#### Tests psi(), chi(),... etc and tuning.psi, tuning.chi :
source(system.file("xtraR/plot-psiFun.R", package = "robustbase", mustWork=TRUE))
source(system.file("xtraR/test-tools.R", package = "robustbase")) # assert.EQ
## NB: Code to compute some of the constants/tuning parameters (e.g. in ../R/lmrob.MM.R ):
## -- MM's ~/R/MM/Pkg-ex/robustbase/lmrob-check-const.R and .../psi-tuning-hampel.R
### (1) Test the functions themselves --------------------------------
if(!dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE)) pdf("rob-psifns.pdf")
## Simple version, no error checking, no derivative, nothing:
psiGGW <- function(x, a,b,c) {
ifelse((ax <- abs(x)) < c,
ifelse((ea <- -((ax-c)^b)/(2*a)) < -708.4, 0, x * exp(ea)))
assert.EQ(Mpsi (5:9, cc=c(0, a=1/8,b=2,c=1/8, NA), "GGW"),
psiGGW(5:9, a=1/8,b=2,c=1/8), tol = 1e-13)
## Check that psi(<empty>) |-> <empty> works; ditto for +-Inf, NA,..
cG <- c(-.5, 1, .95, NA) # one of the 6 "builtin"s
d0 <- numeric()
IoI <- c(-Inf, 0, Inf)
NN <- c(NaN, NA)
cGs <- list( c(-.4, 1.5, 0.85, NA)
, c(-.4, 1.5 , 0.90, NA)
, c(-.4, 1.5 , 0.95, NA)
, c(-.4, 1.5, 0.975, NA)
, c(-.4, 1.5, 0.99 , NA)
, c(-.4, 1.5, 0.995, NA)
, c(-.4, 1.25, 0.975, NA)
, c(-.4, 1.1, 0.975, NA)
, c(-.4, 1.025, 0.975, NA)
, c(-.4, 1.0125, 0.975, NA)
## FIXME , c(-.1, 1.25, 0.95, NA)
## FIXME , c(-.1, 1.25, 0.99, NA)
st <- system.time(
cG.cnst <- lapply(cGs, function(cc)
lmrob.control(psi = "ggw", tuning.psi = cc)$tuning.psi)
cat('Time for constants computation of tuning.psi: ', st,'\n')
cGct <- t(sapply(cG.cnst, attr, "constants"))[,-1]
colnames(cGct) <- c("a","b","c", "rhoInf")
signif(cGct, 4)
assert.EQ(sapply(cG.cnst, function(cc) MrhoInf(cc, "ggw")),
cGct[,"rhoInf"], tol = 1e-8)
## Do these checks for a *list* of (c.par, psi) combinations:
c.psi.list <- list(
list(1.345, "Huber"),
list(1.8, "Huber"),
list(cG, "GGW"),
list(c(2,4,8), "Hampel"),
list(c(1.5,3.5,8)*0.90, "Hampel"),
list(par=c(-.5,1.5,.95,NA), "lqq"),
list(bcs=c(1, 1, 1.25), "lqq"),
list(1.1, "optimal"),
list(0.1, "optimal"),
list(2.3, "Welsh")
for(c.psi in c.psi.list) {
tPar <- c.psi[[1]]; psi <- c.psi[[2]]
stopifnot(is.numeric(tPar), is.character(psi))
cat("Psi function ", psi,"; tuning par. c[]= (",
paste(formatC(tPar, width=1), collapse=", "),")\n")
for(FUN in list(Mpsi, Mchi, Mwgt))
stopifnot(identical(d0, FUN(d0, tPar, psi=psi)),
identical(NN, FUN(NN, tPar, psi=psi)))
stopifnot(identical(c(0,1,0), Mwgt(IoI, tPar,psi=psi)))
stopifnot(identical(c(0,0,0), Mpsi(IoI, tPar,psi=psi)),
identical(c(1,0,1), Mchi(IoI, tPar,psi=psi)))
else if(psi == "Huber") {
stopifnot(identical(c(-tPar,0,tPar), Mpsi(IoI, tPar,psi=psi)),
identical(c( Inf,0, Inf), Mchi(IoI, tPar,psi=psi)))
cat("chkPsi..(): ")
isHH <- psi %in% c("Huber", "Hampel") # not differentiable
tol <- switch(tolower(psi),
"huber"=, "hampel"= c(.001, 1.0),
"optimal" = .008,
"ggw" = c(5e-5, 5e-3, 1e-12),
"lqq" = c(1e-5, 5e-5, 1e-5, .08)) # .08 needed for bcs=c(1, 1, 1.25)
if(is.null(tol)) tol <- 1e-4 # default otherwise
cc <- chkPsi..(c(-5, 10), psi=psi, par=tPar, doD2 = !isHH, tol=tol)
## --------
cc. <- cc[!]
