Man pages for metrumrg
Pharmacometric Tools for Data Preparation, Modeling, Simulation, and Reporting

acceptDocument Acceptance of an R Installation
acceptanceList the History of Acceptance.
addlCalculate a NONMEM ADDL data item from explicit records.
align.decimalFormat Numeric Vectors Specially
as.bestCoerce data unambiguously to numeric or character
as.commentCreate and Manipulate Comment Objects a Block of Lines to Data Frame
as.defineWork with Data Definitions
as.initWork with Initial Estimates as Objects
as.keyedCreate and Manipulate Keyed Data Frames
as.nmCreate and Manipulate nm Objects
as.nmctlCreate, Manipulate, Read, and Write NONMEM Control Streams
as.pxmlConvert a Param File to XML
as.secondInterconvert Nominal Time Units
as.specCreate and Manipulate spec Objects
as.unilog.runCreate a Run Log for NONMEM7 using NONMEM6 Format
as.xmlRepresent an Object as XML
attributeEncode an Attribute for an XML Open Tag
AUCCalculate AUC Using the Trapezoidal Method
augAugment a List-like Object
backtransBack-transform Columns in a Data Frame
binCalculate Bin Sizes and Limits for a Vector
boundsCalculate Normal Quantiles at Boundaries of Probability...
bracketCreate an XML Tag
breaksIdentify Boundaries Between Sets of Elements
bundleReadRead Data Files from a Directory into a List
cast-methodsMethods for Function 'cast' in Package 'reshape'
check.subjectsSummarize Columns of Subject Data
CLNRDelete Files and Directories
closersCalculate Closing Text for Nested Script Levels
codesRecover Metadata from spec Objects and their Components
colnameChange Selected Names
combinationsDisplay Combinations of Column Values
commandFormat a Latex Command
compileflagDevelop a Value for a Compiler Resource on the Grid
compilerExtract the Compiler Name from an NMQual Configuration File
compute.cwresCompute the Conditional Weighted Residuals
configIdentify the Configuration File in an NMQual-mediated NONMEM...
constantTest for Nested Factors
containsTest a Character Vector for Occurences of a Pattern
convertLinesConvert Line Endings
cssCalculate One-Compartment Model Properties
c.temporalSupport for timepoint Classes
cvCompute Coefficient of Variation for Normal and Log-Normal...
dataFormatIntegrate NONMEM Data for Plotting
dataSynthesisBuild a Standard Plotting Data Set for a Given NONR Run
diagnosticPlotsCreate Diagnostic Plots
digestDiagnose Static Data Relationships
electronicAppendixMake an FDA-style Electronic Appendix from a Subversioned...
encodeEncode Factor-like Levels and Labels as a Simple String
episcriptRun an Epilog Script in a Pre-populated Environment
extensionsInstantiate Records Implied By Range Data
extractExtract a Parenthetically-grouped Substring of a Regular...
filenameConstruct a Canonical File Name
findNonmemCommandFind Paths to Available Nonmem Commands
firstIdentify Elements Within Cells Meeting Some Instance of a...
fixedwidthApply Fixed-width Formatting to a Data Frame
fixProblemClean Up a Control Stream
flagCreate and Manipulate Flags
ftable2data.frameConvert ftable to data.frame
getCovsReturn Non-commented Non-duplicated Rows of a NONMEM Data Set
getCwresReturn the Conditional Weighted Residuals Pertinent to a...
getdnameExtract the Path and File from the DATA Block in the Control...
getParsReturn the Non-duplicated (ID) Rows Corresponding to the...
getTabsReturn the Observation Rows (EVID==0) Corresponding to the...
gluePaste Items with No Space
groupnamesConstruct a Single Vector of Group Names from Possibly...
half.matrixInterconvert Between a Symmetric Matrix and a Triangular...
hashSupply Comment Characters with Output
helpAdministermetrumrg: Administrative
helpBrowsemetrumrg: Extended Examples
helpClassesmetrumrg: Data Classes
helpDataFramemetrumrg: Working with Data Frames
helpListmetrumrg: Defined Functions
helpMatrixmetrumrg: Working with Matrices
helpModelmetrumrg: Modeling
helpPharmacometricmetrumrg: Pharmacometrics
helpPreparemetrumrg: Data Preparation
helpQuantifymetrumrg: Statistics
helpReportmetrumrg: Reporting
helpSimulatemetrumrg: Simulation
helpStrategicmetrumrg: Strategic Data Manipulation
helpVectormetrumrg: Working with Vectors
helpVisualizemetrumrg: Plotting
ibwCalculate Various Clinical Indicators
indexVisualize Static Data Relationships Data to Inner Quantiles by Imputing NA.
is.alphaTest For Alphabetic Content
is.definedTest Whether Values are Defined
is.diagonalAnalyze Parameter Labels
is.latex.tokenDetermine if String is Valid Latex Command or Environment That Each Element is a Single Non-letter
is.square.matrixTest Whether a Matrix is Square
isSubversionedCheck Whether Files Are Subversioned
isSubversionedFileCheck If Single file Is Subversioned
iterationsHarvest Iteration Statistics from NONMEM Output and Convert...
