
Defines functions zellnerPM MHTheta1zellner zellnerMargKuniv zellnerbf zellnerbf.lm zbfunknown zbfknown zellnerbf.knownsig zellnerbf.unknownsig

Documented in zbfknown zbfunknown zellnerbf zellnerbf.lm

zellnerPM <- function(y, x, xadj, tau, tau.adj=10^6, a.tau=1, b.tau=.135, niter=10^3, burnin=round(niter/10), modelPrior=bbPrior, initSearch='SCAD', verbose=TRUE) {
#Fit probit model with zellner prior on regression coefficients
# Input
# - y: vector with response variable (must be a factor with 2 levels or a character which can be converted to factor with 2 levels)
# - x: design matrix with covariates to be selected
# - xadj: design matrix with ajustment covariates for which no selection process is to be performed (i.e. always included in the model). xadj should include a column of 1's to account for the intercept term. By default xadj is set to matrix(1,ncol=1,nrow=length(y))
# - tau: prior dispersion for zellner prior on the coefficients associated to x
# - tau.adj: prior dispersion for multivariate normal prior on the coefficients associated to xadj
# - a.tau, b.tau: if tau unspecified, prior on tau is IG(a.tau/2,b.tau/2). Defaults to values giving 5% prob to interval (-.2,.2)
# - niter: number of Gibbs sampling iterations
# - modelPrior: function to compute the model log-prior probability
# Output: list with 2 elements
# - postSample: posterior samples
# - margpp: marginal posterior probability for inclusion of each covariate (approx by averaging marginal post prob for inclusion in each Gibbs iteration. This approx is more accurate than simply taking colMeans(postSample)).
if (missing(tau)) { unknownTau <- TRUE; stop("Case with unknown tau is currently not implemented. Please specify tau") } else { unknownTau <- FALSE }
if (is.character(y)) { y <- as.numeric(factor(y))-1 } else if (is.factor(y)) { y <- as.numeric(y)-1 }
if (length(unique(y))>2) stop('y has more than 2 levels')
if (missing(xadj)) xadj <- matrix(1,nrow=nrow(y),ncol=1)
#Pre-compute useful quantities
n <- length(y); p1 <- ncol(x); p2 <- ncol(xadj)
XtX <- t(x) %*% x
S2 <- t(xadj) %*% xadj + diag(1/tau.adj,nrow=p2)
S2inv <- solve(S2)
cholS2inv <- chol(S2inv, pivot = TRUE)
cholS2inv <- cholS2inv[,order(attr(cholS2inv, "pivot"))]
postDelta <- postTheta1 <- matrix(NA,nrow=niter,ncol=p1)
postTheta2 <- matrix(NA,nrow=niter,ncol=p2)
if (initSearch=='none') {
  if (verbose) cat("Initializing to null model\n")
  sel <- rep(FALSE,p1)
  postDelta[1,] <- sel
  postTheta1[1,] <- rep(0,p1)
} else if (initSearch=='SCAD') {
  if (verbose) cat("Initializing via SCAD cross-validation")
  warn <- options('warn')$warn; options(warn= -1)
  cvscad <- cv.ncvreg(X=x,y=y,family="binomial",penalty="SCAD",nfolds=10,dfmax=1000,max.iter=10^4)
  postTheta1[1,] <- ncvreg(X=x,y=y,penalty="SCAD",dfmax=1000,lambda=rep(cvscad$lambda[cvscad$cv],2))$beta[-1, 1]
  postDelta[1,] <- postTheta1[1,]!=0
postTheta2[1,] <- coef(glm(factor(y) ~ -1 + xadj, family=binomial(link='probit')))
linpred1 <- x %*% t(postTheta1[1,,drop=FALSE])
linpred2 <- xadj %*% t(postTheta2[1,,drop=FALSE])
postTau <- double(niter); postTau[1] <- ifelse(unknownTau, .2, tau)
if (verbose) cat("\nRunning MCMC")
for (i in 2:niter) {
  #Sample latent variables z
  linpred <- linpred1+linpred2; plinpred <- pnorm(-linpred)
  u <- ifelse(y,runif(n,plinpred,1),runif(n,0,plinpred))
  e <- qnorm(u)
  z <- linpred + e
  #Sample delta1, theta1
  curDelta <- postDelta[i-1,]; curTheta1 <- postTheta1[i-1,]
  for (j in 1:p1) {
    ej <- e+curTheta1[j]*x[,j]
    newval <- MHTheta1zellner(ej,j=j,delta=curDelta,theta1=curTheta1,phi=1,tau=postTau[i-1],xj=x[,j],padj=p2,modelPrior=modelPrior)
    curDelta[j] <- newval$delta; curTheta1[j] <- newval$theta1
    if (newval$accept) e <- ej - curTheta1[j]*x[,j]   #Update residuals
  postDelta[i,] <- curDelta; postTheta1[i,] <- curTheta1
  linpred1 <- x %*% matrix(curTheta1,ncol=1)
  #Sample theta2
  e <- e+linpred2
  postTheta2[i,] <- simTheta2(e=e, xadj=xadj, S2inv=S2inv, cholS2inv=cholS2inv, phi=1)
  linpred2 <- xadj %*% t(postTheta2[i,,drop=FALSE])
  #Sample tau
  postTau[i] <- tau
  #postTau[i] <- ifelse(unknownTau, simTauzellner(a.tau=a.tau,b.tau=b.tau,r=r,delta=postDelta[i,],theta1=postTheta1[i,],phi=1), tau)
  if (verbose & ((i %% (niter/10))==0)) cat('.')
if (verbose) cat('\n')
ans <- cbind(postDelta,postTheta1,postTheta2,postTau)
colnames(ans) <- c(paste('delta',1:ncol(postDelta),sep=''),paste('theta',1:ncol(postTheta1),sep=''),paste('thetaAdj',1:ncol(postTheta2),sep=''),'tau')

