
Defines functions .tetReshape .GListToMat .SigmaZZ

####### All methods with sysGmmModels (and its subclasses) signature

## print and show

setMethod("print", "sysModel",
          function(x, ...)
              cat("System of Equations Model\n")
              type <- gsub("s", "", is(x)[1])
              cat("Moment type: ", strsplit(type, "G")[[1]][1], "\n", 
                  sep = "")
              cat("Covariance matrix: ", x@vcov, sep = "")
              if (x@vcov == "HAC") {
                  option <- x@vcovOptions
                  cat(" with ", option$kernel, " kernel and ")
                  if (is.numeric(option$bw)) 
                      cat("Fixed  bandwidth (", round(option$bw, 3), ")", sep = "")
                  else cat(option$bw, " bandwidth", sep = "")
              d <- modelDims(x)
              for (i in 1:length(d$eqnNames))
                  cat(d$eqnNames[i], ": coefs=", d$k[i],
                      ", moments=", d$q[i], ", number of Endogenous: ",
                      sum(d$isEndo[[i]]), "\n", sep="")
              cat("Sample size: ", d$n, "\n")

setMethod("show", "sysModel", function(object) print(object))

## modelDims

setMethod("modelDims", "slinearModel",
          function(object) {
              list(q=object@q, k=object@k, n=object@n, parNames=object@parNames,
                   momNames=object@momNames, eqnNames=object@eqnNames,

setMethod("modelDims", "snonlinearModel",
          function(object) {
              list(k=object@k, q=object@q, n=object@n, parNames=object@parNames,
                   momNames=object@momNames, theta0=object@theta0,
                   fRHS=object@fRHS, fLHS=object@fLHS, eqnNames=object@eqnNames,

setMethod("modelDims", "sfunctionModel",
          function(object) {
              list(k=object@k, q=object@q, n=object@n, parNames=object@parNames,
                   momNames=object@momNames, theta0=object@theta0,
                   fct=object@fct, eqnNames=object@eqnNames)

## setCoef
## Used to validate and format the coefficient into a named list

setMethod("setCoef", signature("sysModel"),
          function(model, theta) {
              spec <- modelDims(model)
              k <- sum(spec$k)
              if (!is.list(theta))
                  if (length(theta) != k)
                      stop(paste("Wrong number of coefficients (should be ",
                                 k, ")", sep=""))
                  if (!is.null(names(theta)))
                      parNames <- do.call("c", spec$parNames)                  
                      if (any(duplicated(names(theta))))
                          stop("Cannot have more than one coefficient with the same name")
                      chk <- !(names(theta) %in% parNames)
                      if (any(chk))
                          mes <- "The following coefficients have invalid name: "
                          mes <- paste(mes, paste(names(theta)[chk], collapse=", ",
                                                  sep=""), sep="")
                      theta <- theta[match(parNames, names(theta))]
                  theta <- .tetReshape(theta, spec$eqnNames, spec$parNames)
              } else {
                  if (length(theta) != length(spec$eqnNames))
                      stop("Wrong number of equations")
                  if (is.null(names(theta)))
                      names(theta) <- spec$eqnNames
                  } else {
                      if(!all(names(theta) %in% spec$eqnNames))
                          stop("Wrong equation names")
                      theta <- theta[match(spec$eqnNames,names(theta))]
                  chk <- sapply(1:length(theta), function(i) 
                      length(theta[[i]]) == length(spec$parNames[[i]]))
                  if (!all(chk))
                      mes <- "Wrong number of coefficients in the following equation: "
                      mes <- paste(mes, paste(names(theta)[!chk], collapse=", ", sep=""),
                  theta <- lapply(1:length(theta), function(i) {
                      ti <- theta[[i]]
                      if (is.null(names(ti)))
                          names(ti) <- spec$parNames[[i]]
                      } else {                          
                          if (!all(names(ti) %in% spec$parNames[[i]]))
                              stop(paste("Wrong coefficient names in equation ",
                                         names(theta)[i], sep=""))
                          ti <- ti[match(spec$parNames[[i]], names(ti))]
                  names(theta) <- spec$eqnNames

## Subsetting '['

setMethod("[", c("sysModel", "missing", "list"),
          function(x, i, j){
              if (length(j) != length(x@q))
                  stop("j must be a list with a length equals to the number of equations")
              spec <- modelDims(x)
              x@SUR <- FALSE
              if (x@sameMom)
                  chk <- sapply(j[-1], function(ji) identical(ji, j[[1]]))
                  if (!all(chk))
                      x@sameMom <- FALSE
              for (s in 1:length(j))
                      if (length(j[[s]]) > 0)
                          q <- spec$q[s]
                          if (!all(abs(j[[s]]) %in% (1:q))) 
                              stop("SubMoment must be between 1 and q")
                          momNames <- spec$momNames[[s]][j[[s]]]
                          if (length(momNames)<spec$k[s])
                              error <- paste("Equation", s, "is under-identified")
                              if (momNames[1] == "(Intercept)")
                                  f <- reformulate(momNames[-1], NULL, TRUE)
                              } else {
                                  f <- reformulate(momNames, NULL, FALSE)
                          x@q[s] <- length(momNames)
                          x@instT[[s]] <- attr(f, "terms")
                          x@momNames[[s]] <- momNames                              

