estfun <- function(x, ...)
estfun.lm <- function(x, ...)
xmat <- model.matrix(x)
xmat <- naresid(x$na.action, xmat)
if(any(alias <- xmat <- xmat[, !alias, drop = FALSE]
wts <- weights(x)
if(is.null(wts)) wts <- 1
res <- residuals(x)
rval <- as.vector(res) * wts * xmat
attr(rval, "assign") <- NULL
attr(rval, "contrasts") <- NULL
if(is.zoo(res)) rval <- zoo(rval, index(res), attr(res, "frequency"))
if(is.ts(res)) rval <- ts(rval, start = start(res), frequency = frequency(res))
estfun.mlm <- function(x, ...)
xmat <- model.matrix(x)
xmat <- naresid(x$na.action, xmat)
wts <- weights(x)
if(is.null(wts)) wts <- 1
res <- residuals(x)
cf <- coef(x)
rval <- lapply(1:NCOL(res), function(i) {
rv <- as.vector(res[,i]) * wts * xmat
colnames(rv) <- paste(colnames(cf)[i], colnames(rv), sep = ":")
rval <-"cbind", rval)
attr(rval, "assign") <- NULL
attr(rval, "contrasts") <- NULL
if(any(alias <- rval <- rval[, !alias, drop = FALSE]
if(is.zoo(res)) rval <- zoo(rval, index(res), attr(res, "frequency"))
if(is.ts(res)) rval <- ts(rval, start = start(res), frequency = frequency(res))
estfun.glm <- function(x, ...)
xmat <- model.matrix(x)
xmat <- naresid(x$na.action, xmat)
if(any(alias <- xmat <- xmat[, !alias, drop = FALSE]
wres <- as.vector(residuals(x, "working")) * weights(x, "working")
dispersion <- if(substr(x$family$family, 1, 17) %in% c("poisson", "binomial", "Negative Binomial")) 1
else sum(wres^2, na.rm = TRUE)/sum(weights(x, "working"), na.rm = TRUE)
rval <- wres * xmat / dispersion
attr(rval, "assign") <- NULL
attr(rval, "contrasts") <- NULL
res <- residuals(x, type = "pearson")
if(is.ts(res)) rval <- ts(rval, start = start(res), frequency = frequency(res))
if(is.zoo(res)) rval <- zoo(rval, index(res), attr(res, "frequency"))
estfun.rlm <- function(x, ...)
xmat <- model.matrix(x)
xmat <- naresid(x$na.action, xmat)
wts <- weights(x)
if(is.null(wts)) wts <- 1
res <- residuals(x)
psi <- function(z) x$psi(z) * z
rval <- as.vector(psi(res/x$s)) * wts * xmat
attr(rval, "assign") <- NULL
attr(rval, "contrasts") <- NULL
if(is.ts(res)) rval <- ts(rval, start = start(res), frequency = frequency(res))
if(is.zoo(res)) rval <- zoo(rval, index(res), attr(res, "frequency"))
estfun.polr <- function(x, ...)
## link processing
mueta <- x$method
if(mueta == "logistic") mueta <- "logit"
mueta <-$mu.eta
## observations
xmat <- model.matrix(x)[, -1L, drop = FALSE]
n <- nrow(xmat)
k <- ncol(xmat)
m <- length(x$zeta)
mf <- model.frame(x)
y <- as.numeric(model.response(mf))
w <- model.weights(mf)
if(is.null(w)) w <- rep(1, n)
## estimates
prob <- x$fitted.values[cbind(1:n, y)]
xb <- if(k >= 1L) as.vector(xmat %*% x$coefficients) else rep(0, n)
zeta <- x$zeta
lp <- cbind(0, mueta(matrix(zeta, nrow = n, ncol = m, byrow = TRUE) - xb), 0)
## estimating functions
rval <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = k + m + 2L)
if(k >= 1L) rval[, 1L:k] <- (-xmat * as.vector(lp[cbind(1:n, y + 1L)] - lp[cbind(1:n, y)]))
rval[cbind(1:n, k + y)] <- -as.vector(lp[cbind(1:n, y)])
rval[cbind(1:n, k + y + 1L)] <- as.vector(lp[cbind(1:n, y + 1L)])
rval <- rval[, -c(k + 1L, k + m + 2L), drop = FALSE]
rval <- w/prob * rval
## dimnames and return
dimnames(rval) <- list(rownames(xmat), c(colnames(xmat), names(x$zeta)))
estfun.clm <- function(x, ...)
