
Defines functions pmomLM pmomLMR proposalpmom MHTheta1pmom simPhipmom simTaupmom simTheta2 dTmix2comp rTmix2comp pmomMargKuniv

Documented in pmomLM

### pmomLM.R

pmomLM <- function(y, x, xadj, center=FALSE, scale=FALSE, niter=10^4, thinning=1, burnin=round(niter/10), priorCoef, priorDelta, priorVar, initSearch='greedy', verbose=TRUE) {
  #Check input
  if (!is.vector(y)) { y <- as.double(as.vector(y)) } else { y <- as.double(y) }
  if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
  y <- scale(y,center=center,scale=scale)
  ct <- (colMeans(x^2)-colMeans(x)^2)==0; x[,!ct] <- scale(x[,!ct],center=center,scale=scale)
  if (missing(priorCoef)) { priorCoef <- new("msPriorSpec",priorType='coefficients',priorDistr='pMOM',priorPars=c(a.tau=1,b.tau=.135,r=1)) }
  if (missing(priorDelta)) { priorDelta <- new("msPriorSpec",priorType='modelIndicator',priorDistr='uniform',priorPars=double(0)) }
  if (missing(priorVar)) { priorVar <- new("msPriorSpec",priorType='nuisancePars',priorDistr='invgamma',priorPars=c(alpha=.01,lambda=.01)) }
  p1 <- ncol(x); n <- length(y)
  if (nrow(x)!=length(y)) stop('nrow(x) must be equal to length(y)')
  if (!missing(xadj)) {
    if (!is.matrix(xadj)) xadj <- as.matrix(xadj)
    p2 <- ncol(xadj)
    ctadj <- (colMeans(xadj^2)-colMeans(xadj)^2)==0; xadj[,!ctadj] <- scale(xadj[,!ctadj],center=center,scale=scale)
    if (nrow(xadj)!=length(y)) stop('nrow(xadj) must be equal to length(y)')
  } else {
    p2 <- as.integer(0); xadj <- double(1)

  #Format arguments for .Call
  niter <- as.integer(niter); burnin <- as.integer(burnin); thinning <- as.integer(thinning)
  isbinary <- as.integer(0); ybinary <- integer(0)
  sumy2 <- as.double(sum(y^2)); XtX <- t(x) %*% x; ytX <- as.vector(matrix(y,nrow=1) %*% x); colsumx1sq <- as.double(colSums(x^2))
  if (priorCoef@priorDistr=='pMOM') {
    r <- as.integer(priorCoef@priorPars['r']); prCoef <- as.integer(1)
    if (all(c('a.tau','b.tau') %in% names(priorCoef@priorPars))) {
      atau1 <- as.double(priorCoef@priorPars['a.tau']); btau1 <- as.double(priorCoef@priorPars['b.tau']); tau1 <- as.double(.2); priorTau1 <- as.integer(1)
    } else {
      atau1 <- btau1 <- as.double(0); tau1 <- as.double(priorCoef@priorPars['tau']); priorTau1 <- as.integer(0)
    if (is.na(priorCoef@priorPars['tau.adj'])) tau2 <- as.double(10^6) else tau2 <- priorCoef@priorPars['tau.adj']
  } else {
    stop("When calling pmomLM priorCoef@priorDistr must be equal to 'pMOM'")

  alpha <- as.double(priorVar@priorPars['alpha']); lambda <- as.double(priorVar@priorPars['lambda'])
  if (priorDelta@priorDistr=='uniform') {
    priorModel <- as.integer(0)
    prModelpar <- as.double(0)
  } else if (priorDelta@priorDistr=='binomial') {
    if ('p' %in% priorDelta@priorPars) {
      priorModel <- as.integer(1)
      prModelpar <- as.double(priorDelta@priorPars['p'])
      if ((prModelpar<=0) | (prModelpar>=1)) stop("p must be between 0 and 1 for priorDelta@priorDistr=='binomial'")
    } else {
      priorModel <- as.integer(2)
      prModelpar <- as.double(priorDelta@priorPars[c('alpha.p','beta.p')])
  } else if (priorDelta@priorDistr=='complexity') {
      prDelta <- as.integer(3)
      prDeltap <- as.double(priorDelta@priorPars['c'])
      if (prDeltap<0) stop("c must be >0 for priorDelta@priorDistr=='complexity'")
      parprDeltap <- double(2)
  } else {
    stop('Prior specified in priorDelta not recognized')

