writeASY <- function(scene = scene3d(),
title = "scene",
outtype = c("pdf", "eps", "asy", "latex", "pdflatex"),
prc = TRUE,
runAsy = "asy %filename%",
defaultFontsize = 12,
width = 7,
height = 7,
ppi = 100,
ids = NULL,
version = "2.65") {
withColors <- TRUE
withNormals <- FALSE
outtype <- match.arg(outtype)
version <- numeric_version(version)
writeHeader <- function() {
outformat <- c(pdf = "pdf", eps = "eps", asy = "",
latex = "eps", pdflatex = "pdf")[outtype]
prc <- if (prc) "true" else "false"
userMatrix <- get.par3d("userMatrix")
defaultObserver <- (c(get.par3d("observer"), 1) %*% userMatrix)[1:3]
up <- (c(0, 1, 0, 1) %*% userMatrix)[1:3]
FOV <- get.par3d("FOV")*pi/180
if (FOV > 0) {
projection <- "perspective"
dist <- 0.8/tan(FOV/2)
defaultObserver <- defaultObserver*dist/sqrt(sum(defaultObserver^2))
} else
projection <- "orthographic"
result <<- c(result, subst(
'// %title% produced by rgl', title),
if (outtype %in% c("pdf", "eps")) subst(
'settings.outformat = "%outformat%";', outformat),
'settings.prc = %prc%;
size(%width%inches, %height%inches);
import graph3;
currentprojection = %projection%(%x%, %y%, %z%, up = (%ux%, %uy%, %uz%));
ticklabel RGLstrings(real[] at, string[] label)
return new string(real x) {
int i = search(at, x);
if (i < 0) return "";
else return label[i];
ticklabel RGLScale(real s)
return new string(real x) {return format(s*x);};
prc, width, height,
x=defaultObserver[1], y=defaultObserver[2], z=defaultObserver[3],
ux = up[1], uy = up[2], uz = up[3],
# simulate rgl.attrib
get.attrib <- function(id, attrib) {
obj <- scene$objects[[as.character(id)]]
# simulate ids3d
get.ids <- function(type = "shapes") {
ids <- names(scene$objects)
types <- vapply(ids, function(x) scene$objects[[x]]$type, "")
if (length(s <- which(type %in% "shapes"))) {
type <- c(type[-s], "points", "linestrip", "lines",
"text", "triangles", "quads", "surface",
"spheres", "planes", "abclines",
"clipplanes", "sprites")
keep <- types %in% type
data.frame(id = as.numeric(ids[keep]), type = types[keep])
getmaterial <- function(id) {
result <- scene$material
this <- scene$objects[[as.character(id)]]$material
result[names(this)] <- this
getScaling <- function() {
scale <- get.par3d("scale")
getCentre <- function() {
bbox <- get.par3d("bbox")
c(mean(bbox[1:2]), mean(bbox[3:4]), mean(bbox[5:6]))
getVertices <- function(id) {
scale <- getScaling()
vertices <- scale(get.attrib(id, "vertices"), center=FALSE, scale=1/scale)
if (withColors) {
colors <- get.attrib(id, "colors")
if (nrow(colors) == 1)
colors <- colors[rep(1, nrow(vertices)),,drop = FALSE]
if (withNormals) {
normals <- get.attrib(id, "normals")
if (!nrow(normals))
normals <- 0*vertices
if (withColors) colors,
if (withNormals) normals)
get.par3d <- function(attr = NULL) {
par3d <- scene$rootSubscene$par3d
if (!is.null(attr))
par3d <- par3d[[attr]]
rgba <- c("r", "g", "b", "a")
lastCol <- c(0,0,0,1)
lastSize <- 0.5
setPen <- function(col = lastCol, size = lastSize) {
