
Defines functions na.omit.pems tail.pems head.pems `units<-.pems` units.pems summary.pems plot.pems subset.pems with.pems `$<-.pems` `$.pems` `[<-.pems` `[.pems` `[[<-.pems` `[[.pems` dim.pems as.data.frame.pems `names<-.pems` names.pems print.pems

Documented in as.data.frame.pems dim.pems head.pems names.pems na.omit.pems plot.pems print.pems subset.pems summary.pems tail.pems units.pems with.pems

##generic pems handlers

#check re pems.element but I don't think it contains any

#might to archive a copy of this and then tidy
#because it is a real mess at the moment

##rebuild 11/2017


#names.pems, names<-.pems

#cheated old code
#[.pems, [<-.pems using cheat code
#$.pems, $<- works if above works
#summary, head, tail, 

#to fix 
#pems[ breaking on example(pems)
#tail not giving actual numbers...
#  tail(pems) should be row 995 not 1
#all needs tidying

#to think about


#kr 06/06/2013 v 0.3.0
#kr 14/11/2017 v 0.4.0

#what it does
#handles pems console appearance 

#too fix

#to watch 
#print(pems, width [smaller than first column width])
#print(pems, cols [less than 1])

#to think about
# group labelling that includes number of cases
# paste(names(attributes(x)$labels), "[", lapply(attributes(x)$labels, function(x) length(unique(x))),"]", sep="", collapse="; ")
#hide width?
#option to show class 
# instead of units?
#col=-1, rows=-1 as a 
# show full data range?

print.pems <- function(x,..., rows=NULL, cols=NULL, width=NULL){

    #new print.pems for new structure

#this could be simplified/tidied...

    x <- rebuildPEMS(x) 
    #test structure
    has.units <- !is.null(attributes(x)$units)
    grpd <- "grouped_df" %in% class(x)

#plot setup
#to tidy using rows not n....    

    n <- if(is.null(rows)) 6 else rows
    if(n > nrow(x)) n <- nrow(x)
    if(is.null(width)) width <- getOption("width") * 0.9

#new bit
#foreshortening shown other columns
    extra.args <- list(...)
    max.other.cols <- if("max.other.cols" %in% names(extra.args))
                          extra.args$max.other.cols else 6

    #make all columns characters
#a lot of this can go when 
#pems[works again...
#for example here
    b <- x
    class(b) <- class(b)[class(b)!="pems"]
    if(length(class(b))==1) class(b) <- "data.frame"
#this can go if 2nd b 
#in next line becomes x
    b <- data.frame(lapply(b[1:n,], as.character), stringsAsFactors=FALSE, 
                                                   #or it corrects names like velocity<5
    if(n==0) b[] <- "<empty>"   #to catch empty frames
    b[is.na(b)] <- "NA"   #to catch NAs
    #unit labels extensions
         #if data and units do not have same dimensions or names...
         if(length(names(b))!=length(names(attributes(x)$units)) || any(names(b)!=names(attributes(x)$units))){
              cat("suspect pems [data/units conflict]; halted print\n")
         #note the leading space on temp
         attributes(x)$units[] <- gsub("[[][]]", "", paste("[", attributes(x)$units, "]", sep=""))
         b <- rbind(attributes(x)$units, b)
    temp <- data.frame(t(names(b)))
    names(temp) <- names(b)
    b <- rbind(temp, b)
##    b <- if(has.units) cbind(data.frame(..rows=c("", "", 1:n), b)) else
##               cbind(data.frame(..rows=c("", 1:n), b))
#to catch empty data frames
#also to use row.names if there...
    temp <- if (has.units) c("", "") else c("")
    temp <- if(n>0) c(temp, if(!is.null(row.names(x))) row.names(x)[1:n] else 1:n) else 
                    c(temp, " ")
    b <- cbind(data.frame(..rows = temp, b))
    b.n <- apply(b, 2, function(x) nchar(x))
    b.max <- apply(b.n, 2, function(x) max(x))+1  
                   #NAs might be an issue
    b.n <- data.frame(t(b.max-t(b.n)))
    b.n <- apply(b.n, c(1,2), function(x) paste(rep(" ", x), collapse=""))
    for(i in 1:ncol(b))
         b[,i] <- paste(b.n[,i], b[,i], sep=" ")
    test <- if(is.null(cols)) max(which(cumsum(b.max)<width)) else
                 cols + 1 #because we add ..row column
    if(test>ncol(b)) test <- ncol(b)
    b <- b[,1:test]

    #the header

#test removed \n from start of header
    header <- paste("pems (", nrow(x), "x", ncol(x), ")", sep="")
    if(grpd) {
      gg <- names(attributes(x)$groups)
      gg <- gg[gg != ".rows"]
      header <- paste(header, "\n<grp>: ", paste(gg, collapse="; "), sep="", collapse="")
    #the shown data grid

