
# SiDia - a model of silicate diagenesis in marine sediments
# Soetaert and Herman, a practical guide to ecological modelling. Springer.
# chapters 3.6.5. and 7.8.5
# Model describing the dynamics of biogenic and dissolved silicate
# in a marine sediment. (Soetaert and Herman, 2008).
# the Newton-raphson method is used to solve for the steady-state condition
# Solved with rootSolve

SiDia <- function() {
    main = function(time = 0, state, parms, ...) {
      with (c(as.list(parms),inputs$boxes), {
        BSi<- state[1:N]              # Biogenic silicate (solid)
        DSi<- state[(N+1):(2*N)]      # Dissolved silicate
        # diffusive fluxes at upper interface of each layer
        # DSi: upper concentration imposed (bwDSi), lower: zero gradient
        DSiFlux <- -SedDisp *   IntPor *diff(c(bwDSi ,DSi,DSi[N]))/thick

        # BSi: upper boundary flux is imposed, lower boundary = zero-gradient.
        BSiFlux <- -Db      *(1-IntPor)*diff(c(BSi[1],BSi,BSi[N]))/thick
        BSiFlux[1] <- BSidepo
        # BSi dissolution    #
        Dissolution <- rDissSi * BSi*(1.- DSi/EquilSi )^pow
        Dissolution <- pmax(0,Dissolution)
        # Rate of change= Flux gradient, corrected for porosity and dissolution
        dDSi        <- -diff(DSiFlux)/thick/Porosity      +          # transport
                       Dissolution * (1-Porosity)/Porosity           # biogeochemistry
        dBSi        <- -diff(BSiFlux)/thick/(1-Porosity)  - Dissolution
        return(list(c(dBSi = dBSi, dDSi = dDSi),
                   Dissolution = Dissolution,
                   DSiSurfFlux = DSiFlux[1], DSIDeepFlux = DSiFlux[N+1],
                   BSiDeepFlux = BSiFlux[N+1]))
    parms = c(
      # sediment parameters
      # N is recalculated as a function of sedDepth and thick in initfunc
       N        = 200,        # Total number of boxes (dummy value before initialization)
       sedDepth = 10,         # Total depth of modeled sediment (cm)
       thick    = 0.05,       # thickness of sediment layers (cm)
       por0     = 0.9,        # surface porosity (-)
       pordeep  = 0.7,        # deep porosity    (-)
       porcoef  = 2  ,        # porosity decay coefficient  (/cm)
       dB0      = 1/365,      # cm2/day       - bioturbation coefficient
       dBcoeff  = 2    ,
       mixdepth = 5    ,      # cm
       SedDisp  = 0.4  ,      # molecular diffusion coefficient, cm2/d
       # biogeochemical parameters
       rDissSi  = 0.005,      # dissolution rate, /day
       EquilSi  = 800  ,      # equilibrium concentration
       pow      = 1    ,
       BSidepo  = 0.2*100,    # nmol/cm2/day
       bwDSi    = 150         # ľmol/l
    times  = 0,                     # t=0 for steady-state calculation
    initfunc = function(obj) {      # initialisation
      pars <- parms(obj)
        Intdepth <- seq(0, sedDepth, by=thick)  # depth at upper layer interfaces
        Nint     <- length(Intdepth)            # number of interfaces
        N        <- Nint - 1                    # number of layers
        Depth    <- 0.5*(Intdepth[-Nint] + Intdepth[-1]) # depth at middle of each layer
        parms(obj)["N"] <- N  # write the new N back to parms

        init(obj) = rep(1, 2 * N)    # initial condition; any positive number will do

        Porosity = pordeep + (por0-pordeep)*exp(-Depth*porcoef)     # porosity profile, middle of layers
        IntPor   = pordeep + (por0-pordeep)*exp(-Intdepth*porcoef)  # porosity profile, upper interface

        Db       = pmin(dB0,dB0*exp(-(Intdepth-mixdepth)*dBcoeff))  # Bioturbation profile
        inputs(obj)$boxes <- list(Depth=Depth,Intdepth=Intdepth,
    # this model comes with a user defined solver,
    # i.e. a function that points to an existing solver
    solver = function(y, times, func, parms, ...) {
      # steady-state condition of state variables, one vector
      out <- steady.1D(y, time=times, func, parms, nspec=2, pos=TRUE, ...)$y
      # rearrange as data.frame
      with (as.list(parms),
        data.frame(BSi=out[1:N], DSi=out[(N+1):(2*N)])

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