if (any(col[1:3] != lastCol[1:3])) {
result <<- c(result, subst(
'currentpen = colorless(currentpen) + rgb(%r%, %g%, %b%);',
r = col[1], g = col[2], b = col[3]))
lastCol[1:3] <<- col[1:3]
if (col[4] != lastCol[4]) {
result <<- c(result, subst(
'currentpen += opacity(%a%);', a = col[4]))
lastCol[4] <<- col[4]
if (size != lastSize) {
result <<- c(result, subst(
'currentpen += linewidth(%size%);', size))
lastSize <<- size
writePoly <- function(vertices) {
if (any(!is.finite(vertices)))
setPen(apply(vertices[, rgba], 2, mean))
v <- vertices[1, 1:3]
result <<- c(result, subst('draw(surface((%x%, %y%, %z%)', x=v[1], y=v[2], z=v[3]))
for (j in seq_len(nrow(vertices))[-1]) {
v <- vertices[j, 1:3]
result <<- c(result, subst('--(%x%, %y%, %z%)', x=v[1], y=v[2], z=v[3]))
result <<- c(result, '--cycle), light=currentlight);')
writeTriangles <- function(id) {
vertices <- getVertices(id)
n <- nrow(vertices) %/% 3
for (i in seq_len(n))
writeQuads <- function(id) {
vertices <- getVertices(id)
n <- nrow(vertices) %/% 4
for (i in seq_len(n))
writeSurface <- function(id) {
vertices <- getVertices(id)
dims <- get.attrib(id, "dim")
nx <- dims[1]
nz <- dims[2]
for (i in seq_len(nz)[-nz])
for (j in seq_len(nx)[-nx])
writePoly(vertices[c((i-1)*nx + j, i*nx + j, i*nx + j + 1, (i-1)*nx + j + 1),])
writeSpheres <- function(id) {
vertices <- getVertices(id)
n <- nrow(vertices)
radii <- get.attrib(id, "radii")/4
radii <- rep(radii, length.out=n)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
setPen(vertices[i, rgba])
v <- vertices[i, 1:3]
result <<- c(result, subst('draw(shift((%x%, %y%, %z%))*scale3(%r%)*unitsphere);',
x = v[1], y = v[2], z = v[3], r = radii[i]))
avgScale <- function() {
bbox <- get.par3d("bbox")
ranges <- c(bbox[2]-bbox[1], bbox[4]-bbox[3], bbox[6]-bbox[5])
if (prod(ranges) == 0) 1
else exp(mean(log(ranges)))
writePoints <- function(id) {
setPen(size = getmaterial(id)$size)
vertices <- getVertices(id)
n <- nrow(vertices)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
setPen(vertices[i, rgba])
result <<- c(result, subst('draw((%x%, %y%, %z%));',
x = vertices[i, 1], y = vertices[i, 2], z = vertices[i, 3]))
writeText <- function(id) {
vertices <- getVertices(id)
n <- nrow(vertices)
texts <- get.attrib(id, "texts")
texts <- rep(texts, length.out = n)
adj <- get.attrib(id, "adj")
adj <- adj[rep(seq_len(nrow(adj)), length.out = n),, drop = FALSE]
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
setPen(vertices[i, rgba])
if (all(![i, 1:3])))
result <<- c(result, subst('label("%text%", position = (%x%, %y%, %z%), align = (%ax%,%ay%));',
x = vertices[i, 1], y = vertices[i, 2], z = vertices[i, 3],
text = texts[i], ax = 1-2*adj[i, 1], ay = 1-2*adj[i, 2]))
writeSegments <- function(id) {
setPen(size = getmaterial(id)$lwd)
vertices <- getVertices(id)
n <- nrow(vertices) %/% 2
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
i1 <- 2*i - 1
i2 <- i1 + 1
if (all(![c(i1, i2), 1:3]))) {
setPen((vertices[i1, rgba] + vertices[i2, rgba])/2)