    #test == 1 does not show data....
    #replaced code
    ##out <- apply(b, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse=""))          
    ##out <- paste(paste(out, collaspe="\n", sep=""), collapse="")
       out <- apply(b, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse=""))          
       out <- paste(paste(out, collaspe="\n", sep=""), collapse="")
    } else {
       out <- ""
    out <- paste(header, out, sep="\n", collapse="\n")
    #with above replaced code
    ##h.row <- nrow(x)-nrow(b)+2 #+2 for header
    ##h.col <- ncol(x)-ncol(b)+1 #+1 for row.number
    h.row <- if(is.null(nrow(b)))  
                  nrow(x) else nrow(x)-nrow(b) +2      ##+2 for header
    h.col <- if(is.null(ncol(b))) 
                  ncol(x) else ncol(x)-ncol(b) +1       #+1 for row.number

    #first footer rows and rows not plotted
    footer <-""
    if(h.row > 0 | h.col>0){
        temp <- " ... not showing: "
        if(h.row>0) temp <- paste(temp, h.row, " rows", sep="")
        if(h.row>0 & h.col>0) temp <- paste(temp, "; ", sep="")
        if(h.col>0) temp <- paste(temp, h.col, " cols (elements)", sep="")
        footer <- paste(temp, footer, collapse="\n")
        footer <- paste(footer, "\n", sep="")

#this needs tidying
#header and foooter widths not controlled by forced width.....

    #second footer other columns 
    #if range reduced
    footer2 <- ""
         #note: not test+1 because I added column to b
         footer2 <- names(x)[(test):ncol(x)]
             footer2 <- paste(footer2, attributes(x)$units[(test):ncol(x)], sep="")
         footer2[1:(length(footer2)-1)] <- paste(footer2[1:(length(footer2)-1)], "; ", sep="")
         footer2[1] <- paste("other cols: ", footer2[1], sep="")
         footer2 <- strwrap(paste(footer2, collapse=""), width=width)
         footer2[1] <- paste(" ... ", footer2[1], sep="")
               footer2[2:length(footer2)] <- paste("      ", footer2[2:length(footer2)], sep="")
         footer2 <- paste(footer2, "\n", collapse="", sep="")

         test <- gregexpr("\n", footer2)[[1]]

#new bit foreshortening other cols
#might change
                 test2 <- length(gregexpr(";", substr(footer2, test[max.other.cols], nchar(footer2)))[[1]])+1 
                 footer2 <- substr(footer2, 1, test[max.other.cols])
                 footer2 <- paste(footer2, "      ... and ", test2, " other unreported columns", sep="")
         #footer2 <- paste(footer2, "\n", sep="")
    cat(out, footer, footer2, "\n", collapse="", sep="")



#kr 07/12/2011 v 0.2.0
#kr 14/11/2017 v 0.3.0

#what it does
#returns data series names from pems
#as above 

#these do names()[] and names()[]<- 
#by passing lot....

#to fix

#to think about

##' @S3method print pems

names.pems <- function(x, ...) {

    x <- rebuildPEMS(x)
    class(x) <- class(x)[class(x)!="pems"]
    if(length(class(x))==1) class(x) <- "data.frame"

       message("\npems object [suspect]")
       #not of enough of a reason not to try

## @S3method names<-.pems

`names<-.pems` <- function(x, ..., value) {

    #variation on units<-
    #very crude handling of names$ and names[]

    x <- rebuildPEMS(x)
    old.class <- class(x)

    #x <- as.data.frame(x) #need data.frame to get at 
    #                      #element attributes 
    #since as.data.frame strips units
    class(x) <- "data.frame"

    #check for duplication
    #currently corrects names without saying anything....
         value <- make.names(value, unique=TRUE)

#    if(***************){
#       warning("In units(pems): [suspect units]", call.=FALSE)
#       units <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(x$data)))
#       names(units) <- names(x$data)
#    }

#might also think about adding units if not there
#see above
#error check on state of value?

#this sets all of x and all names even for names[]<-

    names(x) <- value
    names(attributes(x)$units) <- value

    for(i in value)
         attributes(x[,i])$name <- i

    class(x) <- old.class



#what it does
#pull data.frame out of pems
#for lattice, lm, etc.

#to fix

#to think about
#could make a more aggressive
#  clean clean-up like 
#  fortify 

as.data.frame.pems <- function(x, ...){

#in whatever, makes/uses new, exports df
     x <- rebuildPEMS(x, "new")
     class(x) <- "data.frame"
     #added unit reset because  
     #      df <- as.data.frame(pems)); modify df; pems(df)
     #      can cause units/data conflict if  
     attributes(x) <- attributes(x)[names(attributes(x))!="units"]



#what it does
#get pems dimensions

#to fix

#to think about
#don't need ncol and nrow 
#  because the use dim...
#  and only need dim to 
#  catch any older pems
#  objects...

