
Defines functions checkSetup createFileskeleton readMetadata summarizeSetup sampleGrid

Documented in checkSetup createFileskeleton sampleGrid summarizeSetup

#' Performs various consistency checks on a setup file
#' @param file A .R file with a new simulation setup
#' @export
# @examples
# checkSetup(system.file("dangl2014.R", package="bdlp"))
checkSetup <- function(file){

  cat("Sourcing input file ... \n")
  tryCatch({source(file); cat("Done.\n")}, 
           warning = function(w) {stop("File not found!\n")}, 
           error = function(e) {stop("Unsuccessful. Check stopped.\n")}
  cat("Checking consistency of function names ... \n")
    name <- strsplit(file, "/")
    name <- name[[1]][length(name[[1]])]
    name <- strsplit(name, ".R")[[1]]
      regexpr(pattern = "[a-z]+[0-9]{4}", text=name) == T
    warning = function(w) {stop("Inconsistencies found.\n")},
    error = function(e) {stop("Inconsistencies detected. Check stopped.\n")})
  cat("Checking reference ... \n")
    unc <- get(name)
    s <- summarizeSetup(name)
    warning = function(w) {stop("No reference.\n")},
    error = function(e) {stop("No reference found. Check stopped.\n")})
  cat("Checking whether a summary is produced ... \n")
    func <- get(name)
    s <- summarizeSetup(name)
  warning = function(w) {stop("No summary.\n")},
  error = function(e) {stop("No summary output available. Check stopped.\n")})
  cat("Checking whether metadata and datasets can be generated ... \n")
    func <- get(name)
    s <- summarizeSetup(name)
    runs <- nrow(s$summary)  
    for(i in 1:runs){
      meta <- func(setnr = i)
      data <- generateData(meta)
    warning = function(w) {stop("No data.\n")},
    error = function(e) {stop("Data generation failed. Check stopped.\n")})
  cat("Check complete! You can upload your benchmarking setup!\n")

#' 3d plot of a metric metadata object
#' @param m A metadata object (for metric data)
#' @return A 3d plot using function \code{plot3d} from package \code{rgl}
#' @examples
#' require(MASS)
#' m <- new("metadata.metric", 
#'          clusters = list(c1 = list(n = 25, mu = c(4,5,4), Sigma=diag(1,3)),
#'                          c2 = list(n = 25, mu = c(-1,-2,-2), Sigma=diag(1,3))),
#'          genfunc = mvrnorm)
#' plot3dMetadata(m)
#' @export
setGeneric("plot3dMetadata", function(m) standardGeneric("plot3dMetadata"))

#' 3d plot of a metric metadata object
#' @param m A metadata object (for metric data)
#' @return A 3d plot using function \code{plot3d} from package \code{rgl}
# @export
setMethod("plot3dMetadata", signature(m = "metadata.metric"),
function(m) {
  data <- generateData(m)
  if(ncol(data) < 3) stop("Function not applicable!")
  mems <- unlist(lapply(m@clusters, function(x) x$n))
  mems <- rep(1:length(m@clusters), mems)
  pr <- prcomp(data)
  prpred <- predict(pr, data)
  if(ncol(data) == 3) rgl::plot3d(data, col= mems) else rgl::plot3d(prpred[,1:3], col=mems)

#' Plot a metadata object
#' @param m A metadata object
#' @return A plot, created by generating an instance of the dataset from the metadata object
#' @examples
#' require(MASS)
#' m <- new("metadata.metric", 
#'          clusters = list(c1 = list(n = 25, mu = c(4,5), Sigma=diag(1,2)),
#'                          c2 = list(n = 25, mu = c(-1,-2), Sigma=diag(1,2))),
#'          genfunc = mvrnorm)
#' plotMetadata(m)
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
#' @importFrom stats prcomp predict
#' @importFrom graphics barplot lines par plot.default
setGeneric("plotMetadata", function(m) standardGeneric("plotMetadata"))

