
Defines functions prep.data label.pars check.novar

prep.data <- function ( env ) {
		# packages
		# requireNamespace( "reshape2" )
		# get variables from env
		eval( parse ( text=paste0( "assign( '",ls(envir=env), "' , get('",ls(envir=env),"', envir=env ) )" ) ) )
		# put all variable names into vector
		# ls.names <- ls()[!ls() %in% "env"]
		# delete objects in environment
		# rm( list=ls.names, envir=env )
		# default vector for console output
		default <- character(0)
		# lag.names
		# if ( is.null( lag.names ) ) {
				# search for standard named lag variables
				# l <- grepl( "^dT\\d+$", colnames(d) )
				# if ( any(l) ) {
						# lag.names <- colnames(d)[l]
				# } 
		# }
# browser()	
		### IRT check data if variance per person/time point
		## save descriptives if novar.out.dir is set
		if( measurement.model$family %in% "binomial" ){
				if(exists("novar.out.dir") && !is.null( novar.out.dir ) && is.character( novar.out.dir ) ){
						if( !dir.exists( novar.out.dir ) ) dir.create( novar.out.dir, recursive=TRUE )
						if( !( exists("model.name") && !is.null(model.name) && is.character(model.name) ) ) model.name <- "model"
						outfile <- file.path( novar.out.dir, paste0( model.name, "_novar.Rdata" ) )
				} else {
						outfile <- NULL
				if(!exists("delete.persons")) delete.persons <- NULL
				# only if dir is set (that means user wants statistics)
				# or if delete is set (that means user wants to delete persons)
				if( !is.null( outfile ) || !is.null( delete.persons ) ){
						novar <- check.novar( d, delete.persons=delete.persons, outfile=outfile, verbose=verbose )

						if(!is.null(delete.persons) && length( novar$deleted.person.ids ) > 0 ){
								# rename ids ascending
								# if( length( novar$deleted.person.ids ) > 0 ){
										# overwrite d with dataset with deleted persons
										d <- novar$d
										## ctstan/jags needs ascending ids
										## renaming needed
										## original ids and new ids are saved
										if( verbose ){
												cat( paste0( "Some persons have been deleted from data.\n") )
												cat( paste0( "As ascending id numbers are required, ids are renamed!!!\n") )
												cat( paste0( "To get original ids in results set original.ids in ctglm.results() to <model.object>$original.ids\n") )
										original.ids <- d[!duplicated(d[,"id"]),"id",drop=FALSE]
										colnames(original.ids) <- "original.id"
										original.ids <- cbind( original.ids, 1:length(unique(original.ids[,"original.id"])) )
										colnames(original.ids)[2] <- "new.id"
										d <- merge( d, original.ids, by.x="id", by.y="original.id", all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE, sort=FALSE )
										d[,"id"] <- d[,"new.id"]
										d <- d[,-ncol(d),drop=FALSE]
										assign( "original.ids", original.ids, envir=env )
								# }
		### data check
		## keine time pro Person darf doppelt sein
		dupl <- do.call( "c" , sapply( unique( d[,"id"] ), function( id. ) duplicated( d[ d[,id] %in% id., time ] ), simplify=FALSE ) )
		if ( any ( dupl ) ) {
				if ( verbose ) cat ( paste0( "duplicated times in data set in row(s): ", paste0( which( dupl ), collapse=", " ), "\n" ) )
				d <- d[ -which( dupl ), ]
				if( nrow( d ) %in% 0 ) stop( "no cases left in data set" )
		## zur Sicherheit aufsteigend sortieren falls noch nicht
		ord <- order( d[,id], d[,time] )
		if ( !identical ( ord, 1:nrow(d) ) ){
				if ( verbose ) cat ( "data set is not ordered ascending with respect to id/time, will be done now\n" )
				d <- d[ ord, ]
		### !!! d is now long !!!
		# long d to wide dw (with lag variables)
		dw <- ctLongToWide ( d=d, id=id, time=time, manifestNames=colnames(d)[!colnames(d) %in% c(id,time)], TDpredNames = NULL, TIpredNames = NULL)
		# 20.03.2017
		# das muss die Anzahl der Zeitpunkte die ctLongToWide baut sein
		# das sind persoenliche Zeitpunkte, nicht absolute Zeitpunkte!
		# d.h. nicht Tpoints=length(unique(d[,"time"]))
		# sondern    Tpoints=
		Tpoints <- length( unique( as.integer( sub( "^.*T(.*)$", "\\1", colnames( dw ) ) ) ) )
		dw <- ctIntervalise( datawide=dw, Tpoints=Tpoints, n.manifest=length(colnames(d)[!colnames(d) %in% c(id,time)]), n.TDpred = 0, n.TIpred = 0,
							 imputedefs = FALSE, manifestNames = "auto", TDpredNames = "auto",
							 TIpredNames = "auto", digits = 5, mininterval = 0.001,
							 individualRelativeTime = TRUE, startoffset = 0)
		lag.names <- colnames( dw )[ grepl( "^dT", colnames( dw ) ) ]
		timepoint.sep <- "_"
		# number of lags
		L <- length( lag.names )

