
Defines functions srtFREQ srtFREQ.formula crtFREQ crtFREQ.formula mstFREQ mstFREQ.formula crtBayes crtBayes.formula erantBAYES covSummary betaSummary esSummary schSummary esProb errantSummary bootCompile crt crtP crt.perm mst.perm crt.crt rbd rbdP rbd.rbd g.within g.total srt srt.srt caceCRTBoot crt.cace caceMSTBoot rbd.cace caceSRTBoot

Documented in caceCRTBoot caceMSTBoot caceSRTBoot crtBayes crtFREQ mstFREQ srtFREQ

#' Multisite trial data.
#' A multisite education trial data containing 54 schools.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Posttest. posttest scores
#'   \item Prettest. prettests scores
#'   \item Intervention. indicator for intervention groups 
#'coded as 1 for the intervention group and 0 for the control group.
#'   \item Compliance. percentage of intervention sessions attended by pupils
#'   \item Compliance. percentage of sessions attended by pupils
#'   \item School. numeric school identifier
#' }
#' @format A data frame with 210 rows and 5 variables
#' @name catcht


#' Cluster randomised trial data.
#' A cluster randomised trial data containing 22 schools.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Posttest. posttest scores
#'   \item Prettest. prettests scores
#'   \item Intervention. indicator for intervention groups 
#'coded as 1 for the intervention group and 0 for the control group.
#'   \item Compliance. percentage of sessions attended by pupils
#'   \item School. numeric school identifier
#' }
#' @format A data frame with 265 rows and 5 variables
#' @name iwq

#' @importFrom lme4 lmer ranef
#' @importFrom geoR rinvchisq
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm

############# SRT main functions ################################################

#' Analysis of Simple Randomised Trial (SRT).
#' \code{srtFREQ} perfoms analysis of education trials under the assumption of independent errors between pupils. 
#'This can also be used with schools as fixed effects.

#' @export
#' @param formula specifies the model to be analysed. It is of the form y~x1+x2+..., 
#' where y is the outcome variable and X's are the predictors.
#' @param intervention the name of the intervention variable as appeared in formula.  
#' This must be put in quotes.  For example "intervention" or "treatment" or "group".
#' @param nBoot number of bootstrap required to generate bootstrap confidence interval. Default is NULL.
#' @param nPerm number of permutations required to generate permutation p-value. Default  is NULL.
#' @param data data frame containing the data to be analysed. 
#' @return S3 \code{mcpi} object; a list consisting of
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{Beta}. Estimates and confidence intervals for the predictors specified in the model. 
#' It will be the slope for a continuous predictor and the mean difference for a dummy variable or a categorical predictor.
#' \item \code{ES}. Hedges' effect size for the intervention effect. 
#' If \code{nBoot} is not specified, the confidence intervals are classical 95% CIs based on standard error. 
#' If \code{nBoot} is specified, they are non-parametric bootstrapped confidence intervals.
#' \item \code{sigma2}. Residual variance. Its square root will generate a pooled standard deviation. 
#' \item \code{Perm}. A vector containing the distribution of effect size under the null hypothesis. It is produced only if \code{nPerm} is specified.
#' }
#' @example inst/examples/srtExample.R
srtFREQ <- function(formula,intervention,nBoot=NULL,nPerm=NULL,data)UseMethod("srtFREQ")

#' @export
srtFREQ.formula <- function(formula,intervention,nBoot=NULL,nPerm=NULL,data=data){
	if(!is.null(nPerm) & !is.null(nBoot)){stop("Either nPerm or nBoot must be unspecified")}
	if(is.null(nPerm)){nPerm <-0}
	if(is.null(nBoot)){nBoot <-0}
	tmp3 <- which(colnames(data)==intervention)
	data[,tmp3] <- as.factor(data[,tmp3])
	mf <- model.frame(formula=formula, data=data)
	fixedDesignMatrix <- as.matrix(data.frame(model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data=data)))
	tmp <- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix )
	tmp[1]  <- "Intercept"
	colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)<- tmp
	posttest <- model.response(mf)
      intervention <- intervention
	trt <- data[,which(colnames(data)==intervention)]

	if(length(tmp3)!= 1){stop("Intervention variable misspecified")}

	output <- srt(posttest=posttest,fixedDesignMatrix=fixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention,trt=trt)	


		if(nPerm<1000){stop("nPerm must be greater than 1000")}

		permES<- matrix(NA,nPerm,(length(unique(trt))-1))
		for (i in 1:nPerm){
			data[,which(colnames(data)==intervention)]<- sample(trt)
			fixedDesignMatrix <- as.matrix(data.frame(model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data=data)))

			p2CRTFREQ <-srt(posttest=posttest,fixedDesignMatrix=fixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention,trt=trt)	

			permES[i,]  <-  p2CRTFREQ$ES[,1]
		output$Perm<- data.frame(permES)

	if(nBoot > 0){

		if(nBoot<1000){stop("nBoot must be greater than 1000")}

		tid <- c(1:nrow(fixedDesignMatrix))

		bootSamples <- sapply(c(1:nBoot),function(x)sample(tid,replace=TRUE))

		bootResults <- data.frame(apply(bootSamples ,2,function(bt)srt.srt(posttest=posttest,fixedDesignMatrix=fixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention,bt=bt)))
		bootResults2 <- t(matrix(unlist(bootResults ),(length(unique(trt))-1),nBoot))
		bootES <- apply(bootResults2,2,function(x)quantile(x,prob=c(0.025,0.975)))
		bootES2 <- t(rbind(output$ES[,1],bootES ))
		row.names(bootES2)<- row.names(output$ES)
		colnames(bootES2)<- colnames(output$ES)
		colnames(bootResults2)<- row.names(output$ES)
		output$ES <-bootES2
		#output$Bootstrap <- bootResults2  



############# CRT main functions ################################################
#' Analysis of Cluster Randomised Trials using MLM.
#' \code{crtFREQ} is a frequentist method that can be used to calculate effect size from cluster randomised trials based on residual variance or total variance. .
#' @export
#' @param formula specifies the model to be analysed. It is of the form form y ~ x1+x2 +..., 
#' where y is the outcome variable and X's are the predictors.
#' @param random a string variable specifying the "clustering" variable as contained in the data.
#' This must be put between  quotes. For example, "school".
#' @param intervention specifies the name of the intervention variable as appeared in formula.
#' This must be put between quotes.  For example "intervention" or "treatment" or "group"..
#' @param nBoot number of bootstrap required to generate bootstrap confidence interval. Default is NULL. 
#' @param nPerm number of permutations required to generate permutation p-value. Default  is NULL.
#' @param data the data frame to be analysed. 
#' @return S3 object; a list consisting of
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{Beta}. Estimates and confidence intervals for the predictors specified in the model. 
#' It will be the slope for a continuous predictor and the mean difference for a dummy variable or a categorical predictor.
#' \item \code{ES}. Hedges' effect size for the intervention effect. If nBoot is not specified, 
#' the confidence intervals are 95% CIs based on standard error. If nBoot is specified, 
#' they are non-parametric bootstrapped confidence intervals.
#' \item \code{covParm}. A vector of variance decomposition into between-variance (Schools), within-variance (Pupils) and total variance.
#' It also contains the intra-cluster correlation (ICC).
#' \item \code{SchEffects}. Individual school effects at baseline.
#' \item \code{Perm}. A matrix of the distribution of ES under the null hypothesis. 
#' The two columns in the matrix represents ES based on within variance and total variance. 
#' Produced only if nPerm is specified.
#' }
#' @example inst/examples/crtExample.R
crtFREQ<- function(formula,random,intervention,nPerm=NULL,nBoot=NULL,data)UseMethod("crtFREQ")

