
Defines functions nhanes.accel.process

Documented in nhanes.accel.process

nhanes.accel.process <-
function(waves = 3, directory = getwd(), nci.methods = FALSE, brevity = 1, 
         valid.days = 1, valid.week.days = 0, valid.weekend.days = 0, 
         int.cuts = c(100, 760, 2020, 5999),
         youth.mod.cuts = rep(int.cuts[3], 12), 
         youth.vig.cuts = rep(int.cuts[4], 12), cpm.nci = FALSE, 
         days.distinct = FALSE, nonwear.window = 60, nonwear.tol = 0,
         nonwear.tol.upper = 99, nonwear.nci = FALSE, weartime.minimum = 600, 
         weartime.maximum = 1200, partialday.minimum = 1440, 
         active.bout.length = 10, active.bout.tol = 0, 
         mvpa.bout.tol.lower = 0, vig.bout.tol.lower = 0, 
         active.bout.nci = FALSE, sed.bout.tol = 0, 
         sed.bout.tol.maximum = int.cuts[2] - 1, artifact.thresh = 25000, 
         artifact.action = 1, weekday.weekend = FALSE, return.form = 1, 
         write.csv = FALSE) {
  # If waves not set to 1, 2, or 3, output error
  if (sum(waves == c(1, 2, 3)) == 0) {
    stop("For waves option, please enter 1 for NHANES 2003-2004, 2 for NHANES 2005-2006, or 3 for both")
  # If nci.methods is not a logical, output error
  if (!is.logical(nci.methods)) {
    stop("For nci.methods input, please enter TRUE or FALSE")
  # If brevity out of range, output error
  if (sum(brevity == c(1, 2, 3)) == 0) {
    stop("For brevity option, please enter 1, 2, or 3 (see documentation)")
  # If valid.days, valid.week.days, or valid.weekend.days out of range, output error
  if (valid.days < 1 | valid.days > 7 | valid.week.days > 5 | valid.weekend.days > 2) {
    stop("For valid.days option, please enter value between 1 and 7; for valid.week.days= 
           and valid.weekend.days= options, please enter values no greater than 5 and 2, 
  # If length of int.cuts is not 4, or if values are out of range, output error
  if (length(int.cuts) != 4 | sum(int.cuts < 0) > 0) {
    stop("For int.cuts option, please enter a vector of 4 non-negative values")
  # If length of youth.mod.cuts or youth.vig.cuts is not 12, or if values are out of range, output error
  if (length(youth.mod.cuts) != 12 | length(youth.vig.cuts) != 12 | min(youth.mod.cuts, youth.vig.cuts) < 1 | max(youth.mod.cuts, youth.vig.cuts) > 32767) {
    stop("For youth.mod.cuts and youth.vig.cuts options, please enter vector of 12 values between 1 and 32767")
  # If cpm.nci is not a logical, output error
  if (!is.logical(cpm.nci)) {
    stop("For cpm.nci option, please enter TRUE or FALSE")
  # If days.distinct is not a logical, output error
  if (!is.logical(days.distinct)) {
    stop("For days.distinct option, please enter TRUE or FALSE")
  # If If nonwear.window is out of range, output error
  if (nonwear.window < 1) {
    stop("For nonwear.window option, please enter positive value")
  # If nonwear.tol out of range, output error
  if (nonwear.tol < 0 | nonwear.tol >= nonwear.window) {
    stop("For nonwear.tol option, please enter non-negative value less than nonwear.window")
  # If nonwear.tol.upper out of range, output error
  if (nonwear.tol.upper < 0) {
    stop("For nonwear.tol.upper option, please enter non-negative value")
  # If nonwear.nci is not a logical, output error
  if (!is.logical(nonwear.nci)) {
    stop("For nonwear.nci option, please enter TRUE or FALSE")
  # If weartime.minimum out of range, output error
  if (weartime.minimum  <= 0) {
    stop("For weartime.minimum option, please enter positive value")
  # If weartime.maximum out of range, output error
  if (weartime.maximum <= weartime.minimum) {
    stop("For weartime.maximum option, please enter positive value greater than weartime.minimum")
  # If partialday.minimum is not in range, output error
  if (!is.numeric(partialday.minimum) || partialday.minimum < 1 || partialday.minimum > 1440)  {
    stop("For partialday.minimum input, please enter positive whole number less than or equal to 1440")
  # If active.bout.length out of range, output error
  if (active.bout.length <= 1) {
    stop("For active.bout.length option, please enter value greater than 1")
  # If active.bout.tol out of range, output error
  if (active.bout.tol<0 | active.bout.tol >= active.bout.length) {
    stop("For active.bout.tol option, please enter non-negative value less than active.bout.tol")
  # If mvpa.bout.tol.lower out of range, output error
  if (mvpa.bout.tol.lower<0 | mvpa.bout.tol.lower > int.cuts[3]) {
    stop("For mvpa.bout.tol.lower option, please enter non-negative value no greater than int.cuts[3]")
  # If vig.bout.tol.lower out of range, output error
  if (vig.bout.tol.lower<0 | vig.bout.tol.lower > int.cuts[4]) {
    stop("For vig.bout.tol.lower option, please enter non-negative value no greater than int.cuts[4]")
  # If active.bout.nci is not a logical, output error
  if (!is.logical(active.bout.nci)) {
