
Defines functions momentEstim.baseGel.eval momentEstim.fixedW momentEstim.fixedW.formula momentEstim.baseGel.mod momentEstim.baseGel.modFormula momentEstim.baseGmm.cue momentEstim.baseGmm.cue.formula momentEstim.baseGmm.iterative momentEstim.baseGmm.iterative.formula momentEstim.baseGmm.twoStep.formula momentEstim.tsls.twoStep.formula momentEstim.baseGmm.twoStep momentEstim.baseGmm.eval momentEstim.sysGmm.twoStep.formula momentEstim

Documented in momentEstim.baseGel.eval momentEstim.baseGel.mod momentEstim.baseGel.modFormula momentEstim.baseGmm.cue momentEstim.baseGmm.cue.formula momentEstim.baseGmm.eval momentEstim.baseGmm.iterative momentEstim.baseGmm.iterative.formula momentEstim.baseGmm.twoStep momentEstim.baseGmm.twoStep.formula momentEstim.sysGmm.twoStep.formula momentEstim.tsls.twoStep.formula

#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

momentEstim <- function(object, ...)

momentEstim.sysGmm.twoStep.formula <- function(object, ...)
        dat <- object$x
        y <- lapply(1:length(dat), function(i) dat[[i]]$x[,1])
        y <- do.call(c, y)
        z <- lapply(1:length(dat), function(i)
            dat[[i]]$x[,(2+dat[[i]]$k):ncol(dat[[i]]$x), drop=FALSE])
        z <- .diagMatrix(z)
        x <- lapply(1:length(dat), function(i) dat[[i]]$x[,2:(dat[[i]]$k+1), drop=FALSE])
        if (attr(dat, "sysInfo")$commonCoef)
                x <- do.call(rbind, x)
            } else if (!is.null(attr(dat, "sysInfo")$crossEquConst)) {
                k <- attr(dat, "k")[[1]]
                x <- .diagMatrix(x, (1:k)[-attr(dat, "sysInfo")$crossEquConst])
            } else {
                x <- .diagMatrix(x)
        names(y) <- rownames(x) <- rownames(z) <- 1:length(y)
        data <- list(y=y, x=x, z=z)
        dat2 <- getDat(y~x-1, ~z-1, data=data)
        attr(dat2, "ModelType") <- "linear"
        res0 <- .tetlin(dat2, 1, "2sls")
        tet0 <- .getThetaList(res0$par, dat)
        fsRes <- res0$fsRes
        w <- .weightFct_Sys(tet=tet0, dat=dat, type=object$vcov)
        res <- .tetlin(dat2, w)
        par <- .getThetaList(res$par, dat)
        names(par) <- names(dat)
        df <- ncol(z) - ncol(x)
        k <- ncol(x)
        q <- ncol(z)
        n <- nrow(x)
        df.residuals <- n - k
        z = list(coefficients = par, objective = res$value, dat=dat, k=k, q=q, df=df, df.residual=df.residual, n=n)
        z$gt <- object$g(z$coefficients, dat)
        z$initTheta <- tet0
        tmp <- lapply(1:length(dat), function(i) .residuals(z$coefficients[[i]], dat[[i]]))
        z$fitted.values <- lapply(1:length(dat), function(i) tmp[[i]]$yhat)                      
        z$residuals <- lapply(1:length(dat), function(i) tmp[[i]]$residuals)	
        z$terms <- lapply(1:length(dat), function(i) dat[[i]]$mt)
        if(object$model) z$model <- lapply(1:length(dat), function(i) dat[[i]]$mf)
        if(object$X) z$x <- lapply(1:length(dat), function(i)
        if(object$Y) z$y <- lapply(1:length(dat), function(i) as.matrix(dat[[i]]$x[,1:dat[[i]]$ny]))
        z$gradv <- object$gradv
        z$g <- object$g
        z$WSpec <- object$WSpec
        z$w0 <- w
        colnames(z$gt) <- do.call(c, object$namesgt)
        z$fsRes <- fsRes
        class(z) <- "sysGmm.res"
        z$specMod <- object$specMod

momentEstim.baseGmm.eval <- function(object, ...)
        P <- object
        x <- P$x
        n <- attr(x, "n")
        q <- attr(x, "q")
        k <- attr(x, "k")
        k2 <- k
        df <- q - k
        if (is.null(object$tetw))
            object$tetw <- object$t0
        if (is.null(attr(x, "weight")$w))
            w <- .weightFct(object$tetw, x, P$vcov)
            w <- .weightFct(object$tetw, x, "fixed")
        fct <- .obj1(object$t0, x, w)    
        if (attr(x,"ModelType") == "linear")
                z = list(coefficients = object$t0, objective = fct, dat = x,  k = k, k2 = k2, n = n, q = q, df = df, df.residual = (n-k))            
                b <- z$coefficients
                tmp <- .residuals(b, x)
                z$fitted.values <- tmp$yhat	
                z$residuals <- tmp$rediduals	
                z$terms <- x$mt
                if(P$model) z$model <- x$mf
                if(P$X) z$x <- as.matrix(x$x[,(x$ny+1):(x$ny+x$k)])
                if(P$Y) z$y <- as.matrix(x$x[,1:x$ny])
            } else {
                z = list(coefficients = object$t0, objective = fct, k=k, k2=k2, n=n, q=q, df=df, initTheta = object$t0, dat=x)	
        z$gt <- .momentFct(z$coefficients, x)
        if (is.null(colnames(z$gt)))
            colnames(z$gt) <- paste("gt",1:ncol(z$gt),sep="")
            colnames(z$gt) <- P$namesgt
        z$gradv <- P$gradv
        z$iid <- P$iid
        z$g <- P$g
        z$WSpec <- P$WSpec
        z$w0 <- w
        names(z$coefficients) <- P$namesCoef
        class(z) <- paste(P$TypeGmm,".res",sep="")
        z$specMod <- P$specMod