#' @export
crtFREQ.formula <- function(formula,random,intervention,nPerm=NULL,nBoot=NULL,data){
	data <- data[order(data[,which(colnames(data)==random)]),]
	intervention <- intervention
	trt <- data[,which(colnames(data)==intervention)]
	tmp2 <- which(colnames(data)==random)
	cluster2 <-  data[,tmp2]

	chk <- sum(rowSums(table(cluster2,trt)!=0)>1)
	if(chk >0){stop("This not a CRT design")}
 	stp <- as.character(row.names(table(cluster2,trt)))
	stp2 <- as.numeric(apply(table(cluster2,trt),1,function(x)colnames(table(cluster2,trt))[x!=0]))

	if(!is.null(nPerm) & !is.null(nBoot)){stop("Either nPerm or nBoot must be unspecified")}
	if(is.null(nPerm)){nPerm <-0}
	if(is.null(nBoot)){nBoot <-0}
	tmp3 <- which(colnames(data)==intervention)
	data[,tmp3] <- as.factor(data[,tmp3])

	mf <- model.frame(formula=formula, data=data)
	mf <- mf[order(cluster2),]
	cluster <- cluster2[order(cluster2)]
	trt <- trt[order(cluster2)]
	fixedDesignMatrix <- as.matrix(data.frame(model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data=data)))
	tmp <- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix )
	tmp[1]  <- "Intercept"
	colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)<- tmp
	posttest <- model.response(mf)

	if(length(tmp2)!= 1){stop("Clustering variable misspecified")}
	if(length(tmp3)!= 1){stop("Intervention variable misspecified")}

	output <- crt(posttest=posttest,fixedDesignMatrix=fixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention,cluster=cluster)	

		if(nPerm<999){stop("nPerm must be atleast 999")}
		output$Perm<- crt.perm(formula,data,stp,stp2,intervention,cluster,nPerm,random)
		output$Perm <- round(data.frame(output$Perm),2)

	if(nBoot >0){

		tid <- c(1:nrow(fixedDesignMatrix))

		bootSamples <- NULL

		for(ii in 1:length(unique(cluster))){
			selID <- tid[cluster==unique(cluster)[ii]]
				selID2<- sapply(c(1:nBoot),function(x)sample(selID,length(selID),replace=TRUE))
				bootSamples <- rbind(bootSamples ,selID2)

		bootResults <- apply(bootSamples ,2,function(bt)crt.crt(posttest=posttest,fixedDesignMatrix=fixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention,cluster=cluster,bt=bt))
		bootES <- bootCompile(output=output,trt=trt,bootResults=bootResults)
		output$ES <- bootES
		output$Bootstrap <- round(data.frame(bootResults),2)  


############# MST main functions ################################################

############# MST main functions ################################################
#' Analysis of Multisite Randomised Trials using MMLM.
#' \code{mstFREQ} implemented multilevel model for analysing randomised multisite trials with schools and school by intervention interactions specified as random effects
#' @export
#' @param formula specifies the model to be analysed. It is of the form form y ~ x1+x2 +...., 
#' where y is the outcome variable and X's are the predictors.
#' @param random a string variable specifying the "clustering" variable as contained in the data.
#' This must be put between  quotes. For example, "school".
#' @param intervention specifies the name of the intervention variable as appeared in formula.
#' This must be put between quotes.  For example "intervention" or "treatment" or "group"..
#' @param nBoot number of bootstrap required to generate bootstrap confidence interval. Default is NULL. 
#' @param nPerm number of permutations required to generate permutation p-value. Default  is NULL.
#' @param data the data frame to be analysed. 
#' @return S3 object; a list consisting of
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{Beta}. Estimates and confidence intervals for the predictors specified in the model. 
#' It will be the slope for a continuous predictor and the mean difference for a dummy variable or a categorical predictor.
#' \item \code{ES}. Hedges' effect size for the intervention effect. If nBoot is not specified, 
#' the confidence intervals are 95% CIs based on standard error. If nBoot is specified, 
#' they are non-parametric bootstrapped confidence intervals.
#' \item \code{covParm}. A vector of variance decomposition into between-variance (Schools), within-variance (Pupils) and total variance.
#' It also contains the intra-cluster correlation (ICC).
#' \item \code{SchEffects}. Individual school effects at baseline.
#' \item \code{Perm}. A matrix of the distribution of ES under the null hypothesis. 
#' The two columns in the matrix represents ES based on within variance and total variance. 
#' Produced only if nPerm is specified.
#' }
#' @example inst/examples/mstExample.R
mstFREQ<- function(formula,random,intervention,nPerm=NULL,data,nBoot=NULL)UseMethod("mstFREQ")

#' @export
mstFREQ.formula <- function(formula,random,intervention,nPerm=NULL,data,nBoot=NULL){

	data <- data[order(data[,which(colnames(data)==random)],data[,which(colnames(data)==intervention)]),]
	trt <- data[,which(colnames(data)==intervention)]
	tmp2 <- which(colnames(data)==random)
	cluster2 = data[,tmp2]

	chk <- sum(rowSums(table(cluster2,trt)!=0)>1)
	if(chk ==0){stop("This not an MST design")}
	if(!is.null(nPerm) & !is.null(nBoot)){stop("Either nPerm or nBoot must be unspecified")}
	if(is.null(nPerm)){nPerm <-0}
	if(is.null(nBoot)){nBoot <-0}

	tmp3 <- which(colnames(data)==intervention)
	data[,tmp3] <- as.factor(data[,tmp3])
	mf <- model.frame(formula=formula, data=data)
	mf <- mf[order(cluster2),]
	cluster <- cluster2[order(cluster2)]
	trt <- trt[order(cluster2)]
	fixedDesignMatrix <- as.matrix(data.frame(model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data=data)))
	tmp <- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix )
	tmp[1]  <- "Intercept"
	colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)<- tmp
	posttest <- model.response(mf)
      intervention <- intervention
	trt <- data[,which(colnames(data)==intervention)]

	if(length(tmp2)!= 1){stop("Clustering variable misspecified")}
	if(length(tmp3)!= 1){stop("Intervention variable misspecified")}

	output <- rbd(posttest=posttest,fixedDesignMatrix=fixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention,trt=trt,cluster=cluster)	

	if(nPerm > 0){

		if(nPerm<999){stop("nPerm must be atleast 999")}
		output$Perm <- mst.perm(formula,data,trt,intervention,nPerm,random,cluster)
		output$Perm <- round(data.frame(output$Perm),2)


		tid <- c(1:nrow(fixedDesignMatrix))

		bootSamples <- NULL

		for(ii in 1:length(unique(cluster))){
			selID <- tid[cluster==unique(cluster)[ii]]
				selID2<- sapply(c(1:nBoot),function(x)sample(selID,length(selID),replace=TRUE))
				bootSamples <- rbind(bootSamples ,selID2)
		bootResults <- apply(bootSamples ,2,function(bt)rbd.rbd(posttest=posttest,fixedDesignMatrix=fixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention,trt=trt,cluster=cluster,bt=bt))

		bootES <- bootCompile(output=output,trt=trt,bootResults=bootResults)
		output$ES <- bootES
		output$Bootstrap <- round(data.frame(bootResults),2)  



############# Bayesian analysis of cluster randomised trials

#' Bayesia analysis of cluster randomised trials Using vague priors.
#' \code{crtBayes} performs analysis of cluster randomised trial using multilevel model within the Bayesian framework 
#' assuming vague priors.
#' @export
#' @param formula specifies the model to be analysed. It is of the form form y ~ x1+x2 +..., 
#' where y is the outcome variable and X's are the predictors.
#' @param random a string variable specifying the "clustering" variable as contained in the data.
#' This must be put between  quotes. For example, "school".
#' @param intervention specifies the name of the intervention variable as appeared in formula.
#' This must be put between quotes.  For example "intervention" or "treatment" or "group"..
#' @param nSim number of MCMC simulations to generate samples from full conditional posterior distributions. 
#' A minimum of 10,000 is recommended.
#' @param data specifies data frame containing the data to be analysed. 
#' @return S3 \code{mcpi} object; a list consisting of
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{Beta}. Estimates and confidence intervals for the predictors specified in the model. 
#' It will be a slope for a continuous predictor and a mean difference for a dummy variable or a categorical predictor.
#' \item \code{ES}. Effect size for the intervention effect.
#' \item \code{covParm}. A vector of variance decomposition into between-variance (Schools), within-variance (Pupils) and total variance.
#' It also contains the intra-cluster correlation (ICC).
#' \item \code{ProbES}. A maxtrix containing the probability of observing ES greater than a pre-specified value. First column is for within-variance, second column for between-variance and the third column for total-variance.
#' \item \code{SchEffects}. Individual school effects at baseline.
#' }
#' @example inst/examples/bayesExample.R
crtBayes <- function(formula,random,intervention,nSim,data)UseMethod("crtBayes")