#using dim(rebuildPEMS(x)) causes issue
# because it tries to dim.pems inside 
# dim.pems... 

dim.pems <- function(x, ...) dim(as.data.frame(x))

#older code

#any of that not deactivated as ...pems.old..., 
#   works in form 
#      rebuildPEMS(x, "old")
#      old code
#      rebuildPEMS(x)

#[, [<- (these enable $ and $<-)

#kr 01/02/2012 v 0.3.1

#(functions/code below) 


#kr 18/08/2015 v 0.1.0

#what it does
#handles pems[[]] calls 
#for access to data, units and other tags

#to do
#think about this

##need pems[[]]<- operator

`[[.pems` <- function(x, k, ...){

    x <- rebuildPEMS(x, "old")
    #break pems
    class(x) <- "list"
    #special operators
    if("extra.pems.tags" %in% as.character(match.call())){
      #cat(out, footer, footer2, "\n", collapse="", sep="")
      return(x[!tolower(names(x)) %in% 
                 c("data", "units", "constants", "history", "pems.build")])

    #return as list if nothing declared
    if(missing(k)) return(x)

    #select structural elements
    temp.fun <- function(k){
        ans <- try(x[[k]], silent=TRUE)
        if(class(ans)[1] == "try-error") NULL else ans
    if(length(k)==1) return(temp.fun(k))
    x <- lapply(k, temp.fun)



`[[<-.pems` <- function(x, k, ..., value){

    x <-rebuildPEMS(x, "old")
    #break pems
    old.class <- class(x)
    class(x) <- "list"

    #return as list is nothing declared
    if(missing(k) | missing(value)) return(x)

    #add in if it exists or not
    #might want to think about this?

    x[[k]] <- value 
    class(x) <- old.class



#kr 06/06/2013 v 0.3.0

#what it does
#handles pems[] calls 

#to do
#think about force, simplify

`[.pems` <- function(x, i, j, ..., force = FALSE, simplify = TRUE){

    #quick cheat
    x <- rebuildPEMS(x, "old")

    #generic pems handling

    #x[1] element 1 as 1 col data.frame
    #x[1,] row 1
    #x[,1] element 1 
    #x[1,1] row, element 1,1 
    #output options
    #force=FALSE fail call if any requested elements/rows invalid
    #force=TRUE return valid element/row requests, discard invalid 
    #simplify=TRUE as pems.element if possible else pems
    #simplify=FALSE as pems 

    #force = FALSE, simplify = TRUE gives the response most like a 
    #conventional data frame
    #currently handles negs like data.frame (I think)...

    #negs are discarded if a mixed (neg and pos) vector supplied
    #and forced. Possibly a better way of handling this

    call1 <- sys.call()
    call2 <- match.call()
    check.i <- !missing(i)
    check.j <- !missing(j)

    #request pems[], pems[,], etc
    #do nothing
    if(!check.i & !check.j) return(x)

#in progress 
#current na.pad.output is functional but in testing
#might still be issues

    #force special handling
    #options omit.err.cases (default forcing)
    #        no.forcing
    #        na.pad.output
        force <- if(force) "omit.err.cases" else "no.forcing"

    old.class <- class(x)
    class(x) <- "not.pems"

    #request pems[i], etc
    #columns/elements, etc
    if(check.i && !check.j && length(as.character(call1))==length(as.character(call2))){
       j <- i
       i <- 1:nrow(x$data)

    #request pems[i,], etc
    #rows, etc
    if(check.i && !check.j && length(as.character(call1))!=length(as.character(call2)))
        j <- 1:ncol(x$data)

    #request pems[,j], etc
    if(!check.i && check.j)
        i <- 1:nrow(x$data)
    #otherwise it is pems[i,j], etc
#new fix/testing

    #fix for logicals
        i <- c(1:length(i))[i]
        j <- c(1:length(j))[j]

    #negative handling 

    #at this stage we err out on negs
    test <- character()
    if(is.numeric(j) && any(j<=0)) test <- c(test, "elements")
    if(is.numeric(i) && any(i<=0)) test <- c(test, "rows")
        stop(paste("In pems[i,j]<-: neg ",
                   paste(test, sep=" and ", collapse=" and "),
                   " requested \n       [not currently allowed]",
                   sep=""), call. = FALSE)

#data.frame like neg handling

#note/known issue
#currently regards zero as negative
#    if(is.numeric(i) && any(i<=0))
#        if(all(i<=0))
#            i <- c(1:nrow(x$data))[!1:nrow(x$data) %in% abs(i)] else
#                 if(force=="omit.err.cases") 
#                     i <- i[i>0] else 
#                         stop("In pems[i,j]: mixed (pos & neg) elements and/or rows not allowed", 
#                              call. = FALSE)
#    if(is.numeric(j) && any(j<=0))
#        if(all(j<=0))
#            j <- c(1:ncol(x$data))[!1:ncol(x$data) %in% abs(j)] else
#                if(force=="omit.err.cases") 
#                     j <- j[j>0] else 
#                         stop("In pems[i,j]: mixed (pos & neg) elements and/or rows not allowed", 
#                              call. = FALSE)

