Man pages for conmolfields
Continuous molecular fields

add_impl_hydrAdd implicit hydrogens
add_mol_attribsAdd additional attributes to all atoms in all molecules in...
align_arunRigin alignment with Arun algorithm
align_mdb_templateAligns molecular database mdb using template templ
alkans74.mdbMolecular database with 74 Alkanes
allign_mdb_sealAligns molecular database mdb using template mol_t and...
build_krr_modelTo build krr model
calc_accuracyCalculate classification accuracy
calc_balaccuracyCalculate classification balanced accuracy
calc_distance_matrixCompute distance matrix from connection table
calc_f1Calculate classification F1-score
calc_kappaCalculate kappa-statistics
calc_matcorcoefCalculate Matthews correlation coefficient
calc_mol2mol_transveccalc mol2mol transvec
calc_precisionCalculate classification precision
calc_recallCalculate classification recall
calc_sensitivityCalculate classification sensitivity
calc_specificityCalculate classification specificity
cinf_plot_coverage_mean_errorProduce coverage - mean error plot for applicability domain...
cinf_plot_d2m_errorProduce distance to model - error plot for applicability...
cinf_plotxyScatter plot
cmf_aa_ind_kernelIndicator fields
cmf_aa_kernelComputation of the kernel that compares fields of two atoms
cmf_calc_combined_kernelsKernel combination with linear interpolation
cmf_calc_combined_kernels_1alphaKernel combination with linear interpolation for fields with...
cmf_coef_gridComputes coefficients for grid
cmf_coef_grid_exComputes coefficients for grid
cmf_coef_grid_svComputes coefficients for grid using support vectors
cmf_coef_grid_sv_exComputes coefficients for grid using support vectors
cmf_coef_xyzComputes coefficient at point (x,y,z)
cmf_coef_xyz_exComputes coefficient at point (x,y,z)
cmf_coef_xyz_svComputes coefficient at point (x,y,z) using support vectors
cmf_coef_xyz_sv_ex_indComputes coefficient at point (x,y,z) using support vectors...
cmf_coef_xyz_sv_ex_mopacComputes coefficient at point (x,y,z) using support vectors...
cmf_coef_xyz_sv_ex_phchComputes coefficient at point (x,y,z) using support vectors...
cmf_comp_mopac_kernels_allComputes CMF kernel matrices for the combined set of...
cmf_comp_mopac_kernels_predComputes MOPAC kernel matrices for prediction and saves to...
cmf_comp_mopac_kernels_trainComputes MOPAC kernel matrices for the training set and saves...
cmf_ecvr_plot_coverage_mean_errorProducing plot "coverage - mean error" for applicability...
cmf_ecvr_plot_d2m_errorProducing plot "distance to model - error" for applicability...
cmf_extract_subkernelsTo extract subkernels
cmf_fval_gridComputes field values for grid
cmf_fval_xyzComputes field value at point (x,y,z)
cmf_gen_gridGeneration of grid for continuous molecular co-fields
cmf_gen_grid_exGeneration of grid for continuous molecular co-fields...
cmf_gen_grid_mopacGeneration of grid for MOPAC molecular co-fields
cmf_indicator_kernelIndicator kernel
cmf_indicator_kernel_matrixIndicator kernel matrix
cmf_indicator_kernel_matrix_predIndicator kernel matrix predictor
cmf_init_gridInitializes grid for a given step and margin around molecules...
cmf_kernelComputation of the kernel that compares fields of two...
cmf_kernel_alComputation of the kernel that compares fields of two...
cmf_kernel_matrix_tpComputation of the kernel matrix between the training and...
cmf_kernel_matrix_ttComputation of the kernel (Gram) matrix for the training set
cmf_kernels_interpolateLinear interpolation of kernel values
cmf_krr_ecvExternal n-fold cross-validation
cmf_krr_ecv_memExternal n-fold cross-validation in memory
cmf_krr_ecvrExternal n-fold cross-validation with reshuffings
cmf_krr_ecvr_memExternal n-fold cross-validation with reshuffling in memory
cmf_krr_ecvr_predTo make predictions using ecvr results
cmf_krr_ecvr_pred_memTo make predictions using ecvr results in memory
cmf_krr_predTo make predictions
cmf_krr_pred_memTo meke predictions in memory
cmf_krr_trainTo build model
cmf_krr_train_memTo build model in memory
cmf_merge_kernelsMerging files with computed kernels
cmf_moldimReturns dimensions of molecule
cmf_multiply_fieldsGet product of two fields
cmf_params_mopacComputing kernels based on MOPAC results
cmf_params_triposParameters for CMF
cmf_permute_kernelsTo permute kernel matrix using given permutation
cmf_pred_analMaking predictions with analysis
cmf_pred_anal_atomsMaking predictions with analysus of ampacts of each atom
cmf_view_mol_field_cofieldView molecule, co-field and field
cmf_view_mol_field_cofield_mopacView molecule, co-field and field
comp_ind_kernels_allComputes CMF kernel matrices for the combined set of...
