
## GUI for exploring a data set using ggplot2
## Needs some -- alot of -- work! better representation,  DRY is violated, passing parameters to
## ggplot2 commands, ...

GUIdescription <- paste("An example GUI for exploring ggplot2 commands that illustrates:",
                        "the gcombobox with icons and tooltips,",
                        "dynamically adding widgets;",
                        "the gexpandgroup container for space management;",
                        "and gsvg for displaying graphics.",
                        "Not all the ggplot commands work, including some that should.",
                        "This seems to be an issue with the device driver not being happy with",
                        "certain labels.",
                        sep=" ")

## we want to quiet down the loading of packages
require(reshape, quietly=TRUE, warn=FALSE)
require(plyr, quietly=TRUE, warn=FALSE)
require(grid, quietly=TRUE, warn=FALSE)
require(ggplot2, quietly=TRUE, warn=FALSE)

## gpplot setup
## Get Geoms, Stat, Scale, Coord
types <- c("Geom", "Stat","Scale","Coord")

## function to convert GeomBoxplot <-> geom_boxplot
upperToLower <- function(x) {
  for(i in types) {
    if(length(grep(paste("^",i, sep=""), x))) {
      x <- gsub(paste("^",i, sep=""),"",x)
      return(paste(tolower(i),tolower(x), sep="_"))
lowerToUpper <- function(x) {
  .simpleCap <- function(x) {
         s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
         paste(toupper(substring(s, 1,1)), substring(s, 2),
               sep="", collapse=" ")
  tmp <- unlist(strsplit(x,"_"))
  if(length(tmp) > 1)
    return(paste(.simpleCap(tmp[1]),.simpleCap(tmp[2]), sep=""))

Units <- list()
for(i in types)
  Units[[i]] <- apropos(paste("^",i, sep=""),[-1]
## scales are done differently
Units$scales <- apropos("^scale_x",
Units$Scales <- lowerToUpper(gsub("_x","",Units$scales))

## make icons if not there
iconFiles <- list()
for(type in types) {
  iconFiles[[type]] <- Units[[type]]
  for(i in seq_along(Units[[type]])) {
    f <- getStaticTmpFile(ext="png", Units[[type]][i])
    if(!file.exists(f)) {
      obj <- get(Units[[type]][i])
      png(f, width=16, height=16)
      out <- try(grid.draw(obj$icon()), silent=TRUE)
        f <- ""
    iconFiles[[type]][i] <- f
  addStockIcons(Units[[type]], sapply(iconFiles[[type]], convertStaticFileToUrl))

## our data set (was baseball from plyr, but too large for an example)

data("Cars93", package="MASS")
bb <- Cars93

w <- gwindow("ggplot2 GUI")
g <- ggroup(cont = w, horizontal=FALSE)

if(!require(ggplot2) || !require(RSVGTipsDevice)) {
  glabel("This demo requires the ggplot2 and RSVGTipsDevice packages", cont=g)
} else {