  if (p2>0) {
    S2 <- t(xadj) %*% xadj + diag(1/tau2,nrow=p2); cholS2 <- chol(S2, pivot = TRUE); cholS2 <- cholS2[,order(attr(cholS2, "pivot"))]
    S2inv <- solve(S2); cholS2inv <- chol(S2inv, pivot = TRUE); cholS2inv <- cholS2inv[,order(attr(cholS2inv, "pivot"))]
  } else {
    S2 <- cholS2 <- S2inv <- cholS2inv <- double(1)

  if (initSearch=='greedy') {
    niterGreed <- as.integer(100)
    msfit <- modelSelection(y=y,x=x,center=center,scale=scale,niter=1,priorCoef=priorCoef,priorDelta=priorDelta,priorVar=priorVar,initSearch="greedy",method='Laplace',verbose=FALSE)
    ndeltaini <- as.integer(sum(msfit$postMode)); deltaini <- as.integer(msfit$postMode)
  } else if (initSearch=='SCAD') {
    if (verbose) cat("Initializing via SCAD cross-validation...")
    deltaini <- rep(TRUE,ncol(x))
    cvscad <- cv.ncvreg(X=x[,!ct],y=y-mean(y),family="gaussian",penalty="SCAD",nfolds=10,dfmax=1000,max.iter=10^4)
    deltaini[!ct] <- ncvreg(X=x[,!ct],y=y-mean(y),penalty='SCAD',dfmax=1000,lambda=rep(cvscad$lambda[cvscad$cv],2))$beta[-1,1]!=0
    ndeltaini <- as.integer(sum(deltaini)); deltaini <- as.integer(deltaini)
    if (verbose) cat(" Done\n")
  } else if (initSearch=='none') {
    ndeltaini <- as.integer(0); deltaini <- as.integer(rep(0,ncol(x)))
  if (((ndeltaini+p2)<n) & (p2>0)) {
    iniCoef1 <- rep(0,p1)
    if (ndeltaini>0) {
      lmini <- lm(y ~ -1 + x[,deltaini==1] + xadj)
      iniCoef1[deltaini==1] <- coef(lmini)[1:ndeltaini];
      iniCoef2 <- coef(lmini)[-1:-ndeltaini]
    } else { lmini <- lm(y ~ -1+xadj); iniCoef2 <- coef(lmini) }
    iniCoef1 <- as.double(iniCoef1)
    iniPhi <- as.double(summary(lmini)$sigma^2)
  } else {
    lmini <- lm(y ~ -1+xadj); iniCoef2 <- coef(lmini)
    iniCoef1 <- as.double(rep(0,p1))
    iniPhi <- as.double(summary(lmini)$sigma^2)
  if (priorTau1!=0) iniOthers <- atau1/btau1 else iniOthers <- tau1

  #Run MCMC
  #mcmc2save <- floor((niter-burnin)/thinning)
  #postModel <- integer(p1*mcmc2save); margpp <- double(p1); postCoef1 <- double(p1*mcmc2save); postCoef2 <- double(p2*mcmc2save); postPhi <- double(mcmc2save)
  #if (priorTau1!=0) postOther <- double(mcmc2save) else postOther <- double(1)
  x <- as.double(x); xadj <- as.double(xadj)