comp_ind_kernels_predComputes indicator kernel matrices for prediction and saves...
comp_kernels_allComputes CMF kernel matrices for the combined set of...
comp_kernels_predComputes CMF kernel matrices for prediction and saves them to...
comp_kernels_trainComputes CMF kernel matrices for training and saves to file
cv_krrKRR with cross-validation
def_fcolorsDefine default colors for physico-chemical molecular fields
del_expl_hydrDelete explicit hydrogens
eucldist2Calculation of the square of the Euclidean distance between...
euler_orthGeneration of orthogonal rotation matrix for Euler angles...
extract_newExtract rows from new data frame corresponding to compounds...
find_substr_isomorphFinds all substructure isomorphisms
full_designProduces data frame with full design
gen_atomlistsGenerate atom lists
gen_atomlists_genericGenerate atom lists for generic molecular field
gen_atomlists_indGenerate atom lists for continuous indicator field
gen_atomlists_mopacGenerate atom lists for MOPAC molecular field
gen_atomlists_phchGenerate atom lists for physico-chemical molecular field
get_mol_chargeReturns charge of molecule
get_propGet data frame with property values
get_prop_namesGet the list of property names
get_propsGet data frame with property values
get_prop_vecGet property values
get_syb_types_listExtracts list of sybyl types of atoms
get_syb_types_list_exExtended version of get_syb_types_list
make_atom_listsCreation of atom lists
make_freq_tableMake frequency table
mdb_get_num_compGet the number of compounds in molecular database
mdb_get_prop_matr1Extract property one-column matrix by name
mdb_get_prop_namesGet the list of property names
mdb_get_prop_vectGet property values
mdb_keep_matr_with_propKeep in matrix only rows and columns corresponding to...
mdb_keep_with_propKeep in molecular database only compounds containing values...
mlrBuild multiple linear regression model
mol_get_chelabsReturn array of chemical element labels
mol_get_ctReturn connection table for a molecule
normalize_gramNormalization of the Gram matrix
pert_mdbPerturbate molecular database
pert_molPerturbate molecule
plot_mlr_modelMakes scatter plot for MLR model
plot_regrPlots regression
PTPeriodic Table
q2rConverts quaternions to rotation mstrix
read_coordinatesread coordinates of atoms in molecule
read_integersread ncount integers
read_lower_half_triangleread lower half triangle
read_matrixread rectangular matrix
read_mol2Read Sybyl mol2-file
read_mopac_out_fileRead mopac output file
read_realsread ncount real numbers
read_sdfRead sdf-file
read_stringsread ncount string tokens
read_tripos_ffReads TRIPOS force field
regr_paramComputes regression parameters: R2, RMSE, RMSE_pc, MAE
regr_param_exComputes extended set of regression parameters: R2ex
rnd_euler_orthGeneration of random orthogonal rotation matrix
rnd_rotmat_xyzGeneration of random rotation matrix
rnd_trans_vecRandom translation vector
rotmat_xyzGeneration of rotation matrix around x,y,z axes: alpha_(yaw),...
run_mopacRun mopac executable
sample_substProduces data frame with samples of substitutions
substr_maskExtract substructure from a molecule using mask
substructExtract substructure from a molecule
superpose_molSuperposes moving molecule mol_m on templace molecule mol_t
test_isomorphFinds mol2 in mol1
transfer_propsTransfer properties from one mdb to another
try_current_hyper_paramsTry current set of hyperparameters
write_mol2Write Sybyl mol2-file
write_mopac_input_fileWrites MOPAC inpout file with Cartesian coordinates
write_sdfWrite sdf-file
conmolfields documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:18 p.m.