solver instead:\n",
                     paste(shQuote(names(methods)), collapse = ", "))
            } else {
                stop("solver '", solver, "' is not among the registered solvers! ",
                     "Consider using one of the following solver instead:\n",
                      paste(shQuote(names(methods)), collapse = ", "))
    } else {
        ## select the solver given on an ordering in ROI_options
        SOLVE <- select_solver(x, sig, methods)
        solver <- names( SOLVE )[1]
        SOLVE <- SOLVE[[1]]

    cntrl <- ROI_translate(control, solver)
    if( length(control) ) {
        solver_control_names <- get_solver_controls_from_db(solver)
        if( !all(names(cntrl) %in% solver_control_names) ) {
            missing_control_args <- names(cntrl)[which(!names(cntrl) %in% solver_control_names)]
            k <- min(length(missing_control_args), 2L)
            warning("the control argument", c(" ", "s ")[k],
                    deparse(missing_control_args), c(" is ", " are ")[k],
                    "not available in solver '", solver, "'")

    ## TODO: handle default ROI controls separately
    ## FIXME: what if verbose and solver specific verbosity are set at the same time?
    control$verbose <- ifelse( length(control$verbose), control$verbose, FALSE )
    if( control$verbose )
        writeLines( "<SOLVER MSG>  ----" )
    out <- SOLVE( x, cntrl )
    if( control$verbose )
        writeLines( "<!SOLVER MSG> ----" )
    ## add the names to the solution
    if ( any(!c(is.null(variable.names(constraints(x))), is.null(variable.names(objective(x))))) ) {
        if ( is.null(variable.names(constraints(x))) ) {
            if ( length(out$solution) == length(variable.names(objective(x))) )
                names(out$solution) <- variable.names(objective(x))
        } else if ( is.null(variable.names(objective(x))) ) {
            if ( length(out$solution) == length(variable.names(constraints(x))) )
                names(out$solution) <- variable.names(constraints(x))
        } else {
            if ( identical(variable.names(objective(x)), variable.names(constraints(x))) &
                 (length(out$solution) == length(variable.names(objective(x)))) ) {
                names(out$solution) <- variable.names(objective(x))

which_op_type <- function(x) {
    if ( any(x$C) ) {
        if ( all(x$cones == "X") ) {
            if ( all(x[,c('objective', 'constraints')] == "L") ) { ## LP
            } else { ## QP
        } else { ## CONIC PROBLEM
    } else { ## MIXED INTEGER
        if ( all(x$cones == "X") ) {
            if ( all(x[,c('objective', 'constraints')] == "L") ) { ## LP
            } else { ## QP
        } else { ## CONIC PROBLEM

## select_solver gets an optimization problem "x" and the applicable methods
## "methods" and returns a solver.
select_solver <- function(x, signature, methods) {
    type <- which_op_type(signature)
    ## select solver by ordering by type
    solver_selection_table <- ROI_options("solver_selection_table")
    i <- which(solver_selection_table[[type]] %in% names(methods))
    if ( length(i) > 0 ) {
        solver <- solver_selection_table[[type]][i[1]]
        return( methods[solver] )
    ## select solver by default ordering
    i <- which(solver_selection_table[["default"]] %in% names(methods))
    if ( length(i) > 0 ) {
        solver <- solver_selection_table[["default"]][i[1]]
        return( methods[solver] )
    return( methods[1] )


##' @title Solver Tools
##' @description Retrieve the names of installed or registered solvers.
##' @details
##'   Whereas \code{ROI_installed_solvers()} may lists the names of installed
##'   solvers that do not necessarily work,
##'   \code{ROI_registered_solvers()} lists all solvers that can be used
##'   to solve optimization problems.
##' @param ... arguments passed on to \code{\link{installed.packages}}.
##' @return a named character vector.
##' @author Stefan Theussl
##' @export
ROI_registered_solvers <- function( ... ){
    ## solvers registered

##' @rdname ROI_registered_solvers
##' @export
ROI_installed_solvers <- function( ... ) {
    dots <- list(...)
    if ( "lib.loc" %in% names(dots) ) lib.loc <- dots$lib.loc
    else lib.loc <- .libPaths()
    pkgs <- c(ROI_get_included_plugins(), grep(.plugin_prefix(), unlist(lapply(lib.loc, dir)), value = TRUE) )
    structure( pkgs, names = ROI_plugin_get_solver_name(pkgs) )

signature_in_df <- function(x, signature) {
    if ( !is.data.frame(x) | (nrow(x) == 0L) ) {
        if ( nrow(x) == 0L ) {
            ## This should never happen but signals that there has happend
            ## an error during the creation of the signature database.
            warning("signature with zero rows detected")
    any(apply(mapply(function(a, b) a == b, signature, x), 1, all))

