
Defines functions mdc.fpl.pom mdc.thpl.pom mdc.tpl.pom mdc.lin.pom rdl.fpl.pom rdl.thpl.pom rdl.tpl.pom rdl.lin.pom loq.fpl.pom loq.thpl.pom loq.tpl.pom loq.lin.pom lof.test

## calibfit-diagnostic-functions.R
## Functions that are called by other calibfit functions. 
## These are not accessible to the user.
## Author: samarov

mdc.fpl.pom <- function(out, conf = out@conf.level, m = out@m){
	## This function computes the Mimimum Detectable Concentration      ##
	##  for the FPL  POM model.                                         ##
	##                                                                  ##
	## input variables:                                                 ##
	##   fpl.out: the output from the fitting function                  ##
	##   m: number of reps (number of y-values for each x)              ##
	##   xu: upper x value                                              ##
	##   conf: confidence level (in point-wise intervals)               ##
	##                                                                  ##
	## old comments have ###                                            ##
	## new version created by MM on 4/14/03                             ##
	## reads in the necessary parameters
	cov.un <- out@cov.unscaled
	b <- out@coefficients
	s <- out@sigma
	## mdc is computed by finding the x that corresponds to the upper
	## prediction limit of y when x=0 (for increasing curve - b1 < b2)
	## or the lower prediction limit of y when x=0 (decreasing curve b1 > b2)
	## The predicted value of y when x=0 is b1. So we find the prediction interval for b1.
	f0b <- b[1]
	var.f0b <-  s^2 * (((f0b^2)^out@theta)/m + (cov.un[1, 1]))
	tcrit <- qt( (1 + conf)/2, out@df.residual)
	lim0 <- f0b + (sign(b[2] - b[1])) * tcrit * sqrt(var.f0b)
	mdcval <- fpl.inverse(out, lim0)

mdc.thpl.pom <- function(out, conf = out@conf.level, m = out@m){
	## This function computes the Mimimum Detectable Concentration      ##
	##  for the THPL  POM model.                                        ##
	##                                                                  ##
	## input variables:                                                 ##
	##   thpl.out: the output from the fitting function                 ##
	##   m: number of reps (number of y-values for each x)              ##
	##   xu: upper x value                                              ##
	##   conf: confidence level (in point-wise intervals)               ##
	##   mit, toler: used if dos=F                                      ##
	##                                                                  ##
	## written by Matthew Mitchell on 5/20/03                           ##
	## reads in the necessary parameters
	cov.un <- out@cov.unscaled
	b <- out@coefficients
	s <- out@sigma
	## mdc is computed by finding the x that corresponds to the upper
	## prediction limit of y when x=0 (for increasing curve - b1 < b2)
	## or the lower prediction limit of y when x=0 (decreasing curve b1 > b2)
	## The predicted value of y when x=0 is b1. So we find the prediction interval for b1.
	f0b <- b[1]
	var.f0b <-  s^2 * (((f0b^2)^out@theta)/m + (cov.un[1, 1]))
	tcrit <- qt( (1 + conf)/2, out@df.residual)
	lim0 <- f0b + (sign(b[2] - b[1])) * tcrit * sqrt(var.f0b)
	mdcval <- thpl.inverse(out,lim0)

mdc.tpl.pom <- function(out, conf = out@conf.level, m = out@m){
	## This function computes the Mimimum Detectable Concentration      ##
	##  for the FPL  POM model.                                         ##
	##                                                                  ##
	## input variables:                                                 ##
	##   fpl.out: the output from the fitting function                  ##
	##   m: number of reps (number of y-values for each x)              ##
	##   xu: upper x value                                              ##
	##   conf: confidence level (in point-wise intervals)               ##
	##   mit, toler: used if dos=F                                      ##
	##   dos: is T or F, used to change the data type                   ##
	##                                                                  ##
	## new version created by MM on 4/14/03                             ##
	## reads in the necessary parameters
	cov.un <- out@cov.unscaled
	b <- out@coefficients
	s <- out@sigma
	## mdc is computed by finding the x that corresponds to the upper
	## prediction limit of y when x=0 (for increasing curve - b1 < b2)
	## or the lower prediction limit of y when x=0 (decreasing curve b1 > b2)
	## The predicted value of y when x=0 is b1. So we find the prediction 
	## interval for b1.
	f0b <- b[1]
	var.f0b <- s^2 * (((f0b^2)^out@theta)/m)
	tcrit <- qt((1 + conf) / 2, out@df.residual)
	lim0 <- f0b + (sign(b[2] - b[1])) * tcrit * sqrt(var.f0b)
	mdcval <- tpl.inverse(out, lim0)
		mdcval <- NULL