    #make dummy data.frame for force == na.pad.output
        dummy <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=length(i), ncol=length(j)), row.names = NULL, optional = TRUE)
        if(is.character(j)) names(dummy) <- j 
        if(is.numeric(j)) names(dummy) <- names(x$data)[j]
        row.names(dummy) <- i

#try allows pems[does.not.exist,] 
#generates as data.frame of NAs
#so using another check

#might have fixed this later

#this need thinking about 
#could be rationalised

    index.i <- if(is.character(i))
                   !i %in% row.names(x$data) else !i %in% 1:nrow(x$data)
    check.i <- i[index.i]
    index.i <- c(1:length(index.i))[!index.i]

    index.j <- if(is.character(j))
                   !j %in% names(x$data) else !j %in% 1:ncol(x$data)
    check.j <- j[index.j]
    index.j <- c(1:length(index.j))[!index.j]

#old version -with no index.j and .j

##    check.i <- if(is.character(i))
##                   i[!i %in% row.names(x$data)] else i[!i %in% 1:nrow(x$data)]
##    check.j <- if(is.character(j))
##                   j[!j %in% names(x$data)] else j[!j %in% 1:ncol(x$data)]
    if(length(check.i)>0 || length(check.j)>0){

        #previously told user what was missing 
        #but that was messy if lots missing

        if("no.forcing" %in% force){
            temp <- paste(c("elements", "rows")[c(length(check.j)>0, length(check.i)>0)], sep="", collapse=" and ")
            stop(paste("In pems[i,j]: unknown ", temp, " called", sep="", collapse=""), 
                 call. = FALSE)

        #these are know known i and j terms
        i <- i[!i %in% check.i]
        j <- j[!j %in% check.j]

        if("omit.err.cases" %in% force | "na.pad.output" %in% force){
            if(length(i)<1 || length(j)<1){
                temp <- paste(c("elements", "rows")[c(length(j)<1, length(i)<1)], sep="", collapse=" or ")
                if("omit.err.cases" %in% force)
                    stop(paste("In pems[i,j]: no known ", temp, " even after forcing", sep="", collapse=""), 
                         call. = FALSE)

    #try to get x$data[i,j]
    ans <- try(x$data[i,j,..., drop=F], silent=TRUE)
    if(class(ans)[1]=="try-error" || (is.data.frame(ans) && nrow(ans)==0))
            ans <- dummy else
                   stop("In pems[i,j], unexpected issue [please contact package admin.]", 
                        call. = FALSE)

#this is still in progress
#put everything that is there and then
#transfer the attributes?

    if("na.pad.output" %in% force){
         dummy[index.i,index.j] <- ans


##this works (I think...)
##but is well messy

##also suspect the following might die
##if units are present but does not contain
##an expected entry

            for(jj in 1:length(j))
                attributes(dummy[,index.j[jj]]) <- attributes(ans[,jj])

        ans <- dummy
        dummy <- dummy[1,,drop = FALSE]
        dummy[index.j] <- x$units[j, drop=FALSE]
        names(ans) <- make.names(names(ans), unique = TRUE)
        names(dummy) <- names(ans)
        j <- names(ans)
        x$units <- dummy

#known issue
#this makes no unit cases NA
#elsewhere units "" if not set
#does this matter 
#which to do, if doing only one?
#if doing both, are both handled elsewhere?

    #if simplify can be done return pems.element
    if(simplify & ncol(ans)==1){

#testing as.data.frame because I think tbl_df is stopping this
        out <- as.data.frame(ans)[,1]  
        attr(out, "row.names") <- NULL
        attr(out, "name") <- names(ans)
        attr(out, "units") <- as.character(x$units[1,j])
        class(out) <- unique(c("pems.element", class(out)))
#think about makePEMSElement
    #otherwise return rebuilt pems
    x$data <- ans
    #this update to stop pems.1[1, simplify=FALSE] killing print.pems
    ##x$units <- x$units[1,j]
    x$units <- x$units[j]
    if("history" %in% names(x))
         x$history <- c(x$history, call2)

#    class(x) <- old.class
    class(x) <- "pems"



#to think about
#with pems...
#> a[["data"]][1,1:5] <- rep(NA,5) 
#works but...
#> a[1,1:5] <- rep(NA,5)
#Error: In pems[i,j]<-value: questionable request
#       elements and rows pems[i,j] and insert[i,j] dimension mismatch
#       [check force setting if insertion required]
#should you be able to change multiple rows at a go with a pems...