justUnitsExtract Substring of Wiki Math
keyed-classClass '"keyed"'
latestIdentify the Latest Variants of Each File as Distinguished by...
latex.argsFormat Latex Command Arguments
latex.optionsFormat Latex Command Options
locfImpute Missing Vector Values
lookupLookup Alternate Versions of Parameter Codes a Data Frame to a Latex Table
mapMap One Set of Values to Another
matchesTest the Correspondence between a Table and a Specification
melt.keyedMelt a Keyed Data Frame
metaMergeRecursively Merge Multiple Tables
metaSub.characterCreate Replicate Text files with Systematic Substitutions
metrumrg-packagePharmacometric Tools for Data Preparation, Modeling,...
metrumrgURLView a metrumrg Package File
monotonicDetermine Whether a Vector is Monotonic
naInContextDisplay Missing Values in Context
nasumCount Number of 'NA' Values in List Items
ncommaReport Names as Comma-delimited
nestNest an XML Fragment in a Parent Element
nixIdentify Unix-like Platforms
nm.plBuild Commands to Invoke NONMEM
nmPlotsAn Extensible List of Diagnostic Plots for nm Objects
nmVersionExtract the NONMEM Version from an NMQual Configuration File
omegacorExtract NONMEM Covariance or Correlation Matrices
opsOperator Syntax for Joining Keyed Data Frames
ord.matrixGive the Order of a Symmetric Matrix or Half Matrix
packageCheckLoad a Package and Run Package-level Examples for Testing...
panel.densitystripDisplay Distributions with Respect to Reference Values
panel.histPlot Histograms Flexibly
panel.stratifyHandle Each Level of a Stripplot Separately
parameter2wikiConvert Parameter Labels to Wikimath
paramsList Documented Parameters
parensWrap Text in Parentheses
partabConstruct a Parameter Table
percentCalculate Percent.
plotFileNameMake a Name for a Diagnostic Plot File
plot.nmPlot An Object of Class nm
PLOTRCreate Diagnostic Plots for a NONMEM Run
poolTest Set Relations Among Two Vectors
posmatCoerce a Matrix to be Positive Definite
prevCheck Some Properties of Vectors
purge.dirPurge a Directory
purge.filesPurge Files
qstatInvoke SGE qstat
qsubBuild Commands to Invoke SGE qsub
randomSelect Random Members of an Object
reapplyApply a Function Across Cells of an Indexed Vector, Giving an... Replicate Data Sets by Stratified Sampling
rinvchisqGenerate Inverse Chi-square Distribution
riwishGenerate Inverse Wishart Distribution
rlogGenerate a Combined Run Log from Multiple NONMEM Runs
row2tabularFormat Vector for Latex Tabular Row
runCommandIssue the System Call That Invokes NONMEM
runlogConvert Model Metadata to Various Formats
runNonmemProcess a Request for NONMEM Invocation
runstateDetect State of a Run Using File Existence Criteria
safe.callCall a Function Safely
safeQuoteSingle-quote Conditionally
setCwresAppend Conditional Weighted Residuals to an Appropriate File
setsBinary Operators for Set Relations
shuffleMove the Columns of a Data Frame Relative to Each Other
simblockGenerate Random Effect Deviates for Simulation
simparCreate Parameters for Simulation with Uncertainty
snapCoerce Values to Nearest of Candidates
sortedInstallInstall Local Source Packages Sorted by Dependency
spacesGenerate a String of Spaces
specfileDetermine the Expected Path to a Specification File
specificationCreate a Data Specification Corresponding to a Particular...
sqrtmHelp Calculate CWRES
stableMergeExecute a Stable Left Join
starReplace Asterisk in x With y
staticReturn the static portion of an object.
strainReduce x to Those Elements that Occur in Options
summary.nmAnalyze an NM Object
supersetAugment NONMEM Input with Table Output
suppMerge CDISC Supplemental Data
svnIsTextCheck Whether Subversioned Files are Text.
svnMarkAsNonTextMark Subversioned Files as Non-text.
svnMarkAsTextMark Subversioned Files as Text
svnMimeTypeDetermine Mime Type for Multiple Files
svnPropGetGet Subversion Property for a Vector of Files
svnPropGetFileGet Subversion Property for a Single File
svnPropSetSet a Property on a Vector of Subversioned Files
svnPropSetFileSet a Property on a Subversioned File
svnSetMimeTypeSet Subversion Mime Type
synthesisSequentially Left-join an Arbitrary Number of Data Frames,... a Data Frame to a Latex Tabular Environment, Latex...
tabularformatCreate the Format String for Latex Tabular Environment
tagvalueConvert List to Tag and Value Format
temporalTemporal Classes with Selective Defaults
text2decimalConvert Mixed Text to Decimal
TmaxCalculate Tmax
TminCalculate Tmin
toSASConvert Timepoint to SAS Format
totitleConvert Text to Title Case
tweakAdjust Values
variantsLocate Variants of a File in Distinctive Subdirectories
wikiparseParse Wikimath
winIdentify Windows Platforms
wrapWrap Text in a Latex Environment
xpathExtract Value of an xpath Expression from and XML File
xpath2frameExtract Indexed Values from XML
xyplot.extPlot the Parameter Search History for a NONMEM 7 Run
metrumrg documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:55 p.m.