  ans <- .Call("pmomLM_I", niter,thinning,burnin,ndeltaini,deltaini,iniCoef1,iniCoef2,iniPhi,iniOthers,as.integer(verbose),n,p1,p2,isbinary,ybinary,y,sumy2,x,xadj,XtX,ytX,cholS2,S2inv,cholS2inv,colsumx1sq,alpha,lambda,prCoef,r,tau1,tau2,priorTau1,atau1,btau1,priorModel,prModelpar)
  #ans <- .Call("pmomLM_I", postModel,margpp,postCoef1,postCoef2,postPhi,postOther,niter,thinning,burnin,ndeltaini,deltaini,iniCoef1,iniCoef2,iniPhi,iniOthers,as.integer(verbose),n,p1,p2,isbinary,ybinary,y,sumy2,x,xadj,XtX,ytX,cholS2,S2inv,cholS2inv,colsumx1sq,alpha,lambda,prCoef,r,tau1,tau2,priorTau1,atau1,btau1,priorModel,prModelpar)
  postModel <- matrix(ans[[1]],ncol=p1); margpp <- ans[[2]]; postCoef1 <- matrix(ans[[3]],ncol=p1)
  if (p2>0) postCoef2 <- matrix(ans[[4]],ncol=p2) else postCoef2 <- NA
  postPhi <- ans[[5]]
  if (priorTau1==0) postOther <- NA else postOther <- ans[[6]]