`[<-.pems` <- function(x, i, j, ..., force = FALSE, value){

    x <- rebuildPEMS(x, "old")

    #generic pems handling

#overwrite not currently doing anything

#?option for pems[1,1] <- 1:10 to force insert as pems[1:10,1]
#even if pems[1:10,1] exists 
#this would be the overwrite???

#?option for pems[1:2] <- vector shorter than pems rows
#to write as element replicated as vector+NAs
#note: this is na.pad.target for elements then fill.target/insert for rows. 

    #x[1] element 1 as 1 col data.frame
    #x[1,] row 1
    #x[,1] element 1 
    #x[1,1] row, element 1,1

    #x[,] <- value insert value into  
    #output options
    #force=FALSE fail call if any requested elements/rows dimensions 
    #            do not fit exactly or is any missing 
    #force=TRUE return valid element/row requests, discard invalid 
    #            trim dimensions to trim smallest
#???    #simplify=TRUE as pems.element if possible else pems
#???    #simplify=FALSE as pems 

    #currently handles negs like data.frame (I think)...

    #negs are discarded if a mixed (neg and pos) vector supplied
    #and forced. Possibly a better way of handling this

#????    #overwrite = TRUE, if pems info/attributes in value 
    #                  write them over what is pems else use 
    #                  pems attributes if there
#????    #overwrite = FALSE, if pems info/attributes in pems 
    #                  write retain it. If nothing and 
    #                  something in value should be use it?
    #                  or does this make third case

#????    #attribute.source = "x", x only "x.value" x then value, etc, ...
    #                   "value", "value.x" 

    #check what I was supplied

    call1 <- sys.call()
    call2 <- match.call()
    check.i <- !missing(i)
    check.j <- !missing(j)
    check.op <- FALSE

    #force special handling

    #options omit.err.cases (default forcing)
        force <- if(force) "omit.err.cases" else "no.forcing"
         stop("In pems[i,j]<-: unknown force option", 
                              call. = FALSE)

# this would restrict forcing to known types

#    if(!all(force %in% c("no.forcing", "omit.err.cases", "na.pad.target", "na.pad.insert", "fill.target", "crop.insert")))
#         stop("In pems[i,j]<-: unknown force option", 
#                              call. = FALSE)

    #crack open pems
    old.class <- class(x)
    class(x) <- "not.pems"

    #make it a standard pems[i,j]

    #request pems[], pems[,], etc
    #might think about this 
    if(!check.i & !check.j) {
        i <- 1:nrow(x$data)
        j <- 1:ncol(x$data)

    #request pems[i], etc
    #columns/elements, etc
    if(check.i && !check.j && length(as.character(call1))==length(as.character(call2))){
       j <- i
       i <- 1:nrow(x$data)
       check.op <- TRUE

    #request pems[i,], etc
    #rows, etc
    if(check.i && !check.j && length(as.character(call1))!=length(as.character(call2)))
        j <- 1:ncol(x$data)

    #request pems[,j], etc
    if(!check.i && check.j)
        i <- 1:nrow(x$data)
    #at this point the request must be in form pems[i,j]

    #special case - negatives
    #current not going to accept them
    test <- character()
    if(is.numeric(j) && any(j<=0)) test <- c(test, "elements")
    if(is.numeric(i) && any(i<=0)) test <- c(test, "rows")
        stop(paste("In pems[i,j]<-: neg ",
                   paste(test, sep=" and ", collapse=" and "),
                   " requested \n       [not currently allowed]",
                   sep=""), call. = FALSE)

    #identify allowed cases
    #T/F - is/isnt there 
    check.i <- if(is.character(i))
                   i %in% row.names(x$data) else i %in% 1:nrow(x$data)
    check.j <- if(is.character(j))
                   j %in% names(x$data) else j %in% 1:ncol(x$data)

    #get value dimensions

    #previous attempts to standardise value did not work
    check.value <- NULL
#testing grepl("POSIX*", is(value)[1])
#to insert time stamp into pems object
    if(is.vector(value) | is(value)[1]=="pems.element" | is.factor(value) | grepl("POSIX*", is(value)[1])){
        check.value <- "vector"
        value.dim <- c(length(value),1)
        check.value <- "data.frame"
        value.dim <- dim(value)
        check.value <- "pems"
        class(value) <- "not.pems"
        pems.units <- value$units
        value <- value$data
        value.dim <- dim(value)
        stop("In pems[i,j]<-: can't insert insert of that class!", call.=FALSE)


#    if(is.vector(value) | is(value)[1]=="pems.element"){
#        temp <- attributes(value)
#        value <- as.data.frame(value, drop=F, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#        if(!is.null(temp)) attributes(value[,1]) <- temp 
#    }
#    if(is.data.frame(value)){
#replace with makePEMS???
#need to make sure 1x1 data.frame 
#does not revert to vector
#        value <- list(data=as.data.frame(value, drop=F, stringsAsFactors =FALSE),
#                      units=data.frame())
#        class(value)<- "not.pems"
#    } 
#    if(class(value)[1]=="pems"){
#        class(value)<- "not.pems"
#    }
#    if(class(value)[1]!="not.pems"){
#        stop("In pems[i,j]<-: can't insert insert of that class!", call.=FALSE)
#    }