mdc.lin.pom <- function(out, conf = out@conf.level, m = out@m){
	## This function computes the Mimimum Detectable Concentration      ##
	##  for the Linear POM model.                                       ##
	##                                                                  ##
	## input variables:                                                 ##
	##   lin.out: the output from the fitting function                  ##
	##   m: number of reps (number of y-values for each x)              ##
	##   conf: confidence level (in point-wise intervals)               ##
	##                                                                  ##
	## old comments have ###                                            ##
	## new version created by MM on 4/14/03                             ##
	min.x <- min(out@x)
	max.x <- max(out@x)
	b <- out@coefficients
	cov.un <- out@cov.unscaled
	s <- out@sigma
	df.den <- out@df.residual
	tcrit <- qt((1 + conf)/2, df.den)      
	f0b <- out@coefficients[1]
	var.f0b <-  s^2 * (((f0b^2)^out@theta)/m + (cov.un[1, 1]))
	if(out@type == "lin"){
		lim0 <- f0b + (sign(b[2]))*tcrit*sqrt(var.f0b)
		mdcval <- (lim0 - b[1])/b[2]
	## The only valid quadratic models are those whose critical point
	## is less than 0 or higher than max(x)
	## Whether we use the upper or lower interval is 0 is determined
	## by whether the curve is increasing or decreasing - it won't be
	## both because the critical point outside the range.  Hence
	## it is increasing if f(1) > f(0) which means b + 2c > 0

	if(out@type == "quad"){
		lim0 <- f0b + (sign(b[2] + 2 * b[3])) * tcrit * sqrt(var.f0b)
		mdc1 <- (-b[2] - sqrt(b[2]^2 - 4 * b[3] * (b[1] - lim0)))/(2 * b[3])
		mdc2 <- (-b[2] + sqrt(b[2]^2 - 4 * b[3] * (b[1] - lim0)))/(2 * b[3])
		mdcval <- ifelse((mdc1 > min.x) & (mdc1 < max.x), mdc1, mdc2)

## This function computes the Reliable Detection Limit              ##
##  for the FPL  POM model.                                         ##
##                                                                  ##
## input variables:                                                 ##
##   fpl.out: the output from the fitting function                  ##
##   m: number of reps (number of y-values for each x)              ##
##   xu: upper x value                                              ##
##   conf: confidence level (in point-wise intervals)               ##
##   mit, toler: used if dos=F                                      ##
##                                                                  ##
## comments added by Matthew Mitchell 3/12/03  have ##              ##
## the original comments have ###                                   ##
rdl.fpl.pom <- function(out, m = out@m, conf = out@conf.level){
	## this function takes output from a regression 
	## and  returns a value for Reliable Detection Limit
	cov.un <- out@cov.unscaled
	b <- out@coefficients
	mx <- max(out@x)
	f0b <- b[1]
	var.f0b <- (((f0b^2)^out@theta) * out@sigma * out@sigma)/m + 
			(out@sigma * out@sigma) * cov.un[1,1]
	tcrit <- qt((1 + conf)/2, out@df.residual)
	lim0 <- f0b + (sign(b[2] - b[1])) * tcrit * sqrt(var.f0b)
	xl <- fpl.inverse(out, lim0)
	b50 <- ifelse(out@logParm, exp(b[3]), b[3])
	xp <- seq(xl, mx, len = 450)
	ypred <- fpl.model(xp, b, logParm = out@logParm)
	qn1 <- ((as.vector(ypred)^2)^out@theta)/m
	qn2 <- diag(attributes(ypred)$gradient %*% 
					cov.un %*% t(attributes(ypred)$gradient))
	yp <- as.vector(ypred) - sign(b[2] - b[1]) * tcrit * 
			out@sigma * sqrt(qn1 + qn2)
	## 01-25-07 Added ties="mean" to approx function below to avoid error messages
	## when there are ties. DVS
	rdlval <- approx(yp, xp, lim0, ties = "mean")$y


