
Defines functions plotIncidenceAngles plotElevationAngles

#' Plot angles
#' Plots the angles provided by GCPs/TPs as points.
#' @param object object of the \code{\link{SAR-class}} or a subclass (e.g. \code{\link{Sentinel-class}} or \code{\link{TSX-class}}).
#' @param z Character. Either incidence ('thetaIn', default) or elevation angles 'thetaEl'.
#' @param xlab Character. Title of the x axis.
#' @param ylab Character. Title of the y axis.
#' @param xlim Numeric vector of length 2, giving the x coordinate range.
#' @param ylim Numeric vector of length 2, giving the y coordinate range.
#' @param zlim Numeric vector of length 2, giving the z coordinate range. Range of values that are plotted.
#' @param breaks Integer. Number of breaks of the color ramp.
#' @param col.regions Color ramp.
#' @param plot.legend Logical. Plot the legend?
#' @param legend.lab Character. Title of the legend.
#' @param asp Numeric vector. Aspect, default is 1/cos((mean(range(ylim)) * pi)/180).
#' @param variogram.fit Logical. Fit a Gaussian variogram?
#' @param plot.fit Logical. Plot the fitted variogram?
#' @param interpolate Logical. Interpolate angles?
#' @param cex Numeric. Size of label text.
#' @param cex.axis Numeric. Size of axes.
#' @param grid Logical. Plot a grid?
#' @param pch Integer. Point type.
#' @param aggregate.fact Integer. Aggregation factor expressed as number of cells in each direction (horizontally and vertically). 
#' Or two integers (horizontal and vertical aggregation factor) or three integers (when also aggregating over layers). 
#' See \code{\link{aggregate}} method of raster package.
#' @param ... graphical parameters. Any argument that can be passed to plot, such as axes=FALSE and main='title'.
#' @rdname plotAngles
#' @export
#' @seealso  \code{\link{angles}}, \code{\link{GeolocationPoints-class}}
#' @examples
#' data(kili)
#' angles(kili[[1]])
#' plotAngles(kili[[1]])
#' plotAngles(kili[[5]])
#' plot(angles(kili[[1]]))
#' spplot(angles(kili[[1]]))
#' plotAngles(master, interpolate = TRUE, aggregate.fact=100)
#' angles.sp <- angles(master, interpolate = TRUE, aggregate.fact=10)
#' angles.raster <- rasterFromXYZ(angles.sp)
           function(object, z='thetaIn',
                    xlab='Longitude', ylab='Latitude', 
                    cex=1, cex.axis=1, grid=T, 
                    plot.legend=T, pch=20, 
                    legend.lab=expression(paste(theta[i], ' [deg]')),
                    variogram.fit=T, plot.fit=F, 
                    interpolate=F, aggregate.fact=100,
                    ...) {

#' @rdname plotAngles
#' @export
setMethod('plotAngles', 'SpatialPointsDataFrame',
          function(object, z, xlab, ylab, 
                   breaks, col.regions, 
                   cex, cex.axis, grid,
                   plot.legend, pch, legend.lab,
                   variogram.fit, plot.fit, 
                   interpolate, aggregate.fact,
                   asp=1/cos((mean(range(ylim)) * pi)/180), 
                   ...) {
              plot(xlim, ylim, type = 'n', cex.axis=cex.axis, cex.lab=cex,
                   xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, asp=asp, ...)
              break.points <- seq(zlim[1], zlim[2], length.out = (breaks-2))
                  break.points <- c(min(object@data[,z]), break.points)
                  break.points <- c(break.points, max(object@data[,z]))
              mycol <- col.regions[as.numeric(cut(object@data[,z], 
              points(coordinates(object), pch=pch, col=mycol)
              if(plot.legend) {
                  plotLegend(legend.lab=legend.lab, zlim=zlim, cex=cex, cex.axis=cex.axis,
                             nlevel=breaks, ...)

#' @rdname plotAngles
#' @export
setMethod('plotAngles', 'SAR', 
          function(object, z,
                   xlab, ylab, breaks, col.regions, 
                   cex, cex.axis, grid, plot.legend, pch, 
                   variogram.fit, plot.fit, 
                   interpolate, aggregate.fact,
                   xlim=c(object@extent@xmin, object@extent@xmax),
                   ylim=c(object@extent@ymin, object@extent@ymax),
                   asp=1/cos((mean(range(ylim)) * pi)/180), 
                          max(my.angles@data[,z])), ...) {
              if(interpolate) {
                  my.angles <- angles(object, z, interpolate, variogram.fit, 
                                   plot.fit, aggregate = T, aggregate.fact)
                  colnames(my.angles@data)[1] <- z
              } else {
                  my.angles <- object@geolocationPoints
              plotAngles(my.angles, z,
                         xlab, ylab, breaks, col.regions, 
                         cex, cex.axis, grid,
                         plot.legend, pch, 
                         variogram.fit, plot.fit, 
                         interpolate, aggregate.fact,
                         xlim, ylim, asp, zlim,
              plot(border(object), add=T)

#' @rdname plotAngles
#' @export
setMethod('plotAngles', 'SARSet',
          function(object, ...) {
              lapply(object, function(sar) {
                  plotAngles(sar, z,
                             xlab, ylab, breaks, col.regions, 
                             cex, cex.axis, grid, 
                             plot.legend, pch, legend.lab,
                             variogram.fit, plot.fit, 
                             interpolate, aggregate.fact,

plotIncidenceAngles <- function(object, ...) {
    plotAngles(object, ...)

plotElevationAngles <- function(object, ...) {
    plotAngles(object, z = 'thetaEl', ...)
# levelplotAngles <- function(object) {
#     levelplot(object@data[,z]~
#                   round(object@coords[,1],round.digits) *
#                   round(object@coords[,2],round.digits),
#               xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...,
#               col.regions=col.regions, interpolate=interpolate,
#               panel=function(...) {
#                   if(useRaster)
#                       panel.levelplot.raster(...)
#                   else
#                       panel.levelplot(...)
#                   if(!is.null(sarObject))
#                       plotBorder(sarObject, panel=T)
#               }, ...
#     )
# }

# setMethod('plotAngles', 'SARSet',
#           function(object, ...) {
#               z <- sapply(object@elements, function(sar) sar@geolocationPoints@data[,z])
#               x <- sapply(object@elements, function(sar) round(sar@geolocationPoints@coords[,1], round.digits))
#               y <- sapply(object@elements, function(sar) round(sar@geolocationPoints@coords[,2], round.digits))
#               levelplot(z ~ x*y,
#                         xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, 
#                         col.regions=col.regions, interpolate=interpolate,
#                         panel=function(...) {
#                             if(useRaster)
#                                 panel.levelplot.raster(...)
#                             else
#                                 panel.levelplot(...)
#                             plotBorder(object, panel = T)
#                         }, ...
#               )
#           })

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