boot.lasso.proj <- function(x, y, family = "gaussian",
standardize = TRUE,
multiplecorr.method = "WY",
parallel = FALSE, ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L),
betainit = "cv lasso",
sigma = NULL, ## sigma estimate provided by the user
Z = NULL, ## Z or Thetahat provided by the user
verbose = FALSE,
return.Z = FALSE,## suppress.grouptesting = FALSE,
robust = FALSE,
B = 1000,
boot.shortcut = FALSE,
return.bootdist = FALSE,
wild = FALSE,
gaussian.stub = FALSE)
## Purpose:
## An implementation of the LDPE method
## (which is identical to
## performing inference using the bootstrap techniques from
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Return values:
## pval: p-values for every parameter (individual tests)
## pval.corr: multiple testing corrected p-values for every parameter
## betahat: initial estimate by the scaled lasso of \beta^0
## bhat: de-sparsified \beta^0 estimate used for p-value calculation
## sigmahat: \sigma estimate coming from the lasso
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 15 June 2016 (initial version)
## in part based on the implementation of the de-sparsified Lasso
## lasso-proj.R
stop("The function boot.lasso.proj is currently not supporting families other than 'gaussian'")
## The current code assumes the family is gaussian
## residual based resampling would be incorrect for other family
ncores <- 1
## Get data ready ##
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)
sds <- apply(x, 2, sd)
sds <- rep(1, p)
pdata <- = x,
y = y,
standardize = standardize,
family = family)
x <- pdata$x
y <- pdata$y
## force sigmahat to 1 when doing glm!
if(family == "binomial")
sigma <- 1
## Calculate Z using nodewise lasso ##
Zout <- calculate.Z(x = x,
parallel = parallel,
ncores = ncores,
verbose = verbose,
Z = Z)
Z <- Zout$Z
scaleZ <- Zout$scaleZ
## de-sparsified Lasso estimator ##
## Initial Lasso estimate
initial.estimate <- initial.estimator(betainit = betainit, sigma = sigma,
x = x, y = y)
betalasso <- initial.estimate$beta.lasso
sigmahat <- initial.estimate$sigmahat
## Lasso residuals
r <- y - x %*% betalasso
rc <- as.vector(r) - mean(r)
## de-sparsified Lasso
bproj <- despars.lasso.est(x = x,
y = y,
Z = Z,
betalasso = betalasso)
se <- est.stderr.despars.lasso(x = x,
y = y,
Z = Z,
betalasso = betalasso,
sigmahat = sigmahat,
robust = robust)
