
Defines functions names_int64 namesgets_int64 int64 uint64 show_int64 as.int64 as.uint64 format.uint64 numeric_limits int64_Math2 c_int64 str.uint64

Documented in as.int64 as.uint64 int64 numeric_limits uint64

# Copyright (C) 2011 Romain Francois
# Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
# This file is part of int64.
# int64 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# int64 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with int64.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

setClassUnion( "maybeNames", c("character", "NULL" ) )

names_int64 <- function(x){
namesgets_int64 <- function( x, value){
    if( missing(value) || is.null(value) ){
        x@NAMES <- NULL
    } else if( is.character( value )){
        if( length( value ) == length( x@.Data ) ){
            x@NAMES <- value
        } else if(length(value) < length(x@.Data) ) {
            x@NAMES <- c( value, rep( NA, length(x@.Data) - length(value) ) )
        } else {
            stop( "error assigning names" )
    } else {
        stop( "must be character vector or NULL" )
setClass( "int64", contains = "list", 
    representation( NAMES = "maybeNames")
setClass( "uint64", contains = "list" ,
    representation( NAMES = "maybeNames")

setMethod( "names", "int64", names_int64 )
setMethod( "names<-", "int64", namesgets_int64 )
setMethod( "names", "uint64", names_int64 )
setMethod( "names<-", "uint64", namesgets_int64 )

setClass( "binary",  
    representation( data = "character", bits = "integer" )

setGeneric( "binary", function(object) standardGeneric("binary") )
setMethod( "binary", "integer", function(object){
   new( "binary", data = .Call( int64_format_binary, object ), bits = 32L ) 
} )
setMethod( "binary", "numeric", function(object){
   new( "binary", data = .Call( int64_format_binary, object ), bits = 64L ) 
} )
setMethod( "binary", "int64", function(object){
   new( "binary", data = .Call( int64_format_binary, object ), bits = 64L ) 
} )
setMethod( "binary", "uint64", function(object){
   new( "binary", data = .Call( int64_format_binary, object ), bits = 64L ) 
} )
setMethod( "show", "binary", function(object){
    print( noquote( object@data ) )

int64 <- function(length=0L){
    x <- new("int64", rep( list(integer(2L)), length ) )
uint64 <- function(length=0L){
    x <- new("uint64", rep( list(integer(2L)), length ) )

setMethod( "length", "int64", function(x){
} )
setMethod( "length", "uint64", function(x){
} )
show_int64 <- function(object){
    if( !length(object)) {
        writeLines( sprintf( "%s(0)", class(object) ) )
    } else { 
        if( is.null( object@NAMES ) ){
            print( noquote( as.character( object ) ) )
        } else {
            x <- as.character( object )
            names(x) <- object@NAMES
setMethod( "show", "int64", show_int64)
setMethod( "show", "uint64", show_int64)

as.int64 <- function(x){
    if( is.character(x) ){
        wrong <- ! grepl("^[-]?[0-9]+$", x) 
        if( any(wrong) ){
            x[wrong] <- "NA"
            warning( "NAs introduced" )
    new( "int64", .Call(int64_as_int64, x) ) 
as.uint64 <- function(x){
    if( is.character(x) ){
        wrong <- ! grepl("^[0-9]+$", x) 
        if( any(wrong) ){
            x[wrong] <- "NA"
            warning( "NAs introduced" )
    new( "uint64", .Call(int64_as_uint64, x) ) 

setMethod( "[", "int64", function(x, i, j, ...){
    new( "int64", x@.Data[ i ] )
} )
setMethod( "[", "uint64", function(x, i, j, ...){
    new( "uint64", x@.Data[ i ] )
} )
setMethod( "[<-", "int64", function(x, i, j, ..., value ){
    data <- x@.Data
    data[i] <- as.int64( value )@.Data
    new( "int64", data )
} )
setMethod( "[<-", "uint64", function(x, i, j, ..., value ){
    data <- x@.Data
    data[i] <- as.uint64( value )@.Data
    new( "uint64", data )
} )

setMethod( "Arith", signature(e1 = "int64", e2 = "int64" ), 
   numbers <- .Call( int64_arith_int64_int64, .Generic, e1, e2, FALSE )
   new( "int64", numbers ) 
} )
setMethod( "Arith", signature(e1 = "int64", e2 = "ANY" ), 
   numbers <- .Call( int64_arith_int64_int64, .Generic, e1, as.int64(e2), FALSE )
   new( "int64", numbers )     
} )
setMethod( "Arith", signature(e1 = "ANY", e2 = "int64" ), 
   numbers <- .Call( int64_arith_int64_int64, .Generic, as.int64(e1), e2, FALSE )
   new( "int64", numbers ) 
} )

setMethod( "Arith", signature(e1 = "uint64", e2 = "uint64" ), 
   numbers <- .Call( int64_arith_int64_int64, .Generic, e1, e2, TRUE )
   new( "uint64", numbers ) 
} )
setMethod( "Arith", signature(e1 = "uint64", e2 = "ANY" ), 
   numbers <- .Call( int64_arith_int64_int64, .Generic, e1, as.uint64(e2), TRUE )
   new( "uint64", numbers )     
} )
setMethod( "Arith", signature(e1 = "ANY", e2 = "uint64" ), 
   numbers <- .Call( int64_arith_int64_int64, .Generic, as.uint64(e1), e2, TRUE )
   new( "uint64", numbers ) 
} )