pmomLMR <- function(y, x, xadj, phi, r=1, tau, tau.adj=10^6, alpha.phi=.01, lambda.phi=.01, a.tau=1, b.tau=.135, niter=10^3, modelPrior=bbPrior, initSearch='SCAD', verbose=TRUE) {
#Fit linear model with pmom prior on regression coefficients
# Input
# - y: vector with response variable
# - x: design matrix with covariates to be selected
# - xadj: design matrix with ajustment covariates for which no selection process is to be performed (i.e. always included in the model). xadj should include a column of 1's to account for the intercept term. By default xadj is set to matrix(1,ncol=1,nrow=length(y))
# - phi: residual variance. If unknown leave phi missing, a prior phi ~ Inverse Gamma (alpha.phi/2,lambda.phi/2) is used.
# - r: power parameter. pMOM prior for non-zero coefficients is proportional to theta^(2*r) N(theta;0,tau*phi)
# - tau: prior dispersion for pmom prior on the coefficients associated to x
# - tau.adj: prior dispersion for multivariate normal prior on the coefficients associated to xadj
# - alpha.phi, lambda.phi: prior on phi is IG(alpha.phi/2,lambda.phi/2)
# - a.tau, b.tau: if tau unspecified, prior on tau is IG(a.tau/2,b.tau/2). Defaults to values giving 5% prob to interval (-.2,.2)
# - niter: number of Gibbs sampling iterations
# - modelPrior: function to compute the model log-prior probability
# Output: list with 2 elements
# - postSample: posterior samples
# - margpp: marginal posterior probability for inclusion of each covariate (approx by averaging marginal post prob for inclusion in each Gibbs iteration. This approx is more accurate than simply taking colMeans(postSample)).
if (missing(phi)) { unknownPhi <- TRUE } else { unknownPhi <- FALSE }
if (missing(tau)) { unknownTau <- TRUE } else { unknownTau <- FALSE }
if (is.vector(y)) y <- matrix(y,ncol=1)
if (missing(xadj)) xadj <- matrix(1,nrow=nrow(y),ncol=1)
#Pre-compute useful quantities
n <- nrow(y); p1 <- ncol(x); p2 <- ncol(xadj)
XtX <- t(x) %*% x
S2 <- t(xadj) %*% xadj + diag(1/tau.adj,nrow=p2)
S2inv <- solve(S2)
cholS2inv <- chol(S2inv, pivot = TRUE)
cholS2inv <- cholS2inv[,order(attr(cholS2inv, "pivot"))]
postDelta <- postTheta1 <- matrix(NA,nrow=niter,ncol=p1)
postTheta2 <- matrix(NA,nrow=niter,ncol=p2)
postPhi <- postTau <- double(niter)
if (initSearch=='none') {
  sel <- rep(FALSE,p1)
  postDelta[1,] <- sel
  postTheta1[1,] <- rep(0,p1)
} else if (initSearch=='SCAD') {
  cvscad <- cv.ncvreg(X=x,y=y,family="gaussian",penalty="SCAD",nfolds=10,dfmax=1000,max.iter=10^4)
  postTheta1[1,] <- ncvreg(X=x,y=y,penalty="SCAD",dfmax=1000,lambda=rep(cvscad$lambda[cvscad$cv],2))$beta[-1, 1]
  postDelta[1,] <- postTheta1[1,]!=0
ndeltaini <- sum(postDelta[1,])
if (((ndeltaini+p2)<n) & (p2>0)) {
  if (ndeltaini>0) {
    lmini <- lm(y ~ -1 + x[,postDelta[1,]] + xadj)
    postTheta1[1,postDelta[1,]] <- coef(lmini)[1:ndeltaini]
    postTheta2[1,] <- coef(lmini)[-1:-ndeltaini]
  } else { lmini <- lm(y ~ -1 + xadj); postTheta1[1,] <- rep(0,p1); postTheta2[1,] <- coef(lmini) }
} else {
  if (ndeltaini>0) {
    lmini <- lm(y ~ -1 + x[,postDelta[1,]])
    postTheta1[1,postDelta[1,]] <- coef(lmini)
    postTheta2[1,] <- double(p2)
  } else { lmini <- lm(y ~ -1 + xadj); postTheta1[1,] <- rep(0,p1); postTheta2[1,] <- coef(lmini) }
linpred1 <- x %*% t(postTheta1[1,,drop=FALSE])
linpred2 <- xadj %*% t(postTheta2[1,,drop=FALSE])
e <- y-linpred1-linpred2
postPhi[1] <- ifelse(unknownPhi, summary(lmini)$sigma^2, phi)
postTau[1] <- ifelse(unknownTau, .2, tau)
for (i in 2:niter) {
  #Sample delta1, theta1
  curDelta <- postDelta[i-1,]; curTheta1 <- postTheta1[i-1,]
  for (j in 1:p1) {
    ej <- e+curTheta1[j]*x[,j]
    newval <- MHTheta1pmom(ej,j=j,delta=curDelta,theta1=curTheta1,phi=postPhi[i-1],r=r,tau=postTau[i-1],xj=x[,j],padj=p2,modelPrior=modelPrior)
    curDelta[j] <- newval$delta; curTheta1[j] <- newval$theta1
    if (newval$accept) e <- ej - curTheta1[j]*x[,j]   #Update residuals
  postDelta[i,] <- curDelta; postTheta1[i,] <- curTheta1
  #Sample theta2
  e <- e+linpred2
  postTheta2[i,] <- simTheta2(e=e, xadj=xadj, S2inv=S2inv, cholS2inv=cholS2inv, phi=postPhi[i-1])
  linpred2 <- xadj %*% t(postTheta2[i,,drop=FALSE])
  e <- e - linpred2
  #Sample phi
  postPhi[i] <- ifelse(unknownPhi, simPhipmom(alpha.phi=alpha.phi,lambda.phi=lambda.phi,n=n,r=r,delta=postDelta[i,],p2=p2,theta1=postTheta1[i,],theta2=postTheta2[i,],tau=postTau[i-1],tau.adj=tau.adj,ssr=sum(e^2)), phi)
  #Sample tau
  postTau[i] <- ifelse(unknownTau, simTaupmom(a.tau=a.tau,b.tau=b.tau,r=r,delta=postDelta[i,],theta1=postTheta1[i,],phi=postPhi[i]), tau)
  if (verbose & ((i %% (niter/10))==0)) cat('.')
if (verbose) cat('\n')
ans <- cbind(postDelta,postTheta1,postTheta2,postPhi,postTau)
colnames(ans) <- c(paste('delta',1:ncol(postDelta),sep=''),paste('theta',1:ncol(postTheta1),sep=''),paste('thetaAdj',1:ncol(postTheta2),sep=''),'phi','tau')