result <<- c(result, subst('draw((%x1%, %y1%, %z1%)--(%x2%, %y2%, %z2%));',
x1 = vertices[i1, 1], y1 = vertices[i1, 2], z1 = vertices[i1, 3],
x2 = vertices[i2, 1], y2 = vertices[i2, 2], z2 = vertices[i2, 3]))
writeLines <- function(id) {
setPen(size = getmaterial(id)$lwd)
vertices <- getVertices(id)
n <- nrow(vertices)
open <- FALSE
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
if (open) {
if (any([i, 1:3]))) {
result <<- c(result, ");")
open <- FALSE
} else
result <<- c(result, subst('--(%x%, %y%, %z%)',
x = vertices[i, 1], y = vertices[i, 2], z = vertices[i, 3]))
} else
if (all(![i, 1:3]))) {
setPen(vertices[i, rgba])
result <<- c(result, subst('draw((%x%, %y%, %z%)',
x = vertices[i, 1], y = vertices[i, 2], z = vertices[i, 3]))
open <- TRUE
if (open)
result <<- c(result, ');')
writeBackground <- function(id) {
col <- get.attrib(id, "colors")
result <<- c(result, subst(
'currentlight.background = rgb(%r%, %g%, %b%);',
r = col[1], g=col[2], b=col[3]
writeBBox <- function(id) {
setPen(size = getmaterial(id)$lwd)
bbox <- get.par3d("bbox")
scale <- getScaling()
vertices <- getVertices(id)
ticks <- vertices[,1]
ticks <- ticks[!]
if (length(ticks))
xticks <- subst('Ticks3(1, Ticks = new real[] {%ticks%},
ticklabel = RGLScale(%scale%))',
scale = 1/scale[1], ticks = paste(ticks, collapse=","))
xticks <- subst('Ticks3(1, ticklabel = RGLScale(%scale%))',
scale = 1/scale[1])
ticks <- vertices[,2]
ticks <- ticks[!]
if (length(ticks))
yticks <- subst('Ticks3(1, Ticks = new real[] {%ticks%},
ticklabel = RGLScale(%scale%))',
scale = 1/scale[2], ticks = paste(ticks, collapse=","))
yticks <- subst('Ticks3(1, ticklabel = RGLScale(%scale%))',
scale = 1/scale[2])
ticks <- vertices[,3]
ticks <- ticks[!]
if (length(ticks))
zticks <- subst('Ticks3(1, Ticks = new real[] {%ticks%},
ticklabel = RGLScale(%scale%))',
scale = 1/scale[3], ticks = paste(ticks, collapse=","))
xticks <- subst('Ticks3(1, ticklabel = RGLScale(%scale%))',
scale = 1/scale[3])
bbox <- bbox * rep(scale, each = 2)
result <<- c(result, subst(
'xaxis3(axis=YZEquals(y=%ymin%, z=%zmin%),
xmin=%xmin%, xmax=%xmax%,
ticks = %xticks%);
xaxis3(axis=YZEquals(y=%ymin%, z=%zmax%),
xmin=%xmin%, xmax=%xmax%);
xaxis3(axis=YZEquals(y=%ymax%, z=%zmin%),
xmin=%xmin%, xmax=%xmax%);
xaxis3(axis=YZEquals(y=%ymax%, z=%zmax%),
xmin=%xmin%, xmax=%xmax%);
yaxis3(axis=XZEquals(x=%xmin%, z=%zmin%),
ymin=%ymin%, ymax=%ymax%,
ticks = %yticks%);
yaxis3(axis=XZEquals(x=%xmin%, z=%zmax%),
ymin=%ymin%, ymax=%ymax%);
yaxis3(axis=XZEquals(x=%xmax%, z=%zmin%),
ymin=%ymin%, ymax=%ymax%);
yaxis3(axis=XZEquals(x=%xmax%, z=%zmax%),
ymin=%ymin%, ymax=%ymax%);
zaxis3(axis=XYEquals(x=%xmin%, y=%ymin%),
zmin=%zmin%, zmax=%zmax%,
ticks = %zticks%);
zaxis3(axis=XYEquals(x=%xmin%, y=%ymax%),
zmin=%zmin%, zmax=%zmax%);
zaxis3(axis=XYEquals(x=%xmax%, y=%ymin%),
zmin=%zmin%, zmax=%zmax%);
zaxis3(axis=XYEquals(x=%xmax%, y=%ymax%),
zmin=%zmin%, zmax=%zmax%);',
