
doDynamicProgramming <- structure(function(#Run segmentation by dynamic programming
### High-level function for univariate or multivariate segmentation by dynamic programming
### A numeric vector or a matrix, the signal to be segmented
### The number of change points to find
### A vector containing the names or indices of the columns of \code{Y} to be segmented
### A \code{logical} value: should extra information be output ? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
                                           ) {
    ##note<< This is essentially a wrapper for convenient segmentation
    ##by dynamic programming using the \code{\link{PSSeg}} function.
    ##references<<Rigaill, G. (2010). Pruned dynamic programming for
    ##optimal multiple change-point detection. arXiv preprint
    ## Argument 'Y'
    if (is.null(dim(Y)) || is.data.frame(Y)) {
        if (verbose) {
            print("Coercing 'Y' to a matrix")
        Y <- as.matrix(Y)
    } else if (!is.matrix(Y)){
        stop("Argument 'Y' should be a matrix, vector or data.frame")

    ## Argument 'stat'
    if (!is.null(stat)) {
        if (is.numeric(stat)) {
            mm <- match(stat, 1:ncol(Y)) 
        } else if (is.character(stat)) {
            mm <- match(stat, colnames(Y))
        if (sum(is.na(mm))) {
            guilty <- paste("'", stat[which(is.na(mm))], "'", sep="", collapse=",")
            stop("Undefined column(s) selected in 'Y':", guilty, ". Please check argument 'stat'")
        } else {
            Y <- Y[, mm, drop=FALSE]
    if (is.null(dim(Y)) || (ncol(Y)==1)) {
        ##details<< if the signal is uni-dimensional, this function simply
        ##uses the segmentation method provided in the
        ##\code{cghseg} package reshapes the results.
        if (!require("cghseg")) {
            cat("Please install the 'cghseg' package to run the 'doDynamicProgramming' function")

        n <- length(Y)
        res <- cghseg:::segmeanCO(Y, Kmax=K+1)
        ## Note: segmeanCO is a low-level segmentation method in package 'cghseg'.
        ## It is not exported.
        bkpList <- lapply(1:K+1, FUN=function(kk) {
            res$t.est[kk, 1:(kk-1)]
        dpseg <- list(bkp=bkpList, rse=res$J.est)
        res <- list(bkp=bkpList[[K]], dpseg=dpseg)
        ##stop("Argument 'y' should be a numeric vector")
    } else {
        ##details<< if the signal is multi-dimensional, this function
        ##applies the \code{\link{pruneByDP}} function and reshapes the
        res <- pruneByDP(Y, K=K+1)
        dpseg <- list(bkp=res$bkpList, rse=res$rse)
        res <- list(bkp=res$bkpList[[K]], dpseg=dpseg)
### \item{bkp}{A vector of \code{K} indices for candidate change points}
### \item{dpseg}{A list of two elements \describe{
###   \item{bkp}{A list of vectors of change point positions for the best model with k change points, for k=1, 2, ... K}
###   \item{rse}{A vector of K+1 residual squared errors}
###  }}
}, ex=function(){
    ## load known real copy number regions
    affyDat <- loadCnRegionData(dataSet="GSE29172", tumorFraction=1)

    ## generate a synthetic CN profile
    K <- 10
    len <- 1e4
    sim <- getCopyNumberDataByResampling(len, K, minLength=100, regData=affyDat)
    datS <- sim$profile

    ## run cghseg segmentation
    resDP <- doDynamicProgramming(datS[["c"]], K=K)
    getTpFp(resDP$bkp, sim$bkp, tol=5, relax = -1)   ## true and false positives
    plotSeg(datS, breakpoints=list(sim$bkp, resDP$bkp))
    ## run 2d dynamic programming segmentation
    K <- 2
    len <- 1e3
    sim <- getCopyNumberDataByResampling(len, K, minLength=100, regData=affyDat)
    datS <- sim$profile
    datS$d <- 2*abs(datS$b-1/2)
    datS[which(datS$genotype!=0.5),"d"] <- NA
    Y = cbind(datS$c,datS$d)
    resDP2d <- doDynamicProgramming(Y, K = K)

## 2014-05-30
## o Added argument 'stat'.
## o Updated doc.
## 2013-12-09
## o Renamed to 'doDynamicProgramming'
## o Added 2d dynamic programming
## 2013-01-09
## o Replace all jumps by bkp
## 2013-01-04
## o BUG FIX: index shift when reshaping the results.
## 2013-01-03
## o Created.

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jointseg documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:20 p.m.