## This function computes the Reliable Detection Limit              ##
##  for the THPL  POM model.                                        ##
##                                                                  ##
## input variables:                                                 ##
##   thpl.out: the output from the fitting function                 ##
##   m: number of reps (number of y-values for each x)              ##
##   xu: upper x value                                              ##
##   conf: confidence level (in point-wise intervals)               ##
##   mit, toler: used if dos=F                                      ##
##                                                                  ##
## written by Matthew W. Mitchell on 5/20/03                        ##
## the original comments have ###                                   ##
rdl.thpl.pom <- function(out, m = out@m, conf = out@conf.level){
	## this function takes output from a regression 
	## and  returns a value for Reliable Detection Limit
	cov.un <- out@cov.unscaled
	b <- out@coefficients
	n <- length(out@x)
	mx <- max(out@x)
	bigs.vec <- c(cov.un[, 1], cov.un[, 2], cov.un[, 3])
	f0b <- b[1]
	var.f0b <- (((f0b^2)^out@theta) * out@sigma^2)/m + 
			(out@sigma^2) * cov.un[1,1]
	tcrit <- qt((1 + conf)/2, out@df.residual)
	lim0 <- f0b + (sign(b[2] - b[1])) * tcrit * sqrt(var.f0b)
	xl <- thpl.inverse(out, lim0)
	b50 <- ifelse(out@logParm, exp(b[3]), b[3])
	## 07-07-09: Placed a catch in here so that the values of points being
	## generated does not go outside the range of x-values in the sample.
	xp <- c(seq(xl, min(mx, b50), len = 350), 
			seq(b50, mx, len = 100))
	ypred <- thpl.model(xp, b, logParm = out@logParm)
	qn1 <- ((as.vector(ypred)^2)^out@theta)/m
	qn2 <- diag(attributes(ypred)$gradient %*% cov.un %*% 
	yp <- as.vector(ypred) - sign(b[2] - b[1]) * tcrit * 
			out@sigma * sqrt(qn1 + qn2)
	rdlval <-  approx(yp[order(xp)][1:100], sort(xp)[1:100], lim0, ties = "mean")$y

rdl.tpl.pom <- function(out, m = out@m, conf = out@conf.level){
	## this function takes output from a regression 
	## and  returns a value for Reliable Detection Limit
	cov.un <- out@cov.unscaled
	b <- out@coefficients
	n <- length(out@x)
	f0b <- b[1]
	## 08-08-08: Making a correction here. With the TPL model the variance  
	## at zero concentration will just be var(eps) where eps is underlying error,
	## so var.f0b should just be out@sigma^2/m. DVS
	var.f0b <- (((f0b^2)^out@theta) * out@sigma^2)/m
	tcrit <- qt((1 + conf)/2, out@df.residual)
	lim0 <- f0b + (sign(b[2] - b[1])) * tcrit * sqrt(var.f0b)
	xl <- tpl.inverse(out, lim0)
	b50 <- ifelse(out@logParm, exp(b[3]), b[3])
	xp <- seq(xl, max(out@x), len = 450)
	ypred <- tpl.model(xp, b, logParm = out@logParm)
	qn1 <- ((as.vector(ypred)^2)^out@theta)/m
	qn2 <- diag(attributes(ypred)$gradient %*% 
					cov.un %*% t(attributes(ypred)$gradient))
	yp <- as.vector(ypred) - sign(b[2] - b[1]) * tcrit * 
			out@sigma * sqrt(qn1 + qn2)
	rdlval <- approx(yp, xp, lim0, ties = "mean")$y