    stop("For active.bout.nci option, please enter TRUE or FALSE")
  # If sed.bout.tol out of range, output error
  if (sed.bout.tol<0 | sed.bout.tol >= 10) {
    stop("For sed.bout.tol option, please enter non-negative value less than 10")
  # If sed.bout.tol.maximum out of range, output error
  if (sed.bout.tol.maximum<0) {
    stop("For sed.tol.maximum option, please enter non-negative value")
  # If artifact.thresh out of range, output error
  if (artifact.thresh <= int.cuts[4]) {
    stop("For artifact.thresh option, please enter value greater than int.cuts[4]")
  # If artifact.action out of range, output error
  if (sum(artifact.action == c(1, 2, 3, 4)) == 0) {
    stop("For artifact.action option, please enter 1, 2, 3, or 4 (see documentation)")
  # If weekday.weekend is not a logical, output error
  if (!is.logical(weekday.weekend)) {
    stop("For weekday.weekend option, please enter TRUE or FALSE")
  # If return.form is out of range, output error
  if (!return.form %in% c(1, 2, 3)) {
    stop("For return.form option, please enter 1 for per-person, 2 for per-day, or 3 for both")
  # If write.csv is not a logical, output error
  if (!is.logical(write.csv)) {
    stop("For write.csv option, please enter TRUE or FALSE")
  # If nci.methods is TRUE, set inputs to replicate data processing done by NCI's SAS programs
  if (nci.methods == TRUE) {
    # Count cut-points for youth
    youthmod <- c(1400, 1515, 1638, 1770, 1910, 2059, 2220, 2393, 2580, 2781, 3000, 3239)
    youthvig <- c(3758, 3947, 4147, 4360, 4588, 4832, 5094, 5375, 5679, 6007, 6363, 6751)
    # Set certain inputs to match NCI methods
    valid.days <- 4
    valid.week.days <- 0
    valid.weekend.days <- 0
    int.cuts <- c(100, 760, 2020, 5999)
    youth.mod.cuts <- youthmod
    youth.vig.cuts <- youthvig
    cpm.nci <- TRUE
    days.distinct <- TRUE
    nonwear.window <- 60
    nonwear.tol <- 2
    nonwear.tol.upper <- 100
    nonwear.nci <- TRUE
    weartime.minimum <- 600
    weartime.maximum <- 1440
    partialday.minimum <- 1440
    active.bout.length <- 10
    active.bout.tol <- 2
    mvpa.bout.tol.lower <- 0
    vig.bout.tol.lower <- 0
    active.bout.nci <- TRUE
    sed.bout.tol <- 0
    sed.bout.tol.maximum <- 759
    artifact.thresh <- 32767
    artifact.action <- 3
  # Save user-defined int.cuts in variable int.cuts.original
  int.cuts.original <- int.cuts
  # Set variables to NULL to avoid notes from CRAN check
  w1 <- wave1_ages <- wave1_demo <- wave1_paxcal <- wave1_paxday <- wave1_paxinten <- wave1_paxstat <- wave1_seqn <- NULL
  w2 <- wave2_ages <- wave2_demo <- wave2_paxcal <- wave2_paxday <- wave2_paxinten <- wave2_paxstat <- wave2_paxstep <- wave2_seqn <- NULL
  # Compute daily physical activity variables for NHANES 2003-2004
  if (waves == 1 | waves == 3) {

    # Load in data for NHANES 2003-2004 and show progress bar
    cat("Loading NHANES 2003-2004 data... \n")
    progress(0, 2, progress.bar = TRUE)
    data("w1", envir = environment())
    progress(1, 2, progress.bar = TRUE)
    data("wave1_paxinten", envir = environment())
    progress(2, 2, progress.bar = TRUE)
    progress(3, 2, progress.bar = TRUE)
    # Start and end points of each ID
    mat1 <- w1[,1:3]
    ids <- mat1[,1]
    # Create stat, cal, day, and age vectors
    wave1_paxstat <- w1[,4]
    wave1_paxcal <- w1[,5]
    wave1_paxday <- w1[,6]
    wave1_ages <- w1[,7]
    # Initialize matrix to save daily physical activity variables
    dayvars1 <- matrix(NA, ncol = 68, nrow = length(ids)*7)
    # k is the "day counter"
    k <- 0
    # Initialize progress bar for data processing
    cat("\nProcessing NHANES 2003-2004 data...\n")
    statusvals <- c(seq(1, 7176, 72), 7176)
    statuscounter <- 0
    # Looping through accelerometer data for i participants
    for (i in 1:length(ids)) { 
      # Update progrss bar
      if (i %in% statusvals) {
        statuscounter <- statuscounter + 1
        progress(statuscounter, progress.bar = TRUE)
      # Load in accelerometer data for participant i
      week.paxinten <- wave1_paxinten[mat1[i,2]:mat1[i,3]]
      # Get value for paxstat and paxcal
      stat <- wave1_paxstat[i]
      cal <- wave1_paxcal[i]
      # Get number of data points for participant i
      weeklength <- length(week.paxinten)
      # If participant has less than weartime.minimum minutes of data or status or calibration > 1, skip
      if (weeklength<weartime.minimum | stat > 1 | cal > 1) {
        k <- k + 1
        dayvars1[k,1] <- ids[i]
        dayvars1[k,2:3] <- 0
      # If artifact.action == 3, replace minutes with counts >= artifact.thresh with average of surrounding minutes
      if (artifact.action == 3) {
        week.paxinten <- accel.artifacts(counts = week.paxinten, thresh = artifact.thresh)

      # Call weartime.flag function to flag minutes valid for analysis
      week.wearflag <- accel.weartime(counts = week.paxinten,
