# Generates a list of lists. Every of these lists, denoted for now
# by L, can be evaluated as a function call by eval(
# listFunAndParameter MUST have the following form:
# list(
# funName = "UnifRandom", # Description/Label of the function to be used
# fun = runif, # A real function, not only the name
# n = 1 # "n" is integer
# )
# Example for the argument:
# Arguments of runif are: n, min, max.
# listFunAndParameter = list(funName="UnifRandomVariable", fun=runif, n=2, min=c(1:2), max=c(1.1, 2.1))
# sapply(generateFunctionStack(listFunAndParameter), function(fc) eval(
# is same as
# runif(2, 1, 1.1); runif(2, 2, 1.1); runif(2, 1, 2.1); runif(2, 2, 2.1)
# Of course the second and third call do not make sense.
generateFunctionStack <- function(listFunAndParameter)
# special case: the procedure does not need any further parameter
if (length(listFunAndParameter) == 2)
# listFunAndParameter[[3]] is the first real parameter. The first 2 are the function to
# to be called and a description.
outerPar <- 1:length(listFunAndParameter[[3]])
# Actually I want to build the outerproduct of the parameters,
# but instead of this I use index numbers indicating the position
# of the used parameter. If n=c("a", "b"), n0=c(1:5), alpha=c(0.1, 0.2)
# then 2, 3, 2 stands for n="b", n0=3, alpha=0.2
for(par in listFunAndParameter[-3:-1])
outerPar <- outer(outerPar, 1:length(par), paste)
# special case of only ONE parameter
if (length(listFunAndParameter) == 3)
outerPar <- outer(outerPar, "", paste)
# build now for every parameter constellation
# a list that can be casted into a function call.
fcStack <- list()
for (parIDX in outerPar)
idx <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(parIDX, " ")))
parameter <- list()
for(i in 1:length(listFunAndParameter[-2:-1]))
# listFunAndParameter[-2:-1][[i]] is the i-th parameter in the list.
# from the 1st parameter we want the idx[1]-th entry from the 2nd parameter
# we want the idx[2]-th entry and so on.
parameter <- c(parameter, listFunAndParameter[-2:-1][[i]][idx[i]])
stackPosName <- paste(listFunAndParameter$funName, parIDX)
fcStack[[stackPosName]] <- c(listFunAndParameter$fun, parameter)
names(fcStack[[stackPosName]]) <- names(listFunAndParameter[-1])
gatherParameters <- function(simObject)
#+++++++++++++++++++ Subfunctions +++++++++++++++++++++++
# extract from resultVecotr ( = simObject$results ) all values of the
# parameter with the name paraName.
getParamWithName <- function(resultVector, paraName)
val <- mts$parameters[[paraName]]
if (is.null(val))
#------------------- Subfunctions -----------------------
# gathering all parameters used in the simObject$results
parNames <- unique(unlist(lapply(simObject$results, function(obj) names(obj$parameters))))
return(data.frame(sapply(parNames, function(pN) getParamWithName(simObject$results, pN))))
# # calling data.frame(sapply(parNames, function(pN) getParamWithName(simObject$results, pN)))
# # is not good, because numeric parameters can be converted to characters and then to factors
# # and it is possible that the original order is lost. For example the order of c(64, 128)
# # will be 128 < 64.
# ret = data.frame(getParamWithName(simObject$results, parNames[1]))
# for (pN in parNames[2:length(parNames)]) # {"funName", "method"} subset of parNames; that is length(parName) >= 2
# ret = data.frame(ret, factor(getParamWithName(simObject$results, pN)))
# names(ret) <- parNames
# return(ret)
gatherStatistics <- function(simObject, listOfStatisticFunctions, listOfAvgFunctions)
#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Subfunctions ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# calculates the intersection of all elements given in aList
listIntersect <- function(aList)
nn <- length(aList)
if(nn == 1)
intersect(aList[[1]], listIntersect(aList[-1]))