momentEstim.baseGmm.twoStep <- function(object, ...)
        P <- object
        x <- P$x
        n <- attr(x, "n")
        q <- attr(x, "q")
        k <- attr(x, "k")
        k2 <- k
        df <- q - k
        w = .weightFct(NULL, x, "ident")
        chkOptim <- any(P$optfct == c("optim", "constrOptim"))
        if (chkOptim)
                if (P$gradvf)
                        gr2 <- function(thet, x,  w)
                                gt <- .momentFct(thet, x)
                                Gbar <- .DmomentFct(thet, x) 
                                gbar <- as.vector(colMeans(gt))
                                INV <- attr(w, "inv")
                                if (INV)		
                                    obj <- crossprod(Gbar, solve(w, gbar))
                                    obj <- crossprod(Gbar,w)%*%gbar
                    } else {
                        gr2 <- NULL
        if (P$optfct == "optim")
                argDots <- list(...)
                allArgOptim <- list(par = P$t0, fn = .obj1, gr = gr2, x = x, w = w)
                allArgOptim <- c(allArgOptim,argDots)
                res <- do.call(optim,allArgOptim)
        if (P$optfct == "constrOptim")
                if (!any(c("ui","ci") %in% names(list(...))))
                    stop("You must specify ui and ci when optfct is set to constrOptim")
                argDots <- list(...)
                ui <- argDots$ui
                ci <- argDots$ci
                argDots$ui <- NULL
                argDots$ci <- NULL
                allArgOptim <- list(theta = P$t0, f = .obj1, grad = gr2, ui = ui, ci = ci, x = x, w = w)
                allArgOptim <- c(allArgOptim,argDots)
                res <- do.call(constrOptim,allArgOptim)
        if (P$optfct == "nlminb")
                res <- nlminb(P$t0, .obj1, x = x, w = w, ...)
                res$value <- res$objective
        if (P$optfct == "optimize")
                res <- optimize(.obj1, P$t0, x = x, w = w, ...)
                res$par <- res$minimum
                res$value <- res$objective
        if (q == k2 | P$wmatrix == "ident")
                z = list(coefficients = res$par, objective = res$value, k=k, k2=k2, n=n, q=q, df=df)	
                if (chkOptim)
                    z$algoInfo <- list(convergence = res$convergence, counts = res$counts, message = res$message)
                else if(P$optfct == "nlminb")
                    z$algoInfo <- list(convergence = res$convergence, counts = res$evaluations, message = res$message)
            } else {
                w <- .weightFct(res$par, P$x, P$vcov)
                if (chkOptim)
                        allArgOptim$w <- w
                        res2 <- do.call(get(object$optfct),allArgOptim)
                if (P$optfct == "nlminb")
                        res2 <- nlminb(P$t0, .obj1, x = x, w = w, ...)
                        res2$value <- res2$objective
                if (P$optfct == "optimize")
                        res2 <- optimize(.obj1, P$t0, x = x, w = w, ...)
                        res2$par <- res2$minimum
                        res2$value <- res2$objective
                z = list(coefficients = res2$par, objective = res2$value, k=k, k2=k2, n=n, q=q, df=df, initTheta = res$par)	
                if (chkOptim)
                        z$algoInfo <- list(convergence = res2$convergence, counts = res2$counts, message = res2$message)
                        z$InitialAlgoInfo <- list(convergence = res$convergence, counts = res$counts, message = res$message)
                    } else if(P$optfct == "nlminb") {
                        z$algoInfo <- list(convergence = res2$convergence, counts = res2$evaluations, message = res2$message)
                        z$InitialAlgoInfo <- list(convergence = res$convergence, counts = res$evaluations, message = res$message)
        z$dat <- P$x
        z$gt <- P$g(z$coefficients, P$x)
        z$gradv <- P$gradv
        z$iid <- P$iid
        z$g <- P$g
        z$WSpec <- P$WSpec
        names(z$coefficients) <- P$namesCoef
        if (is.null(colnames(z$gt)))
            colnames(z$gt) <- paste("gt",1:ncol(z$gt),sep="")
        class(z) <- paste(P$TypeGmm,".res",sep="")	
        z$specMod <- P$specMod 
        z$w0 <- w

momentEstim.tsls.twoStep.formula <- function(object, ...)
        P <- object
        g <- P$g
        dat <- P$x
        if (dat$ny > 1)
            stop("tsls is for one dimentional dependent variable")
        n <- attr(dat, "n")
        q <- attr(dat, "q")
        k <- attr(dat, "k")
        k2 <- k*dat$ny
        df <- q-k*dat$ny
        w = .weightFct(NULL, dat, "ident")
        if (q == k2)
                res2 <- .tetlin(dat, w)
                z = list(coefficients = res2$par, objective = res2$value, dat = dat, k = k,
                    k2 = k2, n = n, q = q, df = df, df.residual = (n-k))
            } else {
                res2 <- .tetlin(dat, w, type="2sls")
                z = list(coefficients = res2$par, objective = res2$value, dat=dat, k=k, k2=k2,
                    n=n, q=q, df=df, df.residual = (n-k))	
        z$gt <- g(z$coefficients, dat) 
        tmp <- .residuals(z$coefficients, dat)
        z$fitted.values <- tmp$yhat	
        z$residuals <- tmp$residuals	
        z$terms <- dat$mt
        if(P$model) z$model <- dat$mf
        if(P$X) z$x <- as.matrix(dat$x[,(dat$ny+1):(dat$ny+dat$k)])
        if(P$Y) z$y <- as.matrix(dat$x[,1:dat$ny])
        z$gradv <- P$gradv
        z$iid <- P$iid
        z$g <- P$g
        z$WSpec <- P$WSpec
        z$w0 <- w
        names(z$coefficients) <- P$namesCoef
        colnames(z$gt) <- P$namesgt        
        z$fsRes <- res2$fsRes        
        class(z) <- "baseGmm.res"
        z$specMod <- P$specMod