		# keep dw for ctsem models
		# continue with dw2
		dw2 <- dw
		# move lags to a matrix and delete from dw2
		if ( !is.null( lag.names ) ) {
				Lags <- as.matrix( dw2[,lag.names,drop=FALSE] )
				dw2 <- dw2[,!colnames(dw2) %in% lag.names,drop=FALSE]
		} else {
				Lags <- NULL
		### Data ###

		# if id exists, save original person id 
		if ( is.null( id ) | ifelse( !is.null(id), !id %in% colnames(dw2), TRUE ) ) {
				person.id <- NULL
		} else {
				person.id <- dw2[,id]
				dw2[,id] <- NULL

		# create person id by counting 1,2,...,J
		# dw2 <- cbind( dw2, 1:J )
		dw2 <- cbind( dw2, 1:nrow(dw2) )
		colnames(dw2)[ncol(dw2)] <- "id"
		id <- "id"
		# reshape data to long, first time
		l.time <- try( reshape( data.frame(dw2), idvar="id", varying=colnames(dw2)[!colnames(dw2) %in% id], direction="long", sep=timepoint.sep ) )
		if ( inherits( l.time, "try-error") ) {
				stop( "Time suffix Tx cannot be identified in variable names. Check argument timepoint.sep ." , call. = TRUE )
		# reshape l.time to long, now items
# browser()		
		l <- melt( l.time, id=c("id","time") )
		colnames(l)[c(ncol(l)-1,ncol(l))] <- c("item.orig","y")
		# original item names
		item.names <- levels( l$item.orig )
		# create item id by counting 1,2,...,I
		idfr <- data.frame( "item.orig" = item.names, "item" = seq( along=item.names ) )
		l <- merge( l, idfr, by="item.orig", sort=FALSE )
		l$item.orig <- NULL

		# original time point names
		# !!!sorted!!! assumption is that item names are named to reflect ordering
		colnames(l)[colnames(l) %in% "time"] <- "time.orig"
		time.point.names <- sort( unique ( l$time.orig ) )
		# create time id by counting 1,2,...,T
		tdfr <- data.frame( "time.orig" = time.point.names, "time" = seq( along=time.point.names ) )
		l <- merge( l, tdfr, by="time.orig", sort=FALSE )
		l$time.orig <- NULL

		# sort
		dl <- as.matrix( l[order(l$id,l$item,l$time),c("id","item","time","y")] )
		rownames(dl) <- seq( along = rownames(dl) )

		# column numbers
		col.id <- which( colnames(dl) %in% "id" )
		col.item <- which( colnames(dl) %in% "item" )
		col.time <- which( colnames(dl) %in% "time" )
		col.y <- which( colnames(dl) %in% "y" )

		## inferred number of units from long data set
		# persons
		J <- length( unique( dl[,col.id] ) )
		# items
		I <- length( unique( dl[,col.item] ) )
		# time points
		T <- length( unique( dl[,col.time] ) )
		# number of rows in long data set
		R <- nrow(dl)

		### Lags ###

		# stop if no lags and more than one time point
		if ( T > 1 & is.null( Lags ) ) {
				stop( "No time lags specified. Check or explicitely set argument lag.names ." , call. = TRUE )
		# stop if number of lags does not match number of time points minus 1
		if ( T > 1 & L!=T-1 ) {
				stop( "Number of time lags is not equal to number of time points minus 1. Check colnames of data, arguments timepoint.sep, and lag.names" , call. = TRUE )
		# different lag patterns
		Lpat <- Lags[!duplicated(Lags[,]),,drop=FALSE]

		# indices of patterns
		indsL <- list()
		do1 <- sapply(1:nrow(Lpat), function(r) if( any( !is.na(Lpat[r,] ) ) ) paste( "Lags[,",which(!is.na(Lpat[r,])),"]==Lpat[",r,",",which(!is.na(Lpat[r,])),"]", collapse=" & " ) else NULL )
		do2 <- sapply(1:nrow(Lpat), function(r) if( any( is.na(Lpat[r,] ) ) ) paste( "is.na(Lags[,",which(is.na(Lpat[r,])),"])", collapse=" & " ) else NULL )
		do3 <- unname( mapply( function (x,y) paste( c(x,y), collapse=" & " ), do1, do2 ) )
		do4 <- mapply( function(r,do3) paste0 ( "indsL[[",r,"]] <- which( ",do3," ) " ), 1:nrow(Lpat) , do3 )
		rownames( Lpat ) <- seq( along=rownames( Lpat ) )
		# pattern groups of persons
		Lpat.group <- rep(NA,nrow(Lags))
		do <- mapply( function( nr, inds ) paste0("Lpat.group[c(",paste(inds,collapse=","),")] <- ",nr ), seq(along=indsL), indsL )

