
plot.snapshot <- function(x, 
                         type = c("signatures", "mean", "pvalue", "compact"),
                         names = NULL, 
                         breaks = c(4, 8, 13, 30),
                         bands  =  c("delta", "theta", "alpha", "beta",
                        col = NULL, lty = 1, lwd = 1.5, ...){  
    freq <- as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9.]", "", rownames(x$x)))
    nr <- nrow(x$x)
    ns <- ncol(x$x)
    if (missing(names)) names <- c("Set 1", "Set 2")
    if (missing(col)) {
        if (exists("rainbow_hcl", mode= "function"))
            col <- rainbow_hcl(ns, c = 100, l = 60) 
            col <- seq_len(ns)
    signatures <- length(agrep("signatures", type))
    mean <- length(agrep("mean", type))
    manhattan <- length(agrep("pvalue", type))
    compact <- length(agrep("compact", type)) 
    M <- list(x$x, x$y)
    ### signatures
    if (signatures) {
        for (i in 1:2) {
            matplot(freq, M[[i]], col=col, type='l', 
                    xlab= "Frequency (Hz)", ylab= "Coefficient", 
                    lty = lty, lwd = lwd, ...)
            title(paste("Signatures for", names[i]))
    ### plot mean signatures
    plot.mean <- function(x, y, freq, col, pch.col, pch, legend, lines = TRUE, 
                          add = FALSE, ...){
        y1 <- rowMeans(x)
        y2 <- rowMeans(y)
        ylim <- range(y1, y2)
        if (!add) {
            plot(freq, y1, type = "n", ylab = "Signature", 
                 xlab = "Frequency (Hz)", ylim = ylim, ...)
            abline(h = 0)
        if (lines){
            if (!is.list(col)) col <- list(col, col)
            if (!is.list(pch)) pch <- list(pch, pch)
            if (!is.list(pch.col)) pch.col <- list(pch.col, pch.col)
            lines(freq, y1, col = col[[1]]) 
            lines(freq, y2, col = col[[2]])    
            points(freq, y1, col = pch.col[[1]], pch = pch[[1]]) 
            points(freq, y2, col = pch.col[[2]], pch = pch[[2]])
        if (!missing(legend)) {
            legend("topright", legend, col = unlist(col), 
                   pch = unlist(pch))
    if (mean){
        plot.mean(x$x, x$y, freq, col = list("red", "blue"), pch = 1, 
                  pch.col = list("red", "blue"), legend = names)

    col <- rainbow_hcl(length(breaks) + 1, c = 60, l = 75)
    col <- col[c(seq(1, length(col), 2), seq(2, length(col), 2))]
    if (compact) {
        cutoff <- cut(x$pvalue, c(1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, 0))
        cols <- heat_hcl(4, c. = c(100, 30), l = c(50, 90))
        plot.mean(x$x, x$y, freq, lines = FALSE, ...)   
        usr <- par("usr")
        axis(3, at = breaks, labels = FALSE)
        mtext(bands, side = 3, 
              at = diff(c(usr[1], breaks, usr[2]))/2+ c(0, breaks))
        breaks1 <- c(-1, breaks)
        breaks2 <- c(breaks, ceiling(usr[2]) + 1)
        poly <- mapply(seq, breaks1, breaks2)       
        for (b in seq_along(poly)){
            xx <- c(poly[[b]][1], poly[[b]],
            r <- length(xx) - 2
            yy <- list (c(-0.002, rep(0.002, r), -0.002),
                       c(usr[4] -0.004, rep(usr[4], r), usr[4] -0.004),
                       c(usr[3], rep(usr[3] + 0.004, r), usr[3]))
            for (i in 1:3)
                polygon(xx, yy[[i]], col = col[b], border = col[b])
        plot.mean(x$x, x$y, freq, pch.col = cols[cutoff], pch = list(15, 17), 
                  col = cols[4], add = TRUE)                
        legend("topright", bty = "n", 
               c(names, "p < 5%", "p < 1%", "p < 0.1%"), 
               col = c(cols[4], cols[4], cols[3:1]), 
               pch = c(15, 17, 15, 15, 15))

    ## plot Manhattan plot
    if (manhattan) {
        xx <- seq_len(nr)
        yy <- -log(x$pvalue, 10)
        ylim <- range(c(yy, -log(0.05, 10)))
        plot(xx, yy, type="n", xlab="Frequency", 
             ylab=expression(-log[10](p)), ylim = ylim)
        breaks1 <- c(1, breaks)
        breaks2 <- c(breaks, ceiling(max(freq)))
        poly <- mapply(seq, breaks1, breaks2)
        for (b in 1:5){
            x <- c(xx[poly[[b]][1]], xx[poly[[b]]],
            y <- c(0, yy[poly[[b]]], 0)
            polygon(x, y, col = col[b], border = col[b])
        points(xx, yy, pch = 4)
        lines(xx, yy, pch = 4)
        abline(h = -log(0.05, 10), lty = 2) #significance line
        legend("topright", bands, col = col, pch = 15)

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