scaleb <- 1/se
bprojrescaled <- bproj * scaleb
## Bootstrapping approach ##
## Choose the tuning parameter to be used (or leave open) for the bootstrap
lambda <- NULL
lambda <- initial.estimate$lambda
## ?ISSUE?:
## If the user provided his own betainit, we have no lambda value
## to use for the bootstrap shortcut, what do we do here?
## Let the user provide a lambda as option to the main function in addition to the betainit?
## We only allow for lasso for bootstrapping no? so it has to be lambda for lasso :/
compute.cbootdist <- function(ystar,
## Precalculate the initial estimator
initstar <- = x,
ystar = ystar,
betainit = betainit,
lambda = lambda,
parallel = parallel,
ncores = ncores)
betainitstar <-,
FUN = function(out) out$betalasso))
sigmahatstar <- sapply(initstar,
FUN = function(out) out$sigmahat)
## Compute the de-sparsified Lasso
bstar <- despars.lasso.est(x = x,
y = ystar,
Z = Z,
betalasso = betainitstar)
## Compute the standard errors
sestar <- = x,
ystar = ystar,
Z = Z,
betainitstar = betainitstar,
sigmahatstar = sigmahatstar,
robust = robust,
parallel = parallel,
ncores = ncores)
## Compute the final bootstrap distribution
cboot.dist <- (bstar - boot.truth)/sestar ## Substract the bootstrap truth and studentize
## p-Value calculation ##
## Compute the distribution of the estimator for testing
## stub Centered bootstrap distribution
cboot.dist <- replicate(B, rnorm(ncol(x)))
## Resample the residuals
rstar <- resample(r = rc,
B = B,
wild = wild)
ystar <- as.vector(x %*% betalasso) + rstar
## Compute the centered bootstrap distribution
cboot.dist <- compute.cbootdist(ystar = ystar,
boot.truth = betalasso)
## Compute p-values based on that distribution
dist <- bproj/se - cboot.dist
counts <- apply(dist >=0,1,sum)
if(any(counts >= B/2))
counts[counts >= B/2] <- B-counts[counts >= B/2]
counts <- 2*counts
pval <- (counts+1)/(B+1)
## Multiple testing correction ##
cboot.dist.underH0c <- NULL
pcorr <- if(multiplecorr.method == "WY") {
## Bootstrap under H0 complete another B bootstrap samples to perform WY ##
## Compute the maxT distribution under H0c
## stub Centered bootstrap distributionc
cboot.dist.underH0c <- replicate(B,rnorm(ncol(x)))
## Use the re-sampled residuals to bootstrap under the complete
## null hypothesis.
ystar <- 0 + rstar
## Compute the centered bootstrap distribution
cboot.dist.underH0c <- compute.cbootdist(ystar = ystar,
boot.truth = 0)
max.t.dist <- apply(abs(cboot.dist.underH0c),2,max)
counts.matrix <- sapply(max.t.dist,FUN=">=",abs(bproj/se))
counts <- apply(counts.matrix,1,sum)
} else if(multiplecorr.method %in% p.adjust.methods) {
## Check and warn for accuracy of p-values when using traditional ##
## multiple testing correction methods ##
## P-values that are so far in the tail that the number of bootstrap
## samples didn't suffice to capture
inaccurate.pval <- pval <= (4+1)/(B+1)
## Is the lower bound on p-values too small for multiple testing correction?
B.toosmall.formc <- (1+4)/(B+1)*ncol(x) > 0.05
## we don't know what rejection level the user wants to use, but 0.05 is a good reference?
if(any(inaccurate.pval) & B.toosmall.formc)
warning(paste("Lacking accuracy for multiple testing:\n",
"The provided number of bootstrap samples B was not high enough to ",
"accurately compute\nthe smallest multiple testing corrected p-values.\n",
"The lowest attainable p-value for the chosen B value is 1/(B+1)=",
"Reasonable accuracy is only attained starting from (4+1)/(B+1)=",
"This issue is easily solved by using 'WY' as multiple testing method.",
p.adjust(pval,method = multiplecorr.method)
} else
stop("Unknown multiple correction method specified")
## Function to calculate p-value for groups ##
## For the moment we don't yet support group testing
group.testing.function <- NULL <- NULL
## Return all information ##
out <- list(pval = as.vector(pval),
pval.corr = pcorr,
## groupTest = group.testing.function,
## clusterGroupTest =,
sigmahat = sigmahat,
standardize = standardize,
sds = sds,
bhat = bproj / sds,
se = se / sds,
betahat = betalasso / sds,
family = family,
method = "boot.lasso.proj",
B = B,
boot.shortcut = boot.shortcut,
lambda = lambda,
call =
out <- c(out,
list(Z = scale(Z,center=FALSE,scale=1/scaleZ)))##unrescale the Zs
names(out$pval) <- names(out$pval.corr) <- names(out$bhat) <-
names(out$sds) <- names(out$se) <- names(out$betahat) <-
out <- c(out,
list(cboot.dist = se/sds*cboot.dist))
rownames(out$cboot.dist) <- names(out$bhat)
out <- c(out,
list(cboot.dist.underH0c = se/sds*cboot.dist.underH0c))
rownames(out$cboot.dist.underH0c) <- names(out$bhat)
class(out) <- "hdi"
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