

parms <- get_salmo_parms(nlayers=60, macrophytes=TRUE)

parms$pp_ma["kMortVegSum", 1]  <- 0.01 # [d^-1] Background mortality, little bit increased
parms$pp_ma["MaxWaveMort", 1]  <- 0    # [d^-1] MortWaveMax = 0  -> no wave mortality

# SALMO calculation of sedimentation to sediment: internal  = 1, external = 0
parms$cc["SF"] <- 0

ninputs <- parms$nOfVar["numberOfInputs"] <- 22

nstates  <- parms$nOfVar["numberOfStates"]
nlayers  <- parms$nOfVar["numberOfLayers"]
nphy     <- parms$nOfVar["numberOfAlgae"]

### Inputs

## hypsographic function
hyps <- hypso_functions(hypso_cone)

## data from a hydrophysical model

time        <- turbulence$time
depth       <- turbulence$depth
ntime       <- length(time)
ndepth      <- length(depth)
maxdepth    <- max(depth)

dz    <- diff(depth)[1] # all dz must be equal; unequal depths not yet implemented
level <- maxdepth - depth + dz
vol   <- hyps$vol(level)

depthmatrix <- matrix(rep(depth, each=ntime), nrow=ntime)

# entrainment of tributaries; specific depths, Q dependend on residence time
qinmatrix   <- matrix(0, nrow=ntime, ncol=ndepth)
qinmatrix[,1:11] <- rep(vol[21:31]/300, each=ntime) 

## global irradiation data
## aggregate hourly data to daily sums (J/cm^2/d)
daily <- aggregate_daily(irad$time, irad$irad2, basedate= "1970-01-01 00:00.00 UTC")

## assumption: Jan + Feb with ice
iin <- daily$y * (1 - 0.9* (daily$day < as.POSIXct("2005-03-01")))

## sedimentation speed for each state in different depths
## ?? rename to advectionmatrix?
vmatsedi <- sedimentation_matrix(parms, nstates, nphy, depth)

## sediment area
asedmatrix  <- matrix(rep(hyps$sediment_area(level), each=ntime), nrow=ntime)

## pelagic ratio; todo: rename aver to something else; pelratio?
## !! note pmax 0 or 0.1
avermatrix  <- matrix(rep(pmax(0.0, hyps$pelagic_ratio(level)), each=ntime), nrow=ntime)

parms2 <- c(parms,
    K2 = 1.0,             # oxygen reaeration from atmosphere
    depths = depth,       # ToDo: make this obsolete
    nstates = nstates,
    nlayers = nlayers,
    ni = ninputs,         # number of inputs
    zresmax = 20          # maximum resuspension depth

inputs <- list(
  time  = time,
  vol   = vol,
  depth = depthmatrix, # vector "depth" should be enough here
  dz    = dz, #dzmatrix,    # scalar 0.5  
  qin   = qinmatrix,
  ased  = asedmatrix,
  srf   = 1,
  iin   = iin * 0.5,       # conversion to PAR
  temp  = turbulence$temp, # tempmatrix,
  nin   = 10,
  pin   = 50,
  pomin = 50,
  zin   = 1,
  oin   = 10,
  aver  = avermatrix,
  ad    = 0,
  au    = 0,
  eddy  = turbulence$eddy, #eddymatrix,
  x1in  = 5,
  x2in  = 5,
  x3in  = 5,
  sf    = 1, # no sediment focussing; note also vmatsedi
  vmatsedi = vmatsedi

## forcing **function**
forcing_functions <- function(inputs) {
  cnt <- 0

  ## otional:do some precalculations ...
  colnames <- salmo_input_names()
  forcings = function(time) {
    ## print simulation time to screen
    cnt <<- cnt + 1
    if (cnt > 100) {cnt <<- 0; cat("time := ", time, "\n")}

    ## ..... do interpolation here .....
    forc <- makeInputVector(inputs, time)
    attr(forc, "colnames") <- colnames
    ## check data and fix inconsistencies
    ## - temperature must be > 0
    forc[seq(9, 1320, 22)] <- pmax(forc[seq(9, 1320, 22)], 0.1)
signal <- forcing_functions(inputs)

## start values of SALMO with macrophytes
y0 <- c(N=10, P=8, X1=0.1, X2=0.1,  X3=0.1, Z=0.1, D=1, O=13, G1=1, G2=1, G3=1,
        sDVeg     = 1*50,       # [gDW/m^2] 
        sPVeg     = 0.002*50,   # [gP/m^2] 
        sNVeg     = 0.02*50,    # [gN/m^2] 
        afRootVeg = 0.6         # [-]

y0 <- rep(y0, each = nlayers)
names(y0) <- NULL

nspec <- parms2$nOfVar["numberOfStates"] + parms2$nOfVar_ma["numberOfStates"] 
times <- 0:365 
ndx <- init_salmo_integers(parms)

syslog <- FALSE

  out   <- ode.1D(y = y0, times = times, func = salmo_mac_1d, parms = parms2, 
                  method = "bdf", nspec = nspec, atol = 1e-6, rtol=1e-4, hini = 0.1,
                  inputs = inputs, forcingfun = signal, ndx=ndx

xmids <- depth - 0.5/2
names <- c("N", "P", "X1", "X2", "X3", "Z", "D", "O", "G1", "G2", "G3", "DVeg", "PVeg", "NVeg", "fRootVeg")

### plot of state variables (outputs of SALMO)

image(out, grid = xmids, ylim=c(30, 0), main=names, add.contour=TRUE, which=c(1:8))

i <- 3:6  # state variables
image(out, grid = xmids, which=i, main=names[i], ylim=c(30,0), legend=TRUE)

i <- c(1,2,7,8)  # state variables
image(out, grid = xmids, which=i, main=names[i], ylim=c(30,0), legend=TRUE)

## vegetation
i <- 12:15
image(out, grid = xmids, which=i, main=names[i], ylim=c(30,0), legend=TRUE)

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rSALMO documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:12 p.m.