setMethod( "Compare", signature(e1 = "int64", e2 = "int64" ), 
   .Call( int64_compare_int64_int64, .Generic, e1, e2, FALSE )
} )
setMethod( "Compare", signature(e1 = "ANY", e2 = "int64" ), 
   .Call( int64_compare_int64_int64, .Generic, as.int64(e1), e2, FALSE )
} )
setMethod( "Compare", signature(e1 = "int64", e2 = "ANY" ), 
   .Call( int64_compare_int64_int64, .Generic, e1, as.int64(e2), FALSE )
} )

setMethod( "Compare", signature(e1 = "uint64", e2 = "uint64" ), 
   .Call( int64_compare_int64_int64, .Generic, e1, e2, TRUE )
} )
setMethod( "Compare", signature(e1 = "ANY", e2 = "uint64" ), 
   .Call( int64_compare_int64_int64, .Generic, as.uint64(e1), e2, TRUE )
} )
setMethod( "Compare", signature(e1 = "uint64", e2 = "ANY" ), 
   .Call( int64_compare_int64_int64, .Generic, e1, as.uint64(e2), TRUE)
} )

setMethod( "Summary", "int64", function(x,..., na.rm = FALSE){
   .Call( int64_summary_int64, .Generic, x, FALSE)
} )
setMethod( "Summary", "uint64", function(x,..., na.rm = FALSE){
   .Call( int64_summary_int64, .Generic, x, TRUE)
} )

setMethod( "as.character", "int64", function(x,...){
  .Call( int64_as_character_int64, x, FALSE)  
setMethod( "as.character", "uint64", function(x,...){
  .Call( int64_as_character_int64, x, TRUE)  
as.data.frame.int64 <- as.data.frame.uint64 <- as.data.frame.vector
format.int64 <- format.uint64 <- function(x, ...){

numeric_limits <- function( type ){
    .Call( int64_limits, type )

setGeneric( "unique" )
setMethod( "unique", "int64", function(x, incomparables = FALSE, ...){
    new( "int64", .Data = unique( x@.Data, incomparables, ... ) )  
} )
setMethod( "unique", "uint64", function(x, incomparables = FALSE, ...){
    new( "uint64", .Data = unique( x@.Data, incomparables, ... ) )  
} )

setGeneric( "sort" )
setMethod( "sort", "int64", function(x, decreasing = FALSE, ...){
    .Call( int64_sort, x, FALSE, decreasing )
} )
setMethod( "sort", "uint64", function(x, decreasing = FALSE, ...){
    .Call( int64_sort, x, TRUE, decreasing )
} )

setMethod( "Math", "int64", function(x){
    .Call( int64_math, .Generic, x, FALSE)
} )
setMethod( "Math", "uint64", function(x){
    .Call( int64_math, .Generic, x, TRUE )
} )

# implementation of signif using string maniplation
int64_Math2 <- function( type = "int64", .Generic, x, digits ){
    if( .Generic == "round" ) x else{
        if( any(digits<0 ) ) stop("digits must be positive")
        # signif
        s <- as.character( x )
        len <- nchar( s )
        signs <- ! grepl( "^-", s )
        s <- sub( "^-", "", s ) 
        # recycling
        digits <- as.integer( rep( digits, length = length( s ) ) )
        digits[ digits == 0L ] <- 1L
        res <- .Call( int64_signif, s, digits, len )
        res <- sprintf( "%s%s", ifelse(signs, "", "-"), res )
        if( type == "int64" ) as.int64(res) else as.uint64(res) 

setMethod( "Math2", "int64", function(x, digits  = 6L){
    int64_Math2( "int64", .Generic, x, digits )
} )
setMethod( "Math2", "uint64", function(x, digits = 6L){
    int64_Math2( "uint64", .Generic, x, digits )
} )

setMethod( "is.na", "int64", function(x){
  .Call( int64_isna, x, FALSE )  
setMethod( "is.na", "uint64", function(x){
  .Call( int64_isna, x, TRUE )  

c_int64 <- function(as, ctor){
    function(x, ..., recursive = FALSE ){
    dots <- list(...)
    if( !length(dots) ) return(x)
    dots <- lapply( dots, function(x) as(x)@.Data )
    n <- length(x) + sum( sapply( dots, length ) ) 
    res <- ctor(n) 
    res@.Data[ 1:length(x) ] <- x@.Data
    start <- length(x)+1L
    for( i in 1:length(dots)){
        data <- dots[[i]]
        res@.Data[ start:(start+length(data)-1L) ] <- data
        start <- start + length(data)

setMethod( "c", "int64", c_int64( as.int64, int64 ) )
setMethod( "c", "uint64", c_int64( as.uint64, uint64 ) )

setAs("character", "int64", function(from) as.int64(from))
setAs("character", "uint64", function(from) as.uint64(from))

setAs("integer", "int64", function(from) as.int64(from))
setAs("integer", "uint64", function(from) as.uint64(from))

setAs("logical", "int64", function(from) as.int64(from))
setAs("logical", "uint64", function(from) as.uint64(from))

setAs("numeric", "int64", function(from) as.int64(from))
setAs("numeric", "uint64", function(from) as.uint64(from))

str.int64 <- str.uint64 <- function(object, ...){
    writeLines( sprintf( " %s [1:%d] %s ...", class(object), length(object), 
        paste( as.character( head( object, 3 ) ), collapse = " " )
    ) )

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int64 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:50 p.m.