
demoniche_model <-
function(modelname, Niche, Dispersal, repetitions, foldername)  

BEMDEM <- get(modelname, envir = .GlobalEnv)   #assign("BEMDEM", get(modelname))     

#load(paste(modelname, ".rda", sep = ""))   
   #  rm(Hmontana)
# require(sp)
#### Create vectors ############################################################                                     
Projection <- array(0, # Projection is where all the results go
          dim = 
          c(BEMDEM$no_yrs, length(BEMDEM$stages), nrow(BEMDEM$Niche_ID), length(BEMDEM$years_projections))
          dimnames = 
          list(paste( "timesliceyear", 1:BEMDEM$no_yrs, sep="_"), c(paste(BEMDEM$stages)), 
          BEMDEM$Niche_ID[,"Niche_ID"], paste(BEMDEM$years_projections))

eigen_results <- vector(mode = "list" , length(BEMDEM$list_names_matrices))  
          names(eigen_results) <- unlist(BEMDEM$list_names_matrices)
yrs_total <- BEMDEM$no_yrs * length(BEMDEM$years_projections)

population_sizes <- array(NA,       # per matrix!
          dim = c(yrs_total, length(BEMDEM$list_names_matrices), repetitions), 
          dimnames = list(paste("year", 1: yrs_total, sep = ""), BEMDEM$list_names_matrices, paste("rep", 1:repetitions, sep = "_")))
population_results  <- array(1:200,   # for all matrices!
          dim = c(yrs_total, 4, length(BEMDEM$list_names_matrices)),
          dimnames = list( paste("year", 1: yrs_total, sep = ""), 
          c("Meanpop", "SD", "Max", "Min"),

metapop_results <- array(NA,       # per matrix!
          dim = c(yrs_total, length(BEMDEM$list_names_matrices), repetitions), 
          dimnames = list(paste("year", 1: yrs_total, sep = ""), BEMDEM$list_names_matrices, paste("rep", 1:repetitions, sep = "_")))
simulation_results <- array(NA, 
          dim = c(length(BEMDEM$list_names_matrices), 7+length(BEMDEM$years_projections)), 
          dimnames = 
   			   c("lambda", "stoch_lambda","mean_perc_ext_final", "initial_population_area", "initial_population", "mean_final_pop", "mean_no_patches_final", 
                paste("EMA", BEMDEM$years_projections))
     		 ) )
EMA <- array(0, 
                 dim = c(repetitions, length(BEMDEM$list_names_matrices), length(BEMDEM$years_projections), 2), dimnames = 
          list(paste("rep", 1:repetitions, sep = "_"), BEMDEM$list_names_matrices, BEMDEM$years_projections, c("EMA", "No_populations")))
population_Niche <- rep(1, nrow(BEMDEM$Niche_ID))

              simulation_results[,"initial_population_area"] <- 
                       # original population size            
       		  simulation_results[,"initial_population"] <- 
                    round(sum(colSums(BEMDEM$n0_all) * BEMDEM$sumweight), 0)
dir.create(paste(getwd(), "/", foldername, sep = ""), showWarnings = FALSE)

#### Start repetitions #########################################################
for (rx in 1:repetitions)           # tx = 1   rx = 1
         print(paste("Starting projections for repetition:", rx), quote = FALSE)
    for(mx in 1:length(BEMDEM$list_names_matrices))  # selects two matrices for the simulations   mx =1
         print(paste("Projecting for scenario/matrix:", (BEMDEM$list_names_matrices)[mx]), quote = FALSE)
        yx_tx <- 0 # restart counter     
 # this selects two matrices, the first basic matrix and the projection one mx =1  
     Matrix_projection <- cbind(BEMDEM$matrices[,1], (BEMDEM$matrices[, mx]))
 # this selects two standard deviation matrices, the first basic matrix and the projection one (column mx)
    if(BEMDEM$matrices_var[1] != FALSE) # If matrices are included or not.
       if(ncol(BEMDEM$matrices_var) > 1){
           Matrix_projection_var <- cbind(BEMDEM$matrices_var[,1], (BEMDEM$matrices_var[, mx]))                                                     
      } else {
          Matrix_projection_var <- cbind(BEMDEM$matrices_var[,1], (BEMDEM$matrices_var[, 1]))  
    } else
      Matrix_projection_var <- FALSE
     prev_mx <- rep(1, times = yrs_total + 1)
	 for(tx in 1:length(BEMDEM$years_projections)) # selects which time-slice of the simulation tx = 1
                                                 if (Niche == TRUE){ # Niche values
                                                         population_Niche <- BEMDEM$Niche_values[, tx]   
                  for(yx in 1:BEMDEM$no_yrs)                                  

