
#' Function to convert assemblage taxa to standardized lists.
#' From the assemblage data for the core return assemblage data with the assemblage taxa
#' @import RJSONIO RCurl
#' @param object A pollen object returned by \code{get_download}.
#' @param list.name The taxon compilation list, one of a set of lists from the literature (e.g., P25, Whitmore).  More detail in the Description.
#' @author Simon J. Goring \email{simon.j.goring@@gmail.com}
#' @return This command returns a list object containing \code{count} and \code{taxon.list} objects, similar to those associated with the \code{get_download} object.  Any pollen taxon not included in the major taxa defined in the pollen gets returned as 'Other'.
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{taxon.list}{  The list of taxa contained within the dataset, unordered, including information that can be used in \code{get_taxa}}
#'  \item{counts}{  The assemblage data for the dataset, arranged with each successive depth in rows and the taxa as columns.  All taxa are described in \code{taxon.list}, the chronology is in \code{sample.data}}
#' }
#'    The data object uses the smaller pollen subset.  As this package develops we will add the
#'    capacity to summarize data output from the translation.
#'    Currently we can return only subsets that have been defined in the literature.  These lists include:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{P25}{ This list is derived from Gavin et al., (2003), and includes 25 pollen taxa.}
#'   \item{WS64}{  This list is derived from Williams and Shuman (2008).}
#'   \item{WhitmoreFull}{  This is the full list associated with the Whitmore et al., (2008) North American Modern Pollen Database.}
#'   \item{Whitmore}{  As above, but taxa for which both fully resolved and undifferentiated exist these taxa are summed.}
#'  }
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' #  Search for sites with "Thuja" pollen that are older than 8kyr BP and
#' #  that are on the west coast of North America:
#' t8kyr.datasets <- get_datasets(taxonname='Thuja*', loc=c(-150, 20, -100, 60), ageyoung = 8000)
#' #  Returns 3 records (as of 04/04/2013), get dataset for the first record, Gold Lake Bog.
#' GOLDKBG <- get_download(t8kyr.datasets[[1]]$DatasetID)
#' gold.p25 <- compile_list(GOLDKBG, 'P25')
#' }
#' @references
#' Neotoma Project Website: http://www.neotomadb.org
#' Williams J, Shuman B. 2008. Obtaining accurate and precise environmental reconstructions from the modern analog technique and North American surface pollen dataset. Quaternary Science Reviews. 27:669-687. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2008.01.004
#' API Reference:  http://api.neotomadb.org/doc/resources/contacts
#' @keywords Neotoma Palaeoecology API
#' @export

compile_list <- function(object, list.name, verbose = TRUE, cf = TRUE, type = TRUE){


  used.taxa <- pollen.equiv[match(colnames(object$counts), pollen.equiv$taxon),]
  #  Currently there are 4 lists:
  avail.lists <- c('P25', 'WS64', 'WhitmoreFull', 'WhitmoreSmall')
  #  This generates the list onto which the original data will be aggregated, and adds
  #  a class of 'Other' to indicate the number of taxa not represented by the simplified
  #  taxon list.
  use.list <- which(avail.lists %in% list.name)
  agg.list <- as.vector(used.taxa[,use.list + 2])
  agg.list[is.na(agg.list)] <- 'Other'
  #  Now compress the dataset:
  compressed.list <- aggregate(t(object$counts), by = list(agg.list), sum, na.rm=TRUE)
  compressed.cols <- compressed.list[,1]
  compressed.list <- t(compressed.list[,-1])
  colnames(compressed.list) <- compressed.cols
  #  We want to make a taxon list like the one returned in get_downloads:
  new.list <- object$taxon.list
  new.list$compressed <- NA
  new.list$compressed <- pollen.equiv[match(new.list$TaxonName, pollen.equiv$taxon),use.list + 2]
  new.list$compressed[is.na(new.list$compressed) & new.list$TaxonName %in% colnames(object$counts)] <- 'Other'

  #  Returns a data.frame with taxa in the columns and samples in the rows.
  list(metadata = object$metadata,
       sample.meta = object$sample.meta,
       taxon.list = new.list, 
       counts = compressed.list,
       lab.data = object$lab.data)

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neotoma documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:55 p.m.