setMethod("[", c("snonlinearModel", "numeric", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j){
              i <- unique(as.integer(i))
              spec <- modelDims(x)
              neqn <- length(spec$k)              
              if (!all(abs(i) %in% (1:neqn)))
                  stop("Selected equations out of range")
              x@fLHS <- x@fLHS[i]
              x@fRHS <- x@fRHS[i]
              if (length(x@fLHS) == 0)
                  stop("Removed too many equations; the model is empty")
              x@instT <- x@instT[i]
              x@q <- x@q[i]
              x@parNames <- x@parNames[i]
              x@momNames <- x@momNames[i]
              x@eqnNames <- x@eqnNames[i]
              x@theta0 <- x@theta0[i]
              x@varNames <- x@varNames[i]
              x@isEndo <- x@isEndo[i]
              x@SUR <- FALSE
              if (length(x@q) > 1)
              instF <- model.frame(x@instT[[1]], x@data)
              varN <- c(all.vars(x@fLHS[[1]]), all.vars(x@fRHS[[1]]))
              varN <- varN[!(varN%in%names(x@theta0[[1]]))]
              modelF <- x@data[,varN, drop=FALSE]
              new("nonlinearModel", instF=instF, modelF=modelF, q=x@q[[1]],
                  fLHS=x@fLHS[[1]], fRHS=x@fRHS[[1]], theta0=x@theta0[[1]],
                  k=x@k[[1]], parNames=x@parNames[[1]], momNames=x@momNames[[1]],
                  vcov=x@vcov, n=spec$n,vcovOptions=x@vcovOptions,
                  centeredVcov=x@centeredVcov, varNames=x@varNames[[1]],
                  isEndo=x@isEndo[[1]], survOptions=x@survOptions, smooth=FALSE)

setMethod("[", c("sfunctionModel", "numeric", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j){
              i <- unique(as.integer(i))
              spec <- modelDims(x)
              neqn <- length(spec$k)              
              if (!all(abs(i) %in% (1:neqn)))
                  stop("Selected equations out of range")
              x@fct <- x@fct[i]
              x@dfct <- x@dfct[i]
              if (length(x@fct) == 0)
                  stop("Removed too many equations; the model is empty")
              x@q <- x@q[i]
              x@parNames <- x@parNames[i]
              x@momNames <- x@momNames[i]
              x@eqnNames <- x@eqnNames[i]
              x@theta0 <- x@theta0[i]
              x@varNames <- x@varNames[i]
              if (length(x@q) > 1)
              new("functionModel", X=x@X, fct=x@fct[[1]],
                  theta0=x@theta0[[1]], vcov=x@vcov,
                  centeredVcov = x@centeredVcov, k=x@k[[1]], q=x@q[[1]],
                  n=x@n, parNames=x@parNames[[1]],
                  momNames=x@momNames[[1]], varNames=x@varNames[[1]],
                  isEndo=logical(), omit=x@omit, 
                  survOptions=x@survOptions, smooth=x@smooth)

setMethod("[", c("slinearModel", "numeric", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j){
              i <- unique(as.integer(i))
              spec <- modelDims(x)
              neqn <- length(spec$k)              
              if (!all(abs(i) %in% (1:neqn)))
                  stop("Selected equations out of range")
              x@modelT <- x@modelT[i]
              if (length(x@modelT) == 0)
                  stop("Removed too many equations; the model is empty")
              x@instT <- x@instT[i]
              x@q <- x@q[i]
              x@parNames <- x@parNames[i]
              x@momNames <- x@momNames[i]
              x@eqnNames <- x@eqnNames[i]
              x@varNames <- x@varNames[i]
              x@isEndo <- x@isEndo[i]
              x@SUR <- FALSE
              if (length(x@q) > 1)
              instF <- model.frame(x@instT[[1]], x@data)
              modelF <- model.frame(x@modelT[[1]], x@data)
              new("linearModel", instF=instF, modelF=modelF, q=x@q[[1]],
                  k=x@k[[1]], parNames=x@parNames[[1]], momNames=x@momNames[[1]],
                  vcov=x@vcov, n=spec$n, vcovOptions=x@vcovOptions,
                  centeredVcov=x@centeredVcov, varNames=x@varNames[[1]],
                  sSpec=new("sSpec"), smooth=FALSE)

setMethod("[", c("sysModel", "numeric", "list"),
          function(x, i, j){
              x <- x[i]              
              if (!inherits(x, "sysModel"))
                      if (length(j)>1)
                          warning("length(j)>1, only the first element used")
                  } else {

setMethod("[", c("sysModel", "missing", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j) x)