# actually the whole work is done by this subfunction.
gatherStatisticsOneAvgFun <- function(simObject, listOfStatisticFunctions, avgFun, avgFunName = deparse(substitute(avgFun)))
# extract the parameter constellations form the obejct returned by simulation()
paraNameDF <- gatherParameters(simObject)
unqParaNameDF <- unique(paraNameDF)
rownames(unqParaNameDF) <- 1:length(rownames(unqParaNameDF))
# this will be the data.frame containing the parameter constellation and the calculated (averaged) statistics
statDF <- data.frame()
data.set.numbers <- sapply(simObject$results, function(res) res$data.set.number)
for (i in rownames(unqParaNameDF))
# search which objects in simObject$results belong to
# parameter configuration in unqParaNameDF[i, ]
idxs <- listIntersect(
function(pN) which(unqParaNameDF[i, pN] == paraNameDF[ , pN])
# applying any given statistic to the objects with the same
# parameter constellation
if (missing(avgFun))
{ # no avgFun, thus the resulting data.frame will have one row for every simObject$results
tmp <- sapply(listOfStatisticFunctions,
function(fun) sapply(idxs, function(idx) fun(simObject$data[[data.set.numbers[idx]]], simObject$results[[idx]]))
statDF <- rbind(statDF, cbind(paraNameDF[idxs,], tmp))
{ # avgFun supplied, thus the resulting data.frame will have only one row for
# every parameter constellation
statDF <- rbind(statDF,
function(fun) avgFun(sapply(idxs, function(idx)
if (missing(avgFun))
# number the rows consecutively
rownames(statDF) <- 1:length(rownames(statDF))
statisticDF = statDF,
name.parameters = names(paraNameDF),
name.statistics = names(listOfStatisticFunctions),
name.avgFun = ""
# label the columns of the resulting data.frame
names(statDF) <- paste(names(listOfStatisticFunctions), avgFunName, sep=".")
statDF <- cbind(unqParaNameDF, statDF)
statisticDF = statDF,
name.parameters = names(paraNameDF),
name.statistics = paste(names(listOfStatisticFunctions), avgFunName, sep="."),
name.avgFun = avgFunName
#--------------------------- Subfunctions --------------------------
# if no average function is given
# the resulting data.frame will have one row
# for every object in simObject$results
if (missing(listOfAvgFunctions))
return(gatherStatisticsOneAvgFun(simObject, listOfStatisticFunctions))
# the average function is a function, pass this directly to
# gatherStatisticsOneAvgFun
if (is.function(listOfAvgFunctions))
# call gatherStatisticsOneAvgFun for every function in
# listOfAvgFunctions
if (length(listOfAvgFunctions) > 0)
if (sum(names(listOfAvgFunctions) != "") != length(listOfAvgFunctions))
warning("The functions in listOfAvgFunctions should have a name!")
tmp <- list()
# cnt is needed to determine the name of "fun"
cnt <- 0
for (fun in listOfAvgFunctions)
cnt <- cnt + 1
tmp[[cnt]] <- gatherStatisticsOneAvgFun(
# We have gathered many statistics, now join the information
ret <- tmp[[1]]
ret$statisticDF <- ret$statisticDF[ret$name.parameters]
for (i in seq(along.with = listOfAvgFunctions))
ret$statisticDF <- cbind(ret$statisticDF, tmp[[i]]$statisticDF[tmp[[i]]$name.statistics])
ret$name.statistics <- c(ret$name.statistics, tmp[[i]]$name.statistics)
ret$name.avgFun <- c(ret$name.avgFun, tmp[[i]]$name.avgFun)
ret$name.statistics <- unique(ret$name.statistics)
ret$name.avgFun <- unique(ret$name.avgFun)
simulation <- function(replications, DataGen, listOfProcedures, discardProcInput=FALSE)
paraNameDataGen <- names(DataGen)
if (length(paraNameDataGen) != length(unique(paraNameDataGen)))
cat("Parameter of data generating function:\n\t", paraNameDataGen, "\n")
stop("Parameternames of the data generating function are not unique")
# check if parameter of the procedures are unique
nameProblems <- FALSE
for( i in seq(along.with = listOfProcedures) )
paraNameProc <- names(listOfProcedures[[i]])
if (length(paraNameProc) != length(unique(paraNameProc)))
nameProblems <- TRUE
cat("Parameters of procedure", listOfProcedures[[i]]$funName, "are not unique:\n\t", paraNameProc, "\n")
if (nameProblems) stop("Parameters of some procedures are not unique.\n")
# no intersection between parameters of the data generating function and the
# procedures are allowed.
nameProblems <- FALSE
for( i in seq(along.with = listOfProcedures) )
paraNameProc <- names(listOfProcedures[[i]])
equalNames = sort(intersect(paraNameDataGen, paraNameProc))
if (length(equalNames)!= 2 || !all(equalNames == c("fun", "funName")))
nameProblems <- TRUE
cat("Common names of the data generating function and multiple test procedure", listOfProcedures[[i]]$funName, "are:\n\t", equalNames, "\n")
if (nameProblems) stop("The only common name of data generating function and multiple test procedure should be 'fun' and 'funName'.\n")