#' @export
crtBayes.formula <- function(formula,random,intervention,nSim=nSim,data){
	data <- data[order(data[,which(colnames(data)==random)],data[,which(colnames(data)==intervention)]),]
	tmp3 <- which(colnames(data)==intervention)
	data[,tmp3] <- as.factor(data[,tmp3])
	tmp2 <- which(colnames(data)==random)
	cluster2 = data[,tmp2]

	mf <- model.frame(formula=formula, data=data)
	mf <- mf[order(cluster2),]
	fixedDesignMatrix <- as.matrix(data.frame(model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data=data)))
	tmp <- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix )
	tmp[1]  <- "Intercept"
	colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)<- tmp
	posttest <- model.response(mf)
      intervention <- intervention
	trt <- data[,which(colnames(data)==intervention)]
	tmp2 <- which(colnames(data)==random)
	cluster <- cluster2[order(cluster2)]
	if(length(tmp2)!= 1){stop("Clustering variable misspecified")}
	if(length(tmp3)!= 1){stop("Intervention variable misspecified")}

	if(nsim < 10000){stop("nsim >= 10000 is recommended")}

	BayesOutput <- erantBAYES(posttest=posttest,fixedDesignMatrix=fixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention,cluster=cluster, nsim=nsim)
	output  <- errantSummary(bayesObject=BayesOutput,fixedDesignMatrix=fixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention)
	output$SchEffects <- data.frame(Schools=unique(cluster),output$SchEffects)
	colnames(output$SchEffects ) <- c("Schools","Estimate","95% LB", "95% UB")

############# Bayesian functions ################################################

## Gibbs sampling - internal
erantBAYES<- function(posttest,fixedDesignMatrix,intervention,cluster, nsim) {
	cluster <- as.factor(cluster)   
	randomDesignMatrix <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(lm(posttest~cluster-1,x=TRUE)$x))
	nschools <- ncol(randomDesignMatrix )
	npar <- ncol(fixedDesignMatrix)
	totalObservations <- nrow(randomDesignMatrix )
	lgrp <- nchar(paste(intervention))
	sgrp <- substring(colnames(fixedDesignMatrix),1,lgrp)
	ssgrp <- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)[sgrp==intervention]
	iindex <- which(sgrp==intervention)	

	ncluster <- tapply(cluster,cluster,length)

  	# Initial values  #
	beta <- summary(lm(posttest~fixedDesignMatrix))$coef[,1]
	sigma2.ui <- 1
	b <- rnorm(nschools,0,1)

  	# Output matrix #

  	nused <- floor(nsim/2)
  	nburnin <-  nsim-nused
  	outputbik <- matrix(0,nused,nschools)
  	outputCov <- matrix(0,nused,4)
      outputES <- matrix(0,nused,3*length(ssgrp) )
      outputBeta <- matrix(0,nused,npar)

	for (i in 1:nsim){


		# Update sigma2.e
		Ve <- totalObservations
		s2e0 <- fixedDesignMatrix %*% t(t(beta))
            s2e1 <-  t(matrix(bmat,nrow=nschools,ncol=totalObservations))
   		s2e2 <- randomDesignMatrix*s2e1 
           	s2e3 <- t(t(posttest))-s2e0 -rowSums(s2e2) 
		s2e <- (t(s2e3)%*%s2e3)/Ve
   		sigma2.e<-rinvchisq(1, Ve, s2e)

 		# Update sigma2.ui
		Vui <- nschools 
		s2ui <- (t(bmat)%*%bmat)/Vui

 		# Update b
		usim1 <- t(t(posttest))-s2e0
  		usim2<- tapply(usim1,cluster,mean)
		uV0 <- (ncluster +  as.numeric(sigma2.e/sigma2.ui))^-1
		uV <-  diag(as.numeric(sigma2.e)*uV0 )
            ui <- ncluster*uV0*usim2
   		b <-rmvnorm(1,ui,uV)

		# Update Beta 
            beta1 <-solve(t(fixedDesignMatrix) %*% fixedDesignMatrix )
		beta2 <-  t(matrix(bmat,nrow=nschools,ncol=totalObservations))
   		beta3 <- randomDesignMatrix*beta2
		beta4 <- t(t(posttest)) -rowSums(beta3)
            beta5 <- t(fixedDesignMatrix)%*% beta4
		beta6 <- beta1 %*% beta5 
   		vbeta<- beta1*as.numeric(sigma2.e )

   		if(i > nburnin ){ 
  			outputbik[(i-nburnin),] <- as.numeric(b)
  			outputCov[(i-nburnin),] <- c(sigma2.e,sigma2.ui,sigma2.e+sigma2.ui,(sigma2.ui)/(sigma2.e+sigma2.ui))
  			outputBeta[(i-nburnin),] <- as.numeric(beta)
  			outputES[(i-nburnin),] <- c(sapply(treatment,function(x)x/sqrt(c(sigma2.e,(sigma2.ui),sigma2.e+sigma2.ui))))

      esF <- c("Within","Between","Total")

      es.names <- c(sapply(ssgrp,function(x)paste(x,esF,sep="") ))
      colnames(outputBeta)<- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)
	colnames(outputCov) <- c("Within","Between","Total","ICC")
	colnames(outputES) <- es.names
	colnames(outputbik) <- unique(cluster )

 	Output <- list(randomEffects=outputbik,CovParameters=outputCov,Beta=outputBeta,ES=outputES)

## summarise covariance parameters - internal

covSummary <- function(bayesObject){

	covParm <- bayesObject$CovParameters
      covParm2 <- colMeans(covParm) # remove all roundings that appear in the middle of functions 
      covParm3 <- t(apply(covParm,2,function(x)quantile(x,prob=c(0.025,0.975))))
	covParm4 <- data.frame(cbind(covParm2,covParm3))
	covParm5 <- sqrt(covParm4)
	colnames(covParm4) <- c("Variance","95% LB","95% UB")
	rownames(covParm4) <- c("Pupils","Schools","Total","ICC")
	covParm5 <- covParm4[,1]

## summarise beta parameters - internal
betaSummary <- function(bayesObject){

	betaParm <- bayesObject$Beta
      betaParm2 <- colMeans(betaParm)
      betaParm3 <- t(apply(betaParm,2,function(x)quantile(x,prob=c(0.025,0.975))))
	betaParm4 <- data.frame(cbind(betaParm2,betaParm3))
	colnames(betaParm4) <- c("Estimate","95% LB","95% UB")
	rownames(betaParm4) <- colnames(betaParm)

## summarise Effect sizes - internal
esSummary <- function(bayesObject,fixedDesignMatrix,intervention){

	esParm <- bayesObject$ES
      esParm2 <- colMeans(esParm)
      esParm3 <- t(apply(esParm,2,function(x)quantile(x,prob=c(0.025,0.975))))
	esParm4 <- data.frame(cbind(esParm2,esParm3))
	colnames(esParm4) <- c("Estimate","95% LB","95% UB")
	btp <- nrow(esParm4)
      if(btp <=3){return(round(esParm4,2))}

	if(btp >3){
		btp2 <- seq(3,btp,3)
		btp3 <- seq(1,btp,3)
		ouptut <- list()
		for(i in 1:length(btp2)){
			ouptut[[i]] <- round(esParm4[btp3[i]:btp2[i],],2)
	rname <- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)[substring(colnames(fixedDesignMatrix),1,nchar(intervention))==intervention]
	names(ouptut)<- rname

## summarise random effects - internal

schSummary <- function(bayesObject){

	schParm <- bayesObject$randomEffects
      schParm2 <- colMeans(schParm)
      schParm3 <- t(apply(schParm,2,function(x)quantile(x,prob=c(0.025,0.975))))
	schParm4 <- data.frame(cbind(schParm2,schParm3))
	colnames(schParm4) <- c("Estimate","95% LB","95% UB")
	schParm5<- schParm4


##summarise minimum expected effect size - internal
esProb <- function(bayesObject,esOutput){
      es <- seq(0,1,0.1)
	esParm <- bayesObject$ES 
      esParm2 <- sapply(es,function(x)colMeans(esParm>=x))
	esParm4 <- data.frame(cbind(ES=es,t(esParm2)))
	rownames(esParm4) <- NULL

##summarise all bayesian parameters - internal
errantSummary <- function(bayesObject,fixedDesignMatrix,intervention){
	covValues <- covSummary(bayesObject=bayesObject)
	covValues <- data.frame(covValues[c(2,1,3,4)])
	row.names(covValues ) <- c("Schools","Pupils","Total","ICC")
	covValues <- t(covValues )
	row.names(covValues ) <- NULL
	betaValues <- betaSummary(bayesObject=bayesObject)
	esValues <- esSummary(bayesObject,fixedDesignMatrix,intervention)
	schValues <-schSummary(bayesObject=bayesObject)
	es.prob <- esProb(bayesObject=bayesObject,esOutput=esValues)
      output <- list(Beta=round(betaValues,2),covParm= round(covValues,2),ES=round(esValues,2),ProbES=round(data.frame(es.prob),2),SchEffects=round(schValues,2))