## Observation subset

setMethod("subset", "sysModel",
          function(x, i) {
              x@data <- x@data[i,,drop=FALSE]
              if (!is.null(x@vcovOptions$cluster))
                      if (!is.null(dim(x@vcovOptions$cluster)))
                          x@vcovOptions$cluster <- x@vcovOptions$cluster[i]
                          x@vcovOptions$cluster <- x@vcovOptions$cluster[i,,drop=FALSE]
              x@n <- nrow(x@data)
### merge

setMethod("merge", c("linearModel", "linearModel"),
          function(x, y, ...) {
              all <- c(list(x), y, list(...))              
              cl <- sapply(all, class)
              if (any(cl != "linearModel"))
                  stop("Can only merge linearModel with other linearModel models")
              n <- sapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$n)
              if (any(n[-1L] != n[1L]))
                  stop("You can only merge models with the same number of observations")
              k <- sapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$k)
              q <- sapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$q)
              parNames <- lapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$parNames)
              momNames <- lapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$momNames)
              varNames <- lapply(all, function(s) s@varNames)
              isEndo <- lapply(all, function(s) s@isEndo)
              instT <- lapply(all, function(s) attr(s@instF, "terms"))
              modelT <- lapply(all, function(s) attr(s@modelF, "terms"))
              dat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(all, function(s) cbind(s@modelF, s@instF)))
              dat <- dat[,!duplicated(colnames(dat))]
              eqnNames <- paste("Eqn", 1:length(all), sep="")
              new("slinearModel", data=dat, instT=instT, modelT=modelT,
                  eqnNames=eqnNames, vcov=x@vcov, vcovOptions=x@vcovOptions,
                  centeredVcov = x@centeredVcov, k=k, q=q, n=n[1], parNames=parNames,
                  momNames=momNames, sameMom=FALSE, isEndo=isEndo, varNames=varNames,
                  sSpec=new("sSpec"), smooth=FALSE)              

setMethod("merge", c("nonlinearModel", "nonlinearModel"),
          function(x, y, ...) {
              all <- c(list(x), y, list(...))
              cl <- sapply(all, class)
              if (any(cl != "nonlinearModel"))
                  stop("Can only merge nonlinearModel with oter nonlinearModel models")
              n <- sapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$n)
              if (any(n[-1L] != n[1L]))
                  stop("You can only merge models with the same number of observations")
              fRHS <- lapply(all, function(s) s@fRHS)
              fLHS <- lapply(all, function(s) s@fLHS)
              k <- sapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$k)
              q <- sapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$q)
              parNames <- lapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$parNames)
              momNames <- lapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$momNames)
              varNames <- lapply(all, function(s) s@varNames)
              isEndo <- lapply(all, function(s) s@isEndo)              
              instT <- lapply(all, function(s) attr(s@instF, "terms"))
              theta0 <- lapply(all, function(s) s@theta0)
              eqnNames <- paste("Eqn", 1:length(all), sep="")
              dat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(all, function(s) cbind(s@modelF, s@instF)))
              dat <- dat[,!duplicated(colnames(dat))]
              new("snonlinearModel", data=dat, instT=instT,
                  fLHS=fLHS, vcov=x@vcov, vcovOptions=x@vcovOptions,
                  centeredVcov = x@centeredVcov, k=k, q=q,
                  n=n[1], parNames=parNames, isEndo=isEndo, varNames=varNames, 
                  momNames=momNames, sameMom=FALSE, SUR=FALSE,
                  survOptions=x@survOptions, sSpec=new("sSpec"), smooth=FALSE)

setMethod("merge", c("snonlinearModel", "nonlinearModel"),
          function(x, y, ...) {
              all <- c(list(y), list(...))
              cl <- sapply(all, class)
              if (any(cl != "nonlinearModel"))
                  stop("Can only merge nonlinearModel with oter nonlinearModel models")
              n <- sapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$n)
              spec <- modelDims(x)
              if (any(n != spec$n))
                  stop("You can only merge models with the same number of observations")
              fRHS <- c(spec$fRHS, lapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$fRHS))
              fLHS <- c(spec$fLHS, lapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$fLHS))
              k <- c(spec$k, sapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$k))
              q <- c(spec$q, sapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$q))
              parNames <- c(spec$parNames, lapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$parNames))
              momNames <- c(spec$momNames, lapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$momNames))
              varNames <- c(x@varNames, lapply(all, function(s) s@varNames))
              isEndo <- c(x@isEndo, lapply(all, function(s) s@isEndo))
              instT <- c(x@instT, lapply(all, function(s) attr(s@instF, "terms")))
              theta0 <- c(spec$theta0, lapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$theta0))
              eqNames <- x@eqnNames
              eqnNames <- c(eqNames, paste("Eqn",
                                           (length(eqNames)+1):length(fRHS), sep=""))
              dat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(all, function(s) cbind(s@modelF, s@instF)))
              dat <- dat[,!duplicated(colnames(dat))]
              new("snonlinearModel", data=dat, instT=instT,
                  fLHS=fLHS, vcov=x@vcov,vcovOptions=x@vcovOptions,
                  centeredVcov = x@centeredVcov, k=k, q=q,
                  n=n[1], parNames=parNames, isEndo=isEndo, varNames=varNames,
                  momNames=momNames, sameMom=FALSE, SUR=FALSE,
                  survOptions=x@survOptions, sSpec=new("sSpec"), smooth=FALSE)