#    #here value must have structure value$data
    #get dim of value 
#    value.dim <- dim(value$data)

    #value.dim = value[rows, elements]

#fixed for update

    #force by omit.err.cases

    if("omit.err.cases" %in% force){
        i <- i[check.i]
        j <- j[check.j]
        check.i <- check.i[check.i]
        check.j <- check.i[check.j]

#fixed in update

    #force by na.pad.target (1)

    #second part to this after crop.value

    if("na.pad.target" %in% force){
                temp.j <- j[!check.j]
                j <- j[check.j]
                temp <- names(x$data)
                x$data[,temp.j] <- NA
                temp.j <- names(x$data)[!names(x$data) %in% temp]
#this could still fall over
#if data and unit names mismatched before
                x$units[,temp.j] <- NA
                j <- c(j, temp.j)
                check.j <- rep(TRUE, length(j))
            } else {
                #assuming it is numeric
                temp.j <- (ncol(x$data)+1) : max(j[!check.j], na.rm=TRUE)
                temp <- names(x$data)
                x$data[,temp.j] <- NA
                temp.j <- names(x$data)[!names(x$data) %in% temp]
#as above but remember 
#,10 would create 10 
#plus missing before it
                x$units[,temp.j] <- NA
                check.j <- rep(TRUE, length(j))
        #like above but for row.name, nrow, i, etc...
        #no unit update
                temp.i <- i[!check.i]
                i <- i[check.i]
                temp <- row.names(x$data)
                x$data[temp.i,] <- NA
                temp.i <- row.names(x$data)[!row.names(x$data) %in% temp]
                i <- c(i, temp.i)
                check.i <- rep(TRUE, length(i))
            } else {
                #assuming it is numeric
                temp.i <- (nrow(x$data)+1) : max(i[!check.i], na.rm=TRUE)
                temp <- row.names(x$data)
                x$data[temp.i,] <- NA
                check.i <- rep(TRUE, length(i))

#working for update

    #force by crop.insert

    if("crop.insert" %in% force){
       if(value.dim[1] > length(i)){
               value <- rep(value, length.out=value.dim[1])
           if(check.value=="data.frame" | check.value=="pems")
               value <- value[1:length(i),]
           value.dim[1]<- length(i)
       if(value.dim[2] > length(j)){
           #should not happen?? with vector
               value <- value[,1:length(j)]
               value$data <- value$data[,1:length(i)]
               pems.units <- pems.units[,1:length(i)]

#fixed in update

    #force by na.pad.target part 2

    #this must be after crop or we pad for something in value
    #we then remove...

    #just do these as numerics for now
    #could look into assigning names from value if there later???

    if("na.pad.target" %in% force){
       if(length(j) < value.dim[2]){ 
           #assuming it is numeric
           temp.j <- (ncol(x$data)+1) : (ncol(x$data)+(value.dim[2]-length(j)))
           temp <- names(x$data)
           x$data[,temp.j] <- NA
           temp.j <- names(x$data)[!names(x$data) %in% temp]
#as na.pad.target 1 
           x$units[,temp.j] <- NA
           j <- c(j, temp.j)
           check.j <- rep(TRUE, length(j))
       if(length(i) < value.dim[1]){ 
           temp.i <- (nrow(x$data)+1) : (nrow(x$data)+(value.dim[1]-length(i)))
           temp <- row.names(x$data)
           x$data[temp.i,] <- NA
           temp.i <- row.names(x$data)[!row.names(x$data) %in% temp]
           i <- c(i, temp.i)
           check.i <- rep(TRUE, length(i)) 

#fixed for update

    if("na.pad.insert" %in% force){
        if(length(j) > value.dim[2]){
            #if value is a vector don't need to do anything
            #except tell it that it is OK
                value.dim[2] <- length(j) 
            } else {
                temp.j <- (ncol(value)+1) : (ncol(value)+(length(j)-value.dim[2]))
                value[,temp.j] <- NA
                value.dim <- dim(value)
        if(length(i) > value.dim[1]){
                value <- c(value, rep(NA, length.out=length(i) - value.dim[1]))
                value.dim[1] <- length(i)
            } else {
                temp.i <- (nrow(value)+1) : (nrow(value)+(length(i)-value.dim[1]))
                value[temp.i,] <- NA            
                value.dim <- dim(value)