# TODO: MS print progress of the simulation on the console!
# generating all data generating functions
dataGenStack <- generateFunctionStack(DataGen)
# a bunch of stacks full of procedures
# for example for every method (bonferroni and holm) there
# is a stack for bonferroni with the different parameter configurations
# and a stack for holm with the different parameter configurations
procedureStacks <- lapply(listOfProcedures, function(procs) generateFunctionStack(procs))
names(procedureStacks) <- sapply(listOfProcedures, function(procs) procs$funName)
ret = list()
# cnt is used as an identifier. So every list with
# the same $data.set.number is based on the same generated data
cnt <- 0
for( dataGenCall in dataGenStack )
# This is probably the right place for gridComputation
# It calls ONE time
# dataGenCall. Every procedure in procedureStacks is applied
# to this one "dataSet". returns $data and $results
genOneDataSetAndApplyProcedures <- function(dummy)
# generating data
data <- eval(
# cnt is a global variable that has to be increased
# each time a new "dataSet" is generated.
assign("cnt", get("cnt", envir=sys.frame(-2)) + 1, envir = sys.frame(-2))
# every procedure will be applied to the generated Dataset and the results
# will be stored in the following list
procs.results <- vector("list", sum(sapply(procedureStacks, function(stack) length(stack))))
procs.results.idx <- 0
for (pS in seq(along.with=procedureStacks))
# procedureStacks consists of stacks, go through one by one
# this means applying every procedure to the given dataset
procStack <- procedureStacks[[pS]]
for (proc in procStack)
procs.results.idx <- procs.results.idx + 1
result <- list()
# every dataset get a unique number
result$data.set.number <- get("cnt", envir = sys.frame(-2))
# saving the parameter constellation of the used data generating function
paramDataGen <- c(DataGen$funName, dataGenCall[-1])
names(paramDataGen)[1] <- "funName"
# saving the parameter constallation of the used procedure
paramProc <- names(procedureStacks)[pS]
# if (length(proc) == 1)
# #proc uses only the parameter from the output of the data generating function
# paramProc <- c(paramProc)#, dummy="")
# else
paramProc <- c(paramProc, proc[-1])
names(paramProc)[1] <- "method"
# saving the parameter constallation of the data generating function and the procedure
result$parameters <- c(paramDataGen, paramProc)
# next step is to assign the inputdata for the procedure parameters that was generated by
# the data generating function. But at first I check if this will overwrite
# other parameters already specified for the procedure.
inter <- intersect(names(data$procInput), names(proc))
if (length(inter) != 0)
warning("\n\n\tSome of the parameter of one procedure are already specified,\n\t",
"and the data generating function now provides new values for these",
"parameters :\n\n\t",
"Affected procedure : ", listOfProcedures[[pS]]$funName, "\n\t",
"Affected parameters: ", paste(inter, collapse=" "), "\n")
# assign inputdata generated by the data generating function to the procedure parameters.
for(paraInputName in names(data$procInput))
proc[[paraInputName]] <- data$procInput[[paraInputName]]
# calling the procedure
procOutput <- eval(
# writing the output of the procedure into the result
for(name in names(procOutput))
result[[name]] <- procOutput[[name]]
# append the new result
procs.results[[procs.results.idx]] <- result
if (discardProcInput)
data$procInput = NULL
# return the used dataset, the output of the procedure with the used
# parameter constellation
return(list(data=data, results=procs.results))
ret <- c(ret, lapply(1:replications, genOneDataSetAndApplyProcedures))
# I want to have $data for data and $results for the output of
# the procedures and parameter constellations.
only.results <- sapply(ret, function(obj) obj$results)
dim(only.results) <- NULL
list(data=lapply(ret, function(obj) obj$data),
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