setMethod("merge", c("slinearModel", "linearModel"),
          function(x, y, ...) {
              all <- c(list(y), list(...))              
              cl <- sapply(all, class)
              if (any(cl != "linearModel"))
                  stop("Can only merge linearModel with other linearModel models")
              n <- sapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$n)
              spec <- modelDims(x)
              if (any(n != spec$n))
                  stop("You can only merge models with the same number of observations")
              k <- c(spec$k, sapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$k))
              q <- c(spec$q, sapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$q))
              parNames <- c(spec$parNames, lapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$parNames))
              momNames <- c(spec$momNames, lapply(all, function(s) modelDims(s)$momNames))
              varNames <- c(x@varNames, lapply(all, function(s) s@varNames))
              isEndo <- c(x@isEndo, lapply(all, function(s) s@isEndo))
              instT <- c(x@instT, lapply(all, function(s) attr(s@instF, "terms")))
              modelT <- c(x@modelT, lapply(all, function(s) attr(s@modelF, "terms")))
              dat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(all, function(s) cbind(s@modelF, s@instF)))
              dat <- dat[,!duplicated(colnames(dat))]
              eqNames <- x@eqnNames
              eqnNames <- c(eqNames, paste("Eqn",
                                           (length(eqNames)+1):length(instT), sep=""))
              new("slinearModel", data=dat, instT=instT, modelT=modelT,
                  eqnNames=eqnNames, vcov=x@vcov, vcovOptions=x@vcovOptions,
                  centeredVcov = x@centeredVcov, k=k, q=q, n=n[1], parNames=parNames,
                  momNames=momNames, sameMom=FALSE, isEndo=isEndo, varNames=varNames,
                  SUR=FALSE, survOptions=x@survOptions, sSpec=new("sSpec"), smooth=FALSE)              

## residuals

setMethod("residuals", "sysModel",
          function(object, theta) {
              neqn <- length(object@eqnNames)
              r <- sapply(1:neqn, function(i) residuals(object[i], theta[[i]]))
              colnames(r) <- object@eqnNames

## Dresiduals

setMethod("Dresiduals", "sysModel",
          function(object, theta) {
              neqn <- length(object@eqnNames)
              if (missing(theta))
                  r <- sapply(1:neqn, function(i) Dresiduals(object[i]))
                  r <- sapply(1:neqn, function(i) Dresiduals(object[i], theta[[i]]))
              names(r) <- object@eqnNames

## evalMoment

setMethod("evalMoment", "sysModel",
          function(object, theta) {
              neqn <- length(object@eqnNames)
              gt <- lapply(1:neqn, function(i) evalMoment(object[i], theta[[i]]))
              names(gt) <- object@eqnNames

## evalDmoments

setMethod("evalDMoment", "sysModel",
          function(object, theta) {
              neqn <- length(object@eqnNames)
              if (missing(theta))
                  dgt <- lapply(1:neqn, function(i) evalDMoment(object[i]))
                  dgt <- lapply(1:neqn, function(i) evalDMoment(object[i], theta[[i]]))
              names(dgt) <- object@eqnNames

## model.matrix

setMethod("model.matrix", "slinearModel",
          function(object, type =  c("regressors", "instruments")) {
              type <- match.arg(type)
              mm <- lapply(1:length(object@eqnNames), function(i)
                  model.matrix(object[i], type))
              names(mm) <- object@eqnNames

setMethod("model.matrix", "snonlinearModel",
          function(object, type =  c("regressors", "instruments"))
              type <- match.arg(type)
              if (type == "regressors") 
                  stop("no model.matrix of type regressors for nonlinear Model. set type to 'instruments' to get the matrix of instruments")
              mm <- lapply(1:length(object@eqnNames), function(i)
                  model.matrix(object[i], type))
              names(mm) <- object@eqnNames

## evalWeights

### The following multiplies each block matrix of ZZ, when the dimensions
### are defined by dimr and dimc (dim row and dim column) by each element
### of Sigma. Sigma must be length(dimr) by length(dimc)
### Just set the lowerTri to TRUE by default. The cost is negligible. 

.SigmaZZ <- function(ZZ, Sigma, dimr, dimc=NULL, lowerTri=TRUE, isSym=TRUE)
        r1 <- 1        
        c1 <- 1
        if (is.null(dimc))
            dimc <- dimr
        for (i in 1:length(dimr))
                r2 <- sum(dimr[1:i])
                start <- ifelse(isSym, i, 1)
                for (j in start:length(dimc))
                        c2 <- sum(dimc[1:j])
                        ZZ[r1:r2, c1:c2] <- ZZ[r1:r2, c1:c2]*Sigma[i,j]
                        c1 <- c1+dimc[j]
                r1 <- r1+dimr[i]
                c1 <- ifelse(isSym, sum(dimc[1:i])+1, 1)
        if (lowerTri && isSym)
            ZZ[lower.tri(ZZ)] <- t(ZZ)[lower.tri(ZZ)]