if(x$threshold != "flexible") stop("only flexible thresholds implemented at the moment")
## link processing
mueta <-$link)$mu.eta
## observations
xmat <- model.matrix(x)
if(length(xmat) > 1L) stop("estimating functions for scale regression not implemented yet")
xmat <- xmat$X[, -1L, drop = FALSE]
n <- nrow(xmat)
k <- ncol(xmat)
m <- length(x$alpha)
mf <- model.frame(x)
y <- as.numeric(model.response(mf))
w <- model.weights(mf)
if(is.null(w)) w <- rep(1, n)
## estimates
prob <- x$fitted.values
xb <- if(k >= 1L) as.vector(xmat %*% x$beta) else rep(0, n)
zeta <- x$alpha
lp <- cbind(0, mueta(matrix(zeta, nrow = n, ncol = m, byrow = TRUE) - xb), 0)
## estimating functions
rval <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = k + m + 2L)
if(k >= 1L) rval[, 1L:k] <- (-xmat * as.vector(lp[cbind(1:n, y + 1L)] - lp[cbind(1:n, y)]))
rval[cbind(1:n, k + y)] <- -as.vector(lp[cbind(1:n, y)])
rval[cbind(1:n, k + y + 1L)] <- as.vector(lp[cbind(1:n, y + 1L)])
rval <- rval[, -c(k + 1L, k + m + 2L), drop = FALSE]
rval <- w/prob * rval
## dimnames, re-order and return
dimnames(rval) <- list(rownames(xmat), c(colnames(xmat), names(x$alpha)))
ix <- if(k >= 1L) c((k + 1L):(k + m), 1L:k) else 1L:m
return(rval[, ix, drop = FALSE])
estfun.coxph <- function(x, ...)
wts <- x$weights
if(is.null(wts)) wts <- 1
wts * residuals(x, type = "score", ...)
estfun.survreg <- function(x, ...)
mf <- model.frame(x)
xmat <- model.matrix(terms(x), mf)
wts <- model.weights(mf)
if(is.null(wts)) wts <- 1
res <- residuals(x, type = "matrix")
rval <- as.vector(res[,"dg"]) * wts * xmat
if(NROW(x$var) > length(coef(x))) {
rval <- cbind(rval, res[,"ds"])
colnames(rval)[NCOL(rval)] <- "Log(scale)"
attr(rval, "assign") <- NULL
estfun.nls <- function(x, ...)