if(is.logical(cc) && all(cc.))
cat(" [Ok]\n")
else {
cat(" not all Ok:\n")
print(cc.[cc. != "TRUE"])
## Demonstrate computations (well, to 5--7 digits accuracy):
## a) values from the if(fast && ..) switch(control$psi, .....) in lmrob.tau() { --> ../R/lmrob.MM.R }
## 'tol' = seen on x86_64 Lnx (Aug.2024) -- will use 4 * tol
lmrob.tauFC <- list(optimal = list(c = 1.060158, tfc = c(tfact = 0.94735878, tcorr = -0.09444537), tol = 7.0e-7),
bisquare= list(c = 4.685061, tfc = c(tfact = 0.9473684 , tcorr = -0.0900833 ), tol = 1.1e-7),
welsh = list(c = 2.11, tfc = c(tfact = 0.94732953, tcorr = -0.07569506), tol = 7.96e-9),
ggw_1 = list(c = c(-.5, 1.0, 0.95, NA), tfc = c(tfact = 0.9473787 , tcorr = -0.1143846), tol = 5.1e-6),
ggw_2 = list(c = c(-.5, 1.5, 0.95, NA), tfc = c(tfact = 0.94741036, tcorr = -0.08424648), tol = 1.8e-5),
lqq = list(c = c(-.5, 1.5, 0.95, NA), tfc = c(tfact = 0.94736359, tcorr = -0.08594805), tol = 1.7e-5),
hampel = list(c = c(1.5, 3.5, 8)* 0.9016085, tfc = c(tfact = 0.94739770, tcorr = -0.04103958), tol = 3.3e-5)) <-
lmrob.tau <- robustbase:::lmrob.tau
## see (very small 7'th digit differences on M1mac):
(doExtras <- robustbase:::doExtras())
rr <- sapply(names(lmrob.tauFC), function(nm) {
L <- lmrob.tauFC[[nm]]
tfc <- = L$c, psi = sub("_[0-9]*$", '', nm))
## workaround (for older robustbase:) names(tfc)[2] <- "tcorr"
Dif <- all.equal(L$tfc, tfc, tolerance = 0)
cat(nm,": 'true' vs ", Dif, "\n")
stopifnot(all.equal(L$tfc, tfc, tolerance = 4 * L$tol))
if(doExtras) { ## compute "slow coefs"
## Signature: lmrob.tau(obj, x=obj$x, control = obj$control, h, fast=TRUE)
## h = hatvalues {are made from 'obj' if missing}
### TODO --> Koller & Stahel (2014) --> Appendix (p. 2514) <--
## tau <- lmrob.tau(list(), x= ??, control=lmrob.control(psi = nm), h = ??, fast=FALSE)
c(tfc, rel.diff = as.numeric(sub(".*:", '', Dif)))
## Nice plots -- and check derivatives ----
head(x. <- seq(-5, 10, length=1501))
## [separate lines, for interactive "play": ]
stopifnot(chkPsiDeriv(p.psiFun(x., "LQQ", par=c(-.5,1.5,.95,NA))))
stopifnot(chkPsiDeriv(p.psiFun(x., "GGW", par= cG)))
stopifnot(chkPsiDeriv(p.psiFun(x., "optimal", par=2)))
stopifnot(chkPsiDeriv(p.psiFun(x., "Hampel",
par = ## Default, but rounded:
round(c(1.5, 3.5, 8) * 0.9016085, 1)),
tol = 1e-3))
