# $Id: helpers.R 494 2023-03-09 11:25:54Z thothorn $
### model.matrix.coxph doesn't return contrasts etc.
#model.matrix.coxph <- function(object, ...) {
# mm <- model.matrix(delete.response(terms(object)),
# data = model.frame(object))
# at <- attributes(mm)
# mm <- mm[,-1]
# at$dim[2] <- at$dim[2] - 1
# at$dimnames[[2]] <- at$dimnames[[2]][-1]
# at$assign <- at$assign[-1]
# attributes(mm) <- at
# mm
model.matrix.coxph.penal <- function(object, ...) {
class(object) <- "coxph"
mm <- model.matrix(object)
at <- attributes(mm)
indx <- grep("frailty", colnames(mm))
ret <- mm[ , -indx, drop = FALSE]
attr(ret, "assign") <- at$assign[-indx]
attr(ret, "contrasts") <- at$contrasts
model.frame.coxph.penal <- function(formula, ...) {
object <- formula
tm <- terms(object)
class(object) <- "coxph"
mf <- model.frame(object)
ret <- cbind(mf[[1]], model.frame(delete.response(tm), data = mf))
colnames(ret)[1] <- colnames(mf)[1]
terms.coxph.penal <- function(x, ...) {
class(x) <- "coxph"
tm <- terms(x)
ctm <- as.character(tm)
x <- strsplit(ctm[3], "+", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
x <- x[-grep("frailty", x)]
fm <- paste(ctm[2], "~", paste(x, collapse = "+"))
coxph.penalcoef <- function(object, ...) {
mm <- model.matrix(object)
class(object) <- "coxph"
cf <- coef(object)
coxph.penalvcov <- function(object, ...) {
mm <- model.matrix(object)
class(object) <- "coxph"
vc <- vcov(object)
vc[1:ncol(mm), 1:ncol(mm), drop = FALSE]
#model.matrix.survreg <- function(object, ...) {
# model.matrix(delete.response(terms(object)),
# data = model.frame(object))
### coxme objects
model.matrix.coxme <- function(object, ...) {
class(object) <- "coxph"
### coxme objects
model.frame.coxme <- function(formula, ...) {
object <- formula
class(object) <- "coxph"
model.matrix.aovlist <- function(object, ...)
stop(sQuote("glht"), " does not support objects of class ",
model.matrix.lme <- function(object, ...)
model.matrix(terms(object), data = model.frame(object), ...)
model.frame.lme <- function(formula, ...) {
object <- formula
ret <- object$data
if (is.null(ret)) stop("object does not contain any data")
### extract coefficients, covariance matrix and
### degrees of freedom (if available) from `model'
modelparm <- function(model, coef., vcov., df, ...)
modelparm.default <- function(model, coef. = coef,
vcov. = function(x) vcov(x, complete = FALSE),
df = NULL, ...)
### allow specification of coef and vcov directly
if (!is.function(coef.)) {
beta <- coef.
coef. <- function(model) return(beta)
if (!is.function(vcov.)) {
sigma <- vcov.
vcov. <- function(model) return(sigma)
### extract coefficients and their covariance matrix
beta <- try(coef.(model, ...))
if (inherits(beta, "try-error"))
stop("no ", sQuote("coef"), " method for ",
sQuote("model"), " found!")
sigma <- try(vcov.(model, ...))
if (inherits(sigma, "try-error"))
stop("no ", sQuote("vcov"), " method for ",
sQuote("model"), " found!")
sigma <- as.matrix(sigma)
if (any(length(beta) != dim(sigma)))
stop("dimensions of coefficients and covariance matrix don't match")
### determine degrees of freedom
if (is.null(df)) {
df <- 0
### check if a linear model was supplied
if (class(model)[1] %in% c("aov", "lm")) {
class(model) <- "lm"
df <- summary(model)$df[2]
if (inherits(model, "parm"))
df <- model$df
} else {
if (df < 0) stop(sQuote("df"), " is not positive")
### try to identify non-estimable coefficients
### coef.aov removes NAs, thus touch coefficients
### directly
ocoef <- coef.(model, ...)
if (inherits(model, "aov")) ocoef <- model$coefficients
estimable <- rep(TRUE, length(ocoef))
if (any( {
estimable[] <- FALSE
beta <- ocoef[estimable]
### just in case...
if (length(beta) != ncol(sigma) || nrow(sigma) != sum(estimable))
stop("could not extract coefficients and covariance matrix from ",
RET <- list(coef = beta, vcov = sigma, df = df, estimable = estimable)
class(RET) <- "modelparm"
### mixed effects models (package `lme4')
modelparm.mer <- function(model, coef. = lme4::fixef, vcov. = vcov, df = NULL, ...)
modelparm.default(model, coef. = coef., vcov. = vcov., df = df, ...)
### mixed effects models (package `lme4Eigen')
modelparm.merMod <- function(model, coef. = lme4::fixef, vcov. = vcov, df = NULL, ...)
modelparm.default(model, coef. = coef., vcov. = vcov., df = df, ...)
