
Defines functions num2tol char_with_braces fmt toLatex.data.frame toLatex.matrix answerlist mchoice2text string2num string2mchoice mchoice2string

Documented in answerlist char_with_braces fmt mchoice2string mchoice2text num2tol string2mchoice toLatex.data.frame toLatex.matrix

## convenience functions
mchoice2string <- function(x, single = FALSE) {
  if(single && !(sum(x) == 1L)) stop("single choice items must have exactly one correct solution")
  paste(as.numeric(x), collapse = "")

string2mchoice <- function(x, single = FALSE) {
  x <- strsplit(x, "")[[1]] == "1"
  if(single && !(sum(x) == 1L)) stop("single choice items must have exactly one correct solution")

## convert exsolution strings to numeric, stopping if result is not a finite number
string2num <- function(x) {
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  if(!all(is.numeric(x) & !is.na(x) & is.finite(x))) stop("all numeric items must be finite and non-missing")

mchoice2text <- function(x, markup = c("latex", "markdown"))
    "latex" = ifelse(x, "\\\\textbf{True}", "\\\\textbf{False}"),
    "markdown" = ifelse(x, "**True**", "**False**"))

answerlist <- function(..., sep = ". ", markup = c("latex", "markdown"))
  if(match.arg(markup) == "latex") {
      paste("  \\item", do.call("paste", list(..., sep = sep))),
  } else {
      paste("*", do.call("paste", list(..., sep = sep)))

toLatex.matrix <- function(object, skip = FALSE, fix = getOption("olat_fix"),
  escape = TRUE, ...)
  ## workaround for OLAT's mis-layouting of matrices
  fix <- if(is.null(fix)) FALSE else !identical(fix, FALSE)
  collapse <- if(fix) " & #BACKSLASH#phantom{aa} & " else " & "
  nc <- if(fix) ncol(object) * 2L - 1L else ncol(object)

  ## collapse matrix to LaTeX code lines
  tmp <- if(is.numeric(object)) fmt(object, digits = 6L, ...) else object
  tmp <- apply(tmp, 1L, paste, collapse = collapse)
  tmp <- paste(tmp, collapse = if(skip) " #BACKSLASH#smallskip #BACKSLASH#smallskip #BACKSLASH##BACKSLASH#  " else " #BACKSLASH##BACKSLASH# ")
  tmp <- paste("#BACKSLASH#left( #BACKSLASH#begin{array}{",
    paste(rep("r", nc), collapse = ""), "} ",
    " #BACKSLASH#end{array} #BACKSLASH#right)", sep = "")
  tmp <- gsub("#BACKSLASH#", if(escape) "\\\\" else "\\", tmp, fixed = TRUE)

toLatex.data.frame <- function(object, rotate = FALSE, pad = " ~ ", align = NULL, row.names = FALSE, ...)
  ## column alignment
  align_null <- is.null(align)
  if(align_null) {
    align <- if(rotate) {
      rep.int(if(all(sapply(object, is.numeric))) "r" else "l", nrow(object))
    } else {
      c("l", "r")[sapply(object, is.numeric) + 1L]

  ## format columns  
  for(i in seq_along(object)) {
    if(is.factor(object[[i]])) object[[i]] <- as.character(object[[i]])
    if(!is.character(object[[i]])) object[[i]] <- format(object[[i]], ...)
  ## names
  cnam <- names(object)
  rnam <- if(row.names) rownames(object) else NULL
  ## character matrix
  x <- rbind(cnam, as.matrix(object))
  if(!is.null(rnam)) x <- cbind(c("", rnam), x)

  ## rotate matrix?
  if(rotate) {
    x <- t(x)
    if(align_null) align <- c("l", align)
  } else {
    if(align_null && !is.null(rnam)) align <- c("r", align)
  ## collapse
  x <- apply(x, 1, paste, collapse = paste(pad, "&", pad))
  x <- paste0(pad, x, pad, " \\\\")
  if(!(rotate && is.null(rnam))) x[1L] <- paste(x[1L], "\\hline")
  ## tabular
  align <- paste(align, collapse = "")
  x <- c(paste0("\\begin{tabular}{", align, "}"), "\\hline", x, "\\hline", "\\end{tabular}")

round2 <- function (x, digits = 0) 
  round(x + sign(x) * 1e-10, digits)

fmt <- function(x, digits = 2L, zeros = digits < 4L, ...) {
  x <- round2(x, digits = digits)
  if(zeros) {
    format(x, nsmall = digits, scientific = FALSE, digits = 12L, ...)
  } else {
    format(x, scientific = FALSE, digits = 12L, ...)

char_with_braces <- function(x) {
  rval <- paste(ifelse(x >= 0, "", "("), x, ifelse(x >= 0, "", ")"), sep = "")
  dim(rval) <- dim(x)

num_to_tol <- num2tol <- function(x, reltol = 0.0002, min = 0.01, digits = 2)
  pmax(min, round(reltol * abs(x), digits = digits))

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