                                      window = nonwear.window,
                                      tol = nonwear.tol,
                                      tol.upper = nonwear.tol.upper,
                                      nci = nonwear.nci,
                                      days.distinct = days.distinct,
                                      skipchecks = TRUE)
      # If artifact.action == 2, consider minutes with counts >= artifact.thresh as non-weartime
      if (artifact.action == 2) {
        artifact.locs <- which(week.paxinten >= artifact.thresh)
        week.wearflag[artifact.locs] <- 0
        week.paxinten[artifact.locs] <- 0
      # If total weartime is less than weartime.minimum, no chance of having 1 valid day so skip
      if (sum(week.wearflag) < weartime.minimum) {
        k <- k + 1
        dayvars1[k,1] <- ids[i]
        dayvars1[k,2:3] <- 0
      if (brevity > 1) {
        # Assign cut-points for MVPA and vigorous PA according to age
        int.cuts <- int.cuts.original
        if (wave1_ages[i] < 18) {
          int.cuts[3] <- youth.mod.cuts[wave1_ages[i]-5]
          int.cuts[4] <- youth.vig.cuts[wave1_ages[i]-5]
        # Identify bouts of MVPA, VPA, and sedentary time
        week.boutedMVPA <- accel.bouts(counts = week.paxinten,
                                       weartime = week.wearflag,
                                       bout.length = active.bout.length,
                                       thresh.lower = int.cuts[3],
                                       tol = active.bout.tol,
                                       tol.lower = mvpa.bout.tol.lower,
                                       nci = active.bout.nci,
                                       days.distinct = days.distinct,
                                       skipchecks = TRUE)
        week.boutedvig <- accel.bouts(counts = week.paxinten,
                                      weartime = week.wearflag,
                                      bout.length = active.bout.length,
                                      thresh.lower = int.cuts[4],
                                      tol = active.bout.tol,
                                      tol.lower = vig.bout.tol.lower,
                                      nci = active.bout.nci,
                                      days.distinct = days.distinct,
                                      skipchecks = TRUE)
        week.boutedsed10 <- accel.bouts(counts = week.paxinten,
                                        weartime = week.wearflag,
                                        bout.length = 10,
                                        thresh.upper = int.cuts[1]-1,
                                        tol = sed.bout.tol,
                                        tol.upper = sed.bout.tol.maximum,
                                        days.distinct = days.distinct,
                                        skipchecks = TRUE)
        week.boutedsed30 <- accel.bouts(counts = week.paxinten,
                                        weartime = week.wearflag,
                                        bout.length = 30,
                                        thresh.upper = int.cuts[1]-1,
                                        tol = sed.bout.tol,
                                        tol.upper = sed.bout.tol.maximum,
                                        days.distinct = days.distinct,
                                        skipchecks = TRUE)
        week.boutedsed60 <- accel.bouts(counts = week.paxinten,
                                        weartime = week.wearflag,
                                        bout.length = 60,
                                        thresh.upper = int.cuts[1]-1,
                                        tol = sed.bout.tol,
                                        tol.upper = sed.bout.tol.maximum,
                                        days.distinct = days.distinct,
                                        skipchecks = TRUE)
      # Get day of week of first day
      curday <- wave1_paxday[i]
      # Loop through days and generate physical activity variables
      for (j in 1:7) {
        # Row index for physical activity variable matrix
        k <- k + 1
        # Loading data from weekly vectors into daily vectors
        day.paxinten <- week.paxinten[(1440*j-1439):min(1440*j, weeklength)]
        day.wearflag <- week.wearflag[(1440*j-1439):min(1440*j, weeklength)]
        if (brevity > 1) {
          day.boutedMVPA <- week.boutedMVPA[(1440*j-1439):min(1440*j, weeklength)]
          day.boutedvig <- week.boutedvig[(1440*j-1439):min(1440*j, weeklength)]
          day.boutedsed10 <- week.boutedsed10[(1440*j-1439):min(1440*j, weeklength)]
          day.boutedsed30 <- week.boutedsed30[(1440*j-1439):min(1440*j, weeklength)]
          day.boutedsed60 <- week.boutedsed60[(1440*j-1439):min(1440*j, weeklength)]