rdl.lin.pom <- function(out, m = out@m, conf = 0.95, tol = 0.01){
	##	Calculates limit of quantitation (RDL)
	##	with a data set and the output from glsvfe.lin.out()
	##	RDL = Reliable Detection Limit
	##		= lowest concentration that can reliabily be expected
	##		to give a reading above the minimum detectable concentration
	##		- i.e., lower conf. limit at x=RDL > upper conf. limit at x=0
	##	m is # reps of the new unknown
	##	correct df=df.den can be used for common theta/sigma cases
	##		else if df.den is missing, it is gotten from lin.out
	##	conf=.95 is the default that goes along with 90% two-sided
	##		confidence limits about the curve
	##	the default is to get mdc from pom, it can also be given explicitly
	theta <- out@theta
	std.dev <- out@sigma
	cov.unscaled <- out@cov.unscaled
	df.den <- out@df.residual
#	browser()
	tcrit <- qt((1+conf)/2, df.den)
		mdcl <- out@mdc
		mdcl <- mdc(out, m = m)

	xmax <- max(out@x, na.rm = T)
		xmin <- mdcl
		b0 <- out@coefficients[1]
		b1 <- out@coefficients[2]
		if(out@type == "lin"){
			svec <- c(cov.unscaled[, 1], cov.unscaled[, 2])
			mdc.y <- b0 + b1 * mdcl
		if(out@type == "quad"){
			b2 <- out@coefficients[3]
			svec <- c(cov.unscaled[, 1], cov.unscaled[, 2], cov.unscaled[, 3])
			mdc.y <- b0 + b1 * mdcl + b2 * mdcl^2
		p <- length(out@coefficients)
		pred.limit <- function(out, xp, m, tcrit, upper = T)
				m <- out@m
			if(out@type == "lin") {
				xmat <- cbind(1, xp)
				yp <- xmat %*% out@coefficients
			if(out@type == "quad") {
				xmat <- cbind(1, xp, xp^2)
				yp <- xmat %*% out@coefficients
			qn.term1 <- ((yp^2)^theta)/m
			qn.term2 <- xmat %*% cov.unscaled %*% t(xmat)
			qn.term2 <- diag(qn.term2)
			qn.p <- out@sigma * sqrt(qn.term1 + qn.term2)
				cl <- yp + tcrit * qn.p
				cl <- yp - tcrit * qn.p
		xp <- exp(seq(log(xmin), log(max(out@x)), 
						length = 500))
		if(out@type == "lin") {
			xmat <- cbind(1, xp)
			yp <- xmat %*% out@coefficients
		} else if(out@type == "quad") {
			xmat <- cbind(1, xp, xp^2)
			yp <- xmat %*% out@coefficients
		if(yp[xp==max(xp)]>yp[xp==min(xp)]) {
			## increasing curve
			y.mdclim <- pred.limit(out, 0, tcrit = tcrit, upper = T)
			ylim <- pred.limit(out, xp, tcrit = tcrit, upper = F)
		} else{
			## decreasing curve
			y.mdclim <- pred.limit(out, 0, tcrit = tcrit, upper = F)
			ylim <- pred.limit(out, xp, tcrit = tcrit, upper = T)
		rdl.c <- approx(ylim, xp, y.mdclim, ties = "mean")$y
		rdl.c <- NA
#	browser()

