
getHotspots =structure(function# find spatial clusters using supervised learning methods
 ### Here we consider one fixed rotation of the data and 
 ### seek hot spots using a classification tree
 ( formula = violent ~ X+Y,##<< A formula expression. The left-hand-side (response) should be either a numerical vector when a regression tree will be fitted or a factor, when a classification tree is produced. The right-hand-side should be a series of numeric or factor variables separated by +; there should be no interaction terms. Both . and - are allowed: regression trees can have offset terms.
   rotX, ##<< data, possibly already rotated
   NullClass="0", ##<< if y is a factor, this is the category used for the background
   minsize = 200,##<< minimum number of points inside a cluster
   minArea=20,##<< minimum area of a cluster, units: lat*lon
   maxArea=250,##<< maximum area of a cluster, units: lat*lon
   ORfilter=list(OR=TRUE,OR1=1.8,OR2=0.1), ##<< filter on minimum and maximum odds ratios (OR) 
   TreeAlgorithm = c("rpart","ctree")[1], ##<< which tree algorithm to choose
   verbose=1,##<< level of verbosity
   ... ##<< further arguments to \code{tree}
 ) {
   if (TreeAlgorithm == "tree"){
     rotX = model.frame(formula,rotX)
     ycol = colnames(rotX)[1]
     xcols = colnames(rotX)[-1]
     fit =tree(formula, data = rotX, minsize = minsize,...)
     if (inherits(fit, "singlenode") | !inherits(fit, "tree") ) 
   } else if (TreeAlgorithm == "rpart") {
     fit =rpart::rpart(formula, data = rotX, x = TRUE, y = TRUE,,model=TRUE,
                control=rpart::rpart.control(minsplit = minsize),...)
     tmp = attr(formula(fit),"dataClasses")
     fit$y = rotX[,ycol]
     ##############VERY DANGEROUS, VERY IDIOTIC FIX !!!#############
     #rotX <<- rotX;#attach(rotX)
     #party_rp <- as.party(fit)
   } else if (TreeAlgorithm == "ctree") {
     fit =partykit::ctree(formula, data = rotX, 
                       control=partykit::ctree_control(minsplit = minsize),...)
     tmp = attr(formula(fit),"dataClasses")
     ctFit = fit
     fit$ctFit = ctFit
     fit$y = rotX[,ycol]
     fit$x = rotX[,xcols]
     ##############VERY DANGEROUS, VERY IDIOTIC FIX !!!#############
     #rotX <<- rotX;#attach(rotX)
     #party_rp <- as.party(fit)
   if (verbose) cat("overall avg:", xy[1,"yval"], ", numRect = ",nrow(xy),"\n")
   if (verbose>1) {
     if (TreeAlgorithm == "tree") partition.tree(fit)
     #point to the cluster outside 
     #getGeoCode("850 Bryant Street, San Francisco")
     #points(-122.4038,37.7753, col = "red", pch=20)
   if (is.factor(fit$y)) {#the odds ratios need a different baseline probability for each factor level!
     baseProb = attr(xy, "baseProb")
     #lab = matrix(unlist(strsplit(xy[,"lab"], "\n")[-1]),ncol=2,byrow=T)
   if (ORfilter$OR==TRUE) {
     #correct the extreme values 0 and 1:
     xy[xy[,"yval"]> 0.999,"yval"] = 0.999
     xy[xy[,"yval"]< 0.01,"yval"] = 0.01
     #change class percentage to OR
     # if (is.factor(fit$y)) {#the odds ratios need a different baseline probability for each factor level!
     #   xy[,"yval"]=xy[,"yval"]/c(xy[1,"yval"],baseProb[lab[,1]])
     # } else   xy[,"yval"]=xy[,"yval"]/xy[1,"yval"]
     OR = xy[,"yval"]/xy[1,"yval"]
   } else {
     # if (is.factor(fit$y)) {#the odds ratios need a different baseline probability for each factor level!
     #   OR=xy[,"yval"]/c(xy[1,"yval"],baseProb[lab[,1]])
     # } else  
       OR = xy[,"yval"]/xy[1,"yval"]
   HotSpots = rep(TRUE, nrow(xy))
   if (!is.null(NullClass)){
     #eliminated so far:
     ElSoFar = sum(as.character(xy$maxClass) == NullClass)
     if (verbose) cat(ElSoFar,"instances of NULL class eliminated \n")
     ToKeep = as.character(xy$maxClass) != NullClass
     xy = subset(xy, ToKeep)
     HotSpots = subset(HotSpots, ToKeep)
     OR = subset(OR, ToKeep)
   if (verbose<0) browser()
   if (!is.null(ORfilter$OR1) & !is.null(ORfilter$OR2)) {
     HotSpots = HotSpots & (OR>ORfilter$OR1 | OR < ORfilter$OR2)
   } else if (!is.null(ORfilter$OR1)) {
     HotSpots = HotSpots & ( OR > ORfilter$OR1)
   } else if (!is.null(ORfilter$OR2)) {
     HotSpots = HotSpots & ( OR < ORfilter$OR2)
   ElSoFar= sum(!HotSpots)
   if (verbose) cat("OR filter eliminates",ElSoFar, "rectangles\n")
   if (0){
      #Compute the areas in km^2:
      Areakm2 = suppressWarnings(PBSmapping::calcArea(PBSmapping::as.PolySet(spots[,1:5], projection="LL")))
      xy[,"area"] = Areakm2$area
   if (!is.null(minArea)) HotSpots = HotSpots & xy[,"area"]>minArea
   if (verbose) cat("minArea filter eliminates another",sum(!HotSpots)-ElSoFar, "rectangles\n")
   ElSoFar= sum(!HotSpots)
   if (!is.null(maxArea)) HotSpots = HotSpots & xy[,"area"]<maxArea
   if (verbose) cat("maxArea filter eliminates another",sum(!HotSpots)-ElSoFar, "rectangles\n")
   if (all(!HotSpots)) return(NULL)
   #HotSpots = which( (OR>ORfilter$OR1 | OR < ORfilter$OR2) & (xy[,"area"]>minArea & xy[,"area"]<maxArea))
   rotPolys = Rect2PBSpolys(xy[HotSpots,,drop=F])
   rotPolys=subset(rotPolys, rowSums(is.na(rotPolys)) == 0)
   ### identified clusters (if any)
 }, ex = function(){
   #examples to come
   data("drugCrimes", envir = environment())
   drugCrimes$MATCH = factor(drugCrimes$MATCH)
   spot1 = getHotspots(MATCH ~ X+Y,drugCrimes, minArea=20/10^6,maxArea=250/10^6, 
   ranRows=sample(1:nrow(drugCrimes), 5000)

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TreeHotspots documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:17 p.m.