
Defines functions writeToHtml

writeToHtml <- 
function(inputVec="test", inputVec2 = "test",path = "index.html",width = 1080,height = 540,Table = NULL,Table2 = NULL,Table3 = NULL,Machines = c("Bibo","Kermit","Bert","Tiffy","Grobi"), insertText = "",StandardIDs = c("ECstd","BSA")){
if(!exists("mqqcRunningMQ")){mqqcRunningMQ <- "no info available"}
	#PB <- "<img src=\"./green/PB.gif\"  /><br>"
but1 <- "  <form method=\"get\" action=\"./CheckListFormular.docx\" target=\"_blank\" NAME=\"spaceform\" STYLE=\"margin: 0px; padding: 0px;\">
  <button type=\"submit\">Check List Formular</button>
but2 <- "<form method=\"get\" target=\"_blank\" action=\"./html/MQQC-Documentation.pdf\">
  <button type=\"submit\">MQQC Documentation</button>
but1 <- "
<a href = \"./CheckListFormular.docx\" style=\"color:grey;text-decoration: none;\" target=\"_blank\" >Check List Formular</a>
but2 <- "
    <a href = \"./html/MQQC-Documentation.pdf\" style=\"color:grey;text-decoration: none;\" target=\"_blank\">MQQC Documentation; </a>
but3 <- "
    <a href = \"./MQQC_PID.html\" style=\"color:grey;text-decoration: none;\" target=\"_blank\">ParameterIDs</a>
if(!file.exists(paste(dirname(path),"insertText.txt",sep = "/"))){
	write("",paste(dirname(path),"insertText.txt",sep = "/"))

if(!file.exists(paste(dirname(path),"CheckListFormular.docx",sep = "/"))){but1 <- ""}
if(!file.exists(paste(dirname(path),"html/MQQC-Documentation.pdf",sep = "/"))){but2 <- ""}

if(but1 !="" & but2!= ""){
  but1 <- paste(but1,"<br>",sep = "",collapse = "")

initHtml <- paste("
<html lang=\"en\">
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<meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"0\">

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<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"html/tablesorter/jquery.tablesorter.js\"></script> 

<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"html/tabber.js\"></script>
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<script type=\"text/javascript\">

/* Optional: Temporarily hide the \"tabber\" class so it does not \"flash\"
   on the page as plain HTML. After tabber runs, the class is changed
   to \"tabberlive\" and it will appear. */

document.write('<style type=\"text/css\">.tabber{display:none;}</style>');

<script type=\"text/javascript\">
$(function() {		
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<body link=\"#cccccc\" alink=\"#0fff00\" vlink=\"#df5320\">

<div id=\"container\" style=\"width:100%\">

<div id=\"header\" style=\"background-color:#426787\">
<h1 style=\"margin-bottom:0;color:#ffffff\">MQQC - MaxQuant Quality Control ",packageVersion("mqqc"),"</h1></div>

<div id=\"menu\" style=\"height:12vh;width:40%;float:left;\"> Last update: ",Sys.time(), "<br>Active Threads: <a href = \"./MqqcRunningFileInfo.html\" target ='_blank'  >",mqqcRunningMQ,"

  <form NAME=\"spaceform\" STYLE=\"margin: 0px; padding: 0px;\"><input type=button value=\"Refresh\" onClick=\"history.go(0)\"></form>



<div id=\"menu\" style=\"height:100px;width:20%;float:left;\"> 

<div id=\"content\" style=\"height:100px;width:40%;float:left;\">
	<!-- dropzone -->
  paste("<TD ALIGN=center VALIGN=bottom>",Machines,"</TD>",collapse = "\n")                


	<!-- dropzone -->




<!-- <div id=\"content\" style=\"height:100px;width:10%;float:left;\">

</div> -->


<div id=\"footer\" style=\"height:5px;clear:both;text-align:center;\">


<div id=\"container\" style=\"width:100%\">

<div class=\"tabber\">

",sep = "")

endHtml <- "</div>



<div id=\"footer\" style=\"background-color:#426787;height:5px;clear:both;text-align:center;\">
<a href = #> top </a>