		## inferred from Lags/Lag pattern
		# time points per person
		Tj <- unname( apply( Lags , 1 , function(x) T - length(which(is.na(x))) ) )		
		# number of patterns
		P <- nrow( Lpat )
		# non-missing time points per pattern
		Tp <- unname( apply( Lpat, 1 , function(x) T - length(which(is.na(x))) ) )

		# number of persons in each pattern
		PNj <- sapply( unique( Lpat.group ), function( gr ) length( which( Lpat.group==gr ) ) )
		# specific persons in specific pattern
		Pj <- matrix( NA, P, J )
		do <- paste0(  "Pj[",1:P,",1:PNj[",1:P,"]] <- which( Lpat.group == ",1:P," )" )
		eval( parse( text=do ) )		
		### Stuff for measurement model ###
		## initialize default measurement parameters (if not set by user)

		## default of Lambda: each item mapped on one latent variable
		if( is.null( Lambda ) ) {
				# diagonal matrix
				Lambda <- diag( 1, I )
				# rownames are item names
				rownames( Lambda ) <- item.names
				# default colnames to thetaX
				colnames( Lambda ) <- paste0( "theta", formatC( 1:ncol(Lambda), format="fg", flag="0", width=max(sapply(1:ncol(Lambda),nchar)) ) )

				# output
				default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "                          loading matrix Lambda: IxF (", I, "x", I, ") matrix, each manifest variable is mapped to one latent variable (so no measurement model is specified) " )
				#                                                                                                           no error here, F is not yet set

		} else {
				## Lambda is set by user ##

				# if rownames are set then sort according to data set, important!!!
				if ( !is.null( rownames( Lambda ) ) ) {
						Lambda <- Lambda[ match( item.names, rownames( Lambda ) ), ]
				} #else {
						# if no rownames are set, assume that LAMBDA is sorted as occurrence of variables in data set
				#		rownames( Lambda ) <- item.names
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		# mode: manifest to latent 1:1
		# if ( all( sd(dim(Lambda))==0 ) & all( Lambda[lower.tri( Lambda )] == 0 ) & all( Lambda[upper.tri( Lambda )] == 0 ) & all( diag( Lambda ) == 1 )
		man2lat <- ifelse ( sd(dim(Lambda))==0 & identical( Lambda, diag(1,dim(Lambda)[1]) ) , TRUE, FALSE )
		# NAs to labeled parameters
		Lambda <- label.pars(Lambda,"Lambda")
		# number of latent variables (factors)
		F <- ncol( Lambda )
		# names of latent variables
		latent.names <- colnames( Lambda )
		# item easiness
		if ( !exists("beta",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(beta) ) {
				# default beta (constrained equal over time)
				beta <- matrix( rep( NA, I ), ncol=1 )
				rownames( beta ) <- item.names
				# set first beta per latent variable to 0
				# inds <- apply( Lambda, 2, function( col ) which( !col==0 )[1] )
				# do <- paste0( "beta[",inds,"] <- 0" )
				# eval( parse( text=do ) )
				# output
				# default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "             item easiness (column) vector beta: I (", I, ") column vector, first item per latent variable set to 0 " )
				default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "                             item easiness beta: freely estimable column vector of lenth I (", I, ")" )
		} else {
				## beta is set by user ##

				# if names are set by user then sort according to data set, important!!!
				if ( !is.null( names( beta ) ) ) {
						beta <- beta[ match( item.names, names( beta ) ) ]
				} #else {
						# if no names are set, assume that beta is sorted as occurrence of variables in data set
				#		names( beta ) <- item.names
		# NAs to labeled parameters
		beta <- label.pars(beta,"beta")

		# check if all beta free
		# beta.vec <- do.call( "c", sapply( beta, function(x) x, simplify=FALSE ) )
		# beta.all.free <- all( is.na( suppressWarnings( as.numeric( beta.vec ) ) ) )
		# if all beta free, mean and precision of item distribution
		if ( all ( is.parameter ( beta ) ) ){
				## beta mean
				if ( !exists("mu.beta",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(mu.beta) ) {
						mu.beta <- 0
						default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "                  mean of item easiness mu.beta: scalar set to 0" )
				# NAs to labeled parameters
				# mu.beta <- label.pars(mu.beta,"mu.beta")
				## beta prec
				if ( !exists("prec.beta",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(prec.beta) ) {
						prec.beta <- NA
						default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "           precision of item easiness prec.beta: freely estimable scalar" )
				# NAs to labeled parameters
				prec.beta <- label.pars(prec.beta,"prec.beta")
				# prec.beta[] <- 0		
		# if gaussian, error var/cov matrix
		if ( measurement.model$family == "gaussian" ) {
				# default of E
				if ( !exists("E",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(E) ) {
						if ( man2lat ) {
								# if manifest are mapped to latent, all 0
								E <- diag( 0, I )
						} else {
								# uncorrelated errors
								E <- diag( NA, I )
								default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "                     measurement error matrix E: freely estimable uncorrelated error variances (", I, ")" )
						rownames( E ) <- colnames( E ) <- item.names
				} else {
						## E is set by user ##