setMethod("evalWeights", "sysModel",
          function(object, theta = NULL, w="optimal", wObj=NULL)
              spec <- modelDims(object)
              sameMom <- object@sameMom
              n <- object@n
              neqn <- length(spec$eqnNames)
              if (is.matrix(w))
                  if (!all(dim(w) == sum(spec$q)))
                      stop("The weights matrix has the wrong dimension")
              if (is.matrix(w) || (w == "ident"))
                      return(new("sysMomentWeights", type="weights",momNames=object@momNames,
                                 wSpec=list(), w=w, Sigma=NULL, sameMom=sameMom,
              if (w != "optimal")
                  stop("w is either 'ident', 'optimal' or a matrix")
              if (object@vcov == "iid")
                  e <- residuals(object, theta)
                  type <- "iid"
                  Sigma <- chol(crossprod(e)/n)
                  if (!is.null(wObj))
                          if (wObj@type != "iid")
                              stop("wObj must come from a model with iid errors")
                          if (ncol(wObj@w$qr) != spec$q[1])
                              stop("The qr decomposition has the wrong dimension")
                          w <- wObj@w
                      } else {
                          Z <- model.matrix(object, type="instruments")
                          if (sameMom)
                                  w <- qr(Z[[1]]/sqrt(n))
                              } else {
                                  w <- crossprod(do.call(cbind,Z))/n
              } else if (object@vcov == "MDS") {
                  type <- "MDS"
                  gt <- evalMoment(object, theta)
                  w <- qr(do.call(cbind, gt)/sqrt(n))
                  Sigma <- NULL
              } else {
                  stop("Only identity, iid and MDS if allowed for now")
              return(new("sysMomentWeights", type=type,momNames=object@momNames,
                         wSpec=list(), w=w, Sigma=Sigma, sameMom=sameMom,

## evalGmmObj

setMethod("evalGmmObj", signature("sysModel", "list", "sysMomentWeights"),
          function(object, theta, wObj, ...)
              gt <- evalMoment(object, theta)
              gt <- lapply(gt, function(g) colMeans(g))
              gt <- do.call("c", gt)
              n <- object@n
              obj <- quadra(wObj, gt)

## evalGmm
### evaluate at a fixed parameter: no estimation

setMethod("evalGmm", signature("sysModel"),
          function(model, theta, wObj=NULL, ...) {
              Call <- try(match.call(call=sys.call(sys.parent())), silent=TRUE)
              if (inherits(Call,"try-error"))
                  Call <- NULL
              theta <- setCoef(model, theta)
              if (is.null(wObj))
                  wObj <- evalWeights(model, theta)
              new("sgmmfit", theta=theta, convergence=list(), convIter=NULL,
                  call=Call, type="eval", wObj=wObj, niter=0L, efficientGmm=FALSE,

## modelResponse

setMethod("modelResponse", signature("slinearModel"),
              neqn <- length(object@eqnNames)
              Y <- lapply(1:neqn, function(i) modelResponse(object[i]))

## solveGMM

.GListToMat <- function(G, full=FALSE)
    if (full)
        return(do.call(rbind, G))
    dimG <- sapply(G, dim)
    Gmat <- matrix(0, sum(dimG[1,]), sum(dimG[2,]))
    r1 <- 1
    c1 <- 1
    for (i in 1:length(G)) {
        r2 <- sum(dimG[1,1:i])
        c2 <- sum(dimG[2,1:i])
        Gmat[r1:r2, c1:c2] <- as.matrix(G[[i]])
        r1 <- r1 + dimG[1,i]
        c1 <- sum(dimG[2,1:i]) + 1

.tetReshape <- function(theta, eqnNames, parNames)
    if (is.list(theta))
        theta2 <- do.call("c", theta)
        k <- sapply(parNames, length)
        tn <- paste(rep(eqnNames, k), ".", do.call("c", parNames), 
                    sep = "")
        names(theta2) <- tn
    } else {
        k <- cumsum(sapply(parNames, length))
        names(theta) <- do.call("c", parNames)
        theta2 <- list(theta[1:k[1]])
        if (length(k)>1)
            theta2[2:length(k)] <- lapply(2:length(k),
                                          function(i) theta[(k[i-1]+1):k[i]])
        names(theta2) <- eqnNames

setMethod("solveGmm", c("slinearModel", "sysMomentWeights"),
          function(object, wObj, theta0 = NULL, ...) {
              if (wObj@type=="iid" && object@sameMom)
                  return(ThreeSLS(object, Sigma=wObj@Sigma, qrZ=wObj@w, coefOnly=TRUE))
              spec <- modelDims(object)              
              Y <- modelResponse(object)
              Z <- model.matrix(object, type="instruments")
              Syz <- lapply(1:length(Y),
                            function(i) colMeans(Y[[i]]*Z[[i]]))
              Syz <- do.call("c", Syz)
              G <- evalDMoment(object)
              G <- .GListToMat(G)
              T1 <- quadra(wObj, G)
              T2 <- quadra(wObj, G, Syz)
              theta <- -solve(T1, T2)
              theta <- .tetReshape(theta, object@eqnNames, object@parNames)
              list(theta=theta, convergence=list())