momentEstim.baseGmm.twoStep.formula <- function(object, ...)
        P <- object
        g <- P$g
        dat <- P$x
        n <- attr(dat, "n")
        q <- attr(dat, "q")
        k <- attr(dat, "k")
        k2 <- k*dat$ny
        df <- q-k*dat$ny
        w = .weightFct(NULL, dat, "ident")
        if (q == k2 | P$wmatrix == "ident")
                res2 <- .tetlin(dat, w)
                z = list(coefficients = res2$par, objective = res2$value, dat = dat, k = k,
                    k2 = k2, n = n, q = q, df = df, df.residual = (n-k))
            } else {
                res1 <- .tetlin(dat, w, type="2sls")
                initTheta <- res1$par
                w <- .weightFct(res1$par, dat, P$vcov)
                res2 <- .tetlin(dat, w)
                res2$firstStageReg <- res1$firstStageReg
                res2$fsRes <- res1$fsRes
                z = list(coefficients = res2$par, objective = res2$value, dat=dat, k=k, k2=k2,
                    n=n, q=q, df=df, initTheta = initTheta, df.residual = (n-k))
        z$gt <- g(z$coefficients, dat) 
        b <- z$coefficients
        tmp <- .residuals(b, dat)
        z$fitted.values <- tmp$yhat	
        z$residuals <- tmp$residuals	
        z$terms <- dat$mt
        if(P$model) z$model <- dat$mf
        if(P$X) z$x <- as.matrix(dat$x[,(dat$ny+1):(dat$ny+dat$k)])
        if(P$Y) z$y <- as.matrix(dat$x[,1:dat$ny])
        z$gradv <- P$gradv
        z$iid <- P$iid
        z$g <- P$g
        z$WSpec <- P$WSpec
        z$w0 <- w
        names(z$coefficients) <- P$namesCoef
        colnames(z$gt) <- P$namesgt
        if (P$vcov == "iid" & P$wmatrix != "ident")
            z$fsRes <- res2$fsRes
        class(z) <- paste(P$TypeGmm,".res",sep="")
        z$specMod <- P$specMod

momentEstim.baseGmm.iterative.formula <- function(object, ...)
        P <- object
        g <- P$g
        dat <- P$x
        n <- attr(dat, "n")
        q <- attr(dat, "q")
        k <- attr(dat, "k")
        k2 <- k*dat$ny
        df <- q-k*dat$ny
        w = .weightFct(NULL, dat, "ident")
        if (q == k2 | P$wmatrix == "ident")
                res <- .tetlin(dat, w)
                z = list(coefficients = res$par, objective = res$value, dat = dat, k = k, k2 = k2,
                    n = n, q = q, df = df, df.residual = (n-k))
            } else {
                res <- .tetlin(dat, w, type="2sls")
                fsRes <- res$fsRes
                initTheta <- res$par
                ch <- 100000
                j <- 1
                while(ch > P$crit)
                        tet <- res$par
                        w <- .weightFct(tet, dat, P$vcov)
                        res <- .tetlin(dat, w)
                        ch <- crossprod(abs(tet- res$par)/tet)^.5
                        if (j>P$itermax)
                                cat("No convergence after ", P$itermax, " iterations")
                                ch <- P$crit
                            cat("Iter :",j,": value=",res$value,", Coef = ", res$par,"\n") 
                        j <- j+1	
                z = list(coefficients = res$par, objective = res$value, dat=dat, k=k, k2=k2,
                    n=n, q=q, df=df, initTheta=initTheta, df.residual = (n-k))	
        z$gt <- g(z$coefficients, dat)
        tmp <- .residuals(z$coefficients, dat)
        z$fitted.values <- tmp$yhat	
        z$residuals <- tmp$residuals	
        z$terms <- dat$mt
        if(P$model) z$model <- dat$mf
        if(P$X) z$x <- as.matrix(dat$x[,(dat$ny+1):(dat$ny+dat$k)])
        if(P$Y) z$y <- as.matrix(dat$x[,1:dat$ny])  
        z$terms <- dat$mt
        if(P$model) z$model <- dat$mf
        z$gradv <- P$gradv
        z$iid <- P$iid
        z$g <- P$g
        z$WSpec <- P$WSpec
        z$w0 <- w

        names(z$coefficients) <- P$namesCoef
        colnames(z$gt) <- P$namesgt
        if (P$vcov == "iid" & P$wmatrix != "ident")
            z$fsRes <- fsRes
        class(z) <- paste(P$TypeGmm,".res",sep="")
        z$specMod <- P$specMod