						# if names are set by user then sort according to data set, important!!!
						if ( !is.null( colnames( E ) ) ) {
								E <- E[ , match( item.names, colnames( E ) ) ]
						if ( !is.null( rownames( E ) ) ) {
								E <- E[ match( item.names, rownames( E ) ) , ]

				# NAs to labeled parameters
				E <- label.pars(E,"E")	
		} #else {
		#		E <- NULL


		### Stuff for continuous time model ###		
		# I1 (diagonal matrix, same structure as drift matrix)
		I1 <- diag( F )

		# I2 (diagonal matrix, for ct error calculation)
		# n^2,n^2 with n of drift matrix (Oud/Delsing, 2010, p. 219)
		I2 <- diag( F^2 )

		# for Kronecker product
		# width of drift matrix A 
		Aw <- F
		# width of I1
		I1w <- F

		# replacement matrix for Qt.prec if Qt.prec is not positive definite
		Qt.prec.replace <- matrix( c(0.001,0.0001,0.0001,0.001), nrow=F, ncol=F )

		## initialize default parameters (if not set by user)

		# drift matrix A
		if ( !exists("A",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(A) ) {
				A <- matrix( NA, nrow=F, ncol=F )
				if ( !is.null( latent.names ) ) colnames( A ) <- rownames( A ) <- latent.names
				default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "                                 drift matrix A: freely estimable FxF (", F, "x", F, ") matrix" )
		# NAs to labeled parameters
		A <- label.pars(A,"A")
# browser()	
		make.sym <- function( m, m. ){
				if( any ( is.na( m[upper.tri(m)] ) ) ) m.[upper.tri(m.)][ is.na( m[upper.tri(m)] ) ]  <- t(m.[lower.tri(m.)])[ is.na( m[upper.tri(m)] ) ] 
				return( m. )

		## process error matrix Q
		# in jags/ctsem Q
		# in ctstan cholQ
		if ( engine %in% c("jags") ) {
# browser()				
				if ( !exists("Q",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(Q) ) {
						Q <- matrix( NA, nrow=F, ncol=F )
						if ( !is.null( latent.names ) ) colnames( Q ) <- rownames( Q ) <- latent.names
						default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "                         process error matrix Q: freely estimable symmetric FxF (", F, "x", F, ") matrix" )
				# NAs to labeled parameters
				Q. <- label.pars(Q,"Q")		
# browser()				
				# make Q (potentially) symmetric again (do not overwrite user specific labeled parameters, even if unsymmetric matrix
				# Q.[upper.tri(Q.)][ is.na( Q[upper.tri(Q)] ) ]  <- Q.[lower.tri(Q.)][ is.na( Q[lower.tri(Q)] ) ]  
				# if( any ( is.na( Q[upper.tri(Q)] ) ) ) Q.[upper.tri(Q.)][ is.na( Q[upper.tri(Q)] ) ]  <- t(Q.[lower.tri(Q.)])[ is.na( Q[upper.tri(Q)] ) ] 
				Q <- make.sym( Q, Q. )
		if ( engine %in% c("ctstan","ctsem") ) {
				if ( !exists("cholQ",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(cholQ) ) {
						cholQ <- matrix( NA, nrow=F, ncol=F )
						if ( !is.null( latent.names ) ) colnames( cholQ ) <- rownames( cholQ ) <- latent.names
						default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "                     process error matrix cholQ: freely estimable cholesky decomposed FxF (", F, "x", F, ") matrix, upper triangle set to 0" )
				# NAs to labeled parameters
				cholQ. <- label.pars(cholQ,"cholQ")		
				#make cholQ (potentially) symmetric again (do not overwrite user specific labeled parameters, even if unsymmetric matrix
				#cholQ.[upper.tri(cholQ.)][ is.na( cholQ[upper.tri(cholQ)] ) ]  <- cholQ.[lower.tri(cholQ.)][ is.na( cholQ[lower.tri(cholQ)] ) ]  
				# upper triangle is 0
				cholQ.[upper.tri(cholQ.)] <- 0
				cholQ <- cholQ.
		# ct intercepts b
		if ( !exists("b",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(b) ) {
				b <- matrix( rep( NA, F ), ncol=1 )
				if ( !is.null( latent.names ) ) rownames( b ) <- latent.names
				default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "                   continuous time intercepts b: freely estimable column vector of length F (", F, ")" )
		# NAs to labeled parameters
		b <- label.pars(b,"b")