setMethod("solveGmm", signature("snonlinearModel", "sysMomentWeights"),
          function (object, wObj, theta0 = NULL, algo=algoObj("optim"), ...) 
              if (is.null(theta0))                  
                  theta0 <- modelDims(object)$theta0
                  theta0 <- setCoef(object, theta0)
              g <- function(theta, wObj, model){
                  spec <- modelDims(model)
                  theta <- .tetReshape(theta, model@eqnNames, spec$parNames)
                  evalGmmObj(model, theta, wObj)
              dg <- function(theta, wObj, model) {
                  spec <- modelDims(model)
                  theta <- .tetReshape(theta, model@eqnNames, spec$parNames)
                  gt <- evalMoment(model, theta)
                  gt <- do.call(cbind, gt)
                  n <- nrow(gt)
                  gt <- colMeans(gt)
                  G <- evalDMoment(model, theta)
                  full <- all(sapply(1:length(G), function(i) ncol(G[[i]])==sum(spec$k)))
                  G <- .GListToMat(G, full)
                  obj <- 2 * n * quadra(wObj, G, gt)
              spec <- modelDims(object)
              theta0 <- .tetReshape(theta0, object@eqnNames, spec$parNames)
              if (algo@algo == "optim" & !("method" %in% names(list(...))))
                  sol <- minFit(object=algo, start=theta0, fct=g, gr=dg, wObj=wObj,
                                model=object, method="BFGS", ...)
              } else {
                  sol <- minFit(object=algo, start=theta0, fct=g, gr=dg, wObj=wObj,
                                model=object, ...)
              sol$solution <- .tetReshape(sol$solution, spec$eqnNames, spec$parNames)
              list(theta=sol$solution, convergence=list(message=sol$message,

setMethod("solveGmm", signature("sfunctionModel", "sysMomentWeights"),
          function (object, wObj, theta0 = NULL, algo=algoObj("optim"), ...) 
              met <- getMethod("solveGmm",
                               c("snonlinearModel", "sysMomentWeights"))
              met(object, wObj, theta0, algo, ...)

## vcovHAC

setMethod("vcovHAC", "sysModel",
          function (x, theta) { 
              if (x@vcov != "HAC")
                  warning("Model set as ", x@vcov, ". The default HAC options are used")
                  x@vcov <- "HAC"
                  x@sSpec <- new("sSpec")
                  x@smooth <- FALSE
                  x@vcovOptions <- .getVcovOptions("HAC")
              gmat <- evalMoment(x, theta)
              gmat <- do.call(cbind, gmat)
              if (x@centeredVcov) 
                  gmat <- scale(gmat, scale = FALSE)
              class(gmat) <- "momentFct"
              options <- x@vcovOptions
              if (is.character(options$bw))
                  if (options$bw == "Wilhelm")
                      warning("bw = Wilhelm is not available for system GMM")
                  obj <- gmat
                  bwFct  <- get(paste("bw",options$bw,sep=""))
                  bwArgs <- options
                  bwArgs$bw <- NULL
                  bwArgs$tol <- NULL
                  bwArgs$x <- obj
                  bw <- do.call(bwFct, bwArgs)
              } else {
                  bw <- options$bw
              weights <- weightsAndrews(x = gmat, bw = bw, kernel = options$kernel, 
                                        prewhite = options$prewhite, tol = options$tol)
              w <- meatHAC(x = gmat, order.by = NULL, weights = weights, 
                           prewhite = options$prewhite, diagnostics = FALSE,
                           adjust = options$adjust, ar.method = options$ar.method)
              attr(w, "Spec") <- list(weights = weights, bw = bw, kernel = options$kernel)

## vcov

setMethod("vcov", signature("sysModel"),
          function(object, theta){
              spec <- modelDims(object)
              q <- spec$q
              if (object@vcov == "MDS")
                  gt <- evalMoment(object, theta)
                  gt <- do.call(cbind, gt)
                  if (object@centeredVcov)
                      gt <- scale(gt, scale=FALSE)
                  w <- crossprod(gt)/nrow(gt)
              } else if (object@vcov == "iid") {
                  e <- residuals(object, theta)
                  Sigma <- crossprod(e)/nrow(e)
                  Z <- model.matrix(object, "instrument")
                  if (object@sameMom)
                      w <- kronecker(Sigma, crossprod(Z[[1]])/nrow(e))
                  } else {
                      Z <- crossprod(do.call(cbind,Z))/nrow(e)
                      w <- .SigmaZZ(Z, Sigma, q)
              } else if (object@vcov == "CL") {
                  gt <- evalMoment(object, theta)
                  gt <- do.call(cbind, gt)
                  class(gt) <- "momentFct"
                  opt <- object@vcovOptions
                  opt$x <- gt
                  w <- do.call(meatCL, opt)                                            
              } else {
                  w <- vcovHAC(object, theta)
              wn <- paste(rep(spec$eqnNames, q), ".", do.call("c", spec$momNames), 
                          sep = "")
              dimnames(w) <- list(wn,wn)