xmin = bbox[1], xmax = bbox[2], ymin=bbox[3], ymax=bbox[4],
zmin=bbox[5], zmax=bbox[6],
xticks, yticks, zticks))
writeLights <- function(ids) {
if (!length(ids))
result <<- c(result, 'currentlight = nolight;')
else {
col <- array(NA, c(length(ids), 3, 3))
pos <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(ids), ncol=3)
for (i in seq_along(ids)) {
col[i,,] <- get.attrib(ids[i], "colors")[1:3, 1:3]
pos[i,] <- get.attrib(ids[i], "vertices")[1,]
result <<- c(result, 'currentlight = light(')
if (version < "2.50") {
cols <-
paste(paste0("rgb(", col[, 1, 1], ",", col[, 1, 2], ",", col[, 1, 3], ")"),
collapse = ",")
result <<-
'ambient=new pen[] {%cols%},',
cols <-
paste(paste0("rgb(", col[, 2, 1], ",", col[, 2, 2], ",", col[, 2, 3], ")"),
collapse = ",")
result <<-
c(result, subst('diffuse = new pen[] {%cols%},', cols))
cols <-
paste(paste0("rgb(", col[, 3, 1], ",", col[, 3, 2], ",", col[, 3, 3], ")"),
collapse = ",")
result <<-
c(result, subst('specular = new pen[] {%cols%},', cols))
pos <-
paste(paste0("(", pos[, 1], ",", pos[, 2], ",", pos[, 3], ")"), collapse = ",")
result <<-
c(result, subst('position = new triple[] {%pos%}', pos))
if (version < "2.47")
result <<-
', viewport = %viewpoint%',
viewpoint = if (get.attrib(ids[1], "viewpoint"))
result <<- c(result, ');')
knowntypes <- c("points", "linestrip", "lines",
"text", "triangles", "quads", "surface",
"spheres", "planes", "abclines",
"background", "bboxdeco", "light")
# Execution starts here!
allids <- get.ids(c("shapes", "background", "bboxdeco", "light"))
if (is.null(ids)) {
ids <- allids
types <- as.character(ids$type)
ids <- ids$id
} else {
ind <- match(ids, allids$id)
keep <- !
if (any(!keep)) warning(gettextf("Object(s) with id %s not found", paste(ids[!keep], collapse=" ")),
domain = NA)
ids <- ids[keep]
types <- allids$type[ind[keep]]
unknowntypes <- setdiff(types, knowntypes)
if (length(unknowntypes))
warning(gettextf("Object type(s) %s not handled",
paste("'", unknowntypes, "'", sep="", collapse=", ")), domain = NA)
keep <- types %in% knowntypes
ids <- ids[keep]
types <- types[keep]
result <- NULL
# Lights are done first.
writeLights(ids[types == "light"])
for (i in seq_along(ids)) {
result <<- c(result, subst('// %type% object %id%', type = types[i], id = ids[i]))
planes =,
triangles = writeTriangles(ids[i]),
quads = writeQuads(ids[i]),
surface = writeSurface(ids[i]),
spheres = writeSpheres(ids[i]),
points = writePoints(ids[i]),
abclines =,
lines = writeSegments(ids[i]),
linestrip = writeLines(ids[i]),
text = writeText(ids[i]),
background = writeBackground(ids[i]),
bboxdeco = writeBBox(ids[i]),
light = {} # nolint
if (outtype %in% c("latex", "pdflatex")) {
filename <- paste0(title, ".tex")
result <- c("\\begin{asy}", result, "\\end{asy}")
} else
filename <- paste0(title, ".asy")
base::writeLines(result, filename)
if (outtype %in% c("pdf", "eps")) {
system(subst(runAsy, filename))
filename <- paste0(title, ".", outtype)
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