  g1 <- ggroup(cont=g, width=700)
  ghtml(GUIdescription, cont = g1)
  gseparator(cont = g)
  hg <- ggroup(horizontal=TRUE, cont = g)
  lg <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, cont = hg, width=450)
  rg <- ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, cont = hg, width=600)
  width <- 580; height <- 500
  devs <- list()
  imageFile <- getStaticTmpFile(ext=".svg")
  imageDevice <-  gsvg(cont = rg,  expand=TRUE, width=width, height=height)
  ## for ggplot we have commands such as
  glabel("p <- ggplot(Cars93) + ", cont = lg)
  ## aesthetics, should be more here
  f <- gexpandgroup("aes: specify x and y aesthetics.", cont = lg)
  aesWidgets <- list()
  tbl <- glayout(cont = f)
  tbl[1,1] <- "x"
  tbl[1,2] <- (aesWidgets[["x"]] <- gcombobox(c("",names(bb)), editable=TRUE, cont = tbl, selected=0))
  tbl[2,1] <- "y"
  tbl[2,2] <- (aesWidgets[["y"]] <- gcombobox(c("",names(bb)), editable=TRUE, cont = tbl, selected=0))
  ## Geoms
  f <- gexpandgroup("Geoms: specify geometric object(s) to plot", cont = lg)
  GeomCb <- list()
  GeomDf <- data.frame(values = c("", upperToLower(Units$Geom)),
                       icon = c("GeomBlank", Units$Geom),
                       qtip = c("", sapply(Units$Geom, function(i) {
                         obj <- getFromNamespace(i, ns="ggplot2")
  makeGeomSelector <- function(f) {
    g1 <- ggroup(cont = f)
    glabel("+ ", cont = g1)
    n <- length(GeomCb)
    GeomCb[[n+1]] <<- list()
    GeomCb[[n+1]]$widget <<- gcombobox(GeomDf, selected=0, cont = g1,  handler = function(h,...) {
      out <- sapply(GeomCb, function(i) svalue(i$widget))
      if(!any(sapply(out, function(i) i == "")))
    GeomCb[[n+1]]$aes <<- list()
    gbutton("aes", cont = g1, action = n + 1, handler = function(h,...) {
      n <- h$action
      val <- svalue(GeomCb[[n]]$widget)
      val <- lowerToUpper(val)
      if(val != "") {
        pobj <- getFromNamespace(val, ns="ggplot2")
        needThese <- setdiff(pobj$required_aes, c("x","y"))
        if(is.null(needThese) || length(needThese) == 0) {
          gmessage("Nothing to configure", parent=w) ## galert gets buried
        } else {
          val <- paste(needThese, collapse=" ")
      w1 <- gwindow("Edit aes options", parent=w)
      g <- ggroup(cont = w1, horizontal=FALSE)
      glabel("This is not working!", cont = g)
      tbl <- glayout(cont = g)
      lst <- list()
      for(i in seq_along(needThese)) {
        val <- needThese[i]
        tbl[i,1] <- val
        tbl[i,2] <- (lst[[val]] <- gedit("", cont = tbl))
        if(!is.null(tmp <- GeomCb[[n]]$aes[[val]]) && nchar(as.character(tmp))) { # update if present
          svalue(lst[[val]]) <- tmp
      gseparator(cont = g)
      g1 <- ggroup(cont = g)
      gbutton("dismiss", cont = g1, handler = function(h,...) dispose(w1))
      gbutton("ok", cont = g1, handler=function(h,...) {
        vals <- lapply(lst, svalue)
        GeomCb[[n]]$aes <<- vals
      visible(w1) <- TRUE
  ## Stats
  f <- gexpandgroup("Stats: specify data transformations", cont = lg); visible(f) <- FALSE
  StatCb <- list()
  StatDf <- data.frame(values = c("", upperToLower(Units$Stat)),
                       icon = c("GeomBlank", Units$Stat),
                       qtip = c("", sapply(Units$Stat, function(i) {
                         obj <- getFromNamespace(i, ns="ggplot2")
  makeStatSelector <- function(f) {
    g1 <- ggroup(cont = f)
    glabel("+ ", cont = g1)
    n <- length(StatCb)
    StatCb[[n+1]] <<- list()
    StatCb[[n+1]]$widget <<- gcombobox(StatDf, cont = g1,  handler = function(h,...) {
      out <- sapply(StatCb, function(i) svalue(i$widget))
      if(!any(sapply(out, function(i) i == "")))
  ## Coord
  f <- gexpandgroup("Coords: adjust coordinate mappings", cont = lg); visible(f) <- FALSE
  CoordCb <- list()
  CoordDf <- data.frame(values = c("", upperToLower(Units$Coord)),
                        icon = c("GeomBlank", Units$Coord),
                        qtip = c("", sapply(Units$Coord, function(i) {
                          obj <- getFromNamespace(i, ns="ggplot2")
  makeCoordSelector <- function(f) {
    g1 <- ggroup(cont = f)
    glabel("+ ", cont = g1)
    n <- length(CoordCb)
    CoordCb[[n+1]] <<- list()
    CoordCb[[n+1]]$widget <<- gcombobox(CoordDf, cont = g1,  handler = function(h,...) {
      out <- sapply(CoordCb, function(i) svalue(i$widget))
      if(!any(sapply(out, function(i) i == "")))
    CoordCb[[n+1]]$aes <<- 1
  ## Scale
  f <- gexpandgroup("Scales: control mapping between data and aesthetics", cont = lg); visible(f) <- FALSE
  ## ScaleDf is different as x and y are needed
  ScaleCb <- list()
ScaleDf <- matrix(character(2*length(Units$scales)*3 + 3), ncol=3)
ScaleDf[1,] <- c("","GeomBlank","Empty value")
for(i in seq_along(Units$scales)) {
  ScaleDf[2*i,1] <- Units$scales[i]
  ScaleDf[2*i + 1  ,1] <- gsub("_x","_y",Units$scales[i])
  ScaleDf[(2*i):(2*i+1), 2] <- Units$Scale[i]
  ScaleDf[(2*i):(2*i+1), 3] <- getFromNamespace(Units$Scale[i], ns="ggplot2")$desc
ScaleDf <-, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