# table

if(length(Table)> 0){	
	tabTop3 <- "

     <div class=\"tabbertab\">

tab3 <- paste(tabTop3,Table,"</div>",sep = "\n")

}else{tab3 = "

     <div class=\"tabbertab\">
 	  <a>no table found</a>
# table

if(length(Table2)> 0){	
	tabTop4 <- paste("

     <div class=\"tabbertab\">
	  <h2>Tables ", StandardIDs[1]," standard</h2>

tab4 <- paste(tabTop4,Table2,"</div>",sep = "\n")

}else{tab4 = paste("

     <div class=\"tabbertab\">
	  <h2>Tables", StandardIDs[1], "standard</h2>
 	  <a>no table found</a>
	  " )
if(length(Table3)> 0){	
	tabTop5 <- paste("

     <div class=\"tabbertab\">
	  <h2>Tables ", StandardIDs[2]," standard</h2>

tab5 <- paste(tabTop5,Table3,"</div>",sep = "\n")

}else{tab5 = paste("

     <div class=\"tabbertab\">
 	  <a>no table found</a>
	  " )
collVec <- c()
for(i in inputVec){
	tempI <- i
	header 		<- paste("<h1>",gsub(".pdf$","",basename(i)),"</h1>")
	pdfPath 	<- paste("<embed src=\"",i,"\" width = \"",width,"\" height = \"",height , "\">",sep = "")
	hui 			<- paste(header,pdfPath,sep = "\n")
	collVec <- paste(collVec,hui,sep = "\n")

tempName <- StandardIDs[1]

tabTop1 <- paste("<div class=\"tabbertab\">
	  <h2> LIVE VIEW",tempName,"standard</h2>")
tab1 <- paste(tabTop1,collVec,"</div>",sep = "\n")

# second tab
collVec2 <- c()
for(i in inputVec2){
	tempI <- i
	header 		<- paste("<h1>",basename(i),"</h1>")
	pdfPath 	<- paste("<embed src=\"",i,"\" width = \"",width,"\" height = \"",height , "\">",sep = "")
	hui 			<- paste(header,pdfPath,sep = "\n")
	collVec2 <- paste(collVec2,hui,sep = "\n")

tabTop2 <- "

     <div class=\"tabbertab\">
	  <h2> LIVE VIEW all</h2>"
tab2 <- paste(tabTop2,collVec2,"</div>",sep = "\n")
# Timelines

collVecTL <- c()
for(i in Machines){
	tempI <- i
	header 		<- paste("<h1>",basename(i),"</h1>")
  if(StandardIDs[1] != ""){
	i <- paste("./","TimeLines/",i,"-TimeLine-high.pdf",sep = "")
    if(StandardIDs[2] != ""){
      i <- paste("./","TimeLines/",i,"-TimeLine-low.pdf",sep = "")
      i <- paste("./","TimeLines/",i,"-TimeLine-All.pdf",sep = "")

	#jpgPath 	<- paste("<embed src=\"",i,"\" width = \"",width,"\" height = \"",height*0.55 , "\">",sep = "")
	jpgPath  <- paste(	"<img src=\"",gsub("pdf$","jpg",i),"\" width=\"", width,"\" alt=\"MQQCTimeline\">",sep = "")
	pdfPath 	<- paste("<embed src=\"",i,"\" width = \"",width,"\" height = \"",height*0.55 , "\">",sep = "")
	PdfLink <- paste("<a href=\"",i,"\" target=\"_blank\">",jpgPath,"</a>",sep = "")
	hui 			<- paste(header, PdfLink,sep = "\n")
	collVecTL <- paste(collVecTL,hui,sep = "\n")

tabTopTL <- paste("

     <div class=\"tabbertab\">
	  <h2> ",StandardIDs[1]," Timeline </h2>")
tabTL <- paste(tabTopTL,collVecTL,"</div>",sep = "\n")

