
source.pkg <- function(pkg.dir=getOption("scriptests.pkg.dir", "pkg"),
                       pattern=".*", suffix="\\.R$", dlls=c("no", "check", "build", "src"),
                       unload=FALSE, pos=NA, all=FALSE, reset.function.envirs=TRUE,
                       path=getOption("scriptests.pkg.path", default=getwd()),
                       get.sccv=getOption('source.pkg.sccversion')) {
    if (!missing(dlls) && is.logical(dlls) && isTRUE(dlls))
        dlls <- "check"
        dlls <- match.arg(dlls)
    if (is.null(pkg.dir))
        stop("pkg.dir is NULL")
    if (regexpr("^(/|\\\\|[a-zA-Z]:)", pkg.dir) > 0) {
        pkg.dir.path <- pkg.dir
        pkg.dir <- basename(pkg.dir)
        path.used <- dirname(pkg.dir)
    } else {
        for (path.used in path.expand(strsplit(path, ';')[[1]])) {
            pkg.dir.path <- pkg.path(path.used, pkg.dir)
            if (file.exists(pkg.dir.path))
    if (!file.exists(pkg.dir.path))
        stop("cannot find package directory ", pkg.dir.path, " using path='", path, "'")
    if (!missing(pkg.dir))
    if (!missing(path))
    desc <- list()
    if (file.exists(file.path(pkg.dir.path, "DESCRIPTION"))) {
        desc <- read.dcf(file.path(pkg.dir.path, "DESCRIPTION"))
        desc <- structure(as.list(as.character(desc[1,])), names=casefold(colnames(desc)))
    # Try to read the svn version number and store it in the description
    if (!is.null(get.sccv)) {
        sccversion <- try(system(paste(get.sccv, ' "', pkg.dir.path, '"', sep=''), intern=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
        if (inherits(sccversion, 'try-error')) {
            warning('Failed to run sccversion: ', paste(as.character(sccversion), collapse=' '))
            sccversion <- 'sccfail'
        } else if (!is.null(attr(sccversion, 'status'))) {
            warning('sccversion returned an error: ', paste(as.character(sccversion), collapse=' '))
            sccversion <- 'sccerror'
    } else {
        sccversion <- 'NA'
    desc$sccversion <- sccversion
    pkg.name <- read.pkg.name(pkg.dir.path, pkg.dir)
    problems <- list()
    cat('Loading R objects from package ', pkg.name, ' ', desc$version,
        if (!is.element(desc$sccversion, c('NA','sccfail','sccerror'))) paste(' sccv=', desc$sccversion, sep=''),
        '\n', sep='')
    # Load dependencies before we attach the environment for our package code, so that required
    # libraries come after in search path -- if the dependencies come before, we won't find them.
    if (!is.null(desc$depends)) {
        # Depends is comma separated
        depends <- try(parse(text=paste("c(", gsub("\\([^()]*\\)", "", desc$depends), ")")))
        cat("Checking Depends from DESCRIPTION\n")
        if (inherits(depends, "try-error")) {
            warning("could not parse Depends field in DESCRIPTION file: ", desc$depends)
        } else {
            already.have <- character(0)
            for (dep in setdiff(sapply(depends[[1]][-1], as.character), "R")) {
                if (any(is.element(paste(c("pkgcode", "package"), dep, sep=":"), search()))) {
                    already.have <- c(already.have, dep)
                } else {
                    cat("Doing require(", dep, ") to satisfy Depends in DESCRIPTION\n", sep="")
                    if (!require(dep, character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE, warn.conflicts=FALSE))
                        problems <- c(problems, structure("problems loading", names=paste("dependency", dep)))
            if (length(already.have))
                cat("  Already loaded these Depends element(s):", paste(already.have, collapse=', '), "\n")

    # See if we need to create a new environment on the search path
    oldpos <- match(paste("pkgcode", pkg.name, sep=":"), search())
    if (is.na(oldpos)) {
        # we do need to create a new one
        # if we have a choice where to attach, do so before first package on search path
        if (is.na(pos))
            pos <- min(grep('^(package|pkgcode):', search()))
        if (!is.finite(pos))
            pos <- 2
        envir <- attach(NULL, pos=pos, name=paste("pkgcode", pkg.name, sep=":"))
    } else {