loq.fpl.pom <- function(out, m = out@m, cv = out@cv, vlen = 700, mit = 10000, toler = 0.001)
## This function computes the Limits of Quantitation                ##
##  for FPL POM model.                                              ##
##                                                                  ##
## input variables:                                                 ##
##   fpl.out: the output from the fitting function                  ##
##   m: number of reps (number of y-values for each x)              ##
##   cv: the minimum coefficient of variation desired               ##
##   vlen: used in computing a range of x below                     ##
#	browser()
	cov.un <- out@cov.unscaled
	b <- out@coefficients
	x <- out@x
	n <- length(x)
	mx <- max(x)
	b50 <- ifelse(out@logParm, exp(b[3]), b[3])
	xpstart <- min(c(5e-4, min(x[x > 0])))
	xp <- c(seq(xpstart, min(b50, mx), length = round(vlen/2, 0)), seq(min(b50, mx), 
					mx, length = round(vlen/2, 0)))
	yp <- as.vector(fpl.model(xp, b, logParm = out@logParm))
	## Getting the gradient of x as a function of y
		dh.dy <- xp * ((b[2] - b[1])/(b[4] * (b[1] - yp) * (yp - b[2])))
		dh.db1 <- xp/(b[4] * (b[1] - yp))
		dh.db2 <- xp/(b[4] * (yp - b[2]))
		dh.db3 <- xp/b[3]
		dh.db4 <- ( - xp/(b[4] * b[4])) * log((b[1] - yp)/(yp - b[2]))
	} else {
		dh.dy <- (xp * (b[2] - b[1]))/(b[4] * (b[1] - yp) * (yp -b[2]))
		dh.db1 <- xp/(b[4] * (b[1] - yp))
		dh.db2 <- xp/(b[4] * (yp - b[2]))
		dh.db3 <- xp
		dh.db4 <- ( - xp/(b[4] * b[4])) * log((b[1] - yp)/(yp - b[2]))
	sigma2 <- out@sigma^2
	## Approximating variance of x using Wald's method.
	dh.db <- cbind(dh.db1, dh.db2, dh.db3, dh.db4)
	var.xnot.hat <- sigma2 * (apply(dh.db, 1, function(z) (t(z) %*% cov.un %*% z)) + 
				((dh.dy^2) * ((yp^2)^out@theta))/m)
	sd <- sqrt(var.xnot.hat)
	xp <- xp[is.finite(sd)]
	sd <- sd[is.finite(sd)]
	xmin <- xp[sd/xp == min(sd/xp)][1]
	if(cv > min(sd/xp[xp != 0])) {
		loq.out <- approx(((sd/xp) - cv)[xp < xmin],xp[xp < xmin], 0,ties="mean")$y
	} else {
		loq.out <- NA

loq.thpl.pom <- function(out, m = out@m, cv = out@cv, vlen = 700, mit = 
				10000, toler = 0.001){
	## This function computes the Limits of Quantitation                ##
	##  for THPL POM model.                                             ##
	##                                                                  ##
	## input variables:                                                 ##
	##   out: the output from the fitting function                 		##
	##   m: number of reps (number of y-values for each x)              ##
	##   cv: the minimum coefficient of variation desired               ##
	##   mit, toler: used if dos=F                                      ##
	##   vlen: used in computing a range of x below                     ##
	cov.un <- out@cov.unscaled
	b <- out@coefficients
	x <- out@x
	n <- length(x)	
	b50 <- ifelse(out@logParm, exp(b[3]), b[3])
	mx <- max(x)
	xpstart <- min(c(5e-4, min(x[x > 0])))
	xp <- c(seq(xpstart, min(b50, mx), length = round(vlen/2, 0)), seq(min(b50, mx), 
					mx, length = round(vlen/2, 0)))
	yp <- as.vector(thpl.model(xp, b))
	## Getting the gradient of x as a function of y
	if(!out@logParm) {
		dh.dy <- xp * ((b[2] - b[1])/((b[1] - yp) * (yp - 
		dh.db1 <- xp/((b[1] - yp))
		dh.db2 <- xp/((yp - b[2]))
		dh.db3 <- xp/b[3]
	else {
		dh.dy <- (xp * (b[2] - b[1]))/((b[1] - yp) * (yp -
		dh.db1 <- xp/((b[1] - yp))
		dh.db2 <- xp/((yp - b[2]))
		dh.db3 <- xp
	sigma2 <- out@sigma^2
	## Approximating variance of x using Wald's method.
	dh.db <- cbind(dh.db1, dh.db2, dh.db3)
	var.xnot.hat <- sigma2 * (apply(dh.db, 1, function(z) (t(z) %*% cov.un %*% z)) + 
				((dh.dy^2) * ((yp^2)^out@theta))/m)
	sd <- sqrt(var.xnot.hat)
	xp <- xp[is.finite(sd)]
	sd <- sd[is.finite(sd)]
	xmin <- xp[sd/xp == min(sd/xp)][1]
	if(cv > min(sd/xp[xp != 0]))
		loq.out <- approx(((sd/xp) - cv)[xp < xmin], 
				xp[xp < xmin], 0, ties="mean")$y
		loq.out <- NA


