
#' Internal functions for vcov estimation
#' These functions serve as preparation functions to calculute the variance-
#' covariance matrix of a pim using any of the \code{\link{vcov.estimators}}
#' provided in this package. The result of these preparation functions
#' is used by the \code{\link{sandwich.estimator}} and 
#' \code{\link{score.estimator}} functions respectively.
#' @param Zbeta fitted values
#' @param Z design matrix
#' @param Y pseudo responses
#' @param link character vector with link function
#' @param W vector with weights
#' @note These functions should NOT be called by the user
#' @rdname vcov.internal
#' @name vcov.internal
#' @aliases U.sandwich U.score
U.sandwich <- function(Zbeta, Z, Y, link, W=NULL)
  #   if(! is.null(W))
  # 	{
  # 		warning("Currently, weights are not supported in Uforposandwich.default They will be ignored.")
  # 	}
  #Zbeta <- c(Zbeta)
  #Y <- c(Y)
  if(link == "probit")
    fv <- pnorm(Zbeta)
    var.PI <- fv*(1-fv)
    var.PI <- ifelse(var.PI==0,0.01,var.PI) #correction, not mentioned in the article, low impact
    m.d <- dnorm(Zbeta)
    m.dd <- -m.d*Zbeta 
    res <- Y-fv
    U <- Z*m.d*res/var.PI
      U<-W * U
      U.diff <- t(Z)%*% diag(W) %*%(Z*c((var.PI*(m.dd*res - m.d^2) - res*m.d^2*(1-2*fv))/var.PI^2))
      U.diff <- t(Z)%*%(Z*c((var.PI*(m.dd*res - m.d^2) - res*m.d^2*(1-2*fv))/var.PI^2))
  else if(link == "logit")
    fv <- plogis(Zbeta)
    var.PI <- fv*(1-fv)
    var.PI <- ifelse(var.PI==0,0.01,var.PI) #correction, not mentioned in the article, low impact
    U <- Z*c(Y-fv)
      U<-W * U
      U.diff <- -t(Z)%*% diag(W) %*%(Z*c(var.PI))
      U.diff <- -t(Z)%*%(Z*c(var.PI))
  else if(link == "identity")
    #note: for identity, we leave out the variance. This is OK
    U <- Z*c(Y-fv)
      U<-W * U
      U.diff <- -t(Z)%*% diag(W) %*%(Z)
      U.diff <- -t(Z)%*%(Z)
    stop(paste("Unsupported link function for Uforposandwich.default:"), link)
  rv<-list(U=U, U.diff=U.diff, fv=fv, shared.factor=1, switched.factor=1, self.factor=1)

#' @rdname vcov.internal
U.score <- function(Zbeta, Z, Y, link, W=NULL)
  if(link != "identity")
    stop("You are using Uforposandwich.fakeH0 and thus probably varianceestimator.H0. This is only correct if the link function is the identity.")
  if(! is.null(W))
    warning("Currently, weights are not supported in Uforposandwich.fakeH0. They will be ignored.")
  Zbeta <- c(Zbeta)
  fakeU<-t(solve(tZ %*% Z) %*% tZ)
  rv<-list(U=fakeU, U.diff=NULL, fv=Zbeta, shared.factor=1/12, switched.factor=-1/12, self.factor=1/4)

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pimdevel documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:58 p.m.