# All Comparisons
ComparisonFiles <- list.files(paste(dirname(path),"TimeLines",sep = "/"),pattern = "Comparison.pdf$")
if(length(ComparisonFiles) > 0){
Order <- sapply(c("^Complex","^LowComplex","^Normal"),grep, ComparisonFiles)
ComparisonFiles <- paste(".","TimeLines", ComparisonFiles,sep = "/")
collVecParCo <- c()
for(i in 1:length(Order)){
  if(length(unlist(Order[i])) > 0){
	tempI 			<- ComparisonFiles[unlist(Order[i])]
	nameComp 	<- "Platzhalter"
	if(i == 1){nameComp <- "High complex standard"}
	if(i == 2){nameComp <- "Low complex standard"}
	if(i == 3){nameComp <- "Samples"}
	header 			<- paste("<h1>",nameComp,"</h1>")
	pdfPath	<- paste("<embed src=\"", tempI,"\" width = \"",width,"\" height = \"",height , "\">",sep = "")
	jpgPath <- paste(	"<img src=\"",gsub("pdf$","jpg", tempI),"\" width=\"", width,"\" alt=\"MQQCComparison\">",sep = "")
	PdfLink <- paste("<a href=\"", tempI,"\" target=\"_blank\">", jpgPath,"</a>",sep = "")
	hui 				<- paste(header, PdfLink ,sep = "\n")
	collVecParCo 	<- paste(collVecParCo,hui,sep = "\n")
	collVecParCo <- "NO DATA"
tabTopParCo <- paste("

     <div class=\"tabbertab\">
	  <h2> Machine Metric Comparisons </h2>")
tabTopParCo <<- tabTopParCo
collVecParCo <<- collVecParCo
tabParCo <- paste(tabTopParCo, collVecParCo,"</div>",sep = "\n")
# density comparissons

# All Comparisons
ComparisonFiles <- list.files(paste(dirname(path),"TimeLines",sep = "/"),pattern = "^DensityEstimates.*.pdf$")
if(length(ComparisonFiles) > 0){
  Order <- sapply(c("^DensityEstimates_Complex","^DensityEstimates_LowComplex","^DensityEstimates_Normal"),grep, ComparisonFiles)
  ComparisonFiles <- paste(".","TimeLines", ComparisonFiles,sep = "/")
  collVecDensCo <- c()
  metricsBP <- c("./timelines/MachineComparisonHighComplexStd.pdf","./timelines/MachineComparisonLowComplexStd.pdf","")
  for(i in 1:length(Order)){
    if(length(unlist(Order[i])) > 0){
      tempI 			<- ComparisonFiles[unlist(Order[i])]
      nameComp 	<- "Platzhalter"
      if(i == 1){nameComp <- "High complex standard"
      metricsBPi <- metricsBP[1]
      if(i == 2){nameComp <- "Low complex standard"
      metricsBPi <- metricsBP[2]
      if(i == 3){nameComp <- "Samples"
      metricsBPi <- "nodata"
      metricsBPihtml<- paste("<a href=",metricsBPi,">MachineComparisons</a> <br>",sep ="")
      header 			<- paste("<h1>",nameComp,"</h1>")
      pdfPath	<- paste("<embed src=\"", tempI,"\" width = \"",width,"\" height = \"",height , "\">",sep = "")
      jpgPath <- paste(	"<img src=\"",gsub("pdf$","jpg", tempI),"\" width=\"", width,"\" alt=\"MQQCComparison\">",sep = "")
      PdfLink <- paste("<a href=\"", tempI,"\" target=\"_blank\">", jpgPath,"</a>",sep = "")
      hui 				<- paste(header, PdfLink ,metricsBPihtml,sep = "\n")
      collVecDensCo 	<- paste(collVecDensCo,hui,sep = "\n")
  collVecDensCo <- "NO DATA"
tabTopDensCo <- paste("

