
Defines functions dateWarp dateWarp.character dateWarp.factor dateWarp.POSIXct dateWarp.POSIXlt dateWarp.Date dateWarpAppend

Documented in dateWarp dateWarpAppend

dateWarp <- function(date, spec, holidays = NULL, by = NULL,
                     direction = 1, duplicates.keep = TRUE, optimize.dups = TRUE) {

dateWarp.character <- function(date, spec, holidays = NULL, by = NULL,
                     direction = 1, duplicates.keep = TRUE, optimize.dups = TRUE)
    x <- NextMethod('dateWarp')

dateWarp.factor <- function(date, spec, holidays = NULL, by = NULL,
                     direction = 1, duplicates.keep = TRUE, optimize.dups = TRUE)
    lev <- levels(date)
    new.lev <- dateWarp.Date(dateParse(lev), spec=spec, holidays=holidays, by=by,
                             direction=direction, duplicates.keep=duplicates.keep, optimize.dups=FALSE)
    new.lev <- as.character(new.lev)
    if (!any(duplicated(new.lev)) && length(new.lev)==length(lev) && !any(is.na(new.lev) & !is.na(lev))) {
        levels(date) <- new.lev
    } else {
        # Have duplicates new.lev; must recode factor to a smaller set of levels.
        new.lev2 <- unique(new.lev)
        new.lev2 <- sort(new.lev2[!is.na(new.lev2)])
        recode <- match(new.lev, new.lev2)
        date <- structure(recode[as.integer(date)], levels=new.lev2, class='factor')

dateWarp.POSIXct <- function(date, spec, holidays = NULL, by = NULL,
                     direction = 1, duplicates.keep = TRUE, optimize.dups = TRUE)
    tz <- attr(date, 'tzone')
    x <- NextMethod('dateWarp')
    # Need to convert Date to character before converting back to POSIXct
    # see examples in tests/pitfalls.Rt
    # TODO: can we do better with this?
    x <- as.POSIXct(as.character(x))
    if (!is.null(tz))
        attr(x, 'tzone') <- tz

dateWarp.POSIXlt <- function(date, spec, holidays = NULL, by = NULL,
                     direction = 1, duplicates.keep = TRUE, optimize.dups = TRUE)
    tz <- attr(date, 'tzone')
    x <- NextMethod('dateWarp')
    # need to convert Date to character before converting back to POSIXlt
    # see examples in tests/pitfalls.Rt
    x <- as.POSIXlt(as.character(x))
    if (!is.null(tz))
        attr(x, 'tzone') <- tz

dateWarp.Date <- function(date, spec, holidays = NULL, by = NULL,
                     direction = 1, duplicates.keep = TRUE, optimize.dups = TRUE)
    # This is the workhorse method -- this handles all type of input

    if (!hasArg(date))
        stop("'date' argument missing.")

    if (!hasArg(spec))
        stop("'spec' argument missing.")

    if (optimize.dups && duplicates.keep && length(date) > 50
        && length(xu <- unique(date)) < length(date)/2) {
        # Lots of duplicates -- do the slow date computations only for the unique values.
        # Don't need to worry too much about the test for whether optimization should
        # be used -- with daily dates usually there are either lots of duplicates
        # or no duplicates.
        yu <- dateWarp.Date(xu, spec=spec, holidays=holidays, by=by, direction=direction, duplicates.keep=duplicates.keep, optimize.dups=FALSE)
        i <- match(date, xu)

    if (!inherits(date, "Date")) {
        date <- dateParse(date)
        if (is.null(date))
            stop("'date' argument must inherit or be convertible from the 'Date' class.")

    if (!is.null(by)) {
        if (!is.character(by))
            stop("'by' must be a character vector.")

        if (length(by) > 1) {
            by <- by[1]
            warning("only the first element of 'by' will be used.")