MHTheta1zellner <- function(e,j,delta,theta1,phi,tau,xj,padj,modelPrior) {
  #MH step to simulate (delta[j], theta1[j]) from its posterior given the data, delta[-j], theta1[-j], theta2 and phi parameters
  # Input
  # - e: partial residuals, i.e. y - predicted y given all covariates except covariate j
  # - j: index of the element in delta and theta1 to update
  # - delta: current value for delta
  # - theta1: current value for theta1
  # - phi: current value for phi
  # - tau: current value for tau
  # - xj: vector containing the column of the design matrix associated with theta1[j]
  # - padj: number of adjustment covariates (forced inclusion in the model)
  # - modelPrior: function to compute the model log-prior probability
  # Ouput: list with the following elements
  # - delta: new value for delta[j] (can be the same as input value if proposal not accepted)
  # - theta1: new value for theta1[j]
  # - accept: logical variable indicated whether proposed new value has been accepted or not
  pcur <- sum(delta)
  m1 <- zellnerMargKuniv(y=e, x=xj, phi=phi, tau=tau, logscale=TRUE)
  logbf <- sum(dnorm(e,0,sd=sqrt(phi),log=TRUE)) - m1
  delta0 <- delta1 <- delta; delta0[j] <- FALSE; delta1[j] <- TRUE
  logpratio01 <- modelPrior(delta0) - modelPrior(delta1)
  if ((delta[j]==0) & ((pcur+padj) >= length(e))) {
      p <- 0
  } else {
      p <- 1/(1 + exp(logbf+logpratio01))
  deltaProp <- rbinom(n=1,size=1,prob=p)
  nu <- floor(sqrt(ifelse(is.matrix(e),nrow(e),length(e))))
  #Acceptance prob
  if ((!delta[j]) & (deltaProp==0)) {
    thetaProp <- 0
    lambda <- 1
  } else {
    S <- sum(xj^2) + 1/tau; m <- sum(xj*e)/S
    thetaProp <- rnorm(1,m,sd=1/sqrt(S))
    if (delta[j] & (deltaProp==1)) {
      lhood <- sum(dnorm(e,thetaProp*xj,sd=sqrt(phi),log=TRUE)) - sum(dnorm(e,theta1[j]*xj,sd=sqrt(phi),log=TRUE))
      lprior <- dnorm(thetaProp,0,sd=sqrt(tau*phi),log=TRUE) - dnorm(theta1[j],0,sd=sqrt(tau*phi),log=TRUE)
      lprop <- dnorm(theta1[j],m,sd=1/sqrt(S),log=TRUE) - dnorm(thetaProp,m,sd=1/sqrt(S),log=TRUE)
      lambda <- exp(lhood + lprior + lprop)
    } else if ((!delta[j]) & (deltaProp==1)) {
      num <- sum(dnorm(e,thetaProp*xj,sd=sqrt(phi),log=TRUE)) + dnorm(thetaProp,0,sd=sqrt(tau*phi),log=TRUE)
      den <- dnorm(thetaProp,m,sd=1/sqrt(S),log=TRUE) + m1
      lambda <- exp(num-den)
    } else if ((delta[j]) & (deltaProp==0)) {
      thetaProp <- 0
      num <- dnorm(theta1[j],m,sd=1/sqrt(S),log=TRUE) + m1
      den <- sum(dnorm(e,theta1[j]*xj,sd=sqrt(phi),log=TRUE)) + dnorm(theta1[j],0,sd=sqrt(tau*phi),log=TRUE)
      lambda <- exp(num-den)
  if (runif(1)<lambda) {
    ans <- list(delta=(deltaProp==1), theta1=thetaProp, accept=TRUE)
  } else {
    ans <- list(delta=delta[j], theta1=theta1[j], accept=FALSE)