momentEstim.baseGmm.iterative <- function(object, ...)
        P <- object
        x <- P$x
        n <- attr(x, "n")
        q <- attr(x, "q")
        k <- attr(x, "k")
        k2 <- k
        df <- q - k
        w = .weightFct(NULL, x, "ident")
        chkOptim <- any(P$optfct == c("optim", "constrOptim"))
        if (chkOptim)
                if (P$gradvf)
                        gr2 <- function(thet, x,  w)
                                gt <- .momentFct(thet, x)
                                Gbar <- .DmomentFct(thet, x) 
                                gbar <- as.vector(colMeans(gt))
                                INV <- attr(w, "inv")
                                if (INV)		
                                    obj <- crossprod(Gbar, solve(w, gbar))
                                    obj <- crossprod(Gbar,w)%*%gbar
                    } else {
                        gr2 <- NULL
        if (P$optfct == "optim")
                argDots <- list(...)
                allArgOptim <- list(par = P$t0, fn = .obj1, gr = gr2, x = x, w = w)
                allArgOptim <- c(allArgOptim,argDots)
                res <- do.call(optim,allArgOptim)
        if (P$optfct == "constrOptim")
                if (!any(c("ui","ci") %in% names(list(...))))
                    stop("You must specify ui and ci when optfct is set to constrOptim")
                argDots <- list(...)
                ui <- argDots$ui
                ci <- argDots$ci
                argDots$ui <- NULL
                argDots$ci <- NULL
                allArgOptim <- list(theta = P$t0, f = .obj1, grad = gr2, ui = ui, ci = ci, x = x, w = w)
                allArgOptim <- c(allArgOptim,argDots)
                res <- do.call(constrOptim,allArgOptim)
        if (P$optfct == "nlminb")
                res <- nlminb(P$t0, .obj1, x = x, w = w, ...)
                res$value <- res$objective
        if (P$optfct == "optimize")
                res <- optimize(.obj1, P$t0, x = x, w = w, ...)
                res$par <- res$minimum
                res$value <- res$objective
        if (q == k2 | P$wmatrix == "ident")
                z <- list(coefficients = res$par, objective = res$value, k=k, k2=k2, n=n, q=q, df=df)
                if (chkOptim)
                    z$algoInfo <- list(convergence = res$convergence, counts = res$counts,
                                       message = res$message)
                else if(P$optfct == "nlminb")
                    z$algoInfo <- list(convergence = res$convergence, counts = res$evaluations,
                                       message = res$message)
            } else {                
                initTheta = res$par
                z <- list()
                if (chkOptim)
                    z$initialAlgoInfo <- list(convergence = res$convergence, counts = res$counts,
                                              message = res$message)
                else if(P$optfct == "nlminb")
                    z$initialAlgoInfo <- list(convergence = res$convergence, counts = res$evaluations,
                                              message = res$message)                
                ch <- 100000
                j <- 1
                while(ch > P$crit)
                        tet <- res$par
                        w <- .weightFct(tet, P$x, P$vcov)          
                        if (chkOptim)
                                allArgOptim$w <- w
                                allArgOptim[[1]] <- tet
                                res <- do.call(get(P$optfct),allArgOptim)
                        if (P$optfct == "nlminb")
                                res <- nlminb(tet, .obj1, x = P$x, w = w, ...)
                                res$value <- res$objective
                        if (P$optfct == "optimize")
                                res <- optimize(.obj1, P$t0, x = P$x, w = w, ...)
                                res$par <- res$minimum
                                res$value <- res$objective
                        ch <- crossprod(tet-res$par)^.5/(1+crossprod(tet)^.5)
                        if (j>P$itermax)
                                cat("No convergence after ", P$itermax, " iterations")
                                ch <- P$crit
                            cat("Iter :",j,": value=",res$value,", Coef = ", res$par,"\n") 
                        j <- j+1	
                z2 = list(coefficients = res$par, objective = res$value,k=k, k2=k2, n=n, q=q,
                    df=df, initTheta=initTheta)
                z <- c(z, z2)
                if (chkOptim)
                    z$algoInfo <- list(convergence = res$convergence, counts = res$counts,
                                       message = res$message)
                else if(P$optfct == "nlminb")
                    z$algoInfo <- list(convergence = res$convergence, counts = res$evaluations,
                                       message = res$message)
        z$dat <- P$x
        z$gt <- P$g(z$coefficients, P$x)
        z$gradv <- P$gradv
        z$iid <- P$iid
        z$g <- P$g
        z$WSpec <- P$WSpec
        z$w0 <- w

        names(z$coefficients) <- P$namesCoef
        if (is.null(colnames(z$gt)))
            colnames(z$gt) <- paste("gt",1:ncol(z$gt),sep="")
        z$specMod <- P$specMod
        class(z) <- paste(P$TypeGmm,".res",sep="")	

momentEstim.baseGmm.cue.formula <- function(object, ...)
        P <- object
        g <- P$g  
        dat <- P$x
        n <- attr(dat, "n")
        q <- attr(dat, "q")
        k <- attr(dat, "k")  
        k2 <- k*dat$ny
        df <- q-k*dat$ny
        w <- .weightFct(NULL, dat, "ident")                  
        if (q == k2 | P$wmatrix == "ident")
                res <- .tetlin(dat, w)
                z = list(coefficients = res$par, objective = res$value, dat = dat, k = k, k2 = k2, n = n, q = q, df = df, df.residual = (n-k))
                P$weightMessage <- "No CUE needed because the model is just identified"
            } else {
                if (is.null(P$t0))
                        P$t0 <- .tetlin(dat, w, type="2sls")$par
                        initTheta <- P$t0
                    } else {
                        initTheta <- P$t0
                if (P$vcov == "HAC")
                        w <- .weightFct(P$t0, dat, P$vcov)
                        attr(dat, "weight")$WSpec$sandwich$bw <- attr(w,"Spec")$bw
                        P$weightMessage <- "Weights for kernel estimate of the covariance are fixed and based on the first step estimate of Theta"
                if (P$optfct == "optim")
                    res2 <- optim(P$t0,.objCue, x = dat, type = P$vcov, ...)
                if (P$optfct == "constrOptim")
                        if (!any(c("ui","ci") %in% names(list(...))))
                            stop("You must specify ui and ci when optfct is set to constrOptim")
                        argDots <- list(...)
                        ui <- argDots$ui
                        ci <- argDots$ci
                        argDots$ui <- NULL
                        argDots$ci <- NULL
                        allArgOptim <- list(theta = P$t0, f = .objCue, grad = NULL, ui = ui, ci = ci, x = dat, type = P$vcov)
                        allArgOptim <- c(allArgOptim,argDots)
                        res2 <- do.call(constrOptim,allArgOptim)
                if (P$optfct == "nlminb")
                        res2 <- nlminb(P$t0,.objCue, x = dat, type = P$vcov, ...)
                        res2$value <- res2$objective
                if (P$optfct == "optimize")
                        res2 <- optimize(.objCue,P$t0, x = dat, type = P$vcov, ...)
                        res2$par <- res2$minimum
                        res2$value <- res2$objective
                z = list(coefficients = res2$par, objective = res2$value, dat = dat, k = k, k2 = k2,
                    n = n, q = q, df = df, initTheta=initTheta, df.residual = (n-k))
                if (any(P$optfct == c("optim", "constrOptim")))
                    z$algoInfo <- list(convergence = res2$convergence, counts = res2$counts, message = res2$message)
                else if(P$optfct == "nlminb")
                    z$algoInfo <- list(convergence = res2$convergence, counts = res2$evaluations, message = res2$message)