loq.tpl.pom <- function(out, m = out@m, cv = out@cv, vlen = 700, 
		mit = 10000, toler = 0.001){
	## This function computes the Limits of Quantitation                ##
	##  for FPL POM model.                                              ##
	##                                                                  ##
	## input variables:                                                 ##
	##   fpl.out: the output from the fitting function                  ##
	##   m: number of reps (number of y-values for each x)              ##
	##   cv: the minimum coefficient of variation desired               ##
	##   mit, toler: used if dos=F                                      ##
	##   vlen: used in computing a range of x below                     ##
	## Collecting variable information
	cov.un <- out@cov.unscaled
	b <- out@coefficients
	x <- out@x
	n <- length(x)
	mx <- max(x)
	b50 <- ifelse(out@logParm, exp(b[3]), b[3])
	sigma2 <- out@sigma^2
	xpstart <- min(c(5e-4, min(x[x > 0])))
	xp <- c(seq(xpstart, min(b50, mx), length = round(vlen/2, 0)), 
			seq(min(b50, mx), mx, length = round(vlen/2, 0)))
	yp <- as.vector(tpl.model(xp, b, logParm = out@logParm))
	## Getting the gradient of x as a function of y
	if(out@logParm) {
		dh.dy <- xp * ((b[2] - b[1])/(b[4] * (b[1] - yp) * (yp - b[2])))
		dh.db3 <- xp/b[3]
		dh.db4 <- ( - xp/(b[4] * b[4])) * log((b[1] - yp)/(yp - b[2]))
	else {
		dh.dy <- (xp * (b[2] - b[1]))/(b[4] * (b[1] - yp) * (yp - b[2]))
		dh.db3 <- xp
		dh.db4 <- ( - xp/(b[4] * b[4])) * log((b[1] - yp)/(yp - b[2]))
	## Approximating variance of x using Wald's method.
	dh.db <- cbind(dh.db3, dh.db4)
	var.xnot.hat <- sigma2 * (apply(dh.db, 1, function(z) (t(z) %*% cov.un %*% z)) + 
				((dh.dy^2) * ((yp^2)^out@theta))/m)
	sd <- sqrt(var.xnot.hat)
	xp <- xp[is.finite(sd)]
	sd <- sd[is.finite(sd)]
	xmin <- xp[sd/xp == min(sd/xp)][1]
	if(cv > min(sd/xp[xp != 0]))
		## 01-25-07 Added ties="mean" to approx to avoid error message generated
		## from ties. DVS
		loq.out <- approx(((sd/xp) - cv)[xp < xmin], xp[xp < xmin], 0, ties = "mean")$y
		loq.out <- NA