## Routines for the R implementation of the scheme

proposalpmom <- function(m,S,phi,r,tau,e,xj,m1,nu) {
#Approximate univariate pmom posterior with a 2 component T mixture with nu df
# Posterior: N(e; xj*theta; phi*I) * pmom(theta; phi, r, tau) / m1
# Mixture: w1 * T_nu(theta;mu1,sigma21) + (1-w1) * T_nu(theta;mu2,sigma22)  (sigma21, sigma22 denote variances)
# - m,S: posterior parameters
# - phi: residual variance
# - r: pmom prior power is 2*r
# - tau: prior dispersion parameter
# - e: response variable
# - xj: predictor
# - m1: normalization constant
# - nu: desired degrees of freedom
# Output: named vector with parameters of approximating mixture
  mu <- .5*(m + c(-1,1)*sqrt(m^2+8*r*phi/S)) #Posterior mode
  fmode <- exp(sum(dnorm(e, mu[2]*xj, sd=sqrt(phi), log=TRUE)) + dmom(mu[2],tau=tau,phi=phi,r=r,logscale=TRUE) - m1) #Value at mode
  sigma2 <- 1/diag(fppmomNeg(mu,m=m,S=S,phi=phi,tau=tau,r=r)) #Proposal variances
  ct2 <- exp(lgamma(.5*nu+.5) - .5*log(nu) - lgamma(.5*nu) - .5*log(pi*sigma2[2]))
  w1 <- max(0,(fmode - ct2)/(dnorm(mu[2],mu[1],sd=sqrt(sigma2[1])) - ct2)) #Weight
  ans <- c(mu,sigma2,w1)
  names(ans) <- c('mu1','mu2','sigma21','sigma22','w1')

MHTheta1pmom <- function(e,j,delta,theta1,phi,r,tau,xj,padj,modelPrior) {
  #MH step to simulate (delta[j], theta1[j]) from its posterior given the data, delta[-j], theta1[-j], theta2 and phi parameters
  # Input
  # - e: partial residuals, i.e. y - predicted y given all covariates except covariate j
  # - j: index of the element in delta and theta1 to update
  # - delta: current value for delta
  # - theta1: current value for theta1
  # - phi: current value for phi
  # - r: pmom prior power is 2*r
  # - tau: current value for tau
  # - xj: vector containing the column of the design matrix associated with theta1[j]
  # - padj: number of adjustment covariates. Models with total number of vars >= never accepted
  # - modelPrior: function to compute the model log-prior probability
  # Ouput: list with the following elements
  # - delta: new value for delta[j] (can be the same as input value if proposal not accepted)
  # - theta1: new value for theta1[j]
  # - accept: logical variable indicated whether proposed new value has been accepted or not
  pcur <- sum(delta)
  m1 <- pmomMargKuniv(y=e, x=xj, phi=phi, tau=tau, logscale=TRUE)
  logbf <- sum(dnorm(e,0,sd=sqrt(phi),log=TRUE)) - m1
  delta0 <- delta1 <- delta; delta0[j] <- FALSE; delta1[j] <- TRUE
  logpratio01 <- modelPrior(delta0) - modelPrior(delta1)
  if ((delta[j]==0) & ((pcur+padj) >= length(e))) {
      p <- 0
  } else {
      p <- 1/(1 + exp(logbf+logpratio01))
  deltaProp <- rbinom(n=1,size=1,prob=p)
  nu <- floor(sqrt(ifelse(is.matrix(e),nrow(e),length(e))))
  #Acceptance prob
  if ((!delta[j]) & (deltaProp==0)) {
    thetaProp <- 0
    lambda <- 1
  } else {
    S <- sum(xj^2) + 1/tau; m <- sum(xj*e)/S
    propPars <- proposalpmom(m=m,S=S,phi=phi,r=r,tau=tau,e=e,xj=xj,m1=m1,nu=nu)
    thetaProp <- rTmix2comp(pars=propPars, df=nu)
    if (delta[j] & (deltaProp==1)) {
      lhood <- sum(dnorm(e,thetaProp*xj,sd=sqrt(phi),log=TRUE)) - sum(dnorm(e,theta1[j]*xj,sd=sqrt(phi),log=TRUE))
      lprior <- dmom(thetaProp,tau=tau,phi=phi,r=r,logscale=TRUE) - dmom(theta1[j],tau=tau,phi=phi,r=r,logscale=TRUE)
      lprop <- dTmix2comp(theta1[j],pars=propPars,df=nu,logscale=TRUE) - dTmix2comp(thetaProp,pars=propPars,df=nu,logscale=TRUE)
      lambda <- exp(lhood + lprior + lprop)
    } else if ((!delta[j]) & (deltaProp==1)) {
      num <- sum(dnorm(e,thetaProp*xj,sd=sqrt(phi),log=TRUE)) + dmom(thetaProp,tau=tau,phi=phi,r=r,logscale=TRUE)
      den <- dTmix2comp(thetaProp,pars=propPars,df=nu,logscale=TRUE) + m1
      lambda <- exp(num-den)
    } else if ((delta[j]) & (deltaProp==0)) {
      thetaProp <- 0
      num <- dTmix2comp(theta1[j],pars=propPars,df=nu,logscale=TRUE) + m1
      den <- sum(dnorm(e,theta1[j]*xj,sd=sqrt(phi),log=TRUE)) + dmom(theta1[j],tau=tau,phi=phi,r=r,logscale=TRUE)
      lambda <- exp(num-den)
  if (runif(1)<lambda) {
    ans <- list(delta=(deltaProp==1), theta1=thetaProp, accept=TRUE)
  } else {
    ans <- list(delta=delta[j], theta1=theta1[j], accept=FALSE)