        # we have an old one, make sure it is in the right spot
        envir <- as.environment(oldpos)
        if (is.na(pos)) {
            pos <- oldpos
        } else {
            if (pos!=oldpos) {
                attach(envir, pos=pos, name=paste("pkgcode", pkg.name, sep=":"))
    # Work out which R files to source
    files <- list.files(file.path(pkg.dir.path, "R"), all.files=T, pattern=pattern, full.names=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE)
    if (!is.null(suffix)) {
        i <- grep(suffix, files, ignore.case=TRUE)
        if (length(files) && length(i)==0)
            warning("no files found that matched pattern \"", pattern, "\" and suffix pattern \"", suffix, "\"")
        files <- files[i]
    file.times <- file.info(files)
    if (!all) {
        if (exists(".file.times.old", envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)) {
            file.times.old <- get(".file.times.old", envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)
            # rely on data.frame indexing returning NA for files not in file.times.old
            touched <- file.times[files, "mtime"] > file.times.old[files, "mtime"]
            touched <- is.na(touched) | touched
            if (sum(touched))
                cat("Only reading", sum(touched), "changed .R files;", sum(!touched), "are unchanged\n")
                cat("No .R files have changed;", sum(!touched), "are unchanged\n")
            files <- files[touched]
    # Omit files starting with ".#" -- these can be temporary (editor save) files
    files <- grep("^\\.#", files, invert=TRUE, value=TRUE)
    # Sort the files in the C locale
    cur.locale <- Sys.getlocale(category = "LC_COLLATE")
    Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_COLLATE", locale = "C")
    on.exit(Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_COLLATE", locale = cur.locale), add=TRUE)
    # If we have 'Collate' in DESCRIPTION, use that to sort the files
    collate.string <- desc[[paste("collate", .Platform$OS.type, sep=".")]]
    if (is.null(collate.string))
        collate.string <- desc$collate
    if (!is.null(collate.string)) {
        # 'Collate' is space separated, possibly with quotes
        collation.order <- try(scan(textConnection(collate.string), quiet=TRUE, what="", quote="'\""))
        # Seems odd that 'Collate' is space separated while 'Depends' is comma-separated
        # So try to make the code work with both
        collation.order <- gsub("^[ \t,]+", "", collation.order)
        collation.order <- gsub("[ \t,]+$", "", collation.order)
        if (inherits(collation.order, "try-error")) {
            warning("could not parse COLLATE field in DESCRIPTION file: ", collate.string)
        } else {
            # Be more liberal about COLLATE than R CMD is: any files that appear
            # in COLLATE go first in the order specified, others go after
            cat("Putting source files into order specified by 'Collate' in DESCRIPTION\n")
            files.order <- order(match(basename(files), collation.order, nomatch=NA), na.last=TRUE)
            files <- files[files.order]
    problems <- list()
    if (length(files)) {
        names(files) <- files
        cat("Reading ", length(files), " .R files into env at pos ", pos, ": '", search()[pos], "'\n", sep="")
        problems <- c(problems, lapply(files,
                                       function(file) {
                                           cat("Sourcing ", file, "\n", sep="")
                                           try(sys.source(file, envir=envir))
    if (all(sapply(problems, is.null)))
        assign(".file.times.old", envir=envir, value=file.times)
    if (length(files) && reset.function.envirs) {
        # Reset the environments on all functions in envir to be the global env
        for (fn in ls(envir=envir, all.names=TRUE)) {
            f <- get(fn, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)
            if (is.function(f) & !identical(environment(f), globalenv())) {
                environment(f) <- globalenv()
                assign(fn, f, envir=envir)
    # Save the description
    assign(".DESCRIPTION", value=desc, pos=pos)