        # Calculating constants that are used more than once
        daywear <- sum(day.wearflag)
        maxcount <- max(day.paxinten)
        daylength <- length(day.paxinten)
        # Outputting variables to dayvars1 matrix
        # NHANES ID number
        dayvars1[k,1] <- ids[i]
        # Day of week
        dayvars1[k,2] <- curday
        curday <- curday + 1
        if (curday == 8) {
          curday <- 1
        # Check whether day is valid for analysis; if not, mark as invalid and skip rest of loop
        if (daywear < weartime.minimum | daywear > weartime.maximum | (artifact.action == 1 & maxcount >= artifact.thresh) |
              daylength < partialday.minimum) {
          dayvars1[k,3] <- 0
          if (weeklength <= j*1440) {
          } else {
        } else {
          dayvars1[k,3] <- 1
        # Minutes of valid weartime
        dayvars1[k,4] <- daywear
        # Storing day.paxinten[day.wearflag == 1] into its own vector
        day.paxinten.valid <- day.paxinten[day.wearflag == 1]
        # Total counts during weartime
        dayvars1[k,5] <- sum(day.paxinten.valid)
        # Counts per minute - calculated as total counts during weartime divided by weartime
        dayvars1[k,6] <- dayvars1[k,5]/dayvars1[k,4]
        if (brevity > 1) {
          # Minutes in various intensity levels
          intensities <- accel.intensities(counts = day.paxinten.valid, thresh = int.cuts)
          dayvars1[k,8:15] <- intensities[1:8]
          # Proportions of daily weartime in each intensity level
          dayvars1[k,16:23] <- dayvars1[k,8:15]/daywear
          # Counts accumulated during weartime in each intensity level  
          dayvars1[k,24:31] <- intensities[9:16]
          # Bouted sedentary time
          dayvars1[k,32] <- sum(day.boutedsed10)
          dayvars1[k,33] <- sum(day.boutedsed30)
          dayvars1[k,34] <- sum(day.boutedsed60)
          # Sedentary breaks
          dayvars1[k,35] <- accel.sedbreaks(counts = day.paxinten, weartime = day.wearflag, thresh = int.cuts[1], skipchecks = TRUE)
          # Maximum 1-min, 5-min, 10-min, and 30-min count averages
          dayvars1[k,36] <- maxcount
          dayvars1[k,37] <- movingaves(x = day.paxinten, window = 5, return.max = TRUE, skipchecks = TRUE)
          dayvars1[k,38] <- movingaves(x = day.paxinten, window = 10, return.max = TRUE, skipchecks = TRUE)
          dayvars1[k,39] <- movingaves(x = day.paxinten, window = 30, return.max = TRUE, skipchecks = TRUE)
          # MVPA and vigorous physical activity in >= 10-min bouts
          dayvars1[k,42] <- sum(day.boutedMVPA)
          dayvars1[k,43] <- sum(day.boutedvig)
          dayvars1[k,44] <- sum(dayvars1[k,42:43])
          if (dayvars1[k,42] > 0) {
            dayvars1[k,40] <- sum(rle2(day.boutedMVPA)[,1] == 1)
          } else {
            dayvars1[k,40] <- 0
          if (dayvars1[k,43] > 0) {
            dayvars1[k,41] <- sum(rle2(day.boutedMVPA)[,1] == 1)
          } else {
            dayvars1[k,41] <- 0
          if (brevity == 3) {
            # Hourly counts/min averages
            if (daylength == 1440) {
              dayvars1[k,45:68] <- blockaves(x = day.paxinten, window = 60, skipchecks = TRUE)
        # Break from day-to-day for loop if reached end of data
        if (weeklength <= j*1440) {
    # Delete empty rows in dayvars1
    dayvars1 <- dayvars1[1:k,]

    # Calculate per-person averages
    personaves1 <- personvars(dayvars = dayvars1, rows = i, days = valid.days, wk = valid.week.days, we = valid.weekend.days)
    # Calculate adjusted 2-year MEC weight
    personaves1 <- nhanes.accel.reweight(acceldata = personaves1, wave = 1, seqn.column = 1, include.column = 5)
    # Add variables nhanes_wave and adjusted 4-year MEC weight
    personaves1 <- cbind(personaves1[,1], rep(1,nrow(personaves1)), personaves1[,2:201],personaves1[,201]/2)
    # Clear variables   
    rm(w1, wave1_paxstat, wave1_paxcal, wave1_paxday, wave1_paxinten, wave1_ages)
  # Compute daily physical activity variables for NHANES 2003-2004
  if (waves == 2 | waves == 3) {

    # Load in data for NHANES 2005-2006 and show progress bar
    cat("\nLoading NHANES 2005-2006 data...\n")
    if (brevity == 1) {
      progress(0, 2, progress.bar = TRUE)
      data("w2", envir = environment())
      progress(1, 2, progress.bar = TRUE)
      data("wave2_paxinten", envir = environment())
      progress(2, 2, progress.bar = TRUE)
      progress(3, 2, progress.bar = TRUE)
    } else {
      progress(0, 3, progress.bar = TRUE)
      data("w2", envir=environment())
      progress(1, 3, progress.bar = TRUE)
      data("wave2_paxinten", envir = environment())
      progress(2, 3, progress.bar = TRUE)
      data("wave2_paxstep", envir = environment())
      progress(3, 3, progress.bar = TRUE)
      progress(4, 3, progress.bar = TRUE)
    # Start and end points of each ID
