
beta.sample <- function(x, index.family="sorensen", sites=nrow(x$data), samples=1){
	# test for pre-existing betapart objects - validates data in x if not
	if (! inherits(x, "betapart")){	
		x <- betapart.core(x)
		pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = samples, style = 3)
	# check sensible inputs
	if(sites > nrow(x$data))
		stop('More sites requested for sample than are in the dataset')
	# test for a valid index
	index.family <- match.arg(index.family, c('jaccard','sorensen'))

	# Create a matrix to save the results.
	results.n<-as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=samples, ncol=3))
	# a function to subset the betapart object and avoid recalculation
	# - this probably slows down very small datasets but recalc of the betapart core matrices is a big hit on others
	subset.betapart.core <- function(bpc, rows){
		bpc$data <- bpc$data[rows,]

		bpc$shared <- bpc$shared[rows, rows]
		bpc$not.shared <- bpc$not.shared[rows, rows]

		bpc$sumSi <- sum(diag(bpc$shared)) # species by site richness
	    bpc$St <- sum(colSums(bpc$data) > 0)  # regional species richness
	    bpc$a <- bpc$sumSi - bpc$St            # multi site shared species term

		bpc$sum.not.shared <- bpc$sum.not.shared[rows, rows]
		bpc$max.not.shared <- bpc$max.not.shared[rows, rows]
		bpc$min.not.shared 	<- bpc$min.not.shared [rows, rows]


	# Loop on the selected number of samples
	for(i in 1:samples){

  		# Take a sample of the dataset with the specified number of sites 
  		position <- as.vector(1:nrow(x$data))
  		sample.position <- sample(position, sites)
  		x.sample <- subset.betapart.core(x, sample.position)
  		# Compute the three indices for this sample and save in the results matrix
		x.beta <- beta.multi(x.sample, index.family)	
  		results.n[i,] <- unlist(x.beta)
   		# update progress bar
   		setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)         
	# give the results the right column names from the relevant family index
	names(results.n) <- names(x.beta)

	result <- list(sampled.values=results.n, mean.values=sapply(results.n, mean),
	               sd.values=sapply(results.n, sd))

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betapart documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:10 p.m.