    # Work out what data files to load (look for .rdata,
    # .rda, case insensitive) This does NOT cover the full
    # spectrum of possible data formats -- see R-exts for
    # details.  If more formats are added here, add them to
    # man/source.pkg.Rd too.
    if (file.exists(file.path(pkg.dir.path, "data"))) {
        files <- list.files(file.path(pkg.dir.path, "data"), all.files=T, pattern=".*\\.rda(ta)?$", full.names=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE)
        names(files) <- files
        problems <- c(problems, lapply(files,
               function(file) {
                   cat("Loading ", file, "\n", sep="")
                   res <- try(load(file, envir=envir))
                   if (inherits(res, "try-error"))

    # Do we need to load and DLL's or SO's?
    if (dlls=="check" || dlls=="build" || dlls=='src') {
        # Try to find object files under <pkg.dir>.Rcheck/<pkg.name>/libs/<ARCH>
        # OR <pkg.name>.Rcheck/<pkg.name>/<ARCH> and load them
        # <ARCH> is optionally taken from .Platform$r_arch
        dll.dir <- NULL
        dll.dirs <- getwd()
        if (basename(path.used)!=pkg.name) {
            dll.dirs <- c(pkg.path(path.used, pkg.name), dll.dirs)
        if (dlls=='check') {
            check.dirs <- paste(pkg.name, ".Rcheck", sep="")
            if (pkg.name != pkg.dir)
                check.dirs <- c(check.dirs, paste(pkg.dir, ".Rcheck", sep=""))
        } else if (dlls=='build') {
            check.dirs <- getOption("source.build.dir", "build")
            # If we have a path like ".../<pkgname>/pkg", look in ".../<pkgname>/build"
            dll.dirs <- c(dirname(pkg.path(path.used, pkg.name)), dll.dirs)
        } else if (dlls=='src') {
            # Look in <pkg.dir>/src for dlls created by a command like
            # R CMD SHLIB --preclean pkg/src/somefile.c
            dll.dirs <- file.path(pkg.dir, 'src')
        if (dlls=='check' || dlls=='build') {
            check.dirs <- file.path(check.dirs,
                                    rep(unique(c(pkg.name, pkg.dir)), each=length(check.dirs)))
            dll.dirs <- file.path(rep(dll.dirs, each=length(check.dirs)),
                                  rep(check.dirs, length(dll.dirs)), "libs")
            if (length(.Platform$r_arch) && nchar(.Platform$r_arch)>0)
                dll.dirs <- c(file.path(dll.dirs, .Platform$r_arch), dll.dirs)
        # make directory letters lower case
        dll.dirs <- unique(gsub('^([A-Z]:)', '\\L\\1', dll.dirs, perl=TRUE))
        dll.dirs.orig <- dll.dirs
        if (any(i <- file.exists(dll.dirs))) {
            dll.dirs <- dll.dirs[i]
            # Prune directories that contain no DLL's
            i <- sapply(dll.dirs, function(dir)
                        length(list.files(dir, pattern=paste("*", .Platform$dynlib.ext, sep=""), ignore.case=TRUE))>0)
        if (any(i)) {
            dll.dirs <- dll.dirs[i]