    mat1 <- w2[,1:3]
    ids <- mat1[,1]
    # Create stat, cal, day, and age vectors
    wave2_paxstat <- w2[,4]
    wave2_paxcal <- w2[,5]
    wave2_paxday <- w2[,6]
    wave2_ages <- w2[,7]
    # Initialize matrix to save daily physical activity variables
    dayvars2 <- matrix(NA, ncol = 68, nrow = length(ids)*7)
    # k is the "day counter"
    k <- 0
    # Initialize progress bar for data processing
    cat("\nProcessing NHANES 2005-2006 data...\n")
    statusvals <- c(seq(1, 7455, 75), 7455)
    statuscounter <- 0
    # Looping through accelerometer data for i participants
    for (i in 1:length(ids)) { 
      # Update progrss bar
      if (i %in% statusvals) {
        statuscounter <- statuscounter + 1
        progress(statuscounter, progress.bar = TRUE)
      # Load in accelerometer data for participant i
      week.paxinten <- wave2_paxinten[mat1[i,2]:mat1[i,3]]
      if (brevity > 1) {
        week.paxstep <- wave2_paxstep[mat1[i,2]:mat1[i,3]]
      # Get value for paxstat and paxcal
      stat <- wave2_paxstat[i]
      cal <- wave2_paxcal[i]
      # Get number of data points for participant i
      weeklength <- length(week.paxinten)
      # If participant has less than weartime.minimum minutes of data or status or calibration > 1, skip
      if (weeklength < weartime.minimum | stat > 1 | cal > 1) {
        k <- k + 1
        dayvars2[k,1] <- ids[i]
        dayvars2[k,2:3] <- 0
      # If artifact.action = 3, replace minutes with counts >= artifact.thresh with average of surrounding minutes
      if (artifact.action == 3) {
        week.paxinten <- accel.artifacts(counts = week.paxinten, thresh = artifact.thresh)
      # Call weartime.flag function to flag minutes valid for analysis
      week.wearflag <- accel.weartime(counts = week.paxinten,
                                      window = nonwear.window,
                                      tol = nonwear.tol,
                                      tol.upper = nonwear.tol.upper,
                                      nci = nonwear.nci,
                                      days.distinct = days.distinct,
                                      skipchecks = TRUE)
      # If artifact.action = 2, consider minutes with counts >= artifact.thresh as non-weartime
      if (artifact.action == 2) {
        artifact.locs <- which(week.paxinten >= artifact.thresh)
        week.wearflag[artifact.locs] <- 0
        week.paxinten[artifact.locs] <- 0
      # If total weartime is less than weartime.minimum, no chance of having 1 valid day so skip
      if (sum(week.wearflag) < weartime.minimum) {
        k <- k + 1
        dayvars2[k,1] <- ids[i]
        dayvars2[k,2:3] <- 0
      if (brevity > 1) {
        # Assign cut-points for MVPA and vigorous PA according to age
        int.cuts <- int.cuts.original
        if (wave2_ages[i] < 18) {
          int.cuts[3] <- youth.mod.cuts[wave2_ages[i]-5]
          int.cuts[4] <- youth.vig.cuts[wave2_ages[i]-5]
        # Identify bouts of MVPA, VPA, and sedentary time
        week.boutedMVPA <- accel.bouts(counts = week.paxinten,
                                       weartime = week.wearflag,
                                       bout.length = active.bout.length,
                                       thresh.lower = int.cuts[3],
                                       tol = active.bout.tol,
                                       tol.lower = mvpa.bout.tol.lower,
                                       nci = active.bout.nci,
                                       days.distinct = days.distinct,
                                       skipchecks = TRUE)
        week.boutedvig <- accel.bouts(counts = week.paxinten,
                                      weartime = week.wearflag,
                                      bout.length = active.bout.length,
                                      thresh.lower = int.cuts[4],
                                      tol = active.bout.tol,
                                      tol.lower = vig.bout.tol.lower,
                                      nci = active.bout.nci,
                                      days.distinct = days.distinct,
                                      skipchecks = TRUE)
        week.boutedsed10 <- accel.bouts(counts = week.paxinten,
                                        weartime = week.wearflag,
                                        bout.length = 10,
                                        thresh.upper = int.cuts[1]-1,
                                        tol = sed.bout.tol,
                                        tol.upper = sed.bout.tol.maximum,
                                        days.distinct = days.distinct,
                                        skipchecks = TRUE)
        week.boutedsed30 <- accel.bouts(counts = week.paxinten,
                                        weartime = week.wearflag,
