
#multimap -----------------------------------------------------
#Display or save multimaps.
"multimap" <-
function (listfiles, names, outname, org, outext = "show", title = "multimap", shapefile = NULL, shapedir = NULL, shapeext = "shp", pal = "Spectral", ...) 
    while (!tolower(shapeext) %in% c("shp", "kml")) {
        shapeext = readline(cat("Extension is not correct. Please choose between shp and kml. \n"))
        if (shapeext == "") 
    if (!(pal %in% rownames(brewer.pal.info))) {
        stop(paste("Error : ", pal , " is not correct name for RColorBrewer palette. \n Please enter 'display.brewer.all()' to see the different choices.", sep=""))
    while (!tolower(outext) %in% c("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "pdf", "show")) {
        outext = readline(cat("The extension of the output is not correct. Please choose between 'jpg', 'png' or 'pdf' to save the map in the corresponding format or 'show' to see the map directly in R. \n"))
        if (outext == "") 
    if (length(org) != 2) {
        stop("Error : org is not a two-dimensions vector.")
    if (length(names) != length(listfiles)) {
        cat("Warnings : length of names is different of length of listfiles. \n")
        names = listfiles
    if (org[1]*org[2] < length(listfiles)) {
        cat("Warnings : the layout doesn't allow to show all maps together. \n")
    im = readGDAL(listfiles[1])
    dat = im$band1
    for (i in listfiles[-1]) {
        dat = cbind(dat, readGDAL(i)$band1)
    colnames(dat) = paste("X",as.character(1:length(listfiles)),sep="")
    im2 = SpatialGridDataFrame(im, data = as.data.frame(dat))
    arrow = list("SpatialPolygonsRescale", layout.north.arrow(), offset = c(bbox(im)[1,2]-(sc/5), bbox(im)[2,2]-(sc/5)), scale = sc/7, which = org[1]*org[2], first = FALSE)
    if (typeof(shapefile) == "character" & typeof(shapedir) == "character") {
        if (shapeext == "shp") {
            Bound = readOGR(paste(shapedir, ".", sep = ""), shapefile)
        else {
            Bound = readOGR(shapedir, shapefile)
        if (length(grep("oint", class(Bound))) > 0) {
            lay = list("sp.points", Bound, cex = 0.75, pch = 3, 
                col = "black", first = FALSE)
            spl = list(lay,arrow)
        else {
            if (length(grep("olygon", class(Bound))) > 0) {
                lay = list("sp.polygons", Bound, cex = 0.75, 
                  pch = 3, col = "black", first = FALSE)
                spl = list(lay,arrow)
            else {
                spl = list(arrow)
    else {
        spl = list(arrow)
    if (tolower(outext) == "jpg" || tolower(outext) == "jpeg") {
        jpeg(paste(outname, ".jpg", sep = ""), quality = 90)
        print(spplot(im2, paste("X",as.character(1:length(listfiles)),sep=""), names.attr = names, sp.layout = spl, col.regions = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(brewer.pal.info[pal,    "maxcolors"], pal)), as.table = TRUE, main = title, layout = org, ...))
    else {
        if (tolower(outext) == "png") {
            png(paste(outname, ".png", sep = ""))
            print(spplot(im2, paste("X",as.character(1:length(listfiles)),sep=""), names.attr = names, sp.layout = spl, col.regions = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(brewer.pal.info[pal, "maxcolors"], pal)), as.table = TRUE, main = title, layout = org, ...))
        else {
            if (tolower(outext) == "pdf") {
                pdf(paste(outname, ".pdf", sep = ""))
                print(spplot(im2, paste("X",as.character(1:length(listfiles)),sep=""), names.attr = names, sp.layout = spl, col.regions = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(brewer.pal.info[pal, "maxcolors"], pal)), as.table = TRUE, main = title, layout = org, ...))
            else {
                print(spplot(im2, paste("X",as.character(1:length(listfiles)),sep=""), names.attr = names, sp.layout = spl, col.regions = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(brewer.pal.info[pal, "maxcolors"], pal)), as.table = TRUE, main = title, layout = org, ...))