        z$gt <- g(z$coefficients, dat)
        tmp <- .residuals(z$coefficients, dat)
        z$fitted.values <- tmp$yhat	
        z$residuals <- tmp$residuals	
        z$terms <- dat$mt
        if(P$model) z$model <- dat$mf
        if(P$X) z$x <- as.matrix(dat$x[,(dat$ny+1):(dat$ny+dat$k)])
        if(P$Y) z$y <- as.matrix(dat$x[,1:dat$ny])  
        z$dat <- dat 
        z$terms <- dat$mt
        if(P$model) z$model <- dat$mf
        z$gradv <- P$gradv
        z$iid <- P$iid
        z$g <- P$g
        z$specMod <- P$specMod
        z$cue <- list(weights=P$fixedKernW,message=P$weightMessage)
        z$WSpec <- P$WSpec
        z$w0 <- .weightFct(z$coefficients, dat, P$vcov)
        names(z$coefficients) <- P$namesCoef
        colnames(z$gt) <- P$namesgt
        class(z) <- paste(P$TypeGmm,".res",sep="")

momentEstim.baseGmm.cue <- function(object, ...)
        P <- object
        x <- P$x
        n <- attr(x, "n")
        q <- attr(x, "q")
        k <- attr(x, "k")
        k2 <- k
        df <- q - k

        if (q == k2 | P$wmatrix == "ident")
                w = .weightFct(NULL, x, "ident")
                res <- gmm(P$allArg$g,P$allArg$x,P$t0,wmatrix="ident",optfct=P$optfct, ...)
                z <- list(coefficients = res$coef, objective = res$objective,
                          algoInfo = res$algoInfo, k=k, k2=k2, n=n, q=q, df=df,
                P$weightMessage <- "No CUE needed because the model if just identified or you set wmatrix=identity"
            } else {
                w <- .weightFct(P$t0, x, P$vcov)
                initTheta <- P$t0
                if (P$vcov == "HAC")
                        res <- try(gmm(P$allArg$g,P$allArg$x,P$t0,wmatrix="ident",
                                       optfct=P$optfct, ...))                      
                            stop("Cannot get a first step estimate to compute the weights for the Kernel estimate of the covariance matrix; try different starting values")
                        w <- .weightFct(res$coefficients, x, P$vcov)
                        attr(x, "weight")$WSpec$sandwich$bw <- attr(w,"Spec")$bw
                        P$weightMessage <- "Weights for kernel estimate of the covariance are fixed and based on the first step estimate of Theta"
                    } else {
                        res <- list()
                if (P$optfct == "optim")
                        res2 <- optim(P$t0, .objCue, x = x, type = P$vcov, ...)
                if (P$optfct == "constrOptim")
                        if (!any(c("ui","ci") %in% names(list(...))))
                            stop("You must specify ui and ci when optfct is set to constrOptim")
                        argDots <- list(...)
                        ui <- argDots$ui
                        ci <- argDots$ci
                        argDots$ui <- NULL
                        argDots$ci <- NULL
                        allArgOptim <- list(theta = P$t0, f = .objCue, grad = NULL, ui = ui, ci = ci, x = x, type = P$vcov)
                        allArgOptim <- c(allArgOptim,argDots)
                        res2 <- do.call(constrOptim,allArgOptim)
                if (P$optfct == "nlminb")
                        res2 <- nlminb(P$t0, .objCue, x = x, type = P$vcov, ...)
                        res2$value <- res2$objective
                if (P$optfct == "optimize")
                        res2 <- optimize(.objCue,P$t0, x = x, type = P$vcov, ...)
                        res2$par <- res2$minimum
                        res2$value <- res2$objective
                z = list(coefficients=res2$par,objective=res2$value, k=k, k2=k2,
                    n=n, q=q, df=df, initTheta=initTheta)
                if (any(P$optfct == c("optim", "constrOptim")))
                        z$algoInfo <- list(convergence = res2$convergence, counts =
                                               res2$counts, message = res2$message)
                        z$InitialAlgoInfo <- list(convergence = res$algoInfo$convergence,
                                                  counts = res$algoInfo$counts,
                                                  message = res$algoInfo$message)
                    } else if (P$optfct == "nlminb") {
                        z$algoInfo <- list(convergence = res2$convergence, counts =
                                               res2$evaluations, message = res2$message)
                        z$InitialAlgoInfo <- list(convergence = res$algoInfo$convergence,
                                                  counts = res$algoInfo$evaluations,
                                                  message = res$algoInfo$message)
        z$dat <- x
        z$gradv <- P$gradv
        z$gt <- P$g(z$coefficients, x)
        z$w0 <- .weightFct(z$coefficients, x, P$vcov)        
        z$iid <- P$iid
        z$g <- P$g
        z$cue <- list(weights=P$fixedKernW,message=P$weightMessage)
        names(z$coefficients) <- P$namesCoef
        if (is.null(colnames(z$gt)))
            colnames(z$gt) <- paste("gt",1:ncol(z$gt),sep="")
        z$WSpec <- P$WSpec        
        z$specMod <- P$specMod
        class(z) <- paste(P$TypeGmm, ".res", sep = "")	