## The derivatives for the quadratic are incorrect - corrections made below by MM 4/15/03
## The mistakes mainly resulted from switching a and c so b[1] and b[3] are switched
## The model is a + bx +cx^2 and a=b[1], b=b[2], c=b[3] and dx/dy reciprocated one part
## incorrectly.  The previous versions have been commented out
## The expressions have simpler forms also when using such facts as
## y=a + bx + cx^2 so y-a = bx + cx^2 and sqrt(b2 - 4ac + 4cy) = b + 2cx

loq.lin.pom <- function(out, m = out@m, cv = out@cv, vlen = 500)
	theta <- out@theta
	b <- out@coefficients
	x <- out@x
	cov.un <- out@cov.unscaled
	sigma <- out@sigma
	xpstart <- min(c(5e-4, min(out@x[out@x > 0])))
		m <- out@m
		cv <- out@cv	
	## set up a grid of x values to determine the upper boundary for the search 
	##   algorithm, this is the value where CV is at a minimum (called xmin)
	xp <- exp(seq(log(xpstart), log(max(x)), length = vlen))
	if(out@type == "lin") {
		yp <- b[1] + b[2] * xp
		var.xnot.hat <- (sigma^2) * ((yp^2)^theta)/((b[2]^2) * m) + 
				(cov.un[1, 1] + 2 * cov.un[1,2] * xp + cov.un[2, 2] * xp * 
	else {
		yp <- b[1] + b[2] * xp + b[3] * xp * xp
		dh.dy <- 1/(b[2] + 2*b[3]*xp)
		dh.da <- -1/(b[2] + 2*b[3]*xp)
		dh.db <- -xp/(b[2] + 2*b[3]*xp)
		dh.dc <- -(xp*xp)/(b[2] + 2*b[3]*xp)
		var.xnot.hat <- ((dh.dy * dh.dy) * sigma * sigma * ((yp^2)^
						out@theta))/m + sigma * sigma * (dh.da *
					(dh.da * cov.un[1, 1] + dh.db * cov.un[1, 2] + 
						dh.dc * cov.un[1, 3]) + dh.db * (dh.da * cov.un[
								1, 2] + dh.db * cov.un[2, 2] + dh.dc * cov.un[2,
								3]) + dh.dc * (dh.da * cov.un[1, 3] + dh.db * 
						cov.un[2, 3] + dh.dc * cov.un[3, 3]))
	sd <- sqrt(var.xnot.hat)
	xmin <- xp[sd/xp == min(sd/xp)][1]
	xl <- min(xp)
	xu <- xmin	### perform the search for the LOQ
	svec <- as.vector(cov.un)
	if(cv > min(sd/xp[xp != 0])) {
		loq.out <- approx(((sd/xp) - cv)[xp < xmin], xp[xp < xmin], 
				0, ties = "mean")$y
		loq.out <- NA

lof.test <- function(out){
	## This computes the lack of fit statistics from the  ##
	##  nls POM fit.                                      ##
	## This function gets called as part of the fpl.pom   ##
	##  function.                                         ##
	##                                                    ##
	## comments added by Matthew Mitchell on 3/12/03      ##
	x <- out@x[is.finite(out@y)]
	y <- out@y[is.finite(out@y)]
	b <- out@coefficients
	nx <- tapply(x, list(x), length)
	vars <- tapply(y, list(x), var)[nx >= 2]
	wts <- tapply(((out@fitted.values^2)^out@theta), 
			list(out@x), mean)[nx >= 2]
	nx <- nx[nx >= 2]
	pure <- (((nx - 1) * vars)/wts)
	pure <- sum(pure)
	df.pure <- sum(nx - 1)
	sse <- sum((out@residuals^2)/
	df.den <- out@df.residual
	lofss <- sse - pure
	## Putting in catch statement here. If there aren't enough observations then it is possible to have
	## zero degrees of freedom for pute
	df.lof <- df.den - df.pure
	if(!(df.lof <= 0)){
		lof.stat <- (lofss/df.lof)/(pure/df.pure)
		pv <- 1 - pf(lof.stat, df.lof, df.pure)
		lof.df <- data.frame(Fstat = lof.stat, p.value = pv, lofss = lofss,
				df.lof = df.lof, pure.error = pure, df.pure.error = df.pure, sse = sse,
				df.sse = df.den)
		lof.df <- NULL

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