simPhipmom <- function(alpha.phi, lambda.phi, n, r, delta, p2, theta1, theta2, tau, tau.adj, ssr) {
 #Draw from posterior of the variance given all other parameters under a pmom prior
  a <- alpha.phi + n + (2*r+1)*sum(delta) + p2
  b <- lambda.phi + sum(theta1^2)/tau + sum(theta2^2)/tau.adj + ssr

simTaupmom <- function(a.tau, b.tau, r, delta, theta1, phi) {
  #Draw from posterior of tau given all other parameters under a pmom prior
  a <- a.tau + (2*r+1)*sum(delta)
  b <- b.tau + sum(theta1^2)/phi

simTheta2 <- function(e, xadj, S2inv, cholS2inv, phi) {
  #Simulate Theta2 ~ N(S2inv %*% t(xadj) %*% e, phi*S2inv)
  m2 <- S2inv %*% t(xadj) %*% e
  sweep(matrix(rnorm(ncol(xadj)),nrow=1) %*% cholS2inv * sqrt(phi), 2, m2, "+")

dTmix2comp <- function(th, pars, df, logscale=TRUE) {
  #Evaluate density of 2 component T with df degrees of freedom mixture
  ans <- pars['w1']*dmvt(th,pars['mu1'],matrix(pars['sigma21'],nrow=1),df=df,log=FALSE) + (1-pars['w1'])*dmvt(th,pars['mu2'],matrix(pars['sigma22'],nrow=1),df=df,log=FALSE)
  if (logscale) ans <- log(ans)

rTmix2comp <- function(pars, df) {
  #Generate single draw from T mixture with 2 components and df degrees of freedom
  ifelse(runif(1)<pars['w1'], pars['mu1']+rmvt(n=1,sigma=matrix(pars['sigma21'],nrow=1),df=df), pars['mu2']+rmvt(n=1,sigma=matrix(pars['sigma22'],nrow=1),df=df))

pmomMargKuniv <- function(y,x,phi,tau=1,r=1,logscale=TRUE) {
#Univariate marginal density under a product MOM prior (known variance case)
# integral N(y; x*theta, phi*I) * (theta^2/(tau*phi))^r * N(theta; 0; tau*phi) / (2r-1)!! d theta
# - y: response variable (must be a vector)
# - x: design matrix (must be a vector)
# - phi: residual variance
# - tau: prior variance parameter (defaults to length(y))
# - logscale: if set to TRUE the log of the integral is returned
  n <- length(y)
  if (n != length(y)) stop("Dimensions of x and y don't match")
  if (missing(tau)) tau <- n
  s <- sum(x^2) + 1/tau
  m <- sum(x*y)/s
  I <- log(.Call("mnormCI",as.double(2*r), as.double(m), as.double(sqrt(phi/s))))  #Raw moment of N(m,phi/s) of order 2*r
  ans <- I -.5*(sum(y^2) - s*m^2)/phi - .5*n*log(2*pi*phi) - .5*(log(s)+log(tau)) - sum(log(seq(1,2*r-1,by=2))) - r*log(tau*phi)
  if (!logscale) ans <- exp(ans)

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