makeScaleSelector <- function(f) {
  g1 <- ggroup(cont = f)
  glabel("+ ", cont = g1)
  n <- length(ScaleCb)
  ScaleCb[[n+1]] <<- list()
  ScaleCb[[n+1]]$widget <<- gcombobox(ScaleDf, cont = g1,  editable=TRUE, handler = function(h,...) {
    out <- sapply(ScaleCb, function(i) svalue(i$widget))
    if(!any(sapply(out, function(i) i == "")) && length(ScaleCb) < 2)
  ScaleCb[[n+1]]$aes <<- 1

gseparator(cont = lg)
b <- gbutton("Make plot", cont = lg, handler = function(h,...) makePlots())

## clean up
rm("bb")                                # dont' store in session

gstatusbar("Powered by RApache and gWidgetsWWW", cont = w)
visible(w) <- TRUE

##' function to make plots
makePlots <- function() {
  require(reshape, quietly=TRUE, warn=FALSE)
  require(plyr, quietly=TRUE, warn=FALSE)
  require(grid, quietly=TRUE, warn=FALSE)
  require(ggplot2, quietly=TRUE, warn=FALSE)

  data("Cars93", package="MASS")
  bb <- Cars93
  l <- list()
  for(i in names(aesWidgets)) {
    val <- svalue(aesWidgets[[i]])
    if(val != "")
      l[[i]] <- val
  p <- ggplot(bb) +"aes_string",l)

  geoms <- Units$Geom
  for(i in GeomCb) {
    val <- svalue(i$widget)
    if(is.character(val) && nchar(val)) {
      type <- geoms[lowerToUpper(val) == geoms]         # check that we match
      if(length(type)) {
        l <- list()
        if(length(i$aes)) {
          lst <- lapply(i$aes, function(j) {
            if( || is.null(j) || nchar(as.character(j))== 0 || !is.character(j))
          if(length(lst)) {
            ## XXX This isn't working -- FIX ME
            l$aes <-"aes_string", lst[-1])
        p <- p +, l)    
  ## Stats
  stats <- Units$Stat
  for(i in StatCb) {
    val <- svalue(i$widget)
    if(is.character(val) && nchar(val)) {
      type <- stats[lowerToUpper(val) == stats]         # check that we match
      if(length(type)) {
        p <- p +, list())     # do aes
  ## Coord
    coords <- Units$Coord
  for(i in CoordCb) {
    val <- svalue(i$widget)
    if(is.character(val)) {
      type <- coords[lowerToUpper(val) == coords]         # check that we match
      if(length(type)) {
        p <- p +, list())     # do aes
  ## Scales
  scales <- Units$scale
  scales <- c(scales, gsub("_x","_y",scales))
  for(i in ScaleCb) {
    val <- svalue(i$widget)
    if(is.character(val) && nchar(val)) {
      type <- scales[val == scales]         # check that we match
      if(length(type)) {
        p <- p +, list())     # do aes

  ## make images
  require(RSVGTipsDevice, quietly=TRUE, warn=FALSE)
    unlink(imageFile)                     # out with the old ...
  imageFile <- getStaticTmpFile(ext="svg")
  out <- try(print(p), silent=TRUE)

  if(inherits(out, "try-error")) {
    assign("error", p, envir=.GlobalEnv)
    gmessage(out, parent=w)
  } else {
    ## update graphic    
    svalue(imageDevice) <- convertStaticFileToUrl(imageFile)

Try the gWidgetsWWW package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gWidgetsWWW documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:47 p.m.