#' Plot a metadata object
#' @param m A metadata object
#' @return A plot, created by generating an instance of the dataset from the metadata object
# @export
setMethod("plotMetadata", signature(m = "metadata.metric"),
  data <- generateData(m)
  mems <- unlist(lapply(m@clusters, function(x) x$n))
  mems <- rep(1:length(m@clusters), mems)
  pr <- prcomp(data)
  prpred <- predict(pr, data)
  if(ncol(data) == 2) {
    plot.default(data, col= mems)
  } else{
    plot.default(prpred[,1:2], col=mems) 

#' Plot a metadata object
#' @param m A metadata object
#' @return A plot, created by generating an instance of the dataset from the metadata object
# @export
setMethod("plotMetadata", signature(m = "metadata.functional"),
  data <- generateData(m)
  ppf <- rowSums(m@gridMatrix)
  plot.default(data[1:ppf[1],2:3], type="l", xlim=c(m@interval[1], m@interval[2]), ylim=c(min(data$yvalvector), max(data$yvalvector)))
  for(i in 1:m@total_n){
    lines(data$xvalvector[data$curves == i], data$yvalvector[data$curves == i], col = i)

#' Plot a metadata object
#' @param m A metadata object
#' @return A plot, created by generating an instance of the dataset from the metadata object
# @export
setMethod("plotMetadata", signature(m = "metadata.ordinal"),
  data <- generateData(m)
  k <- length(m@clusters)
  n <- vector()
  for(i in 1:length(m@clusters)){
    for(j in 1:length(m@clusters[[i]])){
      if(length(m@clusters[[i]][[j]]) == 1)
        n[i] <- m@clusters[[i]][[j]] 
  cu <- cumsum(n)
  if(k < 5) form <- c(2,2)
  if(k > 4 && k < 10) form <- c(3,3)
  if(k > 9 && k < 17) form <- c(4,4)
  for(i in 1:k){
    if(i == 1) {
		mat <- sapply(data[1:cu[i],], function(x) table(x))
	} else {
		mat <- sapply(data[(cu[i-1]+1):(cu[i]),], function(x) table(x))
    p <- prop.table(mat, margin=2)
    barplot(p, col = rainbow(nrow(mat)))

#' Plot a metadata object
#' @param m A metadata object
#' @return A plot, created by generating an instance of the dataset from the metadata object
# @export
setMethod("plotMetadata", signature(m = "metadata.binary"),
  data <- generateData(m)
  k <- length(m@clusters)
  n <- vector()
  for(i in 1:length(m@clusters)){
    for(j in 1:length(m@clusters[[i]])){
      if(length(m@clusters[[i]][[j]]) == 1)
        n[i] <- m@clusters[[i]][[j]] 
  cu <- cumsum(n)
  if(k < 3) form <- c(1,2)
  if(k < 5) form <- c(2,2)
  if(k > 4 && k < 10) form <- c(3,3)
  if(k > 9 && k < 17) form <- c(4,4)
  for(i in 1:k){
    if(i == 1){
      mat <- sapply(data[1:cu[i],], function(x) table(x))
    } else {
      mat <- sapply(data[(cu[i-1]+1):(cu[i]),], function(x) table(x))
    p <- prop.table(mat, margin=2)
    barplot(p, col = rainbow(2))

