
Defines functions concatMods

Documented in concatMods

# source code for cremo package

# S4 phase: define methods that extract model information
# from R fitted model objects
# the ultimate purpose: to have a set of methods that
# obtain coefficient values, variable names, s.e.s, p-values,
# and extra goodness of fit information.  all these functions
# return named numeric vectors, with the exception of getVarn
setGeneric("getCoef", function(x) standardGeneric("getCoef"))
setGeneric("getVarn", function(x) standardGeneric("getVarn"))
setGeneric("getSE", function(x) standardGeneric("getSE"))
setGeneric("getP", function(x) standardGeneric("getP"))
setGeneric("getExtra", function(x) standardGeneric("getExtra"))

setMethod("getCoef", "lm", function(x) coef(x))
setMethod("getCoef", "survreg", function(x) coef(x))
setMethod("getCoef", "geese", function(x) x$beta)
setMethod("getCoef", "gee", function(x) x$coefficient)
setMethod("getCoef", "alr", function(x) x$coefficient)
setMethod("getCoef", "yagsResult", function(x) 

setMethod("getSE", "lm", function(x) summary(x)$coef[,2] )
setMethod("getSE", "survreg", function(x) summary(x)$table[,2] )
setMethod("getSE", "geese", function(x) summary(x)$mean[,2] )
setMethod("getSE", "gee", function(x) summary(x)$coef[,4] )
setMethod("getSE", "alr", function(x) summary(x)$coef[,2] )
setMethod("getSE", "yagsResult", function(x) 

setMethod("getP", "lm", function(x) summary(x)$coef[,4] )
setMethod("getP", "survreg", function(x) summary(x)$table[,4] )
setMethod("getP", "geese", function(x) summary(x)$mean[,4] )
setMethod("getP", "gee", function(x) 2*pnorm(-abs(summary(x)$coef[,5] )))
setMethod("getP", "alr", function(x) 2*pnorm(-abs(summary(x)$coef[,3] )))
setMethod("getP", "yagsResult", function(x) 2*pnorm(-abs(yags.glmReport(x)[,5] )))

setMethod("getVarn", "lm", function(x) names(coef(x)))
setMethod("getVarn", "survreg", function(x) names(coef(x)))
setMethod("getVarn", "geese", function(x) names(x$beta))
setMethod("getVarn", "gee", function(x) names(coef(x)))
setMethod("getVarn", "alr", function(x) names(coef(x)))
setMethod("getVarn", "yagsResult", function(x) row.names(yags.glmReport(x)))

setMethod("getCoef", "clogit", function(x) exp(coef(x)))
setMethod("getVarn", "clogit", function(x) names(coef(x)))
setMethod("getSE", "clogit", function(x) rep(NA, length(coef(x))))
setMethod("getP", "clogit", function(x) summary(x)$coef[,5])
setMethod("getExtra", "clogit", function(x) summary(x)$sctest )

setMethod("getExtra", "lm", function(x) {
  sx <- summary(x)
  c(r.sq=sx$r.sq, se.resid=sx$sigma) })
setMethod("getExtra", "geese", function(x) {
  sx <- summary(x)
  sxc <- as.numeric(unlist(sx$corr))
  c(cor=sxc[1], se.cor=sxc[2]) })
setMethod("getExtra", "gee", function(x) {
  sx <- summary(x)
  c(cor=sx$working.corr[1,2], se.cor=NA) })
setMethod("getExtra", "alr", function(x) {
  sx <- summary(x)
# here we need a regimented naming convention
# and to interleave estimates and s.es
  avec <- sx$alpha[,1]
  sevec <- sx$alpha[,2]
  nparms <- length(avec)
  ans <- as.numeric(rbind(avec,sevec))
  names(ans) <- paste(c("alp", "sealp"), rep(1:nparms,each=2),
setMethod("getExtra", "yagsResult", function(x) {
  tmp <- yags.adeqReport(x)
  ans <- c(substr(x@corstruct.tag,1,4), round(c(x@alpha[1], rj1=tmp@rj1, rj2=tmp@rj2),3) )
  names(ans) <- c("mod", "alp[1]", "RJ1", "RJ2")
setMethod("getExtra", "clogit", function(x) summary(x)$sctest )

setMethod("getExtra", "survreg", function(x){
sx = summary(x)
c(scale=sx$scale, df=sx$df, LL=sx$loglik[2])