        # TODO: parse direction & k.by out of by
        if ((atPos <- regexpr("@", by)[1]) > 0) {
            byStr <- by
            by <- substring(byStr, 1, atPos - 1)

            if (!is.null(holidays))
                stop("double specification of holidays.")

            holidays <- substring(byStr, atPos + 1)
            if (holidays == "")
                stop("could not parse holiday name out of '", byStr, "'.")

            if (by == "")
                stop("could not parse 'by' out of '", byStr, "'.")
        if (!(by %in% c('days', 'bizdays', 'weeks', 'months', 'years')))
            stop("'by' must contain only the values 'days', 'bizdays','weeks', 'months' or 'years'.")

    if (!is.null(holidays)) {
        if ((!is.null(by) && by != "bizdays") &&
            !is.list(spec) && !("bizdays" %in% unlist(spec, use.names = FALSE))) {
            # This test doesn't work with spec that is a list
            warning("ignoring holidays argument. Only relevant when 'by = \"bizdays\"'.")
            holidays <- NULL
        } else if (!all(holidays %in% allHolidays())) {
            stop(paste('no', holidays[!(holidays %in% allHolidays())][1],'holidays exist.'))

    ## 'direction' is +1 for after, -1 for before
    direction <- as.integer(direction)
    if (!(direction == -1 || direction == 1))
        stop("'direction' must be -1 or 1.")

    duplicates.keep <- as.logical(duplicates.keep)
    if (!is.finite(duplicates.keep) || length(duplicates.keep) != 1)
        stop("'duplicates.keep' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")


    if (is.numeric(spec) || is.character(spec))
        spec <- list(spec)

    if (is.list(spec)) {
        for (i in seq_along(spec)) {
            byUse <- NULL
            holidaysUse <- NULL

            name <- if (is.null(names(spec))) "" else names(spec)[i]

            if ((name == "latest" || name == "earliest") && is.character(spec[[i]]))
                op <- dateParse(spec[[i]])
                op <- spec[[i]]

            if (is.character(op) && (name == "" || name == "shift")) {
                ## Parse something like "+3 bizdays@NYSEC", "+3 bizdays", or "+3".
                ## (It's necessary to supply 'by' to dateWarp(), but it can be picked
                ## up from elsewhere.)
                opStr <- op

                if ((spPos <- regexpr(" ", opStr)[1]) != -1) {
                    byStr <- substring(opStr, spPos + 1)
                    opStr <- substring(opStr, 1, spPos - 1)

                    if ((atPos <- regexpr("@", byStr)[1]) > 0) {
                        byUse <- substring(byStr, 1, atPos - 1)
                        holidaysUse <- substring(byStr, atPos + 1)
                        if (holidaysUse == "")
                            stop("could not parse holiday name out of '", byStr, "'.")
                    } else {
                        byUse <- byStr
                    if (byUse == "")
                        stop("could not parse 'by' out of '", byStr, "'.")
                    if (!(byUse %in% c('days', 'bizdays', 'weeks', 'months', 'years')))
                        stop("'by' must contain only the values 'days', 'bizdays','weeks', 'months' or 'years'.")
                # all that is left in "a.str" should a number like "-1" or "+3"
                op <- as.numeric(opStr)

                if (any(is.na(op)))
                    stop("could not parse some elements of 'spec' vector to numbers: ",
                         paste(opStr[is.na(op)][seq(len=min(3, sum(is.na(op))))], collapse=", "),
                         if (sum(is.na(op))>3) " ...")

            if (is.numeric(op)) {
                if (name == "" || name == "shift") {
                    if (is.null(byUse) && !is.null(by))
                        byUse <- by
                    if (is.null(byUse))
                        stop("must supply 'by'")

                    if (is.null(holidaysUse) && !is.null(holidays))
                        holidaysUse <- holidays

                    res <- emptyDate()
                    ## TODO: replace this for loop with vectorized call?
                    for (i in seq_along(op)) {
                        if (op[i] == 0)
                            tmp <- dateAlign(date, by = byUse, direction = direction,
                                             holidays = holidaysUse, silent = TRUE, optimize.dups = optimize.dups)
                        else if (op[i] < 0)
                            tmp <- dateShift(date, by = byUse, k.by = -op[i], direction = -direction,
                                             holidays = holidaysUse, silent = TRUE, optimize.dups = optimize.dups)
                            tmp <- dateShift(date, by = byUse, k.by = op[i], direction = direction,
                                             holidays = holidaysUse, silent = TRUE, optimize.dups = optimize.dups)

                        res <- c(res, tmp)

                    if (!duplicates.keep)
                        res <- unique(res)

                    date <- res

                } else if (name == "unique") {
                    date <- unique(date)
                } else {
                    stop("names of integer operations can be '', 'shift' or 'unique'.")