#fixed for update

    if("fill.insert" %in% force){
        if(length(i) > value.dim[1]){
                value <- c(value, rep(value, length.out=length(i) - value.dim[1]))
                value.dim[1] <- length(i)
            } else {
                temp.i <- (nrow(value)+1) : (nrow(value)+(length(i)-value.dim[1]))
                value[temp.i,] <- value[rep(1:nrow(value), length.out=length(temp.i)),]            
                value.dim <- dim(value)
        if(length(j) > value.dim[2]){
            #if value is a vector don't need to do anything
            #except tell it that it is OK
                value.dim[2] <- length(j) 
            } else {
                temp.j <- (ncol(value)+1) : (ncol(value)+(length(j)-value.dim[2]))
                value[,temp.j] <- value[,rep(1:ncol(value), length.out=length(temp.j))]
                value.dim <- dim(value)

    #check dimensions

#could move the first of these message to just after 
#might fall over otherwise

    #error out if it does not fit.
    fault.message <- "In pems[i,j]<-value: questionable request"
    if(length(i)<1 | length(j)<1){
        temp <- paste(c("elements", "rows")[c(length(j)<1, length(i)<1)], sep="", collapse=" and ")
        fault.message <- paste(fault.message, "\n       no valid ", temp, " set in pems[i,j]", sep="", collapse="")
        fault.message <- paste(fault.message, "\n       [check force setting if insertion required]", sep="", collapse="")
        stop(fault.message, call.=FALSE)
    if(any(!check.i) | any(!check.j)){
        temp <- paste(c("elements", "rows")[c(any(!check.j), any(!check.i))], sep="", collapse=" and ")
        fault.message <- paste(fault.message, "\n       unknown ", temp, " set in pems[i,j]", sep="", collapse="")
        fault.message <- paste(fault.message, "\n       [check force setting if insertion required]", sep="", collapse="")
        stop(fault.message, call.=FALSE)
    if(length(i) != value.dim[1] | length(j) != value.dim[2]){
        temp <- paste(c("elements", "rows")[c(length(j)!=value.dim[2], length(i)!=value.dim[1])], sep="", collapse=" and ")
        fault.message <- paste(fault.message, "\n       ", temp, " pems[i,j] and insert[i,j] dimension mismatch", sep="", collapse="")
        fault.message <- paste(fault.message, "\n       [check force setting if insertion required]", sep="", collapse="")
        stop(fault.message, call.=FALSE)

    #try insert

    test <- if(check.op)
                try(x$data[j] <- value, silent=T) else 
                try(x$data[i,j] <- value, silent=T)
        stop("In pems[i,j]<-value: bad insertion \n       significant pems[i,j]/value class mismatch",

#error messaging could be more informative?
#could like this into addition force/overwrite options

    #update units
    #only copying attributes if units not there
    #options could be possible, overwrite or force options
    #could also do a method for data.frames or pems without units
    #would read attributes of each column

        if("units" %in% names(attributes(value))){
            for(jj in j){
#update units of input 
#replaces units of pems
##               if(check.op || is.null(x$units[1,jj]) || is.na(x$units[1,jj]) || x$units[1,jj]=="")
                  x$units[1,jj] <- attributes(value)$units
##                  attributes(x$data[,jj]) <- attributes(value)
#might need an error catcher for 
#not pems.units
         for(jj in 1:length(j))
#update units of input 
#replaces units of pems
##             if(is.null(x$units[1,j[jj]]) || is.na(x$units[1,j[jj]]) || x$units[1,j[jj]]==""){
                 x$units[1,j[jj]] <- pems.units[1,jj]
##                 attributes(x$data[,j[jj]]) <- attributes(value[,jj])
##             }

    #history update

    #might want a silence history logging option?

    if ("history" %in% names(x)) 
        x$history <- c(x$history, call2)

#class conflicts not currently handled
#next jobs....
#think about simplify
#does it have meaning here?

    #check for broken time.stamps
    test <- names(x$data)[sapply(x$data, function(x) any(grep("POSIX", class(x))))]
        for(t in test)
             class(x$data[,t]) <- unique(c(class(x$data[,t]), "POSIXct", "POSIXt"))

    # send back data

#    class(x) <- old.class
    class(x) <- "pems"



`$.pems` <- function(x, name, ...){

#old version
#    class(x) <- "not.pems"
#    ans <- try(x$data[, i], silent = TRUE)
#    if(class(ans)[1] == "try-error"){
#        warning("Element '", i, "' not found in pems", call. = FALSE)
#        return(NULL)
#    }
#    if (!is.null(ans)) 
#        attr(ans, "name") <- i
#    if (!is.null(ans) && !is.null(units)) 
#        if (is.null(attributes(ans)$units)) 
#            attr(ans, "units") <- x$units[1,i]
#        class(ans) <- "pems.element"
#    ans
#think about x[,i, simplify=TRUE]
#might not be need because