#savemap ------------------------------------------------------
#Save a given map in the desire format.
"savemap" <-
function (map, outname = "map", outext = "show", title = "", shapefile = NULL, shapedir = NULL, shapeext = "shp", label = FALSE, pal = "Spectral", ...) 
    while (!tolower(shapeext) %in% c("shp", "kml")) {
        shapeext = readline(cat("Extension is not correct. Please choose between shp and kml. \n"))
        if (shapeext == "") 
    if (!(pal %in% rownames(brewer.pal.info))) {
        stop(paste("Error : ", pal , " is not correct name for RColorBrewer palette. \n Please enter 'display.brewer.all()' to see the different choices.", sep=""))
    while (!tolower(outext) %in% c("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "pdf", "show")) {
        outext = readline(cat("The extension of the output is not correct. Please choose between 'jpg', 'png' or 'pdf' to save the map in the corresponding format or 'show' to see the map directly in R. \n"))
        if (outext == "") 
    arrow = list("SpatialPolygonsRescale", layout.north.arrow(),offset = c(bbox(map)[1,2]-(sc/10), bbox(map)[2,2]-(sc/10)), scale = sc/15)
    if (typeof(shapefile) == "character" & typeof(shapedir) == "character") {
        if (shapeext == "shp") {
            Bound = readOGR(paste(shapedir, ".", sep = ""), shapefile)
        else {
            Bound = readOGR(shapedir, shapefile)
        if (dim(coordinates(Bound))[2] > 2) {
            Bound = SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = coordinates(Bound)[, 
                1:2], proj4string = CRS(proj4string(Bound)), 
                data = as.data.frame(Bound[label]))
        if (label != FALSE ) {
        while (!label %in% info) {
                label = readline(cat(paste("Choose between one of the labels available : \n", list(as.character(info)), "\n : ", sep = "")))
        if (length(grep("oint", class(Bound))) > 0) {
            pt = list("sp.points", Bound, cex = 0.75, pch = 3, 
                col = "black", first = FALSE)
            if (label != FALSE) {
                txt = list("sp.text", coordinates(Bound) - 0.01, 
                  Bound[[label]], first = FALSE)
                lay = list(arrow, pt, txt)
            else {
            lay = list(arrow,pt)
        else {
            if (length(grep("olygon", class(Bound))) > 0) {
                pol = list("sp.polygons", Bound, cex = 0.75, 
                  pch = 3, col = "black", first = FALSE)
                lay = list(arrow,pol)
    else {
        lay = list(arrow)
    if (outext == "jpg" || outext == "jpeg") {
        jpeg(paste(outname, ".jpg", sep = ""), quality = 90)
        print(spplot(map, sp.layout = lay, col.regions = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(brewer.pal.info[pal, 
            "maxcolors"], pal)), xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude", 
            add = TRUE, scales = list(draw = TRUE), main = title, 
            font.main = 4))
    else {
        if (outext == "png") {
            png(paste(outname, ".png", sep = ""))
            print(spplot(map, sp.layout = lay, col.regions = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(brewer.pal.info[pal, "maxcolors"], pal)), xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude", add = TRUE, scales = list(draw = TRUE), main = title, font.main = 4))
        else {
            if (outext == "pdf") {
                pdf(paste(outname, ".pdf", sep = ""))
                print(spplot(map, sp.layout = lay, col.regions = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(brewer.pal.info[pal, 
                  "maxcolors"], pal)), xlab = "Longitude", 
                  ylab = "Latitude", add = TRUE, scales = list(draw = TRUE), main = title, font.main = 4))
            else {
                print(spplot(map, sp.layout = lay, col.regions = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(brewer.pal.info[pal, 
                  "maxcolors"], pal)), xlab = "Longitude", 
                  ylab = "Latitude", add = TRUE, scales = list(draw = TRUE), main = title, font.main = 4))

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ndvits documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:47 p.m.