     <div class=\"tabbertab\">
	  <h2> Machine Metrics Distributions </h2>")

tabDensCo <- paste(tabTopDensCo, collVecDensCo,"</div>",sep = "\n")
if(StandardIDs[1] == ""){
	tab4 = ""
	#tabTL = ""
	tab1 = tab2
if(StandardIDs[2]== ""){
	tab5 = ""
	tab2 = tab1 # Not Sure if that works
tab4 <<- tab4
tab5 <<- tab5
tab3 <<- tab3
initHtml <<- initHtml
tabTL <<- tabTL
tabParCo <<- tabParCo
tabDensCo <<- tabDensCo
endHtml <<- endHtml
finalHtml <- 	paste(initHtml,

				paste(tab4,collapse = ""), # ECstd
				paste(tab5,collapse = ""), # BSA
				paste(tab3,collapse = ""), # All
				#tab1,						# LiveViewEcoli
				#tab2,						# 
				tabTL,						# Timeline EC
				tabParCo[1],					# Parameter Comparison
	"<div style=\"float:right\"><br><a href = \"./disclaimer.html\" target = \"_blank\"> MQQC can be used under the terms of the  GNU General Public License  </a></div> 
	<div style = \"float:left\"><br> &copy; 2014 Henrik Zauber <a href=\"https://www.mdc-berlin.de/40599418/en/globals/impressum/\" target=_blank>MAX-DELBRUECK CENTRUM FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE</a>; Berlin-Buch; Germany</div>"
	collapse ="")
write(finalHtml,file = path)
disclaimer <- paste("
<html lang=\"en\">
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">
<div id=\"header\" style=\"background-color:#426787\">
<h1 style=\"margin-bottom:0;color:#ffffff\">MQQC - MaxQuant Quality Control ",packageVersion("mqqc"),"</h1></div>
<div id=\"header\" style=\"background-color: #009ec2\"> <h3 style=\"margin-bottom:0;color:#ffffff\">  License </h3> </div>

<div id=\"bottom_text\">
<a> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the <a href = \"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\" target = \"blank\"> GNU General Public License </a> as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.</a> 

   &copy; 2014 Henrik Zauber <a href=\"https://www.mdc-berlin.de/40599418/en/globals/impressum/\" target=_blank>MAX-DELBRUECK CENTRUM FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE</a>; Berlin-Buch; Germany </p>					 
					 ", endHtml,"</html>")
write(disclaimer,file =paste(dirname(path),"disclaimer.html",sep = "/"))

# system(paste("open",path))

#try(  FUNFINAL(StandardIDs = c("ECstd","BSA"),finalMQQC=Param$htmloutPath,folder =Param$folder, RESettings = RESettings,Machines = Param$Machines))
#finalMQQC = htmloutPath
#StandardIDs <- c("","")
#Machines = "hui"
# try(writeToHtml(inputVec = sort(paste(".", StandardIDs[1],paste(Machines,".pdf",sep = ""),sep = "/")),inputVec2 = sort(paste(".","all",paste(Machines,".pdf",sep = ""),sep = "/")),path = paste(finalMQQC,"index.html",sep = "/"),Table = "tableHtml",Table2 = "tableHtml2" ,Table3 = "tableHtml3", insertText = "insertText",Machines = "Machines", StandardIDs=c("","")))
#path = paste(finalMQQC,"index.html",sep = "/")
#system(paste("open",path ))
# try(writeToHtml(inputVec = sort(paste(".", StandardIDs[1],paste(Machines,".pdf",sep = ""),sep = "/")),
# inputVec2 = sort(paste(".","all",paste(Machines,".pdf",sep = ""),sep = "/")),path = paste(finalMQQC,"index.html",sep = "/"),Table = tableHtml,Table2 = tableHtml2 ,Table3 = tableHtml3, insertText = insertText,Machines = Machines, StandardIDs = StandardIDs))

# try(htmlMod(pathHtml = paste(finalMQQC,"index.html",sep = "/"),Machines = Machines,Counts = HotLink,BGcolor =as.character(HotLinkCol)))
# writeToHtml(Table=data.frame(humpe=2,Shcanio="woeifjoweifj"),Table2=data.frame(humpe=2,Shcanio="woeifjoweifj"),insertText = insertText <- paste(readLines("insertText.txt"),collapse = "\n"))
# system("open index.html")

Try the mqqc package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

mqqc documentation built on July 30, 2020, 3 p.m.