momentEstim.baseGel.modFormula <- function(object, ...)
        P <- object
        g <- P$g
        q <- attr(P$x, "q")
        n <- attr(P$x, "n")
        k <- attr(P$x, "k")
        df <- q-k*P$x$ny
        l0Env <- new.env()
        if (!P$constraint)
                if (P$optfct == "optim")
                    res <- optim(P$tet0, .thetf, P = P, l0Env = l0Env, ...)
                if (P$optfct == "nlminb")
                    res <- nlminb(P$tet0, .thetf, P = P, l0Env = l0Env, ...)	
                if (P$optfct == "optimize")
                        res <- optimize(.thetf, P$tet0, P = P, l0Env = l0Env, ...)
                        res$par <- res$minimum
                        res$convergence <- "There is no convergence code for optimize"

            res <- constrOptim(P$tet0, .thetf, grad = NULL, P = P, l0Env = l0Env, ...)
        All <- .thetf(res$par, P, "all",l0Env = l0Env)
        gt <- All$gt
        rlamb <- All$lambda

        z <- list(coefficients = res$par, lambda = rlamb$lambda, conv_lambda = rlamb$conv, conv_par = res$convergence, dat=P$x)

        z$type <- P$type
        z$gt <- gt
        pt <- .getImpProb(z$gt, z$lambda, P$type, P$k1, P$k2)
        z$pt <- c(pt) 
        z$conv_moment <- attr(pt, "conv_moment")
        z$conv_pt <- attr(pt, "conv_pt")
        z$objective <- All$obj
        z$call <- P$call
        z$k1 <- P$k1
        z$k2 <- P$k2
        z$CGEL <- P$CGEL
        z$typeDesc <- P$typeDesc
        z$specMod <- P$specMod
        z$df <- df
        names(z$coefficients) <- object$namesCoef
        if (P$onlyCoefficients)

        if (!is.null(object$namesgt))
                colnames(z$gt) <- object$namesgt
            } else {
                colnames(z$gt) <- paste("g",1:ncol(z$gt), sep="")
        names(z$lambda) <- paste("Lam(", colnames(z$gt), ")", sep="")

        if (!is.null(attr(P$x,"eqConst")) & P$allArg$eqConstFullVcov)
                eqConst <- attr(P$x,"eqConst")$eqConst
                coef <- rep(0,length(eqConst[,1])+length(z$coefficients))
                ncoef <- rep("",length(eqConst[,1])+length(z$coefficients))
                coef[-eqConst[,1]] <- z$coefficients
                ncoef[-eqConst[,1]] <- names(z$coefficients)
                coef[eqConst[,1]] <- eqConst[,2]
                ncoef[eqConst[,1]] <- rownames(eqConst)
                names(coef) <- ncoef
                z$coefficients <- coef
                attr(P$x, "k") <- attr(P$x, "k") + nrow(eqConst)
                z$df <- z$df - nrow(eqConst)
                attr(P$x,"eqConst") <- NULL
                z$specMod <- paste(z$specMod, "** Note: Covariance matrix computed for all coefficients based on restricted values \n   Tests non-valid**\n\n")
            G <- P$gradv(z$coefficients, P$x)
            G <- P$gradv(z$coefficients, P$x, z$pt)
        allVcov <- try(.vcovGel(gt, G, P$k1, P$k2, P$bwVal, z$pt),
        if (any(class(allVcov) == "try-error"))
                z$vcov_par <- matrix(NA, length(z$coefficients), length(z$coefficients))
                z$vcov_lambda <- matrix(NA, length(z$lambda), length(z$lambda))
                z$khat <- NULL
                warning("Cannot compute the covariance matrices")
            } else {
                z <- c(z, allVcov)
        z$weights <- P$w
        z$bwVal <- P$bwVal
        names(z$bwVal) <- "Bandwidth"
        dimnames(z$vcov_par) <- list(names(z$coefficients), names(z$coefficients))
        dimnames(z$vcov_lambda) <- list(names(z$lambda), names(z$lambda))
        tmp <- .residuals(z$coefficients, P$x)
        z$fitted.values <- tmp$yhat	
        z$residuals <- tmp$residuals
        z$dat <- P$x
        z$terms <- P$x$mt
        if(P$model) z$model <- P$x$mf
        if(P$X) z$x <- as.matrix(P$x$x[,(P$x$ny+1):(P$x$ny+P$x$k)])
        if(P$Y) z$y <- as.matrix(P$x$x[,1:P$x$ny])  
        class(z) <- paste(P$TypeGel, ".res", sep = "")
        z$allArg <- P$allArg