## compile bootstrap results - internal
bootCompile <- function(output,trt,bootResults){

	withinBoot <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(bootResults),ncol=(length(unique(trt ))-1))
	totalBoot <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(bootResults),ncol=(length(unique(trt ))-1))
	for(k in 1:length(bootResults)){
		tmp <- bootResults[[k]]
		tmpR <- NULL
		for(j in 1:length(tmp)){
			tmpR  <- c(tmpR,tmp[[j]][,1])
		withinBoot[k,] <- tmpR[seq(1,2*length(tmp),2)]
		totalBoot[k,] <- tmpR[seq(2,2*length(tmp),2)]

	withinCI <- apply(withinBoot,2,function(x)quantile(x,prob=c(0.025,0.975)))
	TotalCI <- apply(totalBoot,2,function(x)quantile(x,prob=c(0.025,0.975)))
	tmpES <- list()
	for(kk in 1:length(output$ES)){
		tmp1 <- rbind(withinCI[,kk], TotalCI[,kk])
		tmp2 <- cbind(output$ES[[kk]][,1],tmp1)
		colnames(tmp2 )<- c("Estimate","95% LB","95% UB")
		row.names(tmp2)	<- c("Within","Total")
		tmpES[[kk]] <- round(tmp2,2)
	names(tmpES) <- names(output$ES)


## random intercept model - internal
crt <- function(posttest,fixedDesignMatrix,intervention,cluster){
	freqFit <- lmer(posttest~ fixedDesignMatrix-1+ (1|cluster))
      np<- row.names(summary(freqFit)$coef)
      cit <- confint(freqFit,np)
	betaB <- data.frame(cbind(summary(freqFit)$coefficients[,1],cit))
	row.names(betaB)<- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)
	colnames(betaB) <- c("Estimate","95% LB ","95% UB")
	betaB <- betaB
	var.B<- as.numeric(summary(freqFit)$varcor)
	var.W<- summary(freqFit)$sigma^2
	var.tt <- var.W+var.B
	ICC <- var.B/var.tt
	sigmaBE <- c(var.B,var.W,var.B+var.W,(var.B/(var.B+var.W)))
	sigmaBE <- sigmaBE
	names(sigmaBE)<- c("Schools","Pupils","Total","ICC")
      schRand <- data.frame(unique(cluster),ranef(freqFit)$cluster)
	names(schRand)<- c("Schools","Estimate")
	btp <- which(substring(row.names(betaB),1,nchar(intervention))==intervention)
      output2 <- list()
	for( i in 1:length(btp )){
		beta <- betaB[btp[i],1]
      	group <- fixedDesignMatrix[,btp[i]]

  		esWithin <- g.within(var.w=var.W, beta=beta, icc=ICC , group=group, schoolID=cluster)
  		esTotal <- g.total(var.tt=var.tt, beta=beta, icc=ICC , group=group, schoolID=cluster)
		output1 <- data.frame(rbind(esWithin,esTotal))
		colnames(output1) <- c("Estimate","95% LB","95% UB")
		rownames(output1) <- c("Within","Total")
		output2[[i]] <- round(output1,2)
	names(output2) <- row.names(betaB)[btp]
      output <- list(Beta=round(betaB,2),covParm=round(sigmaBE,2),ES=output2,SchEffects=round(schRand,2))



## internal
crtP <- function(posttest,fixedDesignMatrix,intervention,cluster){
	freqFit <- lmer(posttest~ fixedDesignMatrix-1+ (1|cluster))
	betaB <- data.frame(summary(freqFit)$coefficients[,1])
	row.names(betaB)<- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)
	#colnames(betaB) <- c("Estimate","95% LB ","95% UB")
	betaB <- betaB
	var.B<- as.numeric(summary(freqFit)$varcor)
	var.W<- summary(freqFit)$sigma^2
	var.tt <- var.W+var.B
	ICC <- var.B/var.tt
	sigmaBE <- c(var.B,var.W)
	sigmaBE <- sigmaBE
	btp <- which(substring(row.names(betaB),1,nchar(intervention))==intervention)
      output2 <- list()
	for( i in 1:length(btp )){
		beta <- betaB[btp[i],1]
      	group <- fixedDesignMatrix[,btp[i]]

  		esWithin <- g.within(var.w=var.W, beta=beta, icc=ICC , group=group, schoolID=cluster)
  		esTotal <- g.total(var.tt=var.tt, beta=beta, icc=ICC , group=group, schoolID=cluster)
		output1 <- data.frame(rbind(esWithin,esTotal))
		colnames(output1) <- c("Estimate","95% LB","95% UB")
		rownames(output1) <- c("Within","Total")
		output2[[i]] <- round(output1,2)
	names(output2) <- row.names(betaB)[btp]
      output <- list(ES=output2)



## - internal

crt.perm <- function(formula,data,stp,stp2,intervention,cluster,nPerm,random){

		data2 <- data[,-which(colnames(data)==intervention)]
		g <- matrix(NA,nPerm,2*(length(unique(stp2))-1))

		for(i in 1:nPerm){
			tp3 <- data.frame(stp,sample(stp2))
			names(tp3) <- c(paste(random),paste(intervention))
			data.tp4 <- merge(data2,tp3,by=random)
			data.tp4 <- data.tp4[order(data.tp4[,which(colnames(data.tp4)==random)]),]
			cluster = data.tp4[,which(colnames(data.tp4)==random)]
			mf <- model.frame(formula=formula, data=data.tp4)
			fixedDesignMatrix <- as.matrix(data.frame(model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data=data.tp4)))
			tmp <- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix )
			tmp[1]  <- "Intercept"
			colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)<- tmp
			posttest <- model.response(mf)
      		intervention <- intervention
			p2CRTFREQ <-crtP(posttest=posttest,fixedDesignMatrix=fixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention,cluster=cluster)	
			chkppp <- unlist(p2CRTFREQ$ES)[c(1,2)]
			chkppp2 <- c(seq(1,6*(length(unique(tp3[,2]))-1),6),seq(2,6*(length(unique(tp3[,2]))-1),6))
			chkppp3 <- chkppp2[order(chkppp2)] 
			g[i,]  <-  chkppp[chkppp3]
			ntpp <- rep(names(p2CRTFREQ$ES),2)
			ntpp <- ntpp[order(ntpp )]
			wt <- rep(c("Within","Total"),length(names(p2CRTFREQ$ES)))
			colnames(g) <- paste(ntpp ,wt,sep="")

## - internal

mst.perm <- function(formula,data,trt,intervention,nPerm,random,cluster){

		data2 <- data
		g <- matrix(NA,nPerm,2*(length(unique(trt))-1))
		for(i in 1:nPerm){
			data3 <- data2[order(data2[,which(colnames(data2)==random)],data2[,which(colnames(data2)==intervention)]),]
			cluster = data3[,which(colnames(data3)==random)]
			 mf <- model.frame(formula=formula, data=data3)
			fixedDesignMatrix <- as.matrix(data.frame(model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data=data3)))
			tmp <- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix )
			tmp[1]  <- "Intercept"
			colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)<- tmp
			posttest <- model.response(mf)
      		intervention <- intervention
			trt2 <- data3[,which(colnames(data3)==intervention)]	
			p2CRTFREQ <-rbdP(posttest=posttest,fixedDesignMatrix=fixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention,trt=trt2,cluster=cluster)	

			chkppp <- unlist(p2CRTFREQ$ES)
			chkppp2 <- c(seq(1,6*(length(unique(trt))-1),6),seq(2,6*(length(unique(trt))-1),6))
			chkppp3 <- chkppp2[order(chkppp2)] 
			g[i,]  <-  chkppp[chkppp3]
			ntpp <- rep(names(p2CRTFREQ$ES),2)
			ntpp <- ntpp[order(ntpp )]
			wt <- rep(c("Within","Total"),length(names(p2CRTFREQ$ES)))
			colnames(g) <- paste(ntpp ,wt,sep="")