                                        bout.length = 30,
                                        thresh.upper = int.cuts[1]-1,
                                        tol = sed.bout.tol,
                                        tol.upper = sed.bout.tol.maximum,
                                        days.distinct = days.distinct,
                                        skipchecks = TRUE)
        week.boutedsed60 <- accel.bouts(counts = week.paxinten,
                                        weartime = week.wearflag,
                                        bout.length = 60,
                                        thresh.upper = int.cuts[1]-1,
                                        tol = sed.bout.tol,
                                        tol.upper = sed.bout.tol.maximum,
                                        days.distinct = days.distinct,
                                        skipchecks = TRUE)
      # Get day of week of first day
      curday <- wave2_paxday[i]
      # Loop through days and generate physical activity variables
      for (j in 1:7) {
        # Row index for physical activity variable matrix
        k <- k + 1
        # Loading data from weekly vectors into daily vectors
        day.paxinten <- week.paxinten[(1440*j-1439):min(1440*j, weeklength)]
        day.wearflag <- week.wearflag[(1440*j-1439):min(1440*j, weeklength)]
        if (brevity > 1) {
          day.paxstep <- week.paxstep[(1440*j-1439):min(1440*j, weeklength)]
          day.boutedMVPA <- week.boutedMVPA[(1440*j-1439):min(1440*j, weeklength)]
          day.boutedvig <- week.boutedvig[(1440*j-1439):min(1440*j, weeklength)]
          day.boutedsed10 <- week.boutedsed10[(1440*j-1439):min(1440*j, weeklength)]
          day.boutedsed30 <- week.boutedsed30[(1440*j-1439):min(1440*j, weeklength)]
          day.boutedsed60 <- week.boutedsed60[(1440*j-1439):min(1440*j, weeklength)]
        # Calculating constants that are used more than once
        daywear <- sum(day.wearflag)
        maxcount <- max(day.paxinten)
        daylength <- length(day.paxinten)
        # Outputting variables to dayvars2 matrix
        # NHANES ID number
        dayvars2[k,1] <- ids[i]
        # Day of week
        dayvars2[k,2] <- curday
        curday <- curday + 1
        if (curday == 8) {
          curday <- 1
        # Check whether day is valid for analysis; if not, mark as invalid and skip rest of loop
        if (daywear < weartime.minimum | daywear > weartime.maximum | (artifact.action == 1 & maxcount >= artifact.thresh) |
              daylength < partialday.minimum) {
          dayvars2[k,3] <- 0
          if (weeklength <= j*1440) {
          } else {
        } else {
          dayvars2[k,3] <- 1
        # Minutes of valid weartime
        dayvars2[k,4] <- daywear
        # Storing day.paxinten[day.wearflag == 1] into its own vector
        day.paxinten.valid <- day.paxinten[day.wearflag == 1]
        # Total counts during weartime
        dayvars2[k,5] <- sum(day.paxinten.valid)
        # Counts per minute - calculated as total counts during weartime divided by weartime
        dayvars2[k,6] <- dayvars2[k,5]/dayvars2[k,4]
        if (brevity > 1) {
          # Steps
          dayvars2[k,7] <- sum(day.paxstep[day.wearflag == 1])
          # Minutes in various intensity levels
          intensities <- accel.intensities(counts = day.paxinten.valid, thresh = int.cuts)
          dayvars2[k,8:15] <- intensities[1:8]
          # Proportions of daily weartime in each intensity level
          dayvars2[k,16:23] <- dayvars2[k,8:15]/daywear
          # Counts accumulated during weartime in each intensity level  
          dayvars2[k,24:31] <- intensities[9:16]
          # Bouted sedentary time
          dayvars2[k,32] <- sum(day.boutedsed10)
          dayvars2[k,33] <- sum(day.boutedsed30)
          dayvars2[k,34] <- sum(day.boutedsed60)
          # Sedentary breaks
          dayvars2[k,35] <- accel.sedbreaks(counts = day.paxinten, weartime = day.wearflag, thresh = int.cuts[1], skipchecks = TRUE)
          # Maximum 1-min, 5-min, 10-min, and 30-min count averages
          dayvars2[k,36] <- maxcount
          dayvars2[k,37] <- movingaves(x = day.paxinten, window = 5, return.max = TRUE, skipchecks = TRUE)
          dayvars2[k,38] <- movingaves(x = day.paxinten, window = 10, return.max = TRUE, skipchecks = TRUE)
          dayvars2[k,39] <- movingaves(x = day.paxinten, window = 30, return.max = TRUE, skipchecks = TRUE)
          # MVPA and vigorous physical activity in >= 10-min bouts
          dayvars2[k,42] <- sum(day.boutedMVPA)
          dayvars2[k,43] <- sum(day.boutedvig)
          dayvars2[k,44] <- sum(dayvars2[k,42:43])
          if (dayvars2[k,42] > 0) {
            dayvars2[k,40] <- sum(rle2(day.boutedMVPA)[,1] == 1)
          } else {
            dayvars2[k,40] <- 0
          if (dayvars2[k,43] > 0) {
            dayvars2[k,41] <- sum(rle2(day.boutedMVPA)[,1] == 1)