momentEstim.baseGel.mod <- function(object, ...)
        P <- object
        x <- P$x
        q <- attr(x, "q")
        n <- attr(x, "n")
        df <- q - attr(x, "k")
        l0Env <- new.env()
        if (!P$constraint)
                if (P$optfct == "optim")
                    res <- optim(P$tet0, .thetf, P = P, l0Env = l0Env, ...)
                if (P$optfct == "nlminb")
                    res <- nlminb(P$tet0, .thetf, P = P, l0Env = l0Env, ...)                
                if (P$optfct == "optimize")
                        res <- optimize(.thetf, P$tet0, P = P, l0Env = l0Env, ...)
                        res$par <- res$minimum
                        res$convergence <- "There is no convergence code for optimize"
            res <- constrOptim(P$tet0, .thetf, grad = NULL, P = P,l0Env = l0Env, ...)
        All <- .thetf(res$par, P, "all",l0Env = l0Env)
        gt <- All$gt
        rlamb <- All$lambda

        z <- list(coefficients = res$par, lambda = rlamb$lambda, conv_lambda = rlamb$conv, conv_par = res$convergence, dat=x)

        z$type <- P$type
        z$gt <- gt
        pt <- .getImpProb(z$gt, z$lambda, P$type, P$k1, P$k2)
        z$pt <- c(pt) 
        z$conv_moment <- attr(pt, "conv_moment")
        z$conv_pt <- attr(pt, "conv_pt")
        z$objective <- All$obj
        names(z$coefficients) <- P$namesCoef
        z$specMod <- P$specMod
        z$df <- df
        if (!is.null(object$namesgt))
                colnames(z$gt) <- object$namesgt
            } else {
                colnames(z$gt) <- paste("g",1:ncol(z$gt), sep="")
        names(z$lambda) <- paste("Lam(", colnames(z$gt), ")", sep="")
        if (!is.null(attr(x,"eqConst")) & P$allArg$eqConstFullVcov)
                eqConst <- attr(x,"eqConst")$eqConst
                coef <- rep(0,length(eqConst[,1])+length(z$coefficients))
                ncoef <- rep("",length(eqConst[,1])+length(z$coefficients))
                coef[-eqConst[,1]] <- z$coefficients
                ncoef[-eqConst[,1]] <- names(z$coefficients)
                coef[eqConst[,1]] <- eqConst[,2]
                ncoef[eqConst[,1]] <- rownames(eqConst)
                names(coef) <- ncoef
                z$coefficients <- coef
                attr(x, "k") <- attr(x, "k") +  nrow(eqConst)
                z$df <- z$df -  nrow(eqConst)
                attr(x,"eqConst") <- NULL
                z$specMod <- paste(z$specMod, "** Note: Covariance matrix computed for all coefficients based on restricted values \n   Tests non-valid**\n\n")
        if (P$onlyCoefficients)
            return(z[c("coefficients", "lambda", "conv_lambda", "conv_par", "objective")])
            G <- P$gradv(z$coefficients, x)
            G <- P$gradv(z$coefficients, x, z$pt)
        z$G <- G
        allVcov <- try(.vcovGel(gt, G, P$k1, P$k2, P$bwVal, z$pt),
        if (any(class(allVcov) == "try-error"))
                z$vcov_par <- matrix(NA, length(z$coefficients), length(z$coefficients))
                z$vcov_lambda <- matrix(NA, length(z$lambda), length(z$lambda))
                z$khat <- NULL
                warning("Cannot compute the covariance matrices")
            } else {
                z <- c(z, allVcov)
        z$weights <- P$w
        z$bwVal <- P$bwVal
        names(z$bwVal) <- "Bandwidth"
        dimnames(z$vcov_par) <- list(names(z$coefficients), names(z$coefficients))
        dimnames(z$vcov_lambda) <- list(names(z$lambda), names(z$lambda))
        if(P$X) z$x <- x
        z$call <- P$call
        z$k1 <- P$k1
        z$k2 <- P$k2
        z$CGEL <- P$CGEL
        z$typeDesc <- P$typeDesc
        z$allArg <- P$allArg        
        class(z) <- paste(P$TypeGel, ".res", sep = "")

momentEstim.fixedW.formula <- function(object, ...)
        P <- object
        g <- P$g
        dat <- P$x
        n <- attr(dat, "n")
        q <- attr(dat, "q")
        k <- attr(dat, "k")
        k2 <- k*dat$ny
        df <- q-k*dat$ny
        w = .weightFct(NULL, dat, "fixed")
        if(!all(dim(w) == c(q,q)))
            stop("The matrix of weights must be qxq")
        eigenW <- svd(w)$d
            warning("The matrix of weights is not strictly positive definite")
                    warning("The matrix of weights is not strictly positive definite")
        res2 <- .tetlin(dat, w)
        z = list(coefficients = res2$par, objective = res2$value, dat=dat, k=k, k2=k2, n=n, q=q, df=df, df.residual = (n-k))	

        z$gt <- g(z$coefficients, dat)
        tmp <- .residuals(z$coefficients, dat)
        z$fitted.values <- tmp$yhat	
        z$residuals <- tmp$rediduals	
        z$terms <- dat$mt
        if(P$model) z$model <- dat$mf
        if(P$X) z$x <- as.matrix(dat$x[,(dat$ny+1):(dat$ny+dat$k)])
        if(P$Y) z$y <- as.matrix(dat$x[,1:dat$ny])  
        z$dat <- dat 
        z$terms <- dat$mt
        if(P$model) z$model <- dat$mf
        z$gradv <- P$gradv
        z$iid <- P$iid
        z$g <- P$g
        z$WSpec <- P$WSpec
        names(z$coefficients) <- P$namesCoef
        colnames(z$gt) <- P$namesgt
        z$specMod <- P$specMod
        class(z) <- paste(P$TypeGmm,".res",sep="")