### tsls

setMethod("tsls", "slinearModel",
              Call <- try(match.call(call=sys.call(sys.parent())), silent=TRUE)
              if (inherits(Call,"try-error"))              
                  Call <- NULL
              neqn <- length(model@eqnNames)
              res <- lapply(1:neqn, function(i) tsls(model[i]))
              w <- lapply(1:neqn, function(i) quadra(res[[i]]@wObj))
              w <- .GListToMat(w)
              wObj <- evalWeights(model, w=w)
              theta <- lapply(res, coef)
              names(theta) <- model@eqnNames
              new("stsls", theta=theta, convergence=list(), convIter=NULL,
                  call=Call, type="tsls", wObj=wObj, niter=1L,
                  efficientGmm=FALSE, model=model)

### 3SLS and SUR

setGeneric("ThreeSLS", function(model, ...) standardGeneric("ThreeSLS"))

setMethod("ThreeSLS", "slinearModel", 
          function(model, coefOnly=FALSE, qrZ=NULL, Sigma=NULL) {
              Call <- try(match.call(call=sys.call(sys.parent())), silent=TRUE)
              if (inherits(Call,"try-error"))
                  Call <- NULL
              if (!inherits(model, "slinearModel"))
                  stop("3SLS is for slinearModel classes")
              if (!model@sameMom)
                  stop("For 3SLS, the instruments must be the same in each equation")
              efficientGmm <- model@vcov == "iid"
              spec <- modelDims(model)
              n <- spec$n
              neqn <- length(model@eqnNames)
              x <- model.matrix(model)
              y <- modelResponse(model)
              if (is.null(qrZ))
                      z <- model.matrix(model[1], "instruments")
                      qrZ <- qr(z/sqrt(n))
                  } else {
                      if (!inherits(qrZ,"qr"))
                          stop("qrZ must be the qr decomposition of Z")
                      if (ncol(qrZ$qr) != length(spec$momNames[[1]]))
                          stop("The qr decomposition has the wrong dimension")
              if (is.null(Sigma))
                      theta <- lapply(1:neqn, function(i) lm.fit(qr.fitted(qrZ, x[[i]]),
                      e <- residuals(model, theta)
                      Sigma <- chol(crossprod(e)/n)
                  } else {
                      if (!all(Sigma[lower.tri(Sigma)] == 0))
                          stop("Sigma must be a cholesky and therefore upper tiangular")
              if (model@SUR)
                      xhat <- do.call(cbind, x)
                      type <- "SUR"
                  } else {
                      xhat <- qr.fitted(qrZ, do.call(cbind, x))
                      type <- "3SLS"
              iSigma <- chol2inv(Sigma)
              y <- do.call(cbind,y)
              A <- crossprod(xhat)
              A <- .SigmaZZ(A, iSigma, spec$k, spec$k, TRUE)
              C <- crossprod(xhat, y)
              C <- .SigmaZZ(C, iSigma, spec$k, rep(1, neqn), FALSE, FALSE)
              C <- rowSums(C)
              theta <- .tetReshape(solve(A, C), model@eqnNames, spec$parNames)
              if (coefOnly)
                  return(list(theta=theta, convergence=list()))
              wObj <- new("sysMomentWeights", w=qrZ, Sigma=Sigma, type="iid",
                          wSpec=list(), sameMom=TRUE, eqnNames=model@eqnNames)
              new("sgmmfit", theta=theta, convergence=list(),
                  convIter=rep(NULL, neqn), call=Call, type=type, wObj=wObj,
                  niter=2L, efficientGmm=efficientGmm,  model=model)