#' Create a new setup file template
#' @param newname The name of the new setup (and subsequently the file name)
#' @param mail The contact e-mail address of the author
#' @param author The full name of the author
#' @param inst The institution of the author
#' @param type The data type of this setup
#' @param infotable The setup summary table
#' @param ref The reference to the publication where the setup was used
#' @param codefile If functions that are needed for the data generation of the setup are stored in some other .R file, the path can be supplied
#' @export
createFileskeleton <- function(newname, mail, inst, author, 
                                type = c("metric", "functional", "ordinal", "binary", "randomstring", "wordnet"), 
                                infotable = NULL, ref = "Unpublished", codefile = F){
  if(codefile == TRUE) {
    filename <- paste(newname,".R", sep="")
  d <- vector("character", 10)
  d[1] <- "# Simulation setup created by"
  d[3] <- paste("# ", author, sep="")
  d[4] <- paste("# ", inst, sep="")
  d[5] <- paste("# ", mail, sep="")
  d[7] <- paste(newname, " <- function(setnr = NULL,
                              seedinfo = list(100, 
                                paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep = '.'), RNGkind()), 
                              info = FALSE, 
                              metaseedinfo = list(100, 
                                paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep = '.'),
                                RNGkind())){", sep="")
  l <- length(capture.output(dput(infotable)))
  d[9] <- "  # setup info table"
  d[11:(11+l-1)] <- capture.output(dput(infotable))
  d[11] <- paste("infotable <- ", d[11], sep="") 
  for(i in 1:l) d[11+i-1] <- paste("  ", d[11+i-1], sep="")
  d[11+l+1] <- paste("  reference <- ", "\"", as.character(ref), "\"", sep="")
  d[11+l+3] <- "  if(info==T) return(list(summary=infotable, reference=reference))"
  d[11+l+5] <- "  # calculate metadata for a given setnr and seed"
  d[11+l+6] <- "  # and create new metadata object"
  d[11+l+7] <- ""
  d[11+l+8] <-  "  set.seed(metaseedinfo[[1]])"
  d[11+l+9] <-  "  RNGversion(metaseedinfo[[2]])"
  d[11+l+10] <- "  RNGkind(metaseedinfo[[3]][1], metaseedinfo[[3]][2])"
  d[11+l+11] <- ""
    d[11+l+12] <- "  new(\"metadata.metric\", ...)"
    d[11+l+12] <- "  new(\"metadata.functional\", ...)"
    d[11+l+12] <- "  new(\"metadata.ordinal\", ...)"
    d[11+l+12] <- "  new(\"metadata.binary\", ...)"
    d[11+l+12] <- "  new(\"metadata.randomstring\", ...)"
  d[11+l+13] <- ""

  d[11+l+14] <- "}"
  d[11+l+15] <- ""
  d[11+l+16] <- "#------------------------------------------------------------"
  d[11+l+17] <- ""
  d[11+l+18] <- "# add additional function that are needed"
  d[11+l+19] <- "# during metadata generation here"
  d[11+l+20] <- "# appropriate function name: "
  d[11+l+20] <- paste(d[11+l+20], newname, "_myfunc()", sep="")
  d[is.na(d)] <- ""
  if(codefile == T) {
    con <- file(filename)
  } else {

readMetadata <- function(name, setnr, seedinfo = NULL, metaseedinfo = NULL){
    if(is.null(seedinfo) && is.null(metaseedinfo))
      do.call(name, list(setnr=setnr))
    else if(is.null(seedinfo) && !is.null(metaseedinfo))
      do.call(name, list(setnr=setnr, metaseedinfo=metaseedinfo))
    else if(!is.null(seedinfo) && is.null(metaseedinfo))
      do.call(name, list(setnr=setnr, seedinfo=seedinfo))
      do.call(name, list(setnr=setnr, seedinfo=seedinfo, metaseedinfo=metaseedinfo))

#' Returns the setup summary
#' @param name The name of the setup
#' @return The summary table of \code{name}
#' @export
# @examples
# source(system.file("dangl2014.R", package="bdlp"))
# summarizeSetup(dangl2014)
summarizeSetup <- function(name) {
  d <- do.call(name, list(info=T))
  rows <- nrow(d$summary)
  d$summary <- cbind(setnr = 1:rows, d$summary)

#' Sample grid points for functional data
#' @param total_n Number of Observations
#' @param minT Minimum number of time points sampled 
#' @param maxT Maximum number of time points sampled
#' @param granularity Number of possible time points in total
#' @param regular If TRUE, maxT time points are sampled at the same time points for each function
#' @export
#' @return A binary matrix indicating whether the function should be evaluated at a given time point
#' @examples
#' sampleGrid(total_n = 10, minT = 4, maxT = 10, granularity = 20)
sampleGrid <- function(total_n,  minT, maxT, granularity, regular = FALSE){
    gridmat <- matrix(0, total_n, granularity)
    if(regular) points <- rep(maxT, total_n) else points <- sample(minT:maxT, total_n, replace=T)
    if(regular) positions <- sort(sample(1:granularity, maxT))
    for(i in 1:total_n){
      if(regular == F) positions <- sort(sample(1:granularity, points[i]))
      gridmat[i,positions] <- 1

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bdlp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:50 p.m.