		if( person.var["b"] ) {	
				# person ct intercepts bj
				if ( !exists("bj",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(bj) ) {
						bj <- matrix( rep( NA, F*J ), ncol=J, nrow=F )
						if ( !is.null( latent.names ) ) rownames( bj ) <- latent.names
						default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "                  continuous time intercepts bj: freely estimable FxJ (", F, "x", J, ") matrix" )
				# NAs to labeled parameters
				bj <- label.pars(bj,"bj")		
		# first time point mean
		if ( !exists("mu.t1",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(mu.t1) ) {
				# mu.t1 <- matrix( rep( NA, F ), ncol=1 )
				mu.t1 <- rep( NA, F )
				# if ( !is.null( latent.names ) ) rownames( mu.t1 ) <- latent.names
				if ( !is.null( latent.names ) ) names( mu.t1 ) <- latent.names
				default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "latent variable means of first time point mu.t1: column vector of length F (", F, ") with 0s" )
		# NAs to labeled parameters
		mu.t1 <- label.pars(mu.t1,"mu.t1")
		# mu.t1[] <- 0
# browser()
		if( person.var["mu.t1"] ) {	
				## person ct intercepts bj
				if ( !exists("mu.t1.j",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(mu.t1.j) ) {
						mu.t1.j <- matrix( rep( NA, F*J ), ncol=J, nrow=F )
						if ( !is.null( latent.names ) ) rownames( mu.t1.j ) <- latent.names
						default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "       person means of first time point mu.t1.j: freely estimable FxJ (", F, "x", J, ") matrix" )
				# NAs to labeled parameters
				mu.t1.j <- label.pars(mu.t1.j,"mu.t1.j")		
				## precision matrix for mu.t1.j
				if ( engine %in% c("jags") ) {		
						if ( !exists("prec.mu.t1.j",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(prec.mu.t1.j) ) {
								prec.mu.t1.j <- matrix( NA, nrow=F, ncol=F )
								if ( !is.null( latent.names ) ) colnames( prec.mu.t1.j ) <- rownames( prec.mu.t1.j ) <- latent.names
								default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "     precision of person means prec.mu.t1.j: freely estimable symmetric FxF (", F, "x", F, ") matrix" )
						# NAs to labeled parameters
						prec.mu.t1.j. <- label.pars(prec.mu.t1.j,"prec.mu.t1.j")		
						# make prec.mu.t1.j (potentially) symmetric again (do not overwrite user specific labeled parameters, even if unsymmetric matrix
						# if( any ( is.na( prec.mu.t1.j ) ) ) prec.mu.t1.j.[upper.tri(prec.mu.t1.j.)][ is.na( prec.mu.t1.j[upper.tri(prec.mu.t1.j)] ) ]  <- prec.mu.t1.j.[lower.tri(prec.mu.t1.j.)][ is.na( prec.mu.t1.j[lower.tri(prec.mu.t1.j)] ) ]  
						# prec.mu.t1.j <- prec.mu.t1.j.	
						prec.mu.t1.j <- make.sym( prec.mu.t1.j, prec.mu.t1.j. )
		## first time point prec/var
		# in jags prec.t1
		# in ctstan/ctsem chol.var.t1
		if ( engine %in% c("jags") ) {		
				if ( !exists("prec.t1",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(prec.t1) ) {
						prec.t1 <- matrix( NA, nrow=F, ncol=F )
						if ( !is.null( latent.names ) ) colnames( prec.t1 ) <- rownames( prec.t1 ) <- latent.names
						default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "lat. var. precision of first time point prec.t1: freely estimable symmetric FxF (", F, "x", F, ") matrix" )
				# NAs to labeled parameters
				prec.t1. <- label.pars(prec.t1,"prec.t1")		
				# make prec.t1 (potentially) symmetric again (do not overwrite user specific labeled parameters, even if unsymmetric matrix
				# if( any ( is.na( prec.t1 ) ) ) prec.t1.[upper.tri(prec.t1.)][ is.na( prec.t1[upper.tri(prec.t1)] ) ]  <- prec.t1.[lower.tri(prec.t1.)][ is.na( prec.t1[lower.tri(prec.t1)] ) ]  
				# prec.t1 <- prec.t1.
				prec.t1 <- make.sym( prec.t1, prec.t1. )
		if ( engine %in% c("ctstan","ctsem") ) {		
				if ( !exists("chol.var.t1",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(chol.var.t1) ) {
						chol.var.t1 <- matrix( NA, nrow=F, ncol=F )
						if ( !is.null( latent.names ) ) colnames( chol.var.t1 ) <- rownames( chol.var.t1 ) <- latent.names
						default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "  chol. var. matr. of first time p. chol.var.t1: freely estimable symmetric FxF (", F, "x", F, ") matrix" )
				# NAs to labeled parameters
				chol.var.t1. <- label.pars(chol.var.t1,"chol.var.t1")		
				#make chol.var.t1 (potentially) symmetric again (do not overwrite user specific labeled parameters, even if unsymmetric matrix
				#chol.var.t1.[upper.tri(chol.var.t1.)][ is.na( chol.var.t1[upper.tri(chol.var.t1)] ) ]  <- chol.var.t1.[lower.tri(chol.var.t1.)][ is.na( chol.var.t1[lower.tri(chol.var.t1)] ) ]  
				# upper triangle is 0
				chol.var.t1.[upper.tri(chol.var.t1.)] <- 0
				chol.var.t1 <- chol.var.t1.	
		#if ( engine %in% c("ctsem") ) {		