                              yx_tx <- yx_tx + 1 # add one year to counter
####################################### PATCH PROJECTION when tx = 1 ###########     tx=1  px=1   tx = 2               
################################################################################     yx=2  yx = 1
                      if(tx == 1 && yx == 1)  
                                   n0s <- BEMDEM$n0_all[rowSums(BEMDEM$n0_all) > 0,] # take stage vector from intial population, where over zero
                                   n0s_ID <- which(rowSums(BEMDEM$n0_all) > 0) # which populations/rows are above zero
                                 } else  {           # Second year running the model   
                                    if(tx != 1 && yx == 1){ # when going to next time step, yx == 1
                                    n0s <- t(Projection[BEMDEM$no_yrs,, colSums(Projection[BEMDEM$no_yrs,,,tx-1]) > 0, tx-1])
                                    n0s_ID <- which(colSums(Projection[BEMDEM$no_yrs,,,tx-1]) > 0)                     
                                    BEMDEM$Niche_ID[colSums(Projection[BEMDEM$no_yrs,,,tx-1]) > 0, 2]
                                    } else  { 
                                        # take population from previous year, same time period  
                                        n0s <- t(Projection[yx-1,, colSums(Projection[yx-1,,,tx]) > 0,tx])
                                        n0s_ID <- which(colSums(Projection[yx-1,,,tx]) > 0)
                                } # end if tx == 1 && yx == 1  
                                            # n <- c(10,5,5,5,5,5)
                              population_Niche_short <- population_Niche[n0s_ID] 
              # run fcn for each population px=1        
                     if (nrow(n0s) > 0) { 
                     for(px in 1:nrow(n0s))  {   # px = 1 tx =1                 
                             n <- as.vector(n0s[px,]) 
                       #  source('demoniche_population.r')
                            # if (sum(n) > 0) {      
                    # selects the right K for this pop and timeperiod         
				          populationmax <- 
                 Projection[yx,,n0s_ID[px],tx]    <- 
                      demoniche_population(Matrix_projection = Matrix_projection, Matrix_projection_var = Matrix_projection_var, 
                          n = n, populationmax = populationmax, onepopulation_Niche = population_Niche_short[px],
                          sumweight = BEMDEM$sumweight, Kweight = BEMDEM$Kweight, prob_scenario = BEMDEM$prob_scenario, noise = BEMDEM$noise, prev_mx = prev_mx, 
                          transition_affected_demogr = BEMDEM$transition_affected_demogr, transition_affected_niche = BEMDEM$transition_affected_niche, 
                          transition_affected_env = BEMDEM$transition_affected_env, env_stochas_type = BEMDEM$env_stochas_type, yx_tx = yx_tx) 
                                    #     } # end if n > 0 
                                         } # end if n0s > 0            
                         } # end px for
           #  Which many patches persist since last timestep (including seeds)?  
           metapop_results[yx_tx,mx,rx] <- 
            length(intersect( which(colSums(Projection[yx,,,tx]) > 1), n0s_ID))

##################### DISPERSAL FOR ALL PATCHES ####################                              
# Calculate dispersal for one repetition (rx), one matrix (mx), one time period(tx), and one year                     
# and all populationes.   
                 #  load('/noCC_nodispersal/Projection1_meanmatrix.rda')
                           #   print(paste(Projection[yx,1,,tx]))                        
                    if(sum(Projection[yx,1,,tx]) > 0)   # break
                       if(Dispersal == TRUE) 
                                         if (Niche == TRUE){ 
                                                population_Niche <- BEMDEM$Niche_values[, tx]   
                                    #  source("demoniche_dispersal.r")             
                             disp <- 
                             demoniche_dispersal(seeds_per_population = Projection[yx,1,,tx], 
                                      fraction_LDD = BEMDEM$fraction_LDD, 
                                      dispersal_probabilities = BEMDEM$dispersal_probabilities, 
                                      dist_latlong = BEMDEM$dist_latlong, neigh_index = BEMDEM$neigh_index, 
                                      fraction_SDD = BEMDEM$fraction_SDD) # T                
                            Projection[yx,1,,tx] <- disp 
                             } # end Dispersal if
                            } # end Dispersal if