##' @title Available Solvers
##' @description ROI_available_solvers returns a data.frame of details corresponding to
##'   solvers currently available at one or more repositories.
##'   The current list of packages is downloaded over the Internet.
##' @details
##'   To get an overview about the available solvers
##'   \code{ROI_available_solvers()} can be used.
##'   If a signature or an object of class \code{"OP"}
##'   is provided \pkg{ROI} will only return the solvers
##'   applicable the optimization problem. Note since NLP solver
##'   are also applicable for LP and QP they will also be listed.
##' @param x an object used to select a method. It can be either
##'          an object of class \code{"OP"} or an object of class \code{"ROI_signature"}
##'          or \code{NULL}.
##' @param method a character string giving the method to be used for downloading files.
##'        For more information see \code{\link[utils]{download.file}}.
##' @return a data.frame with one row per package and repository.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ROI_available_solvers()
##' op <- OP(1:2)
##' ROI_available_solvers(op)
##' ROI_available_solvers(OP_signature(op))
##' }
##' @export
ROI_available_solvers <- function( x = NULL, method = getOption("download.file.method")) {
    UseMethod( "ROI_available_solvers" )

.ROI_available_solvers <- function(method) {
    url <- "http://roi.r-forge.r-project.org/db/SOLVERS.rds"
    tmp_folder <- tempdir()
    dest <- file.path(tmp_folder, "ROI_SOLVERS.rds")
    z <- tryCatch({download.file(url = url,
                                 destfile = dest, method = method,
                                 cacheOK = FALSE, quiet = TRUE, mode = "wb")
                  }, error = identity)

    if ( inherits(z, "error") )
        stop("The requested URL 'http://roi.r-forge.r-project.org' was not found.")


##' @noRd
##' @export
ROI_available_solvers.NULL <- function( x = NULL, method = getOption("download.file.method")) {
    y <- .ROI_available_solvers(method)
    y[, -which(colnames(y) == "Signature")]

##' @noRd
##' @export
ROI_available_solvers.ROI_signature <- function( x = NULL, method = getOption("download.file.method")) {
    y <- .ROI_available_solvers(method)
    i <- which(sapply(y$Signature, signature_in_df, signature = x))
    y[i, -which(colnames(y) == "Signature")]

##' @noRd
##' @export
ROI_available_solvers.OP <- function( x = NULL, method = getOption("download.file.method")) {
    ROI_available_solvers(OP_signature(x), method)

## ---------------------------------------------------------
##  ROI_applicable_solvers
##  ======================
##' @title Obtain Applicable Solvers
##' @description \code{ROI_applicable_solvers} takes as argument an
##'   optimization problem (object of class \code{'OP'}) and returns a vector
##'   giving the applicable solver. The set of applicable solver is restricted
##'   on the available solvers, which means if solver \code{"A"} and \code{"B"}
##'   would be applicable but a \code{ROI.plugin} is only installed for solver
##'   \code{"A"} only solver \code{"A"} would be listed as applicable solver.
##' @param op an \pkg{ROI}-object of type \code{'OP'}.
##' @return An character vector giving the applicable solver,
##'   for a certain optimization problem.
##' @export
## ---------------------------------------------------------
ROI_applicable_solvers <- function( op ){
    unname(names(get_solver_methods( OP_signature( op ) )))

## HELPER FUNCTIONS (not exported)

## returns solver method from signatures
get_solver_methods <- function( signatures ) {
    ## The nrow(signatures) > 1 for coninc solvers!
    if ( nrow(signatures) == 1 ) return( get_solver_methods_from_signature(signatures) )
    solvers <- unlist(apply(signatures, 1, get_solver_methods_from_signature))
    solver_tab <- table(names(solvers))
    solver_names <- names(solver_tab[solver_tab == nrow(signatures)])

## returns solver method form signature
get_solver_methods_from_signature <- function( signature ){
    entries <- do.call( solver_db$get_entries, as.list(signature) )
    solvers <- unlist(lapply( entries, function(x) x$solver ))
    structure( lapply(entries, function(x) x$FUN), names = solvers)

## returns available solvers from db
get_solvers_from_db <- function( ) {
    unique( solver_db$get_field_entries("solver", unlist = TRUE) )

## returns package names of available solvers from db
get_solver_packages_from_db <- function ( ){
    d <- data.frame(solvers = solver_db$get_field_entries("solver", unlist = TRUE),
                    plugins = solver_db$get_field_entries("plugin", unlist = TRUE),
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    d <- unique(d)
    structure( get_package_name(d$plugins), names = d$solvers )

.sort_types <- function(x){
    stopifnot( all(x %in% available_types()) )
    ord <- c(C = 1, I = 2, B = 3)
    ordered <- order(ord[x])

ROI_expand <- function(...) {
    base::expand.grid(..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

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ROI documentation built on Aug. 29, 2020, 3:01 p.m.