          } else {
            dayvars2[k,41] <- 0
          if (brevity == 3) {
            # Hourly counts/min averages
            if (daylength == 1440) {
              dayvars2[k,45:68] <- blockaves(x = day.paxinten, window = 60, skipchecks = TRUE)
        # Break from day-to-day for loop if reached end of data
        if (weeklength <= j*1440) {
    # Delete empty rows in dayvars2
    dayvars2 <- dayvars2[1:k,]
    # Calculate per-person averages
    personaves2 <- personvars(dayvars = dayvars2, rows = i, days = valid.days, wk = valid.week.days, we = valid.weekend.days)
    # Calculate adjusted 2-year MEC weight
    personaves2 <- nhanes.accel.reweight(acceldata = personaves2, wave = 2, seqn.column = 1, include.column = 5)
    # Add variables nhanes_wave and adjusted 4-year MEC weight
    personaves2 <- cbind(personaves2[,1], rep(2, nrow(personaves2)), personaves2[,2:201], personaves2[,201]/2)
    # Clear variables
    rm(w2, wave2_paxstat, wave2_paxcal, wave2_paxday, wave2_paxinten, wave2_paxstep, wave2_ages)

  # Combine 2003-2004 and 2005-2006 data if necessary
  if (waves == 1) {
    dayvars <- dayvars1
    personaves <- personaves1
  } else if (waves == 2) {
    dayvars <- dayvars2
    personaves <- personaves2
  } else if (waves == 3) {
    dayvars <- rbind(dayvars1, dayvars2)
    personaves <- rbind(personaves1, personaves2)
  # Prepare data frame with day-to-day variables if requested
  if (return.form %in% c(2, 3)) {
    # Add variable indicating which NHANES wave each participant is from
    dayvars <- cbind(dayvars[,1], rep(NA, nrow(dayvars)), dayvars[,2:ncol(dayvars)])
    dayvars[dayvars[,1] <= 31125,2] <- 1
    dayvars[dayvars[,1] > 31125,2] <- 2
    # Add variable names to per-day dataset
    colnames(dayvars) <- c("seqn", "nhanes_wave", "day", "valid_day", "valid_min", "counts", "cpm", "steps", "sed_min",
                          "light_min", "life_min", "mod_min", "vig_min", "lightlife_min", "mvpa_min", "active_min",
                          "sed_percent", "light_percent", "life_percent", "mod_percent", "vig_percent",
                          "lightlife_percent", "mvpa_percent", "active_percent", "sed_counts", "light_counts",
                          "life_counts", "mod_counts", "vig_counts", "lightlife_counts", "mvpa_counts", "active_counts", 
                          "sed_bouted_10min", "sed_bouted_30min", "sed_bouted_60min", "sed_breaks", "max_1min_counts", 
                          "max_5min_counts", "max_10min_counts", "max_30min_counts", "num_mvpa_bouts", "num_vig_bouts", 
                          "mvpa_bouted", "vig_bouted", "guideline_min", "cpm_hour1", "cpm_hour2", "cpm_hour3", "cpm_hour4", 
                          "cpm_hour5", "cpm_hour6", "cpm_hour7", "cpm_hour8", "cpm_hour9", "cpm_hour10", "cpm_hour11", 
                          "cpm_hour12", "cpm_hour13", "cpm_hour14", "cpm_hour15", "cpm_hour16", "cpm_hour17", "cpm_hour18", 
                          "cpm_hour19", "cpm_hour20", "cpm_hour21", "cpm_hour22", "cpm_hour23", "cpm_hour24")
    # Drop variables according to waves and brevity settings
    if (brevity == 1) {
      dayvars <- dayvars[,1:7]
    } else if (brevity == 2) {
      if (waves == 1) {
        dayvars <- dayvars[,c(1:7, 9:45)]
      } else {
        dayvars <- dayvars[,1:45]
    } else if (brevity == 3) {
      if (waves == 1) {
        dayvars <- dayvars[,c(1:7, 9:ncol(dayvars))]
  # Prepare data frame with daily averages if requested
  if (return.form %in% c(1, 3)) {
    # Add variable names to per-person dataset
    varnames <- c("seqn", "nhanes_wave", "valid_days", "valid_week_days", "valid_weekend_days", "include", "valid_min", 
                 "counts", "cpm", "steps", "sed_min", "light_min", "life_min", "mod_min", "vig_min", "lightlife_min", 
                 "mvpa_min", "active_min", "sed_percent", "light_percent", "life_percent", "mod_percent", "vig_percent", 
                 "lightlife_percent", "mvpa_percent", "active_percent", "sed_counts", "light_counts", "life_counts", 
                 "mod_counts", "vig_counts", "lightlife_counts", "mvpa_counts", "active_counts", "sed_bouted_10min", 
                 "sed_bouted_30min", "sed_bouted_60min", "sed_breaks", "max_1min_counts", "max_5min_counts", 
                 "max_10min_counts", "max_30min_counts", "num_mvpa_bouts", "num_vig_bouts", "mvpa_bouted", "vig_bouted", 
                 "guideline_min", "cpm_hour1", "cpm_hour2", "cpm_hour3", "cpm_hour4", "cpm_hour5", "cpm_hour6", "cpm_hour7", 
                 "cpm_hour8", "cpm_hour9", "cpm_hour10", "cpm_hour11", "cpm_hour12", "cpm_hour13", "cpm_hour14", "cpm_hour15", 
                 "cpm_hour16", "cpm_hour17", "cpm_hour18", "cpm_hour19", "cpm_hour20", "cpm_hour21", "cpm_hour22", "cpm_hour23", 
    varnames <- c(varnames, paste("wk_", varnames[7:length(varnames)], sep = ""), paste("we_", varnames[7:length(varnames)], sep = ""), "wtmec2yr_adj", "wtmec4yr_adj")