        # save the results from one run
            population_sizes[yx_tx,mx,rx] <- 
              sum(rowSums(Projection[yx,,,tx]) * BEMDEM$sumweight)
              } # end yx        
      EMA[rx,mx,tx,1] <- # the minimum population each repetition
        min(apply((Projection[,,,tx] * BEMDEM$sumweight), 1, sum))                                        
      EMA[rx,mx,tx,2] <- # the number of populations that exist each repetition
         sum(colSums(Projection[yx,,,tx]) > 1)    
        simulation_results[mx, 7+tx] <- mean(EMA[, mx, tx, 1])
        } # end tx loop  
             save(Projection, file = paste(getwd(), "/", foldername,  
                "/Projection_rep", rx, "_", BEMDEM$list_names_matrices[mx], ".rda", sep = ""))    
          save(population_sizes, file = paste(getwd(), "/", foldername,  
                                       "/population_sizes", ".rda", sep = "")) 
               # PLOTS of spatial occupancy from the last repetition  yx = 1
                  pop <- data.frame(cbind(BEMDEM$Niche_ID[,2:3], 
                      (colSums(Projection[yx,,,] * BEMDEM$sumweight))))
                    form <- as.formula(paste(paste(colnames(pop)[-c(1:2)],collapse="+"),"X+Y",sep="~"))    
			       jpeg(filename = paste(getwd(), "/", foldername, "/map_",
                            BEMDEM$list_names_matrices[mx], ".jpeg", sep = ""))
                    print(levelplot(form, pop, col.regions=rev(heat.colors(100)), allow.multiple = TRUE, 
                            main = paste("Distribution", foldername, BEMDEM$list_names_matrices[mx], sep = "_")))
   }     # end mx loop

} # end rx loop

#### END OF MODELLING #################################################
         # extra loop to calculate mean, eigenvalues, etc   
  print("Calculating summary values", quote = FALSE)
         for(mx in 1:length(BEMDEM$list_names_matrices)) # mx = 1
      # for 'eigen_results' object for each matrix. 
             eigen_results[[mx]] <- c(eigen.analysis(matrix(BEMDEM$matrices[, mx], 
                        ncol = length(BEMDEM$stages), byrow = FALSE)), 
                       LTRE = list(matrix(LTRE(matrix(BEMDEM$matrices[, mx], 
                         ncol = length(BEMDEM$stages), byrow = FALSE), 
                                   matrix(BEMDEM$matrices[, 1], 
                                   ncol = length(BEMDEM$stages), byrow = FALSE)), 
                                   nrow = length(BEMDEM$stages)))) 
            simulation_results[mx,"lambda"] <- eigen_results[[mx]]$lambda1
            simulation_results[mx,"stoch_lambda"] <- 
                 stoch.growth.rate(list(matrix(BEMDEM$matrices[, 1], 
                 ncol = length(BEMDEM$stages)), matrix(BEMDEM$matrices[, mx], 
                 ncol = length(BEMDEM$stages))), prob = NULL, maxt = 50000, 
                 verbose = FALSE)$sim
            simulation_results[mx, "mean_final_pop"] <- 
                   # Final mean percentage of patches extinct
         #   simulation_results[mx, "mean_perc_ext_final"] <- NA
         #                      (metapop_results[1,mx,] - mean(metapop_results[yrs_total,mx,]))/metapop_results[1,mx,]*100
            simulation_results[mx, "mean_no_patches_final"] <- 
              for(yx_tx in 1:yrs_total) 
         # mean of all repetitions            
    population_results[yx_tx, "Meanpop", mx] <- mean(population_sizes[yx_tx,mx,])
         # sd of all repetitions            
    population_results[yx_tx, "SD", mx] <- sd(population_sizes[yx_tx,mx,])       
         # Min, minimum abundance of all simualtions each year. 
    population_results[yx_tx, "Min", mx] <- min(population_sizes[yx_tx,mx,]) 
         # Max, maximum abundance of all simualtions each year. 
    population_results[yx_tx, "Max", mx] <- max(population_sizes[yx_tx,mx,])