## modelFit

setMethod("gmmFit", signature("sysModel"), valueClass="sgmmfit", 
          function(model, type=c("twostep", "iter","cue", "onestep"),
                   itertol=1e-7, initW=c("ident", "tsls", "EbyE"), weights="optimal", 
                   itermaxit=100, efficientWeights=FALSE, theta0=NULL,
                   EbyE=FALSE, ...)
              Call <- try(match.call(call=sys.call(sys.parent())), silent=TRUE)
              if (inherits(Call,"try-error"))
                  Call <- NULL
              chk <- validObject(model)                  
              type <- match.arg(type)
              initW <- match.arg(initW)
              i <- 1L
              chk <- validObject(model, TRUE)
              if (!chk)
                  stop("model is not a valid moment Model object")
              if (is.character(weights) && !(weights%in%c("optimal","ident")))
                  stop("weights is a matrix or one of 'optimal' or 'ident'")
              spec <- modelDims(model)
              if (all(spec$q==spec$k))
                  weights <- "ident"
                  type <- "onestep"
                  EbyE <- TRUE
              } else if (type == "onestep" && !is.matrix(weights)) {
                  weights <- "ident"
                  EbyE <- TRUE
              } else if (is.matrix(weights) || inherits(weights,"sysMomentWeights")) {
                  type <- "onestep"
                  EbyE <- FALSE
              } else if (weights == "ident") {
                  type <- "onestep"
                  EbyE <- TRUE
              if (EbyE)
                  neqn <- length(model@eqnNames)
                  res <- lapply(1:neqn, function(i)
                      gmmFit(model[i], type=type, weights=weights,itertol=itertol,
                             initW=initW, itermaxit=itermaxit,
                             efficientWeights=efficientWeights, theta0=theta0, ...))
                  theta <- lapply(res, coef)                  
                  convergence <- lapply(res, function(r) r@convergence)
                  convIter <- sapply(res, function(r) r@convIter)
                  niter <- sapply(res, function(r) r@niter)
                  if (is.list(convIter))
                      convIter <- do.call("c", convIter)
                  type <- paste("EBE", type, sep="")
                  efficientGmm <- FALSE
                  if (is.character(weights) && weights=="ident")
                      wObj <- evalWeights(model, NULL, "ident")
                  } else {
                      wObj <- lapply(res, function(r) quadra(r@wObj))
                      wObj <- .GListToMat(wObj)
                      wObj <- evalWeights(model, w=wObj)
                  ans <- new("sgmmfit", theta=theta, convergence=convergence,
                             convIter=convIter, call=Call, type=type, wObj=wObj,
                             niter=niter, efficientGmm=efficientGmm, model=model)
              if (type == "onestep")
                  if (inherits(weights,"sysMomentWeights"))
                      wObj <- weights
                      wObj <- evalWeights(model, w=weights)
                  res <- solveGmm(model, wObj, theta0, ...)
                  convergence <- res$convergence
                  efficientGmm <- efficientWeights
                  ans <- new("sgmmfit", theta=res$theta,
                             convergence=convergence, convIter=NULL, type=type,
                             wObj=wObj, model=model, call=Call, niter=i,
              if (type == "twostep")
                  itermaxit <- 1
                  if (inherits(model, "slinearModel"))
                      if (model@vcov=="iid" && !model@sameMom && !model@SUR)
                          type <- "FIVE"                              
                      if (initW=="tsls" && model@vcov=="iid" && model@sameMom)
                          obj <- ThreeSLS(model)
                          obj@call <- Call
              if (initW=="tsls")
                  theta0 <- try(coef(tsls(model)), silent=TRUE)
                  if (inherits(theta0,"try-error"))
                      stop("Cannot get the initial weights using 2SLS")
              } else if (initW == "EbyE") {
                  neqn <- length(model@eqnNames)
                  res <- lapply(1:neqn, function(i)
                      gmmFit(model[i], type=type, weights=weights,itertol=itertol,
                               efficientWeights=efficientWeights, theta0=theta0, ...))
                  theta0 <- lapply(res, coef)
              } else {
                  wObj <- evalWeights(model, NULL, "ident")
                  theta0 <- solveGmm(model, wObj, theta0, ...)$theta
              bw <- model@vcovOptions$bw
              if (type != "cue")
                  if (i>1 && model@vcov=="iid")
                      wObj0 <- wObj
                      wObj0 <- NULL
                  wObj <- evalWeights(model, theta0, "optimal", wObj0)
                  if (model@vcov=="HAC" && is.character(model@bw))
                      model@vcovOptions$bw <- wObj@wSpec$bw
                  res <- solveGmm(model, wObj, theta0, ...)
                  theta1 <- res$theta
                  convergence <- res$convergence
                  tet0 <- do.call("c", theta0)
                  dif1 <- do.call("c", theta1)-tet0
                  crit <- sqrt(sum(dif1^2))/(1+sqrt(sum(tet0^2)))
                  if (crit < itertol & type=="iter")
                      convIter <- 0
                  i <- i + 1L
                  theta0 <- theta1
                  if (i>itermaxit)
                      if (type %in% c("twostep", "FIVE"))
                          convIter <- NULL
                          convIter <- 1
              } else {
                  convIter <- NULL
                  if (model@vcov=="HAC" && is.character(bw))
                      w <- vcov(model, theta0)
                      model@vcovOptions$bw <- attr(w, "Spec")$bw
                  if (model@vcov == "iid")
                      wObj0 <- evalWeights(model, theta0)
                      wObj0 <- NULL
                  obj <- function(theta, model, wObj0, spec)
                      theta <- .tetReshape(theta, spec$eqnNames,
                      wObj <- evalWeights(model, theta, "optimal", wObj0)
                      evalGmmObj(model, theta, wObj)
                  dots <- list(...)
                  if (is.null(dots$algo))
                      algo <- algoObj("optim")
                  } else {
                      algo <- dots$algo
                      dots$algo <-  NULL
                  if (algo@algo == "optim" & !("method" %in% names(dots)))
                      dots$method <- "BFGS"
                  dots <- c(dots,
                            list(object=algo, start=do.call("c",theta0),
                                 fct=obj, model=model, wObj0=wObj0, spec=spec))
                  res <- do.call("minFit", dots)
                  theta1 <- .tetReshape(res$solution, spec$eqnNames,spec$parNames)
                  convergence <- list(message=res$message, code=res$convergence,
                  wObj <- evalWeights(model, theta1, "optimal", wObj0)
              model@vcovOptions$bw <- bw
              new("sgmmfit", theta=theta1, convergence=convergence,
                  convIter=convIter, call=Call, type=type, wObj=wObj,
                  niter=i, efficientGmm=TRUE, model=model)

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momentfit documentation built on June 26, 2024, 3 p.m.