            } else if (is.logical(op) && name == "unique") {
                date <- unique(date)
            } else if (inherits(op, "Date")) {
                if (name == "latest")
                    date <- pmin(date, op)
                else if (name=="earliest")
                    date <- pmax(date, op)
                    stop("names of Date can be \"latest\" or \"earliest\"")
            } else if (is.list(op)) {
                ## A list element is treated as a list of arguments for dateAlign or dateShift.
                if (name == "align" && any(is.element(c("to", "table"), names(op)))) {
                    names(op)[names(op) == "to"] <- "table"
                    date <- op$table[do.call("dateMatch", c(list(x = date), op))]
                } else if (name == "align") {
                    ## For arguments "by", "direction", and "holidays", substitute a default if not supplied.
                    if (all(is.na(pmatch(names(op), "by")))) {
                        if (is.null(by))
                            stop("must supply 'by'.")
                        op$by <- by
                    if ((atPos <- regexpr("@", op$by)[1]) > 0) {
                        if (any(!is.na(i <- pmatch(names(op), "holidays"))))
                            stop("double specification of holidays in '", name, "' component.")
                        op$holidays <- substring(op$by, atPos+1)
                        if (op$holidays == "")
                            stop("could not parse holiday name out of '", op$by, "'.")
                        op$by <- substring(op$by, 1, atPos-1)
                    if (all(is.na(pmatch(names(op), "direction"))))
                        op$direction <- direction

                    if (all(is.na(pmatch(names(op), "holidays"))))
                        op$holidays <- holidays

                    date <- do.call("dateAlign", c(list(x = date, silent = TRUE, optimize.dups = optimize.dups), op))
                } else if (name == "shift") {
                    ## TODO: need tests for parsing 'N bizdays@HOLIDAYS' here
                    ## Check if unnamed item looks like '3 bizdays' or '-3 bizdays@NYSEC'
                    if (all(is.na(pmatch(names(op), "k.by")))
                        && length(i <- which(names(op) == ""))
                        && is.character(op[[i]])
                        && (spPos <- regexpr(" ", op[[i]])[1]) != -1) {
                        if (any(!is.na(i <- pmatch(names(op), "by"))))
                            stop("double specification of 'by' in '", name, "' component.")
                        op$by <- substring(op[[i]], spPos + 1)
                        op$k.by <- substring(op[[i]], 1, spPos - 1)
                    if ((atPos <- regexpr("@", op$by)[1]) > 0) {
                        if (any(!is.na(i <- pmatch(names(op), "holidays"))))
                            stop("double specification of holidays in '", name, "' component.")
                        op$holidays <- substring(op$by, atPos+1)
                        if (op$holidays == "")
                            stop("could not parse holiday name out of '", op$by, "'.")
                        op$by <- substring(op$by, 1, atPos-1)
                    ## Check if unnamed item is intended to be a k.by argument.
                    if (all(is.na(pmatch(names(op), "k.by"))) &&
                        length(i <- which(names(op) == ""))) {
                        if (is.numeric(op[[i]]))
                            names(op)[i] <- "k.by"
                    if (all(is.na(pmatch(names(op), "direction"))))
                        op$direction <- direction

                    if (all(is.na(pmatch(names(op), "holidays"))))
                        op$holidays <- holidays

                    if ("k.by" %in% names(op) && op$k.by < 0) {
                        op$k.by <- -op$k.by
                        op$direction <- -op$direction

                    date <- do.call("dateShift", c(list(x = date, silent = TRUE), op))
                } else
                    stop("names of lists must be 'align' or 'shift'.")

    if (!duplicates.keep)
        date <- unique(date)


dateWarp.default <- dateWarp.Date

dateWarpAppend <- function(date, ..., where=c("sorted", "start", "end"), empty.ok=FALSE, duplicates.ok=FALSE) {
    where <- match.arg(where)
    new.date <- dateWarp(date, ...)
    if (!empty.ok && length(new.date)==0)
        stop("no new date to add")
    # handle the perversity that c() on POSIXct does not preserve tzone...
    tzone <- attr(date, 'tzone')
    if (where=="sorted") {
        if (!all(diff(date) >= 0))
            stop("input date are not sorted")
        date <- sort(c(new.date, date))
    } else if (where=="start") {
        date <- c(new.date, date)
    } else {
        date <- c(date, new.date)
    if (!duplicates.ok){
        dups <- duplicated(date)
        if (any(dups)) date <- date[!dups]
    if (!is.null(tzone))
        attr(date, 'tzone') <- tzone

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TimeWarp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:48 p.m.