		#		if ( !exists("		var.t1",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(		var.t1) ) {
		#				var.t1 <- matrix( NA, nrow=F, ncol=F )
		#				if ( !is.null( latent.names ) ) colnames( 		var.t1 ) <- rownames( 		var.t1 ) <- latent.names
		#				default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "     latent variance of first time point var.t1: freely estimable symmetric FxF (", F, "x", F, ") matrix" )
		#		}
		#		# NAs to labeled parameters
		#		var.t1. <- label.pars( var.t1, "var.t1" )		
		#		#make 		var.t1 (potentially) symmetric again (do not overwrite user specific labeled parameters, even if unsymmetric matrix
		#		#var.t1.[upper.tri(		var.t1.)][ is.na( 		var.t1[upper.tri(		var.t1)] ) ]  <- 		var.t1.[lower.tri(		var.t1.)][ is.na( 		var.t1[lower.tri(		var.t1)] ) ]  
		#		# upper triangle is 0
		#		var.t1.[upper.tri(var.t1.)] <- 0			
		#		var.t1 <- var.t1.	
		## prec/var of b (TRAITVAR)
		# in jags prec.b
		# in ctsem chol.var.b
		# in ctstan none
		if( person.var["b"] ) {	
				if ( engine %in% c("jags") ) {		
						if ( !exists("prec.b",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(prec.b) ) {
								prec.b <- matrix( NA, nrow=F, ncol=F )
								if ( !is.null( latent.names ) ) colnames( prec.b ) <- rownames( prec.b ) <- latent.names
								default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "     lat. var. prec. of cont. intercepts prec.b: freely estimable symmetric FxF (", F, "x", F, ") matrix" )
						# NAs to labeled parameters
						prec.b. <- label.pars(prec.b,"prec.b")		
						# make prec.b (potentially) symmetric again (do not overwrite user specific labeled parameters, even if unsymmetric matrix
						# if( any ( is.na( prec.b ) ) ) prec.b.[upper.tri(prec.b.)][ is.na( prec.b[upper.tri(prec.b)] ) ]  <- prec.b.[lower.tri(prec.b.)][ is.na( prec.b[lower.tri(prec.b)] ) ]  
						# prec.b <- prec.b.	
						prec.b <- make.sym( prec.b, prec.b. )
				if ( engine %in% c("ctstan") ) {		
						if ( !exists("sd.b",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(sd.b) ) {
								sd.b <- matrix( NA, nrow=F, ncol=F )
								if ( !is.null( latent.names ) ) colnames( sd.b ) <- rownames( sd.b ) <- latent.names
								default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "     lat. var. sd. of cont. intercepts sd.b: freely estimable symmetric FxF (", F, "x", F, ") matrix" )
						# NAs to labeled parameters
						sd.b. <- label.pars(sd.b,"sd.b")		
						# make sd.b (potentially) symmetric again (do not overwrite user specific labeled parameters, even if unsymmetric matrix
						# if( any ( is.na( sd.b ) ) ) sd.b.[upper.tri(sd.b.)][ is.na( sd.b[upper.tri(sd.b)] ) ]  <- sd.b.[lower.tri(sd.b.)][ is.na( sd.b[lower.tri(sd.b)] ) ]  
						# sd.b <- sd.b.	
						sd.b <- make.sym( sd.b, sd.b. )
				if ( engine %in% c("ctsem") ) {		
						if ( !exists("chol.var.b",inherits=FALSE) || is.null(chol.var.b) ) {
								chol.var.b <- matrix( NA, nrow=F, ncol=F )
								if ( !is.null( latent.names ) ) colnames( chol.var.b ) <- rownames( chol.var.b ) <- latent.names
								default[length(default)+1] <- paste0( "chol. var. matr. of cont. int. b chol.var.b: freely estimable symmetric FxF (", F, "x", F, ") matrix" )
						# NAs to labeled parameters
						chol.var.b. <- label.pars(chol.var.b,"chol.var.b")		
						#make chol.var.b (potentially) symmetric again (do not overwrite user specific labeled parameters, even if unsymmetric matrix
						#chol.var.b.[upper.tri(chol.var.b.)][ is.na( chol.var.b[upper.tri(chol.var.b)] ) ]  <- chol.var.b.[lower.tri(chol.var.b.)][ is.na( chol.var.b[lower.tri(chol.var.b)] ) ]  
						# upper triangle is 0
						chol.var.b.[upper.tri(chol.var.b.)] <- 0
						chol.var.b <- chol.var.b.	
		# browser()		
		### (over)write relevant variables to environment ###
		obj <- c( "d", "dw", "dl", "col.y", "col.id", "col.item", "col.time", "R", "J", "I", "T", "Tj", "P", "Tp", "PNj", "Pj", "L", "Lpat", "Lpat.group", "Lambda", "beta", ifelse(exists("mu.beta"),"mu.beta",NA), ifelse(exists("prec.beta"),"prec.beta",NA), ifelse(measurement.model$family=="gaussian","E",NA), "F", "I1", "I2", "Aw", "I1w", "Qt.prec.replace", "A", "b", ifelse(exists("bj"),"bj",NA), ifelse(exists("Q"),"Q",NA), ifelse(exists("cholQ"),"cholQ",NA), "mu.t1", ifelse(exists("mu.t1.j"),"mu.t1.j",NA), ifelse(exists("prec.mu.t1.j"),"prec.mu.t1.j",NA), ifelse(exists("prec.t1"),"prec.t1",NA), ifelse(exists("chol.var.t1"),"chol.var.t1",NA), ifelse(exists("var.t1"),"var.t1",NA), ifelse(exists("prec.b"),"prec.b",NA), ifelse(exists("sd.b"),"sd.b",NA), ifelse(exists("chol.var.b"),"chol.var.b",NA) )
		obj <- obj[!is.na(obj)]
		eval( parse ( text=paste0( "assign( '",obj, "' , get('",obj,"') , envir=env )" ) ) )