#another old version
#    ans <- try(x[, i], silent = TRUE)
#    if(class(ans)[1] == "try-error"){
#        warning("Element '", i, "' not found in pems", call. = FALSE)
#        return(NULL)
#    }
#    if (!is.null(ans)) 
#        attr(ans, "name") <- i
#this looks a bit screwy
#    if (!is.null(ans) && !is.null(units)) 
#        if (is.null(attributes(ans)$units)) 
#            attr(ans, "units") <- x$units[1,i]
#    ans

#another old version
#    ans <- try(x[, name, simplify = TRUE, force = FALSE], silent = TRUE)
#make silent like data.frame$does.not.exist
#    if(class(ans)[1] == "try-error"){
#        warning("Element '", i, "' not found in pems", call. = FALSE)
#        return(NULL)
#    } else return(ans)

    ans <- try(x[, name, simplify = TRUE, force = FALSE], silent = TRUE)
    if(class(ans)[1] == "try-error") NULL else ans



`$<-.pems`<- function(x, name, ..., value){

      x[name, force=c("na.pad.insert", "na.pad.target")] <- value



#version 0.1.0 kr 2015-08-02

#test run parsync/carb data analysis

#note currently discards units
#not sure there is a way around this...

with.pems <- function(data, expr, ...) {

   eval(substitute(expr), pemsData(data), enclos = parent.frame())



#version 0.1.0 kr 2015-09-07

#test run parsync/ucr data analysis

subset.pems <- function(x,...){

    x <- rebuildPEMS(x, "old")
    x[["data"]] <- subset(x[["data"]], ...)



#kr 07/12/2011 v 0.2.0

#what it does
#generates simple plot
#does not keep units

#to do
#remove temp

##' @S3method plot pems
plot.pems <- function(x, id = NULL, ignore = "time.stamp", n = 3, ...) {

   temp <- rebuildPEMS(x, "old")
   class(temp) <- "no.class"

   reply <- temp$data

      message("\npems object [suspect]")

       id <- 1:ncol(reply)
           id <- id[!names(reply) %in% ignore]
       if(n>0 && length(id)>n)
           id <- id[1:n]

   reply <- reply[id]      

   plot(reply, ...)



#kr 07/12/2011 v 0.2.0

#what it does
#generates summary reports 

#to do
#make dedicated summary 
#and option for as current as alternative

#to tidy

##' @S3method print pems
summary.pems <- function(object, ...) {

   object <- rebuildPEMS(object, "old")
   class(object) <- "no.class"

   object <- object$data

      message("\npems object [suspect]")



#kr 07/12/2011 v 0.2.0

#what it does
#extracts units from pems 

#to do
#make dedicated summary 
#and option for as current as alternative

#to tidy

#units uses new structure
#units<- uses old structure

##' @S3method units.pems
units.pems <- function(x) {

    x <- attributes(rebuildPEMS(x))$units

#    class(x) <- "no.class"
#    x <- x$units

       warning("In units(pems): pems unitless [suspect]", call.=FALSE)



## @S3method unit<-.pems

`units<-.pems` <- function(x, value) {

    x <- rebuildPEMS(x, "old")

    call2 <- match.call()
    class(x)[1] <- "no.class"
    units <- x$units

       warning("In units(pems): [suspect units]", call.=FALSE)
       units <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(x$data)))
       names(units) <- names(x$data)

#should this be a try?
#should this foreshorten/expand?
#should be check bad moves


#way units methods works this is only ever a data.frame and what you have to send it have to work
#so thinking what follows is a waste of time
#could just be x$units <- value


       units[1, 1:ncol(value)] <- value[1,]
          names(units)[1:ncol(value)] <- names(value)
    } else {

       units[1,1:length(value)] <- as.character(value)


    if ("history" %in% names(x)) 
        x$history <- c(x$history, call2)
    x$units <- units
    class(x)[1] <- "pems"



#kr 31/04/2014 v 0.2.4

#if number of columns less than n?
#need to catch this

head.pems <- function(x, n=6, ...){
    x <- rebuildPEMS(x)
    out <- x[1:n,,force=T,simplify=F]
    print(out, rows=n)

tail.pems <- function(x, n=6, ...) {
    x <- rebuildPEMS(x)
    out <- dim(as.data.frame(x))[1]
    out <- (out-n+1):(out)
    out <- out[out>0]
    out <- x[out,,force=TRUE,simplify=F]
    print(out, rows=n)


#kr 0.0.1 2018/07/06

#not sure why I now need this...

#needs more work
#not sure why pems[complete.cases(pems),] dies 
#  when all rows contain NAs 
#  might be down to pems[i,] dying on pems[FALSE,] etc... 

#might be able to reduce code if I fix this...

na.omit.pems <- function(object, ...) {
    object[["data"]] <- object[["data"]][complete.cases(object[["data"]]),]



#i do not think you can do anymore than
#units(pems) <- value
#error out if it does not work
#not even sure we can do this

Try the pems.utils package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

pems.utils documentation built on March 31, 2023, 3:01 p.m.