
#' Try to load a library, if that fails, install it, then load it.
#' glibrary short for (get)library.
#' The primary aim of this function is to make loading packages more transparent.  Given that we know we want to load a given package, actually fetching it is a formality.  glibrary skims past this formality to install the requested package.
#' @export
#' @param ... comma seperated package names
#' @param lib.loc See \code{\link{require}}
#' @param quietly See \code{\link{require}}
#' @param warn.conflicts See \code{\link{require}}
#' @param pickmirror If TRUE, glibrary allows the user to select the mirror, otherwise it auto-selects on the basis of the country code
#' @param countrycode glibrary compares this value to results from getCRANmirrors() to select a mirror in the specified country
#' @return logical; TRUE if glibrary was a success, an error if a package failed to load
#' @note keep.source was an arguement to require that was deprecated in R 2.15
#' @note This warning \code{Warning in install.packages: InternetOpenUrl failed: 'The operation timed out'} indicates that the randomly selected repository is not available.  Check your internet connection.  If your internet connection is fine, set pickmirror=TRUE and manually select an operational mirror.
#' @examples
#' #glibrary(lattice,MASS) #not run to prevent needless dependency
glibrary <- function(..., lib.loc = NULL, quietly = FALSE, warn.conflicts = TRUE, pickmirror = FALSE, countrycode = "us") {
  character.only <- TRUE  #this value is locked to TRUE so that the function passes the character value to require and not the variable name thislib
  librarynames <- unlist(lapply(as.list(substitute(.(...)))[-1],as.character))
  success <- vector("logical", length(librarynames))
  needToInstall <- !librarynames %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"]
  warningHandle <- function(w) {
    if (grepl("there is no package called",w$message,fixed=TRUE)) {
      return(FALSE) #not-loadable
    } else {
      return(TRUE) #loadable
  if (any(needToInstall)) {
    if (pickmirror) {chooseCRANmirror()}
    if (getOption("repos")[["CRAN"]] == "@CRAN@") {
      message("\nIn russmisc:glibrary:  Now randomly selecting a CRAN mirror. You may reselect your CRAN mirror with chooseCRANmirror().\n")
      #if there is no repository set pick a random one by country code
      getCRANmirrors.res <- getCRANmirrors()
      foundone <- FALSE  #have we found a CRAN mirror yet?
      #is it a valid country code?
      if (!countrycode %in% getCRANmirrors.res$CountryCode) {
        stop("In russmisc::glibrary:  Invalid countrycode argument")
      ticker <- 0
      while (!foundone) {
        ticker <- ticker + 1
        URL <- getCRANmirrors.res$URL[sample(grep(countrycode, getCRANmirrors.res$CountryCode), 1)]
        host.list <- strsplit(URL, "/")
        host.clean <- unlist(lapply(host.list, FUN = function(x) {return(x[3])}))
        #make sure we can actually access the package list
        if (nrow(available.packages(contrib.url(URL)))!=0) {foundone <- TRUE}        
        if (ticker > 5) {stop("In russmisc::glibrary:  Unable to access valid repository.  Is the internet connection working?")}
      repos <- getOption("repos")
      repos["CRAN"] <- gsub("/$", "", URL[1L])
      options(repos = repos)
    } #done setting CRAN mirror
    for (i in librarynames[needToInstall]) {
      thislib <- i  #oddly, require won't take librarynames[i], so we do it this way      
      message("\nIn russmisc::glibrary:  Attempting to install and load missing package ",thislib,"\n")
  } #done installing packages
  needToInstall <- !librarynames %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"]
  if (any(needToInstall)) {
    stop("In russmisc::glibrary: Could not download and/or install ",librarynames[needToInstall],", glibrary stopped.")
  message("In russmisc::glibrary:  Attempting to load requested packages...\n")
  for (i in 1:length(librarynames)) {
    thislib <- librarynames[i]  #oddly, require won't take librarynames[i], so we do it this way      
    success[i] <- tryCatch(
      require(thislib, lib.loc = lib.loc, quietly = FALSE, warn.conflicts = warn.conflicts, character.only = TRUE),
    if (success[i]) {
      require(thislib, lib.loc = lib.loc, quietly = FALSE, warn.conflicts = warn.conflicts, character.only = TRUE)  
  #Done handing cases where at least one package did not install
  if (all(success)) {
    message("In russmisc::glibrary:  Success!")
  } else {
    stop(paste("\nIn russmisc::glibrary, unable to load: ", paste(librarynames[!success], collapse = " "), 
               collapse = " "))

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russmisc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:44 p.m.