		### console output ###
		if ( verbose ) {
				cat("preparing data\n\n")
				cat( paste0( "                                    persons (J): ", J ,"\n") )
				cat( paste0( "                                      items (I): ", I ,"\n") )
				cat( paste0( "                           latent variables (F): ", F ,"\n") )
				cat( paste0( "                                time points (T): ", T ,"\n") )
				cat( paste0( "               responses (without missings) (R): ", R ,"\n") )
				Tj.string <- ifelse( all(Tj==Tj[1]), as.character(Tj[1]), paste0("M=", formatC(mean(Tj),format="f",digits=2), " min=", min(Tj), " max=", max(Tj)) )
				cat( paste0( "                    time points per person (Tj): ", Tj.string, "\n") )
				cat( paste0( "                               lag patterns (P): ", P,"\n") )
				Tp.string <- ifelse( all(Tp==Tp[1]), as.character(Tp[1]), paste0("M=", formatC(mean(Tp),format="f",digits=2), " min=", min(Tp), " max=", max(Tp)) )
				cat( paste0( "                   time points per pattern (Tp): ", Tp.string, "\n") )
				PNj.string <- ifelse( length(PNj)==1, as.character(PNj[1]), paste0("M=", formatC(mean(PNj),format="f",digits=2), " min=", min(PNj), " max=", max(PNj)) )
				cat( paste0( "                      persons per pattern (PNj): ", PNj.string, "\n") )				
				cat( paste0( "setting defaults\n\n" ) )
				if( length(default)>0 ) {
						cat( paste0( paste( default, collapse="\n" ), "\n" ) )
				} else {
						cat( "                     no defaults set, everything is entirely user specified\n\n" )
# browser()
		# return