## - internal
crt.crt<- function(posttest,fixedDesignMatrix,intervention,cluster,bt){
	posttest2 <- posttest[bt]
	fixedDesignMatrix2 <- fixedDesignMatrix[bt,]
	cluster2 <- cluster[bt]

	freqFit <- try(lmer(posttest2~ fixedDesignMatrix2-1+(1|cluster2)),silent=TRUE)
	output2 <- NULL

	betaB <- data.frame(summary(freqFit)$coefficients[,1])
	row.names(betaB)<- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)
	betaB <- betaB
	var.B2<- as.matrix(summary(freqFit)$varcor)
	var.B3 <- c(matrix(attr(var.B2[[1]],"stddev")))
	var.B <- var.B3^2
	var.W<- summary(freqFit)$sigma^2
	var.tt <- var.W+var.B
	ICC <- var.B/var.tt
	sigmaBE <- c(var.B,var.W)
	sigmaBE <- sigmaBE
	names(sigmaBE)<- c("Schools","Pupils")

	btp <- which(substring(row.names(betaB),1,nchar(intervention))==intervention)
      output2 <- list()
	for( i in 1:length(btp )){
		beta <- betaB[btp[i],1]
      	group <- fixedDesignMatrix[,btp[i]]

  		esWithin <- beta/sqrt(var.W)
  		esTotal <- beta/sqrt(var.tt) 
		output1 <- data.frame(rbind(esWithin,esTotal))
		names(output1) <- c("Estimate")
		rownames(output1) <- c("Within","Total")
		output2[[i]] <- output1
	names(output2) <- row.names(betaB)[btp]

## - internal

rbd <- function(posttest,fixedDesignMatrix,intervention,trt,cluster){

	freqFit <- lmer(posttest~ fixedDesignMatrix-1+(1|trt:cluster)+(1|cluster))
      np<- row.names(summary(freqFit)$coef)
      cit <- confint(freqFit,np)
	betaB <- data.frame(cbind(summary(freqFit)$coefficients[,1],cit))
	row.names(betaB)<- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)
	colnames(betaB) <- c("Estimate","95% LB ","95% UB")
	betaB <- betaB
	var.B2<- as.matrix(summary(freqFit)$varcor)
	var.B3 <- c(c(matrix(attr(var.B2[[1]],"stddev"))),c(matrix(attr(var.B2[[2]],"stddev"))))
	var.B3 <- var.B3^2
	var.sch <- var.B3[1]
	var.schTrt <- var.B3[2]	
	var.B <- sum(var.B3)
	var.W<- summary(freqFit)$sigma^2
	var.tt <- var.W+var.B
	ICC <- var.B/var.tt
	sigmaBE <- c(var.sch,var.schTrt,var.W,var.tt,ICC )
	sigmaBE <- sigmaBE
	names(sigmaBE)<- c("Schools","Intervention:School","Pupils","Total","ICC")
      schRand <- data.frame(unique(cluster),ranef(freqFit)$cluster)
	names(schRand)<- c("Schools","Estimate")
	btp <- which(substring(row.names(betaB),1,nchar(intervention))==intervention)
      output2 <- list()
	for( i in 1:length(btp )){
		beta <- betaB[btp[i],1]
      	group <- fixedDesignMatrix[,btp[i]]

  		esWithin <- g.within(var.w=var.W, beta=beta, icc=ICC , group=group, schoolID=cluster)
  		esTotal <- g.total(var.tt=var.tt, beta=beta, icc=ICC , group=group, schoolID=cluster)
		output1 <- data.frame(rbind(esWithin,esTotal))
		colnames(output1) <- c("Estimate","95% LB","95% UB")
		rownames(output1) <- c("Within","Total")
		output2[[i]] <- round(output1,2)
	names(output2) <- row.names(betaB)[btp]
      output <- list(Beta=round(betaB,2),covParm=round(sigmaBE,2),ES=output2,SchEffects=round(schRand,2))


## - internal

rbdP <- function(posttest,fixedDesignMatrix,intervention,trt,cluster){

	freqFit <- lmer(posttest~ fixedDesignMatrix-1+(1|trt:cluster)+(1|cluster))

	betaB <- data.frame(summary(freqFit)$coefficients)
	row.names(betaB)<- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)
	#colnames(betaB) <- c("Estimate","95% LB ","95% UB")
	betaB <- betaB
	var.B2<- as.matrix(summary(freqFit)$varcor)
	var.B3 <- c(c(matrix(attr(var.B2[[1]],"stddev"))),c(matrix(attr(var.B2[[2]],"stddev"))))
	var.B3 <- var.B3^2
	var.sch <- var.B3[1]
	var.schTrt <- var.B3[2]	
	var.B <- sum(var.B3)
	var.W<- summary(freqFit)$sigma^2
	var.tt <- var.W+var.B
	ICC <- var.B/var.tt
	sigmaBE <- c(var.sch,var.schTrt,var.W)
	sigmaBE <- sigmaBE
	names(sigmaBE)<- c("Schools","Intervention:School","Pupils")
      schRand <- data.frame(ranef(freqFit)$cluster)
	names(schRand)<- "Estimate"
	btp <- which(substring(row.names(betaB),1,nchar(intervention))==intervention)
      output2 <- list()
	for( i in 1:length(btp )){
		beta <- betaB[btp[i],1]
      	group <- fixedDesignMatrix[,btp[i]]

  		esWithin <- g.within(var.w=var.W, beta=beta, icc=ICC , group=group, schoolID=cluster)
  		esTotal <- g.total(var.tt=var.tt, beta=beta, icc=ICC , group=group, schoolID=cluster)
		output1 <- data.frame(rbind(esWithin,esTotal))
		colnames(output1) <- c("Estimate","95% LB","95% UB")
		rownames(output1) <- c("Within","Total")
		output2[[i]] <- round(output1,2)
	names(output2) <- row.names(betaB)[btp]
      output <- list(ES=output2)


## - internal

rbd.rbd <- function(posttest,fixedDesignMatrix,intervention,trt,cluster,bt){
	posttest2 <- posttest[bt]
	fixedDesignMatrix2 <- fixedDesignMatrix[bt,]
	trt2 <- trt[bt]
	cluster2 <- cluster[bt]

	freqFit <- try(lmer(posttest2~ fixedDesignMatrix2-1+(1|trt2:cluster2)+(1|cluster2)),silent=TRUE)
	output2 <- NULL

	betaB <- data.frame(summary(freqFit)$coefficients[,1])
	row.names(betaB)<- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)
	betaB <- betaB
	var.B2<- as.matrix(summary(freqFit)$varcor)
	var.B3 <- c(c(matrix(attr(var.B2[[1]],"stddev"))),c(matrix(attr(var.B2[[2]],"stddev"))))
	var.B3 <- var.B3^2
	var.sch <- var.B3[1]
	var.schTrt <- var.B3[2]	
	var.B <- sum(var.B3)
	var.W<- summary(freqFit)$sigma^2
	var.tt <- var.W+var.B
	ICC <- var.B/var.tt
	sigmaBE <- c(var.sch,var.schTrt,var.W)
	sigmaBE <- sigmaBE
	names(sigmaBE)<- c("Schools","Intervention:School","Pupils")

	btp <- which(substring(row.names(betaB),1,nchar(intervention))==intervention)
      output2 <- list()
	for( i in 1:length(btp )){
		beta <- betaB[btp[i],1]
      	group <- fixedDesignMatrix[,btp[i]]

  		esWithin <- beta/sqrt(var.W)
  		esTotal <- beta/sqrt(var.tt) 
		output1 <- data.frame(rbind(esWithin,esTotal))
		names(output1) <- c("Estimate")
		rownames(output1) <- c("Within","Total")
		output2[[i]] <- output1
	names(output2) <- row.names(betaB)[btp]

## - internal

g.within <- function(var.w, beta, icc, group, schoolID){
   t <- group; id <- schoolID
   d.w <- (beta/sqrt(var.w))
   n.it <- table(id[t==1]); n.ic <- table(id[t==0])
   m.t <- length(unique(id[t==1])); m.c <- length(unique(id[t==0]))
   M <- (m.t + m.c)
   N.t <- sum(table(id[t==1])); N.c <- sum(table(id[t==0]))
   N <- (N.t + N.c)
   n.sim.1 <- ((N.c * sum(n.it^2))/(as.numeric(N.t)*as.numeric(N)))
   n.sim.2 <- ((N.t * sum(n.ic^2))/(as.numeric(N.c)*as.numeric(N)))
   n.sim <- (n.sim.1 + n.sim.2)
   vterm1 <- ((N.t+N.c)/(as.numeric(N.t)*as.numeric(N.c)))
   vterm2 <- (((1+(n.sim-1)*icc))/(1-icc))
   vterm3 <- ((d.w^2)/(2*(N-M)))
   se <- sqrt(vterm1*vterm2+vterm3)
   LB <- (d.w-1.96*se); UB <- (d.w+1.96*se)
   output <- data.frame(d.w, LB, UB)
   names(output) <- c("g", "LB", "UB")