### package `nlme'
modelparm.lme <- function(model, coef. = nlme::fixef, vcov. = vcov, df = NULL, ...)
modelparm.default(model, coef. = coef., vcov. = vcov., df = df, ...)
### package glmmTMB
modelparm.glmmTMB <- function(model,
coef. = function(object) glmmTMB::fixef(object)$cond,
vcov. = function(object) vcov(object)$cond,
df = NULL, ...)
modelparm.default(model, coef. = coef., vcov. = vcov., df = df, ...)
### survreg models (package `survival')
vcovsurvreg <- function(object, ...) {
sigma <- vcov(object)
p <- length(coef(object))
return(sigma[1:p, 1:p])
### nlme:::gls
model.matrix.gls <- function(object, ...)
model.matrix(terms(object), data = nlme::getData(object), ...)
model.frame.gls <- function(formula, ...)
model.frame(formula(formula), data = nlme::getData(formula), ...)
terms.gls <- function(x, ...)
terms(model.frame(x), ...)
modelparm.survreg <- function(model, coef. = coef, vcov. = vcovsurvreg, df = NULL, ...)
modelparm.default(model, coef. = coef., vcov. = vcov., df = df, ...)
modelparm.aovlist <- function(model, coef. = coef, vcov. = vcov, df = NULL, ...)
stop(sQuote("glht"), " does not support objects of class ", sQuote("aovlist"))
modelparm.coxme <- function(model, coef. = coef, vcov. = vcov, df = NULL, ...)
modelparm.default(model, coef. = coef., vcov. = vcov., df = df, ...)
modelparm.coxph.penal <- function(model, coef. = coxph.penalcoef,
vcov. = coxph.penalvcov, df = NULL, ...)
modelparm.default(model, coef. = coef., vcov. = vcov., df = df, ...)
model.matrix.polr <- function(object, ...) {
mm <- model.matrix(delete.response(terms(object)),
data = model.frame(object))
at <- attributes(mm)
mm <- mm[,-1]
at$dim[2] <- at$dim[2] - 1
at$dimnames[[2]] <- at$dimnames[[2]][-1]
at$assign <- at$assign[-1]
attributes(mm) <- at
polrvcov <- function(object) {
cf <- coef(object)
vcov <- vcov(object)
vcov[names(cf), names(cf)]
modelparm.polr <- function(model, coef. = coef, vcov. = polrvcov, df = NULL, ...)
modelparm.default(model, coef. = coef., vcov. = vcov., df = df, ...)
### fixed effects models (package fixest). Contributed by Grant McDermott 2021-12-17
modelparm.fixest <- function(model, coef. = coef, vcov. = vcov, df = NULL, ...) {
model <- summary(model, vcov = vcov.)
vcov. <- vcov(model)
if (is.null(df))
df <- fixest::degrees_freedom(model, type = "resid")
modelparm.default(model, coef. = coef., vcov. = vcov., df = df, ...)
### gamlss (donated by Marcio A Diniz)
model.matrix.gamlss <- function(object, ...) {
cf <- na.exclude(coef(object))
### extract model matrix, frame and terms
mm <- model.matrix(terms(object),
data = model.frame(object))
aux <- list(assign = attributes(mm)[["assign"]],
contrasts = attributes(mm)[["contrasts"]])
mm <- mm[, 1:length(cf)]
attr(mm, "assign") <- aux$assign[1:length(cf)]
attr(mm, "contrasts") <- aux$contrasts
gamlss.coef <- function(object, ...) {
dots <- list(...)
#class(object) <- class(object)[1]
cf <- na.exclude(coef(object, what = dots$what))
gamlss.vcov <- function(object, ...) {
dots <- list(...)
#class(object) <- class(object)[1]
p <- match(dots$what, object$parameters)
vc <- vcov(object, what = dots$what)
index <- which(cumsum(rownames(vc) == "(Intercept)") == p)
vc[index, index, drop = FALSE]
### modified from package MASS
MPinv <- function (X, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
if (length(dim(X)) > 2 || !(is.numeric(X) || is.complex(X)))
stop("X must be a numeric or complex matrix")
if (!is.matrix(X))
X <- as.matrix(X)
Xsvd <- svd(X)
if (is.complex(X))
Xsvd$u <- Conj(Xsvd$u)
Positive <- Xsvd$d > max(tol * Xsvd$d[1], 0)
if (all(Positive))
RET <- Xsvd$v %*% (1/Xsvd$d * t(Xsvd$u))
else if (!any(Positive))
RET <- array(0, dim(X)[2:1])
else RET <- Xsvd$v[, Positive, drop = FALSE] %*% ((1/Xsvd$d[Positive]) *
t(Xsvd$u[, Positive, drop = FALSE]))
return(list(MPinv = RET, rank = sum(Positive)))
### meaningless ...
chkdots <- function(...) {
lst <- list(...)
if (length(lst) > 0) {
warning("Argument(s) ", sQuote(names(lst)), " passed to ", sQuote("..."),
" are ignored", call. = TRUE)
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