zellnerMargKuniv <- function(y,x,phi,tau=1,logscale=TRUE) {
#Univariate marginal density under Zellner's prior (known variance case)
# integral N(y; x*theta, phi*I) * (theta^2/(tau*phi))^r * N(theta; 0; tau*phi) / (2r-1)!! d theta
# - y: response variable (must be a vector)
# - x: design matrix (must be a vector)
# - phi: residual variance
# - tau: prior variance parameter (defaults to length(y))
# - logscale: if set to TRUE the log of the integral is returned
  n <- length(y)
  if (n != length(y)) stop("Dimensions of x and y don't match")
  if (missing(tau)) tau <- n
  s <- sum(x^2) * (1+1/tau)
  m <- sum(x*y)/s
  ans <- -.5*(sum(y^2) - s*m^2)/phi - .5*n*log(2*pi*phi) - .5*(log(s)+log(tau))
  if (!logscale) ans <- exp(ans)

## Zellner's Bayes factors for linear model objects

### zellnerbf.R

zellnerbf <- function(lm1, coef, g, theta0, logbf=FALSE) {

### zellnerbf.lm.R

zellnerbf.lm <- function(lm1, coef, g, theta0, logbf=FALSE) {
  if (missing(g)) { stop("'g' must be specified") }
  if (missing(theta0)) {
    theta0 <- rep(0, length(coef))
  } else if (length(theta0) != length(coef)) {
    stop("'theta0' must have the same length as 'coef'")
  thetahat <- lapply(g, function(gg) coef(lm1) * gg/(gg+1))
  V <- lapply(g, function(gg) summary(lm1)$cov.unscaled * gg/(gg+1))
  n <- length(lm1$residuals); p <- length(thetahat[[1]]); p1 <- length(coef)
  if ((min(coef)<1) | (max(coef)>p)) {
    stop("'coef' values must be between 1 and the number of coefficients in 'lm1'")
  ssr <- sum(residuals(lm1)^2); sr <- sqrt(ssr/(n-p))
  bf.zellner <- mapply(function(tt,VV,gg) zbfunknown(tt[coef],VV[coef,coef],n=n,nuisance.theta=p-p1,g=gg,theta0=theta0,ssr=ssr,logbf=logbf), thetahat,V,g)