## - internal

g.total <- function(var.tt, beta, icc, group, schoolID){
   t <- group; id <- schoolID
   n.it <- table(id[t==1]); n.ic <- table(id[t==0])
   m.t <- length(unique(id[t==1])); m.c <- length(unique(id[t==0]))
   M <- (m.t + m.c)
   N.t <- sum(table(id[t==1])); N.c <- sum(table(id[t==0]))
   N <- (N.t + N.c)
   n.ut <- ((N.t^2-sum(n.it^2))/(as.numeric(N.t)*as.numeric(m.t-1)))
   n.uc <- ((N.c^2-sum(n.ic^2))/(as.numeric(N.c)*as.numeric(m.c-1)))
   dt.1 <- (beta/sqrt(var.tt))
   dt.2 <- sqrt(1-icc*(((N-n.ut*m.t-n.uc*m.c)+n.ut+n.uc-2)/(N-2)))
   d.t <- (dt.1*dt.2)
   n.sim.1 <- ((as.numeric(N.c) * sum(n.it^2))/(as.numeric(N.t)*as.numeric(N)))
   n.sim.2 <- ((as.numeric(N.t) * sum(n.ic^2))/(as.numeric(N.c)*as.numeric(N)))
   n.sim <- (n.sim.1 + n.sim.2)
   B <- (n.ut*(m.t-1)+n.uc*(m.c-1))
   A.t <- ((as.numeric(N.t)^2*sum(n.it^2)+(sum(n.it^2))^2-2*as.numeric(N.t)*sum(n.it^3))/as.numeric(N.t)^2)
   A.c <- ((as.numeric(N.c)^2*sum(n.ic^2)+(sum(n.ic^2))^2-2*as.numeric(N.c)*sum(n.ic^3))/as.numeric(N.c)^2)
   A <- (A.t + A.c)
   vterm1 <- (((N.t+N.c)/(as.numeric(N.t)*as.numeric(N.c)))*(1+(n.sim-1)*icc))
   vterm2 <- (((N-2)*(1-icc)^2+A*icc^2+2*B*icc*(1-icc))*d.t^2)
   vterm3 <- (2*(N-2)*((N-2)-icc*(N-2-B)))
   se <- sqrt(vterm1+vterm2/vterm3)
   LB <- (d.t-1.96*se); UB <- (d.t+1.96*se)
   output <- data.frame(d.t, LB, UB)
   names(output)<- c("g", "LB", "UB")

## - internal
srt <- function(posttest,fixedDesignMatrix,intervention,trt){
	freqFit <- lm(posttest~ fixedDesignMatrix-1)
      cit <- confint(freqFit)
	citt <- rowSums(is.na(cit))
	betaB <- data.frame(cbind(summary(freqFit)$coefficients[which(citt==0),1],cit[which(citt==0),]))
	row.names(betaB)<- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)[which(citt==0)]
	colnames(betaB) <- c("Estimate","95% LB ","95% UB")
	betaB <- betaB

	btp <- which(substring(row.names(betaB),1,nchar(intervention))==intervention)
	btp2 <- which(substring(colnames(fixedDesignMatrix),1,nchar(intervention))==intervention)

	tmpTRT <- table(trt)      
      output2 <- NULL
	for( i in 1:length(btp )){
  		beta <- betaB[btp[i],1]
   		sd.pool <- summary(freqFit)$sigma
   		cd <- (beta/sd.pool)
             trt2 <- unique(fixedDesignMatrix[,btp2[i]])
		n.c <- tmpTRT[names(tmpTRT)==trt2[2]] 
		n.t <- tmpTRT[names(tmpTRT)==trt2[1]] 
   		var.cd <- ((n.t+n.c)/(n.t*n.c)+cd^2/(2*(n.t+n.c)))
   		se.cd <- sqrt(var.cd)
   		cd.lb <- (cd - 1.96*se.cd)
   		cd.ub <- (cd + 1.96*se.cd)
   		j.df <- (1 - (3/(4*(n.t+n.c-2)-1)))
   		g <- (j.df*cd)
   		var.g <- (j.df^2 * var.cd)
   		se.g <- sqrt(var.g)
   		g.lb <- (g - 1.96*se.g)
   		g.ub <- (g + 1.96*se.g)
  		gtmp <- round(data.frame(g, g.lb, g.ub),2)
		output2 <- rbind(output2,gtmp)
	names(output2)<- c("Estimate","95% LB","95% UB")
	row.names(output2) <- row.names(betaB)[btp]
      output <- list(Beta=round(betaB,2),ES=round(output2,2),sigma2=round(summary(freqFit)$sigma^2,2))


## - internal
srt.srt<- function(posttest,fixedDesignMatrix,intervention,bt){
	posttest2 <- posttest[bt]
	fixedDesignMatrix2 <- fixedDesignMatrix[bt,]

	freqFit <- try(lm(posttest2~ fixedDesignMatrix2-1),silent=TRUE)
	output2 <- NULL

		betaB <- data.frame(summary(freqFit)$coefficients[,1])
            ntpp <- as.character(sapply(as.character(rownames(betaB)),function(x)substring(x,(nchar("fixedDesignMatrix2")+1),nchar(x))))
		row.names(betaB)<- ntpp
		betaB <- betaB

		sd.pool <- summary(freqFit)$sigma

		btp <- which(substring(row.names(betaB),1,nchar(intervention))==intervention)
      		output1 <- NULL
		for( i in 1:length(btp )){
  			beta <- betaB[btp[i],1]	
			output1[i] <-beta/sd.pool

		names(output1) <- row.names(betaB)[btp]
	output1<- matrix(output1,1,length(btp))


############# CRT main functions ################################################
#' CACE Analysis of Cluster Randomised Trials using MLM.
#' \code{caceCRTBoot} performs CACE analysis of cluster randomised trials.
#' @export
#' @param formula model specification of the form posttest ~ pretests+Intervention+....the model to be analysed. 
#' It is of the form y~x1+x2+...,  where y is the outcome variable and X's are the predictors.
#' @param intervention the name of the intervention variable as appeared in formula.  
#' This must be put in quotes.  For example "intervention" or "treatment" or "group".
#' @param random a string variable specifying the "clustering" variable as contained in the data.
#' This must be put between  quotes. For example, "school".
#' @param compliance percentages of sessions attended by pupils. 
#' @param nBoot number of bootstrap required to generate bootstrap confidence interval. This must be specified.
#' @param data data frame containing the data to be analysed.
#' @return S3 object; a list consisting of
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{CACE}. Estimated CACE effect size based on percentages of sessions attended by pupils. 
#' The percentage data is converted into the following grids (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90) 
#' and CACE effect size is calculated for each grid.
#' \item \code{Compliers}. A summary table of the percentage of pupils in the intervention and control groups that 
#' attended more than a pre-specified percentage of sessions. The values for the control group should be zeros if 
#' there is no dilution in which a pupil or school in the control group receives intervention.
#' }
#' @example inst/examples/crtCACEExample.R

caceCRTBoot <- function(formula,random,intervention,compliance,nBoot,data){
	data <- data[order(data[,which(colnames(data)==random)]),]
	intervention <- intervention
	trt <- data[,which(colnames(data)==intervention)]

	if(length(table(trt))!=2){stop("Applicable only to two-arms trials")}
	comp1 <- data[,which(colnames(data)==compliance)]
	tmp2 <- which(colnames(data)==random)
	cluster2 = data[,tmp2]
	tmp3 <- which(colnames(data)==intervention)
	data[,tmp3] <- as.factor(data[,tmp3])
	mf <- model.frame(formula=formula, data=data)
	mf <- mf[order(cluster2),]
	comp2 <- comp1[order(cluster2)]
	cluster <- cluster2[order(cluster2)]
	fixedDesignMatrix <- as.matrix(data.frame(model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data=data)))
	tmp <- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix )
	tmp[1]  <- "Intercept"
	colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)<- tmp
	posttest <- model.response(mf)

	output <- crt.cace(posttest=posttest,fixedDesignMatrix=fixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention,cluster=cluster)	
	theta <- seq(0,ifelse(max(comp2)==100,90,max(comp2)),10)
	alpha_ITT_E <- output$ES[[1]][2,1]