 #  jpeg(file = paste(getwd(), "/", foldername, "/mean_",
 #       BEMDEM$list_names_matrices[mx], ".jpeg", sep = ""))
 #   plot(population_results[,"Meanpop",mx], ylim = c(0, max(population_results[,"Meanpop",mx])), 
 #       main = paste("meanpopulation", BEMDEM$list_names_matrices[mx], foldername, sep = "_"),type = "l",  
 #        xlab = "Year", ylab = "Population") 
 #   dev.off()     
          } # end mx loop number 2, for eigenvalues. 

######## PLOTS ################ 
# plot EMAS
    jpeg(filename = paste(getwd(), "/", foldername, "/EMAs.jpeg", sep = ""), 
        width = 580, height = 480)
      #  matplot(t(simulation_results[, 8:(7+length(BEMDEM$years_projections))]), pch = 15, type = "l")
        for(mx in 1:length(BEMDEM$list_names_matrices)) 
         par(mar = c(7, 7, 4, 2) + 0.1, cex = 1.5)
           plot(simulation_results[mx, 8:(7+length(BEMDEM$years_projections))], 
           type = 'b', ylim = 
             range(simulation_results[, 8:c(7+length(BEMDEM$years_projections))])
                col = mx, xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE)
        par(new = TRUE)
             } # end mx loop number 3, for plotting EMAs 
           axis(1, at = 1:length(BEMDEM$years_projections), labels = FALSE)

         text(1:length(BEMDEM$years_projections), y = par("usr")[3] - 5, srt = 45, adj = 1,
                    labels = (BEMDEM$years_projections), xpd = TRUE)
         mtext(1, text = "Time", line = 6, cex = 1.7)
         mtext(2, text = "EMA (number of individuals)", line = 6, cex = 1.7)
         axis(2, xpd = TRUE, las = 1)
        legend("topright", legend = BEMDEM$list_names_matrices, col = 1:mx, fill = 1:mx)  
        title("EMA for different matrices", cex = 0.9)


#### plot population results     
          jpeg(filename = paste(getwd(), "/", foldername, "/population_results.jpeg", sep = ""), 
              width = 580, height = 480)
        for(mx in 1:length(BEMDEM$list_names_matrices)) 
         par(mar = c(7, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
           plot(population_results[,"Meanpop",mx], type = 'l', ylim = range(population_results[,1,]), 
                  col = mx, xlab = "", ylab = "EMA", axes = TRUE, lwd = 1.2)
             par(new = TRUE)
            plot(c(population_results[,"Meanpop",mx] + population_results[,"SD",mx]), type = 'l', lty = 2, 
               ylim = range(population_results[,1,]), 
               col = mx, xlab = "", ylab = "EMA", axes = FALSE)
            par(new = TRUE)
            plot(c(population_results[,"Meanpop",mx] - population_results[,"SD",mx]), type = 'l', lty = 2, 
               ylim = range(population_results[,1,]), 
               col = mx, xlab = "", ylab = "EMA", axes = FALSE)
            par(new = TRUE)
           } # end mx loop number 3, for plotting EMAs 
        legend("topright", legend = BEMDEM$list_names_matrices, col = 1:mx, fill = 1:mx)  
        title("Population sizes (+- 1 SD) for different scenarios")
  write.table(simulation_results, sep = ";", file = 
   		paste(getwd(), "/", foldername, "/population_results.csv", sep = ""), col.names = NA)         
  save(simulation_results, file =  
        paste(getwd(), "/", foldername, "/population_sizes.rda", sep = ""))
  save(metapop_results, file =  
        paste(getwd(), "/", foldername, "/metapop_results.rda", sep = ""))
  save(eigen_results, file = 
        paste(getwd(), "/", foldername, "/eigen_results.rda", sep = "")) 

  save(EMA, file = 
        paste(getwd(), "/", foldername, "/EMA.rda", sep = ""))

  save(population_results, file = paste(getwd(), "/", 
        foldername, "/population_results.rda", sep = ""))
  print("    All repetitions completed!", quote = FALSE)

}     # end fcn

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demoniche documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:45 p.m.