### zbfunknown.R

zbfunknown <- function(theta1hat, V1, n, nuisance.theta, g=1, theta0, ssr, logbf=FALSE) {
  if (missing(theta0)) { theta0 <- rep(0, length(theta1hat)) }
  p1 <- length(theta1hat); p <- p1 + nuisance.theta
  l <- theta1hat-theta0; l <- matrix(l, nrow=1) %*% solve(V1) %*% matrix(l, ncol=1)
  sigma2hat <- (ssr + l/(1+n*g))/(n-nuisance.theta)
  bf <- (-(n-nuisance.theta)/2)*log(1+n*g*ssr/(ssr+l)) + ((n-p)/2)*log(1+n*g)
  if (!logbf) { bf <- exp(bf) }

### zbfknown.R

zbfknown <- function(theta1hat, V1, n, g=1, theta0, sigma, logbf=FALSE) {
  if (missing(sigma)) { stop("'sigma' must be specified") }
  if (missing(theta0)) { theta0 <- rep(0, length(theta1hat)) }
  p1 <- length(theta1hat)
  l <- theta1hat-theta0
  l <- matrix(l, nrow=1) %*% solve(V1) %*% matrix(l, ncol=1) * n*g/((1+n*g)*sigma^2) #noncentr param
  muk <- p1+l
  t1 <- matrix(theta1hat-theta0, nrow=1) %*% solve(V1) %*% matrix(theta1hat-theta0, ncol=1) * n*g/((1+n*g)*sigma^2)
  bf <- .5*t1 - .5*p1*log(1+n*g)
  if (!logbf) { bf <- exp(bf) }

### zellnerbf.knownsig.R

#Bayes factor based on Zellner's g-prior for linear models (known sigma^2 case).
# - theta1hat: vector with estimated value of the coefficients to be tested
# - V1: submatrix of covariance corresponding to elements in theta1hat
# - n: sample size used to fit the model
# - g: prior parameter
# - theta0: hypothesized value for theta1hat (defaults to 0)
# - sigma: residual standard deviation, assumed to be known
# - logbf: if log==TRUE, the natural logarithm of the Bayes factor is returned
zellnerbf.knownsig <- function(theta1hat,
                               logbf=FALSE) {
  if (missing(sigma)) {
    stop("'sigma' must be specified")
  if (missing(theta0)) {
    theta0 <- rep(0, length(theta1hat))
  p1 <- length(theta1hat)
  l <- theta1hat-theta0
  l <- matrix(l, nrow=1) %*% solve(V1) %*% matrix(l, ncol=1) * n*g/((1+n*g)*sigma^2) #noncentr param
  muk <- p1+l
  t1 <- matrix(theta1hat-theta0, nrow=1) %*% solve(V1) %*% matrix(theta1hat-theta0, ncol=1) * n*g/((1+n*g)*sigma^2)
  bf <- .5*t1
  if (!logbf) {
    bf <- exp(bf)

### zellnerbf.unknownsig.R

#Bayes factor based on Zellner's g-prior for linear models (unknown sigma^2 case).
# - theta1hat: vector with estimated value of the coefficients to be tested
# - V1: submatrix of covariance corresponding to elements in theta1hat
# - n: sample size used to fit the model
# - g: prior parameter
# - theta0: hypothesized value for theta1hat (defaults to 0)
# - ssr: sum of squared residuals
# - logbf: if log==TRUE, the natural logarithm of the Bayes factor is returned
zellnerbf.unknownsig <- function(theta1hat,
                                 logbf=FALSE) {
  if (missing(theta0)) {
    theta0 <- rep(0, length(theta1hat))
  p1 <- length(theta1hat)
  p <- p1 + nuisance.theta
  l <- theta1hat-theta0
  l <- matrix(l, nrow=1) %*% solve(V1) %*% matrix(l, ncol=1)
  sigma2hat <- (ssr + l/(1+n*g)) / (n-nuisance.theta)
  muk <- p1+ l* n*g/((1+n*g)*sigma2hat)
  bf <- (-(n-nuisance.theta)/2)*log(1+n*g*ssr/(ssr+l)) + ((n-p)/2)*log(1+n*g)
  if (!logbf) {
    bf <- exp(bf)

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