	d <- sapply(theta,function(x)ifelse(comp2 > x,1,0))
	ibit <- data[,tmp3]
      tc.pp <- apply(d,2,function(x) table(x,ibit))
      c.tpp1 <- tc.pp[2,]/(tc.pp[1,]+tc.pp[2,])
	t.tpp1 <-tc.pp[4,]/(tc.pp[3,]+tc.pp[4,])
	p1 <- t.tpp1 - c.tpp1 
	caceES  <- alpha_ITT_E/(p1)
	p1Table <- rbind(t.tpp1,c.tpp1,p1)
	p1Table <- data.frame(round(p1Table,2))
	row.names(p1Table )<- c("pT","pC","P=PT-pC")
	colnames(p1Table ) <- paste("P > ", theta,sep="")

	tid <- c(1:nrow(fixedDesignMatrix))
	bootSamples <- NULL

	for(ii in 1:length(unique(cluster))){
		selID <- tid[cluster==unique(cluster)[ii]]
			selID2<- sapply(c(1:nBoot),function(x)sample(selID,length(selID),replace=TRUE))
			bootSamples <- rbind(bootSamples ,selID2)
	row.names(bootSamples ) <- NULL
	bootSamples <- data.frame(bootSamples )

	bESOutput <- NULL

	for(i in 1:ncol(bootSamples )){

		bData <- data[bootSamples[,i],]

		bcluster <- bData[,tmp2]
		bmf <- model.frame(formula=formula, data=bData)
		bfixedDesignMatrix <- as.matrix(data.frame(model.matrix(attr(bmf, "terms"), data=bData)))
		bposttest <- model.response(bmf)
		boutput <- crt.cace(posttest=bposttest,fixedDesignMatrix=bfixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention,cluster=bcluster)	
		balpha_ITT_E <- boutput$ES[[1]][2,1]

		bcomp <- bData[,which(colnames(bData)==compliance)]
		bd <- sapply(theta,function(x)ifelse(bcomp > x,1,0))
		bibit <- bData[,tmp3]
      	btc.pp <- apply(bd,2,function(x) table(x,bibit))
      	bc.tpp1 <- btc.pp[2,]/(btc.pp[1,]+btc.pp[2,])
		bt.tpp1 <- btc.pp[4,]/(btc.pp[3,]+btc.pp[4,])
		bp1 <- bt.tpp1 - bc.tpp1 
		bcaceES  <- balpha_ITT_E/(bp1)
		bESOutput <- rbind(bESOutput ,bcaceES)  

	bootES <- apply(bESOutput ,2,function(x)quantile(x,prob=c(0.025,0.975)))
	output <- data.frame(Compliance=paste("P>",as.character(theta)),ES=round(caceES,2),LB=round(bootES[1,],2),UB=round(bootES[2,],2))
	output2 <- list(CACE=output,Compliers=p1Table )
	return(output2 ) 


## - internal
crt.cace <- function(posttest,fixedDesignMatrix,intervention,cluster){
	freqFit <- lmer(posttest~ fixedDesignMatrix-1+ (1|cluster))
	betaB <- data.frame(cbind(summary(freqFit)$coefficients[,1]))
	row.names(betaB)<- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)
	var.B<- as.numeric(summary(freqFit)$varcor)
	var.W<- summary(freqFit)$sigma^2
	var.tt <- var.W+var.B
	ICC <- var.B/var.tt
	sigmaBE <- c(var.B,var.W)
	sigmaBE <- sigmaBE
	names(sigmaBE)<- c("Schools","Pupils")
      schRand <- data.frame(ranef(freqFit)$cluster)
	names(schRand)<- "Estimate"
	btp <- which(substring(row.names(betaB),1,nchar(intervention))==intervention)
      output2 <- list()
	for( i in 1:length(btp )){
		beta <- betaB[btp[i],1]
      	group <- fixedDesignMatrix[,btp[i]]

  		esWithin <- g.within(var.w=var.W, beta=beta, icc=ICC , group=group, schoolID=cluster)
  		esTotal <- g.total(var.tt=var.tt, beta=beta, icc=ICC , group=group, schoolID=cluster)
		output1 <- data.frame(rbind(esWithin,esTotal))
		colnames(output1) <- c("Estimate","95% LB","95% UB")
		rownames(output1) <- c("Within","Total")
		output2[[i]] <- round(output1,2)
	names(output2) <- row.names(betaB)[btp]
      output <- list(ES=output2)



############# MST main functions ################################################
#' CACE Analysis of Multisite Randomised Trials.
#' \code{caceMSTBoot} performs CACE analysis of multisite randomised trials.
#' @export
#' @param formula model specification of the form posttest ~ pretests+Intervention+.... the model to be analysed. 
#' It is of the form y~x1+x2+...,  where y is the outcome variable and X's are the predictors.
#' @param intervention the name of the intervention variable as appeared in formula.  
#' This must be put in quotes.  For example "intervention" or "treatment" or "group".
#' @param random a string variable specifying the "clustering" variable as contained in the data.
#' This must be put between  quotes. For example, "school".
#' @param compliance percentages of sessions attended by pupils. 
#' @param nBoot number of bootstrap required to generate bootstrap confidence interval. This must be specified.
#' @param data data frame containing the data to be analysed. 
#' @return S3 object; a list consisting of
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{CACE}. Estimated CACE effect size based on percentages of sessions attended by pupils. 
#' The percentage data is converted into the following grids (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90) 
#' and CACE effect size is calculated for each grid.
#' \item \code{Compliers}. A summary table of the percentage of pupils in the intervention and control groups that 
#' attended more than a pre-specified percentage of sessions. The values for the control group should be zeros if 
#' there is no dilution in which a pupil or school in the control group receives intervention.
#' }
#' @example inst/examples/mstExample.R

caceMSTBoot <- function(formula,random,intervention,compliance,nBoot,data){

	data <- data[order(data[,which(colnames(data)==random)],data[,which(colnames(data)==intervention)]),]
	intervention <- intervention
	trt <- data[,which(colnames(data)==intervention)]
	tmp2 <- which(colnames(data)==random)
	cluster2 = data[,tmp2]

	chk <- sum(rowSums(table(cluster2,trt)!=0)>1)
	if(chk ==0){stop("This not an MST design")}
	tmp3 <- which(colnames(data)==intervention)
	data[,tmp3] <- as.factor(data[,tmp3])
	mf <- model.frame(formula=formula, data=data)
	mf <- mf[order(cluster2),]
	cluster <- cluster2[order(cluster2)]
	trt <- trt[order(cluster2)]
	fixedDesignMatrix <- as.matrix(data.frame(model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data=data)))
	tmp <- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix )
	tmp[1]  <- "Intercept"
	colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)<- tmp
	posttest <- model.response(mf)
      intervention <- intervention
	trt <- data[,which(colnames(data)==intervention)]
	if(length(table(trt))!=2){stop("Applicable only to two-arms trials")}
	comp1 <- data[,which(colnames(data)==compliance)]
	comp2 <- comp1[order(cluster2)]

	if(length(tmp2)!= 1){stop("Clustering variable misspecified")}
	if(length(tmp3)!= 1){stop("Intervention variable misspecified")}

	output <- rbd.cace(posttest=posttest,fixedDesignMatrix=fixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention,trt=trt,cluster=cluster)	

	theta <- seq(0,ifelse(max(comp2)==100,90,max(comp2)),10)
	alpha_ITT_E <- output$ES[[1]][2,1]

	d <- sapply(theta,function(x)ifelse(comp2 > x,1,0))
	ibit <- data[,tmp3]
      tc.pp <- apply(d,2,function(x) table(x,ibit))
      c.tpp1 <- tc.pp[2,]/(tc.pp[1,]+tc.pp[2,])
	t.tpp1 <-tc.pp[4,]/(tc.pp[3,]+tc.pp[4,])
	p1 <- t.tpp1 - c.tpp1 
	caceES  <- alpha_ITT_E/(p1)
	p1Table <- rbind(t.tpp1,c.tpp1,p1)
	p1Table <- data.frame(round(p1Table,2))
	row.names(p1Table )<- c("pT","pC","P=PT-pC")
	colnames(p1Table ) <- paste("P > ", theta,sep="")

	tid <- c(1:nrow(fixedDesignMatrix))
	bootSamples <- NULL

	for(ii in 1:length(unique(cluster))){
		selID <- tid[cluster==unique(cluster)[ii]]
			selID2<- sapply(c(1:nBoot),function(x)sample(selID,length(selID),replace=TRUE))
			bootSamples <- rbind(bootSamples ,selID2)
	row.names(bootSamples ) <- NULL
	bootSamples <- data.frame(bootSamples )

	bESOutput <- NULL

	for(i in 1:ncol(bootSamples )){

		bData <- data[bootSamples[,i],]

