
Defines functions fitextcoeff

Documented in fitextcoeff

fitextcoeff <- function(data, coord, ..., estim = "ST", marge = "emp",
                        prob = 0, plot = TRUE, loess = TRUE, method = "BFGS",
                        std.err = TRUE, xlab, ylab, angles = NULL,
                        identify = FALSE){

  if (is.null(dim(coord))){
    if (length(coord) != ncol(data))
      stop("'data' and 'coord' don't match")

  else if (nrow(coord) != ncol(data))
    stop("'data' and 'coord' don't match")

  if (!(estim %in% c("ST", "Smith")))
    stop("'estim' must be one of 'ST' or 'Smith'")

  if (!(marge %in% c("emp", "mle", "frech")))
    stop("'marge' must be one of 'emp', 'mle' or 'frech'")

  if ((prob < 0) || (prob >= 1))
    stop("'prob' must be in [0,1)")

  n.site <- ncol(data)
  n.obs <- nrow(data)
  dist <- distance(coord)
  n.pairs <- n.site * (n.site - 1) / 2

  if (!is.null(angles)){
    distVec <- distance(coord, vec = TRUE)
    n.angles <- length(angles)
    angles.coord <- atan2(distVec[,2], distVec[,1])

    col <- rep(NA, n.pairs)
    idx.angles <- list()
    for (i in 2:n.angles){
      idx <- which((angles.coord < angles[i]) & (angles.coord >= angles[i-1]))
      idx.angles <- c(idx.angles, list(idx))
      col[idx] <- i-1

    col <- 1

  if (marge == "mle"){
    frech <- data
    for (i in 1:n.site){
      marg.param <- gevmle(data[,i], method = method)
      frech[,i] <- gev2frech(frech[,i], marg.param["loc"],

  if (marge == "emp") {
    frech <- apply(data, 2, rank) / (n.obs  +1)
    frech <- - 1 / log(frech)


  if (marge == "frech")
    frech <- data

  ext.coeff <- rep(NA, n.pairs)

  if (estim == "ST"){
    std.err <- FALSE
    if (prob == 0)
      z <- 0

      z <- - 1 / log(prob)

    x.bar <- colMeans(1/frech)

    lik.fun <- function(theta)
      .C(C_extCoeffST, as.double(frech[,pair]), as.double(x.bar[pair]), as.double(z),
         as.double(theta), as.integer(n.obs), dns = double(1))$dns

    k <- 1

    for (i in 1:(n.site - 1)){
      for (j in (i+1):n.site){
        pair <- c(i,j)
        ext.coeff[k] <- optimize(lik.fun, interval = c(1, 2))$minimum
        k <- k + 1

  if (estim == "Smith") {
    ##The Smith approach needs Exponential margins instead of Frechet ones
    frech <- 1 / frech

    ext.coeff <- .C(C_extCoeffSmith, as.double(frech), as.integer(n.obs),
                    as.integer(n.site), extCoeff = double(n.pairs))$extCoeff

    if (std.err){

      ext.coeff.std.err <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.site * (n.site - 1) / 2,
                                  nrow = n.obs)

      if (marge == "frech"){
        for (year in 1:n.obs){
          frech.jack <- 1 / data[-year,]

          ext.coeff.std.err[year,] <- .C(C_extCoeffSmith, as.double(frech.jack),
                                         as.integer(n.obs-1), as.integer(n.site),
                                         extCoeff = double(n.pairs))$extCoeff

      if (marge == "mle"){
        for (year in 1:n.obs){
          frech.jack <- data[-year,]
          for (i in 1:n.site){
            marg.param <- gevmle(data[-year,i], method = method)
            frech.jack[,i] <- gev2frech(data[-year,i], marg.param["loc"],

          frech.jack <- 1 / frech.jack

          ext.coeff.std.err[year,] <- .C(C_extCoeffSmith, as.double(frech.jack),
                                         as.integer(n.obs-1), as.integer(n.site),
                                         extCoeff = double(n.pairs))$extCoeff

      if (marge == "emp"){
        probs <- ppoints(n.obs - 1, a = 0)
        for (year in 1:n.obs){
          frech.jack <- apply(data[-year,], 2, rank) / n.obs
          frech.jack <- - log(frech.jack)

          ext.coeff.std.err[year,] <- .C(C_extCoeffSmith, as.double(frech.jack),
                                         as.integer(n.obs-1), as.integer(n.site),
                                         extCoeff = double(n.pairs))$extCoeff

      ext.coeff.std.err <- sqrt(apply(ext.coeff.std.err, 2, var) * (n.obs - 2) *
                                (n.obs - 1) / n.obs)

  if (loess){
    if (!is.null(angles)){
      loess.fit <- list()
      for (i in 1:(n.angles-1)){
        ext.coeff.sub <- ext.coeff[idx.angles[[i]]]
        dist.sub <- dist[idx.angles[[i]]]
        loess.fit <- c(loess.fit, list(loess(ext.coeff.sub ~ dist.sub)))

      loess.fit <- loess(ext.coeff ~ dist)

  if (plot){

    if (missing(xlab))
      xlab <- "h"

    if (missing(ylab))
      ylab <- expression(theta(h))

    if (identify)

    plot(dist, ext.coeff, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, col = col, pch = col, ...)

    if (loess){
      h <- seq(0, max(dist), length = 200)

      if (!is.null(angles)){
        for (i in 1:(n.angles-1))
          lines(h, predict(loess.fit[[i]], data.frame(dist.sub = h)), col = i, ...)

        lines(h, predict(loess.fit, data.frame(dist = h)), ...)

    if (identify){
      labels <- NULL
      for (i in 1:(n.site-1))
        labels <- c(labels, paste(i, "-", (i+1):n.site, sep = ""))

      id.points <- identify(dist, ext.coeff, labels = labels,
                            plot = FALSE)
      id.stations <- unlist(strsplit(labels[id.points], "-"))
      points(coord[as.numeric(id.stations),], col = 2)

  ans <- cbind(distance = dist, ext.coeff = ext.coeff)

  if (std.err)
    ans <- cbind(ans, std.err = ext.coeff.std.err)

  if (loess)
    ans <- list(ext.coeff = ans, loess = loess.fit)

  if (identify)
    ans <- c(ans, select.pairs = labels[id.points])


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SpatialExtremes documentation built on July 16, 2024, 3:01 a.m.