    colnames(personaves) <- varnames
    # Drop variables according to brevity and weekday.weekend settings
    if (brevity == 1) {
      if (weekday.weekend == TRUE) {
        personaves <- personaves[,c(1:9, 72:74, 137:139, 202:203)]
      } else {
        personaves <- personaves[,c(1:9, 202:203)]
    } else if (brevity == 2) {
      if (waves == 1) {
        if (weekday.weekend == TRUE) {
          personaves <- personaves[,c(1:9, 11:47, 72:74, 76:112, 137:139, 141:177, 202:203)]
        } else {
          personaves <- personaves[,c(1:9, 11:47, 202:203)]
      } else {
        if (weekday.weekend == TRUE) {
          personaves <- personaves[,c(1:47, 72:112, 137:177, 202:203)]
        } else {
          personaves <- personaves[,c(1:47, 202:203)]
    } else if (brevity == 3) {
      if (waves == 1) {
        if (weekday.weekend == TRUE) {
          personaves <- personaves[,c(1:9, 11:74, 76:139, 141:203)]
        } else {
          personaves <- personaves[,c(1:9, 11:71, 202:203)]
      } else {
        if (weekday.weekend == FALSE) {
          personaves <- personaves[,c(1:71, 202:203)]
    # If cpm.nci is TRUE, re-calculate averages for cpm
    if (cpm.nci == TRUE) {
      personaves[,"cpm"] <- personaves[,"counts"]/personaves[,"valid_min"]
  # Tell user that data processing is complete
  # Write .csv file(s) according to write.csv and return.form
  if (write.csv == TRUE) {
    # Get date for filename
    curdate <- as.character(strftime(Sys.Date(), format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
    # Write per-day file if requested
    if (return.form %in% c(2, 3)) {
      filestem <- "accel_days_"
      dayfile <- paste(filestem, curdate, ".csv", sep = "")
      if (file.exists(dayfile)) {
        reps <- 1
        repeat {
          reps <- reps + 1
          daytest <- paste(filestem, curdate, "_", reps, ".csv", sep = "")
          if (!file.exists(daytest)) {
            dayfile <- daytest
      write.csv(x = dayvars, file = dayfile, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, na = "")
    # Write per-person file if requested
    if (return.form %in% c(1, 3)) {
      filestem <- "accel_aves_"
      personfile <- paste(filestem, curdate, ".csv", sep = "")
      if (file.exists(personfile)) {
        reps <- 1
        repeat {
          reps <- reps + 1
          persontest <- paste(filestem, curdate, "_", reps, ".csv", sep = "")
          if (!file.exists(persontest)) {
            personfile <- persontest
      write.csv(x = personaves, file = personfile, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, na = "")
    # Write .csv file with function settings
    settings <- c("waves", waves, "valid.days", valid.days, "valid.week.days", valid.week.days, 
                 "valid.weekend.days", valid.weekend.days, "int.cuts", int.cuts, 
                 "youth.mod.cuts", youth.mod.cuts, "youth.vig.cuts", youth.vig.cuts, 
                 "cpm.nci", cpm.nci, "days.distinct", days.distinct, "nonwear.window", nonwear.window, 
                 "nonwear.tol", nonwear.tol, "nonwear.tol.upper", nonwear.tol.upper, 
                 "nonwear.nci", nonwear.nci, "weartime.minimum", weartime.minimum, 
                 "weartime.maximum", weartime.maximum, "partialday.minimum", partialday.minimum, 
                 "active.bout.length", active.bout.length, "active.bout.tol", active.bout.tol, 
                 "mvpa.bout.tol.lower", mvpa.bout.tol.lower, "vig.bout.tol.lower", vig.bout.tol.lower, 
                 "active.bout.nci", active.bout.nci, "sed.bout.tol", sed.bout.tol, 
                 "sed.bout.tol.maximum", sed.bout.tol.maximum, "artifact.thresh", artifact.thresh, 
                 "artifact.action", artifact.action)
    settings <- as.data.frame(settings)
    colnames(settings) <- NULL
    filestem <- "settings_"
    settingsfile <- paste(filestem, curdate, ".csv", sep = "")
    if (file.exists(settingsfile)) {
      reps <- 1
      repeat {
        reps <- reps + 1
        settingstest <- paste(filestem, curdate, "_", reps, ".csv", sep = "")
        if (!file.exists(settingstest)) {
          settingsfile <- settingstest
    write.csv(x = settings, file = settingsfile, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
    # Print message to user
    cat(paste("\nPlease see", directory, "for .csv file(s) with NHANES physical activity variables.\n"))
  # Return data frame(s)
  if (return.form == 1) {
    personaves <- as.data.frame(personaves)
  } else if (return.form == 2) {
    dayvars <- as.data.frame(dayvars)
  } else if (return.form == 3) {
    retlist <- list(personaves = as.data.frame(personaves), dayvars = as.data.frame(dayvars))

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nhanesaccel documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:52 p.m.