# NAs to labeled parameters
label.pars <- function(m,m.name) {
# browser()
		if( is.null(dim(m)) ) {
				## vector
				if ( is.null( names( m ) ) ) nams <- seq(along=m)[is.na(m)] else nams <- names( m )[is.na(m)]
				# if only one element, then no numbering
				if( length( nams ) > 1 ){
						m[is.na(m)] <- paste0( m.name, "_", nams )
				} else {
						m[is.na(m)] <- paste0( m.name )
		} else {

				## arrays
				# dimension of m
				dim.m <- dim(m)
				m. <- eval(parse(text=paste0( "Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, by=NULL, all=TRUE),list(", paste( paste0( "1:", dim.m ), collapse="," ), "),accumulate=FALSE )" )))
				att <- attributes(m)$dimnames

				## remove columns without variance
				## this is the case e.g. for column or row vectors
				del <- sapply( m., function( sp ) length(sp) > 1 & sd( sp ) == 0 )

				if( any( del ) ) {
						m. <- m.[,!del,drop=FALSE]
						dim.m <- dim.m[!del]
						att <- att[!del]
				if ( is.null( att ) ) att <- sapply( seq(along=dim.m), function(x) NULL, simplify=FALSE )
				do <- paste0( "if ( is.null( att[[",seq(along=dim.m),"]] ) )   att[[",seq(along=dim.m),"]] <- as.character( 1:",dim.m," ) " )
				eval( parse( text = do ) )
				if( length( att ) > 1 ) {
						nams.dfr <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, by=NULL, all=TRUE), att, accumulate=FALSE )
				} else {
						nams.dfr <- data.frame( att, stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
				# parameter names
				nams <- apply( nams.dfr, 1, function (z) paste( z, collapse="_" ) )

				# if all names equal then only one name, e.g. A_lat1 instead of A_lat1_lat1
				# eq <- apply( nams.dfr, 1, function(x) all( x==x[1] ) )
				# if ( any( eq ) ) nams[eq] <- as.character( nams.dfr[eq,1] )
				# add indicator as additional column
				m.[,ncol(m.)+1] <- 1:nrow(m.)

				# if only one row in m. means that it is just one parameter
				# then no numbering
				if ( nrow( m. ) == 1 ) {
						m. <- m.[,ncol(m.),drop=FALSE]
						nams <- NULL
				# set name if cell is NA
				do <- apply( m. , 1, function ( z ) paste0( "if( is.na( m[", paste(z[-length(z)],collapse=",") ,"] ) ) m[", paste(z[-length(z)],collapse=",") ,"] <- paste0( '", m.name, ifelse( is.null( nams ), "", "_" ), "', nams[", paste(z[length(z)],collapse=","), "] ) " )  )

## IRT check data if variance per person/time point and delete
## delete options:
##         persons_without_response_variance_at_at_least_one_timepoint
##         persons_without_response_variance_at_all_timepoints
check.novar <- function( d, delete.persons=NULL, outfile=NULL, verbose=TRUE ){
# browser()		
		check <- function( z ){
				all( z %in% 0 ) | all( z %in% 1 )
		p <- apply( d[, -which( colnames( d ) %in% c("id","time") ) ], 1, check )		
		# novar nach wide (id x time)
		# acast geht nicht, deshalb dcast
		d1 <- data.frame( cbind( d , as.integer( p ) ) )
		colnames( d1 )[ncol(d1)] <- "novar"
		d2 <- dcast( d1[,c("id","time","novar")], id ~ time, value.var="novar" )
		colnames(d2)[-1] <- paste0( "time", colnames(d2)[-1] )
		# Nnovar
		d2$Nnovar <- rowSums( d2[,-1] )
		# any novar
		# d2$ANYnovar <- as.integer ( any( d2[,-c(1,ncol(d2))] %in% 1 ) )
		d2$ANYnovar <- as.integer( d2$Nnovar > 0 )
		# all novar
		d2$ALLnovar <- as.integer( d2$Nnovar == (length(colnames(d2)) - 3) )
		# descriptives
		descr1 <- data.frame( describe( d2$Nnovar ), stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
		descr1$vars <- "Nnovar"
		colnames( descr1 )[1] <- "var"
		rownames(descr1) <- 1
		descr <- list( "Nnovar" = descr1 )
		descr$ANYnovar <- table( factor( d2$ANYnovar, levels=c(0,1), labels=c("Npersons_with_response_variance","Npersons_without_response_variance_at_at_least_one_timepoint") ) )
		descr$ALLnovar <- table( factor( d2$ALLnovar, levels=c(0,1), labels=c("Npersons_with_response_variance","Npersons_without_response_variance_at_all_timepoints") ) )
		# delete persons
		if (!is.null( delete.persons )) {
				del.ids <- numeric(0)
				if( delete.persons %in% "persons_without_response_variance_at_at_least_one_timepoint" ){
						del.ids <- d2$id[ d2$ANYnovar==1 ]
						if( verbose ) cat( paste0( "deleting ", length(del.ids), " persons without response variance at at least one timepoint\n" ) )
				if( delete.persons %in% "persons_without_response_variance_at_all_timepoints" ){
						del.ids <- d2$id[ d2$ANYnovar==1 ]
						if( verbose ) cat( paste0( "deleting ", length(del.ids), " persons without response variance at all timepoints\n" ) )
				if( length( del.ids ) > 0 ){
						d <- d[ !d[,"id"] %in% del.ids, ]
		} else {
		# return object
		l <- list( "novar" = d2 )
		l$"novar_descr" <- descr
		if (!is.null( delete.persons )) {
				l$deleted.person.ids <- del.ids
				l$d <- d
		# save on disk
		if( !is.null( outfile ) ){
# browser()				
				novar <- l[c("novar","novar_descr")]
				save( novar, file=outfile )
		return( l )


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ctglm documentation built on May 31, 2017, 1:54 a.m.