            if (length(dll.dirs)>1) {
                # Multiple directories.  Look for the most recent.
                info <- file.info(dll.dirs)
                cat("Found multiple possible directores for DLL/SO files:\n",
                    paste("  ", seq(len=length(dll.dirs)), ": ", dll.dirs, "\n", sep=""),
                    "Choosing #", which.min(info$mtime), " because it has been modified most recently\n", sep="")
                dll.dirs <- dll.dirs[which.min(info$mtime)]
            dll.dir <- dll.dirs
        } else {
            cat("Failed to find any likely directories for DLL/SO files; looked in\n",
                paste(" ", dll.dirs.orig, collapse="\n"), "\n", sep="")
        if (!is.null(dll.dir)) {
            objfiles <- list.files(dll.dir, pattern=paste("*", .Platform$dynlib.ext, sep=""), ignore.case=TRUE)
            dlls.fullpath <- file.path(dll.dir, objfiles)
            allDLLPaths <- sapply(getLoadedDLLs(), function(x) x[['path']])
            loadedDLLs <- normalizePath(allDLLPaths[file.exists(allDLLPaths)])
            unloaded <- NULL
            if (length(objfiles)==0) {
                cat("Looking for DLL/SO files, but did not find any", .Platform$dynlib.ext, "files in ", dll.dir, "\n", fill=TRUE)
            } else {
                for (dll in dlls.fullpath) {
                    # should make sure we have the full path for 'dll', because loadedDLLs has full paths
                    if (is.element(normalizePath(dll), loadedDLLs)) {
                        cat("Attempting to unload DLL/SO", dll, "\n")
                        cat("Warning: this can be an unreliable operation on some systems\n")
                        res <- try(dyn.unload(dll))
                        if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
                            warning("failed to unload", dll, ": ", res)
                            problem <- list(as.character(res))
                            names(problem) <- paste("unloading", dll)
                            problems <- c(problems, problem)
                        unloaded <- c(unloaded, dll)
                    if (!unload) {
                        cat("Attempting to load DLL/SO", dll, "\n")
                        res <- try(dyn.load(dll))
                        if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
                            warning("failed to load", dll, ": ", res)
                            problem <- list(as.character(res))
                            names(problem) <- paste("loading", dll)
                            problems <- c(problems, problem)
            # if there are some loaded DLLs that don't exist on file, we still want to apply the unload to them
            if (unload) {
                pkgLoadedDLLs <- getLoadedDLLs()[[pkg.name]]
                if (!is.null(pkgLoadedDLLs)) for (dll in pkgLoadedDLLs[['path']]) {
                    if (! ( dll %in% unloaded)) {
                        cat("Attempting to unload DLL/SO", dll, "\n")
                        cat("Warning: this can be an unreliable operation on some systems\n")
                        res <- try(dyn.unload(dll))
                        if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
                            warning("failed to unload", dll, ": ", res)
                            problem <- list(as.character(res))
                            names(problem) <- paste("unloading", dll)
                            problems <- c(problems, problem)
                        unloaded <- c(unloaded, dll)
            if (unload && length(unloaded)==0)
                cat("Did not find any DLLs to unload (maybe they haven't been loaded yet)\n")
    invisible(problems[!sapply(problems, is.null)])

pkg.path <- function(path, pkg.dir) {
    if (regexpr("^(/|\\\\|[a-zA-Z]:)", pkg.dir) > 0) {
    } else if ((i <- regexpr("$PKG", path, fixed=TRUE)) >= 1) {
        return(gsub("$PKG", pkg.dir, path, fixed=TRUE))
    } else {
        return(file.path(path, pkg.dir))

read.pkg.name <- function(path, pkg.dir) {
    desc.path <- file.path(path, "DESCRIPTION")
    default.pkg.name <- basename(path)
    if (default.pkg.name == "pkg") {
        default.pkg.name <- dirname(basename(path))
        # if we didn't get a plausible pkg name this way, go back to "pkg"
        if ((default.pkg.name %in% c(".", "", "/", "\\")) || regexpr("^[a-zA-Z]:", default.pkg.name)>0)
            default.pkg.name <- basename(path)
    # cat("  Reading", desc.path, "\n")
    if (file.exists(desc.path)) {
        pkg.name <- as.character(drop(read.dcf(desc.path, "Package")))
        if (is.na(pkg.name)) {
            warning("No 'Package' field in ", desc.path, "; using package name='", default.pkg.name, "'")
            pkg.name <- default.pkg.name
    } else {
        warning("File ", desc.path, " doesn't exist; using package name='", default.pkg.name, "'")
        pkg.name <- default.pkg.name

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scriptests documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:28 p.m.