stopifnot(chkPsiDeriv(p.psiFun(x., "biweight", par = 4)))
stopifnot(chkPsiDeriv(p.psiFun(x., "Welsh", par = 1.5)))
stopifnot(chkPsiDeriv(p.psiFun(x., "huber", par = 1.5),
tol = c(1e-10, 5e-3)))
## "huber"-rho via Mpsi(*, deriv=-1) was badly wrong till 2018-06
## The same 6, all in one plot:
op <- par(mfrow=c(3,2), mgp = c(1.5, .6, 0), mar = .1+c(3,3,2,.5))
p.psiFun2(x., "LQQ", par=c(-.5,1.5,.95,NA))
p.psiFun2(x., "GGW", par= cG)
p.psiFun2(x., "optimal", par=1.3)
p.psiFun2(x., "Hampel", par = round(c(1.5, 3.5, 8) * 0.9016085, 1))
p.psiFun2(x., "biweight", par = 4)
p.psiFun2(x., "Welsh", par = 1.5)
### (2) Test them as arguments of lmrob() or lmrob.control(): -----
summary(mp0 <- lmrob(Y ~ ., data = aircraft, psi = 'bisquare', method = 'SMDM'))
summary(mp1 <- update(mp0, psi = 'optimal'))
summary(mp2 <- update(mp0, psi = 'ggw'))
summary(mp3 <- update(mp0, psi = 'welsh'))
summary(mp4 <- update(mp0, psi = 'ggw', tuning.psi = c(-.5, 1.5, 0.85, NA),
tuning.chi = c(-0.5, 1.5, NA, 0.5)))
summary(mp5 <- update(mp0, psi = 'ggw',
tuning.psi = c(-0.5, 1.0, 0.95, NA),
tuning.chi = c(-0.5, 1.0, NA, 0.5)))
summary(mp6 <- update(mp0, psi = 'hampel'))
ctr7 <- lmrob.control(psi = 'ggw',
tuning.psi = c(-0.3, 1.4, 0.95, NA),
tuning.chi = c(-0.3, 1.4, NA, 0.5))
ctr7$tuning.psi ## -> "constants"
summary(mp7 <-lmrob(Y ~ ., data = aircraft, control = ctr7)) # *not* converging in k.max=200
summary(mp8 <- update(mp0, psi = 'lqq'))
set.seed(10) ## c(.) drops attributes :
ctr9 <- lmrob.control(psi = 'lqq', tuning.psi = c(ctr7$tuning.psi), tuning.chi = c(ctr7$tuning.chi))
## Confirm these constants above (against the ones we got earlier)
## by recomputing them using higher accuracy :
(tpsi. <-, c(ctr9$tuning.psi, list(rel.tol=1e-11, tol=1e-8))))
(tchi. <-, c(ctr9$tuning.chi, list(rel.tol=1e-11, tol=1e-8))))
(tol4 <- .Machine$double.eps^.25)
Rver <- getRversion()
integr.bug <- "2.12.0" <= Rver && Rver <= "3.0.1"
if(integr.bug) tol4 <- 8*tol4
assert.EQ(attr(ctr9$tuning.psi, "constants"), tpsi., tol=tol4, giveRE=TRUE)
assert.EQ(attr(ctr9$tuning.chi, "constants"), tchi., tol=tol4, giveRE=TRUE)
summary(mp9 <- lmrob(Y ~ ., data = aircraft, control = ctr9))
cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time(),'\n') # for ``statistical reasons''
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