		bcluster <- bData[,tmp2]
		bmf <- model.frame(formula=formula, data=bData)
		bfixedDesignMatrix <- as.matrix(data.frame(model.matrix(attr(bmf, "terms"), data=bData)))
		bposttest <- model.response(bmf)
		btrt <- bData[,which(colnames(bData)==intervention)]
		boutput <-rbd.cace(posttest=bposttest,fixedDesignMatrix=bfixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention,trt=btrt,cluster=bcluster)
		balpha_ITT_E <- boutput$ES[[1]][2,1]

		bcomp <- bData[,which(colnames(bData)==compliance)]
		bd <- sapply(theta,function(x)ifelse(bcomp > x,1,0))
		bibit <- bData[,tmp3]
      	btc.pp <- apply(bd,2,function(x) table(x,bibit))
      	bc.tpp1 <- btc.pp[2,]/(btc.pp[1,]+btc.pp[2,])
		bt.tpp1 <- btc.pp[4,]/(btc.pp[3,]+btc.pp[4,])
		bp1 <- bt.tpp1 - bc.tpp1 
		bcaceES  <- balpha_ITT_E/(bp1)
		bESOutput <- rbind(bESOutput ,bcaceES)  

	bootES <- apply(bESOutput ,2,function(x)quantile(x,prob=c(0.025,0.975)))
	output <- data.frame(Compliance=paste("P>",as.character(theta)),ES=round(caceES,2),LB=round(bootES[1,],2),UB=round(bootES[2,],2))
	output2 <- list(CACE=output,Compliers=p1Table )
	return(output2 ) 



##  - internal

rbd.cace <- function(posttest,fixedDesignMatrix,intervention,trt,cluster){

	freqFit <- lmer(posttest~ fixedDesignMatrix-1+(1|trt:cluster)+(1|cluster))

	betaB <- data.frame(cbind(summary(freqFit)$coefficients[,1]))
	row.names(betaB)<- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)
	betaB <- betaB
	var.B2<- as.matrix(summary(freqFit)$varcor)
	var.B3 <- c(c(matrix(attr(var.B2[[1]],"stddev"))),c(matrix(attr(var.B2[[2]],"stddev"))))
	var.B3 <- var.B3^2
	var.sch <- var.B3[1]
	var.schTrt <- var.B3[2]	
	var.B <- sum(var.B3)
	var.W<- summary(freqFit)$sigma^2
	var.tt <- var.W+var.B
	ICC <- var.B/var.tt
	sigmaBE <- c(var.sch,var.schTrt,var.W)
	sigmaBE <- sigmaBE
	names(sigmaBE)<- c("Schools","Intervention:School","Pupils")
      schRand <- data.frame(ranef(freqFit)$cluster)
	names(schRand)<- "Estimate"
	btp <- which(substring(row.names(betaB),1,nchar(intervention))==intervention)
      output2 <- list()
	for( i in 1:length(btp )){
		beta <- betaB[btp[i],1]
      	group <- fixedDesignMatrix[,btp[i]]

  		esWithin <- g.within(var.w=var.W, beta=beta, icc=ICC , group=group, schoolID=cluster)
  		esTotal <- g.total(var.tt=var.tt, beta=beta, icc=ICC , group=group, schoolID=cluster)
		output1 <- data.frame(rbind(esWithin,esTotal))
		colnames(output1) <- c("Estimate","95% LB","95% UB")
		rownames(output1) <- c("Within","Total")
		output2[[i]] <- round(output1,2)
	names(output2) <- row.names(betaB)[btp]
      output <- list(ES=output2)



#' CACE Analysis of Simple Randomised Trials.
#' \code{caceSRTBoot} performs is used for CACE analysis of simple randomised trials. 
#' Intervention variable must be coded as dummy with multiple analysis for multi-arms trials. 
#' @export
#' @param formula model specification of the form posttest ~ pretests+Intervention+....the model to be analysed. 
#' It is of the form y~x1+x2+...,  where y is the outcome variable and X's are the predictors.
#' @param intervention the name of the intervention variable as appeared in formula.  
#' This must be put in quotes.  For example "intervention" or "treatment" or "group".
#' @param compliance percentages of sessions attended by pupils. 
#' @param nBoot number of bootstrap required to generate bootstrap confidence interval. This must be specified.
#' @param data data frame containing the data to be analysed. 
#' @return S3 \code{mcpi} object; a list consisting of
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{CACE}. Estimated CACE effect size based on percentages of sessions attended by pupils. 
#' The percentage data is converted into the following grids (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90) 
#' and CACE effect size is calculated for each grid.
#' \item \code{Compliers}. A summary table of the percentage of pupils in the intervention and control groups that 
#' attended more than a pre-specified percentage of sessions. The values for the control group should be zeros if 
#' there is no dilution in which a pupil or school in the control group receives intervention.
#' }
#' @example inst/examples/srtCACEExample.R

caceSRTBoot <- function(formula,intervention,compliance,nBoot,data){

	tmp3 <- which(colnames(data)==intervention)
	data[,tmp3] <- as.factor(data[,tmp3])
	mf <- model.frame(formula=formula, data=data)
	fixedDesignMatrix <- as.matrix(data.frame(model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data=data)))
	tmp <- colnames(fixedDesignMatrix )
	tmp[1]  <- "Intercept"
	colnames(fixedDesignMatrix)<- tmp
	posttest <- model.response(mf)
      intervention <- intervention
	trt <- data[,which(colnames(data)==intervention)]

	comp2 <- data[,which(colnames(data)==compliance)]

	output <- srt(posttest=posttest,fixedDesignMatrix=fixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention,trt=trt)

	theta <- seq(0,ifelse(max(comp2)==100,90,max(comp2)),10)
	alpha_ITT_E <- output$ES[1,1]

	d <- sapply(theta,function(x)ifelse(comp2 > x,1,0))
	ibit <- data[,tmp3]
      tc.pp <- apply(d,2,function(x) table(x,ibit))
      c.tpp1 <- tc.pp[2,]/(tc.pp[1,]+tc.pp[2,])
	t.tpp1 <-tc.pp[4,]/(tc.pp[3,]+tc.pp[4,])
	p1 <- t.tpp1 - c.tpp1 
	caceES  <- alpha_ITT_E/(p1)
	p1Table <- rbind(t.tpp1,c.tpp1,p1)
	p1Table <- data.frame(round(p1Table,2))
	row.names(p1Table )<- c("pT","pC","P=PT-pC")
	colnames(p1Table ) <- paste("P > ", theta,sep="")

	tid <- c(1:nrow(fixedDesignMatrix))
	bootSamples <- NULL

	tid <- c(1:nrow(fixedDesignMatrix))
	bootSamples <- sapply(c(1:nBoot),function(x)sample(tid,replace=TRUE))

	row.names(bootSamples ) <- NULL
	bootSamples <- data.frame(bootSamples )

	bESOutput <- NULL

	for(i in 1:ncol(bootSamples )){

		bData <- data[bootSamples[,i],]

		bmf <- model.frame(formula=formula, data=bData)
		bfixedDesignMatrix <- as.matrix(data.frame(model.matrix(attr(bmf, "terms"), data=bData)))
		bposttest <- model.response(bmf)
		btrt <- bData[,which(colnames(bData)==intervention)]
		boutput <-srt(posttest=bposttest,fixedDesignMatrix=bfixedDesignMatrix,intervention=intervention,trt=btrt)
		balpha_ITT_E <- boutput$ES[1,1]

		bcomp <- bData[,which(colnames(bData)==compliance)]
		bd <- sapply(theta,function(x)ifelse(bcomp > x,1,0))
		bibit <- bData[,tmp3]
      	btc.pp <- apply(bd,2,function(x) table(x,bibit))
      	bc.tpp1 <- btc.pp[2,]/(btc.pp[1,]+btc.pp[2,])
		bt.tpp1 <- btc.pp[4,]/(btc.pp[3,]+btc.pp[4,])
		bp1 <- bt.tpp1 - bc.tpp1 
		bcaceES  <- balpha_ITT_E/(bp1)
		bESOutput <- rbind(bESOutput ,bcaceES)  

	bootES <- apply(bESOutput ,2,function(x)quantile(x,prob=c(0.025,0.975)))
	output <- data.frame(Compliance=paste("P>",as.character(theta)),ES=round(caceES,2),LB=round(bootES[1,],2),UB=round(bootES[2,],2))
	output2 <- list(CACE=output,Compliers=p1Table )
	return(output2 ) 


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