momentEstim.fixedW <- function(object, ...)
        P <- object
        x <- P$x
        n <- attr(x, "n")
        q <- attr(x, "q")
        k <- attr(x, "k")
        k2 <- k
        df <- q - k
        w = .weightFct(NULL, x, "fixed")
        if(!all(dim(w) == c(q,q)))
            stop("The matrix of weights must be qxq")
        eigenW <- svd(w)$d
            warning("The matrix of weights is not strictly positive definite")
                    warning("The matrix of weights is not strictly positive definite")
        chkOptim <- any(P$optfct == c("optim", "constrOptim"))
        if (chkOptim)
                if (P$gradvf)
                        gr2 <- function(thet, x,  w)
                                gt <- .momentFct(thet, x)
                                Gbar <- .DmomentFct(thet, x) 
                                gbar <- as.vector(colMeans(gt))
                                INV <- attr(w, "inv")
                                if (INV)		
                                    obj <- crossprod(Gbar, solve(w, gbar))
                                    obj <- crossprod(Gbar,w)%*%gbar
                    } else {
                        gr2 <- NULL
        if (P$optfct == "optim")
                argDots <- list(...)
                allArgOptim <- list(par = P$t0, fn = .obj1, gr = gr2, x = x, w = w)
                argDots$gr <- NULL
                allArgOptim <- c(allArgOptim,argDots)
                res2 <- do.call(optim,allArgOptim)
        if (P$optfct == "constrOptim")
                if (!any(c("ui","ci") %in% names(list(...))))
                    stop("You must specify ui and ci when optfct is set to constrOptim")
                argDots <- list(...)
                ui <- argDots$ui
                ci <- argDots$ci
                argDots$ui <- NULL
                argDots$ci <- NULL
                allArgOptim <- list(theta = P$t0, f = .obj1, grad = gr2, ui = ui, ci = ci, x = x, w = w)
                allArgOptim <- c(allArgOptim,argDots)
                res2 <- do.call(constrOptim,allArgOptim)
        if (P$optfct == "nlminb")
                res2 <- nlminb(P$t0, .obj1, x = P$x, w = w, ...)
                res2$value <- res2$objective
        if (P$optfct == "optimize")
                res2 <- optimize(.obj1, P$t0, x = P$x, w = w, ...)
                res2$par <- res2$minimum
                res2$value <- res2$objective
        z = list(coefficients = res2$par, objective = res2$value, k=k, k2=k2, n=n, q=q, df=df)	
        if (chkOptim)
            z$algoInfo <- list(convergence = res2$convergence, counts = res2$counts, message = res2$message)
        else if(P$optfct == "nlminb")
            z$algoInfo <- list(convergence = res2$convergence, counts = res2$evaluations, message = res2$message)

        z$dat <- P$x
        z$gt <- P$g(z$coefficients, P$x)
        z$gradv <- P$gradv
        z$iid <- P$iid
        z$g <- P$g
        z$WSpec <- P$WSpec

        names(z$coefficients) <- P$namesCoef
        if (is.null(colnames(z$gt)))
            colnames(z$gt) <- paste("gt",1:ncol(z$gt),sep="") 
        z$specMod <- P$specMod
        class(z) <- paste(P$TypeGmm,".res",sep="")	

momentEstim.baseGel.eval <- function(object, ...)
        P <- object
        q <- attr(P$x, "q")
        n <- attr(P$x, "n")
        l0Env <- new.env()
        All <- .thetf(P$tet0, P, "all",l0Env = l0Env)
        gt <- All$gt
        rlamb <- All$lambda
        z <- list(coefficients = P$tet0, lambda = rlamb$lambda, conv_lambda = rlamb$conv, conv_par = NULL, dat=P$x)

        z$type <- P$type
        z$gt <- gt
        pt <- .getImpProb(z$gt, z$lambda, P$type, P$k1, P$k2)
        z$pt <- c(pt) 
        z$conv_moment <- attr(pt, "conv_moment")
        z$conv_pt <- attr(pt, "conv_pt")
        z$objective <- All$obj
        z$call <- P$call
        z$k1 <- P$k1
        z$k2 <- P$k2
        z$CGEL <- P$CGEL
        z$typeDesc <- paste(P$typeDesc, " (Eval only, tests non-valid) ", sep="")
        z$specMod <- P$specMod
        names(z$coefficients) <- P$namesCoef
        z$df <- length(z$lambda) - length(z$coefficients) 
        if (!is.null(object$namesgt))
                colnames(z$gt) <- object$namesgt
            } else {
                colnames(z$gt) <- paste("g",1:ncol(z$gt), sep="")
        names(z$lambda) <- paste("Lam(", colnames(z$gt), ")", sep="")
            G <- P$gradv(z$coefficients, P$x)
            G <- P$gradv(z$coefficients, P$x, z$pt)
        z$G <- G
        allVcov <- .vcovGel(gt, G, P$k1, P$k2, P$bwVal, z$pt)
        z <- c(z, allVcov)       
        z$weights <- P$w
        z$bwVal <- P$bwVal
        names(z$bwVal) <- "Bandwidth"
        dimnames(z$vcov_par) <- list(names(z$coefficients), names(z$coefficients))
        dimnames(z$vcov_lambda) <- list(names(z$lambda), names(z$lambda))
        if (attr(P$x,"ModelType") == "linear")
                tmp <- .residuals(z$coefficients, P$x)
                z$fitted.values <- tmp$yhat	
                z$residuals <- tmp$residuals
                z$terms <- P$x$mt
                if(P$model) z$model <- P$x$mf
                if(P$X) z$x <- as.matrix(P$x$x[,(P$x$ny+1):(P$x$ny+P$x$k)])
                if(P$Y) z$y <- as.matrix(P$x$x[,1:P$x$ny])

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gmm documentation built on March 31, 2023, 3:08 p.m.