rval <- as.vector(x$m$resid()) * x$m$gradient()
colnames(rval) <- names(coef(x))
estfun.hurdle <- function(x, ...) {
## extract data
Y <- if(is.null(x$y)) model.response(model.frame(x)) else x$y
X <- model.matrix(x, model = "count")
Z <- model.matrix(x, model = "zero")
beta <- coef(x, model = "count")
gamma <- coef(x, model = "zero")
fulltheta <- x$theta
offset <- x$offset
if(is.list(offset)) {
offsetx <- offset$count
offsetz <- offset$zero
} else {
offsetx <- offset
offsetz <- NULL
if(is.null(offsetx)) offsetx <- 0
if(is.null(offsetz)) offsetz <- 0
if(x$dist$zero == "binomial") linkobj <-$link)
wts <- weights(x)
if(is.null(wts)) wts <- 1
Y1 <- Y > 0
## count component: working residuals
eta <- as.vector(X %*% beta + offsetx)
mu <- exp(eta)
theta <- fulltheta["count"]
wres_count <- as.numeric(Y > 0) * switch(x$dist$count,
"poisson" = {
(Y - mu) - exp(ppois(0, lambda = mu, log.p = TRUE) -
ppois(0, lambda = mu, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE) + eta)
"geometric" = {
(Y - mu * (Y + 1)/(mu + 1)) - exp(pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = 1, log.p = TRUE) -
pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE) - log(mu + 1) + eta)
"negbin" = {
(Y - mu * (Y + theta)/(mu + theta)) - exp(pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = theta, log.p = TRUE) -
pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = theta, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE) +
log(theta) - log(mu + theta) + eta)
## zero component: working residuals
eta <- as.vector(Z %*% gamma + offsetz)
mu <- if(x$dist$zero == "binomial") linkobj$linkinv(eta) else exp(eta)
theta <- fulltheta["zero"]
wres_zero <- switch(x$dist$zero,
"poisson" = {
ifelse(Y1, exp(ppois(0, lambda = mu, log.p = TRUE) -
ppois(0, lambda = mu, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE) + eta), -mu)
"geometric" = {
ifelse(Y1, exp(pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = 1, log.p = TRUE) -
pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE) - log(mu + 1) + eta), -mu/(mu + 1))
"negbin" = {
ifelse(Y1, exp(pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = theta, log.p = TRUE) -
pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = theta, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE) +
log(theta) - log(mu + theta) + eta), -mu * theta/(mu + theta))
"binomial" = {
ifelse(Y1, 1/mu, -1/(1-mu)) * linkobj$mu.eta(eta)
## compute gradient from data
rval <- cbind(wres_count * wts * X, wres_zero * wts * Z)
colnames(rval) <- names(coef(x))
rownames(rval) <- rownames(X)
estfun.zeroinfl <- function(x, ...) {
## extract data
Y <- if(is.null(x$y)) model.response(model.frame(x)) else x$y
X <- model.matrix(x, model = "count")
Z <- model.matrix(x, model = "zero")
beta <- coef(x, model = "count")
gamma <- coef(x, model = "zero")
theta <- x$theta
offset <- x$offset
if(is.list(offset)) {
offsetx <- offset$count
offsetz <- offset$zero
} else {
offsetx <- offset
offsetz <- NULL
if(is.null(offsetx)) offsetx <- 0
if(is.null(offsetz)) offsetz <- 0
linkobj <-$link)
wts <- weights(x)
if(is.null(wts)) wts <- 1
Y1 <- Y > 0
eta <- as.vector(X %*% beta + offsetx)
mu <- exp(eta)
etaz <- as.vector(Z %*% gamma + offsetz)
muz <- linkobj$linkinv(etaz)
## density for y = 0
clogdens0 <- switch(x$dist,
"poisson" = -mu,
"geometric" = dnbinom(0, size = 1, mu = mu, log = TRUE),
"negbin" = dnbinom(0, size = theta, mu = mu, log = TRUE))
dens0 <- muz * (1 - as.numeric(Y1)) + exp(log(1 - muz) + clogdens0)
## working residuals
wres_count <- switch(x$dist,
"poisson" = ifelse(Y1, Y - mu, -exp(-log(dens0) + log(1 - muz) + clogdens0 + log(mu))),
"geometric" = ifelse(Y1, Y - mu * (Y + 1)/(mu + 1), -exp(-log(dens0) +
log(1 - muz) + clogdens0 - log(mu + 1) + log(mu))),
"negbin" = ifelse(Y1, Y - mu * (Y + theta)/(mu + theta), -exp(-log(dens0) +
log(1 - muz) + clogdens0 + log(theta) - log(mu + theta) + log(mu))))
wres_zero <- ifelse(Y1, -1/(1-muz) * linkobj$mu.eta(etaz),
(linkobj$mu.eta(etaz) - exp(clogdens0) * linkobj$mu.eta(etaz))/dens0)
## compute gradient from data
rval <- cbind(wres_count * wts * X, wres_zero * wts * Z)
colnames(rval) <- names(coef(x))
rownames(rval) <- rownames(X)
estfun.mlogit <- function(x, ...)
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