
Defines functions summary.rangeMap print.summary.rangeMap

if (!isGeneric("summary")) { 
	setGeneric("summary", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("summary")) 

summary.rangeMap <- function(object, ...) {
    out = list()
	out[["class"]] = class(object)

	dbinfo = dbGetInfo(object@CON)
	out[["Project_location"]] = dbinfo$dbname
	out[["SQLite_version"]] = dbinfo$serverVersion

	if( nrow(RMQuery(object@CON, paste("select", object@ID, "from", object@CANVAS, "limit 1") )) == 0)
	out[["empty_project"]] = "Empty rangeMapper project." else {
		out[["Proj4"]]    = dbReadTable(object@CON, object@PROJ4STRING)[1,1]
		out[["CellSize"]] = dbReadTable(object@CON, object@GRIDSIZE)[1,1]
		out[["Extent"]]   = dbReadTable(object@CON, object@BBOX)
		tbs = RMQuery(object@CON, "select name from sqlite_master where type = 'table' ")$name
		out[["BIO_tables"]] = paste(  gsub(object@BIO, "", tbs[grep(object@BIO, tbs)]), collapse = ";" )
		out[["MAP_tables"]] = paste(  gsub(object@MAP, "", tbs[grep(object@MAP, tbs)]), collapse = ";" )
		mtd =.is.empty(object@CON, object@METADATA_RANGES)
		out[[object@METADATA_RANGES]]= paste(object@METADATA_RANGES, "is empty:", mtd, collapse = ";" )

	class(out) = "summary.rangeMap"

print.summary.rangeMap <- function(x, ...) {

	message(paste(paste(names(x), ":", x), collapse = ";"), ...)


setMethod("summary", "rangeMap", summary.rangeMap)

Try the rangeMapper package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rangeMapper documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5 p.m.