concatMods <- function(x, mstub="mod",type=c("se","p")[1],dig=3,clean=TRUE) {
# the workhorse of cremo -- takes a list of model objects and
# produces a character matrix with columns corresponding to
# models and rows corresponding to parameters or extra material
  nx = names(x)
  padsubvec <- function (subv, full, pad="-") 
# pad a (names) vector subv that only partly matches full with
# value of pad in each non-matched element ... probably
# could be done better 
    minds <- match(subv, full)
    ok <- (1:length(full)) %in% minds
    tmp <- full
    tmp[ok == FALSE] <- pad
  selWpad <- function(x,y,pad="-")
# suppose names vector y is padded by padsubvec; the elements
# in x that correspond to non-padded names are kept, and the
# remainder are set to value of pad
    tx <- c(x,padval=NA)
    names(tx)[length(tx)] <- pad 
  interleave <- function(x,y) {
#interleave rows of character matrices
    if(!(nrow(x)==nrow(y) & ncol(x)==ncol(y)))stop("x y must have same dims")
    if (!is.character(x[1,1])) stop("x must be character")
    if (!is.character(y[1,1])) stop("y must be character")
    nr <- 2*nrow(x)
    out <- matrix(" ", nr=nr, nc=ncol(x))
    j <- 1
    for (i in seq(1,nr,2))
     out[i,] <- x[j,]
     out[i+1,] <- y[j,]
     j <- j+1
    rn <- rownames(x)
    rn <- rbind(rn," ")
    dimnames(out) <- list(as.character(rn),dimnames(x)[[2]])
  clnup <- function (cm) 
# get rid of unnecessary NA printings
       tm <- t(matrix(as.character(t(cm)), nr = ncol(cm)))
       tm[is.na(tm)] <- " "
	 gg = grep("NA", tm)
        if (length(gg)>0) tm[gg] <- " "
       tm[tm == "(p=NA)"] <- " "
       tm[tm == "(SE=NA)"] <- " "
       dimnames(tm) <- dimnames(cm)
  pwrap <- function(x) paste("(p=",x,")",sep="")
  sewrap <- function(x) paste("(SE=",x,")",sep="")
# now the processing of the model objects begins
  coList <- lapply(x, getCoef)
  seList <- lapply(x, getSE)
  PList <- lapply(x, getP)
  eList <- lapply(x, getExtra)
  varnList <- lapply(x, getVarn)
  nm <- length(coList)
  for (i in 1:nm)  # number of models
   names(coList[[i]]) <- varnList[[i]]
   names(seList[[i]]) <- varnList[[i]]
   names(PList[[i]]) <- varnList[[i]]
   names(varnList[[i]]) <- varnList[[i]]
allvar <- unique(unlist(varnList))
allEx <- unique(unlist(en <- lapply(eList,names)))
# out will hold the names of coefficients properly padded
# to agree with indices in the vector of the union 
# of all variable names (allvar), which is then used
# to populate the {se,p,co}mat
out <- matrix(0, nr=length(allvar), nc=nm)
semat <- pmat <- comat <- matrix(NA, nr=length(allvar), nc=nm)
if (is.null(nx)) modn <- paste(mstub,1:nm,sep="")
else modn = nx
eout <- emat <- matrix(NA, nr=length(allEx), nc=nm)
# eout will hold names of all the extra material, and
# emat will hold the selected results
for (i in 1:nm)
  out[,i] <- padsubvec( varnList[[i]], allvar )
  comat[,i] <- selWpad(coList[[i]],out[,i])
  pmat[,i] <- selWpad(PList[[i]],out[,i])
  semat[,i] <- selWpad(seList[[i]],out[,i])
  eout[,i] <- padsubvec(en[[i]],allEx)
  emat[,i] <- selWpad(eList[[i]],eout[,i])
dimnames(comat) <- dimnames(pmat) <- list(allvar, modn)
cpmat <- pmat
csemat <- semat
#cpmat[] <- pwrap(as.character(round(pmat,dig)))
cpmat[] <- pwrap(formatC(pmat,dig=dig))
csemat[] <- sewrap(as.character(round(semat,dig)))
comat[] <- as.character(round(comat,dig))
if (is.numeric(emat)) emat[] <- as.character(round(emat,dig))
else emat[] <- as.character(emat)
rownames(emat) <- allEx #names(eList[[1]])
if (type == "p") ans <- interleave(comat,cpmat)
else if (type == "se") ans <- interleave(comat,csemat)
ans <- rbind(ans, "--", emat)
dans <- data.frame(ans)
# these are 'unique' unobtrusive row.names for blank rows
bl <- c("", " ", "  ", "   ", "    ","     ", "      ", "        ",
"         ",".", ". "," .", ".  ")
bl <- c(bl, paste("-", bl, sep=""))
rn <- rownames(ans)
bln <- rn %in% c("", " ")
rn[bln] <- bl[1:sum(bln)]
rownames(dans) <- rn
if (!clean) return(dans)
else return(clnup(dans))

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cremo documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:23 p.m.