
## misc functions used by soilDB

## TODO: keep track of funky records in the soilDB.env

## TODO: consider toggling paralithic contact to FALSE when lithic contact is TRUE
# convert diagnostic horizon info into wide-formatted, boolean table
.diagHzLongtoWide <- function(d) {
	# get unique vector of diagnostic hz
	d.unique <- na.omit(unique(d$diag_kind))
	# init list for storing initial FALSE for each peiid / diag kind
	l <- vector(mode='list')
	# add unique peiid
	l[['peiid']] <- unique(d$peiid)
	# make a vector of FALSE, matching the length of unique peiid
	f <- rep(FALSE, times=length(l[['peiid']]))
	# iterate over diagnostic hz kind
	for(i in d.unique) {
		# fill this list element with FALSE
		l[[i]] <- f
		# lookup those peiid with this feature
		matching.peiid <- d$peiid[which(d$diag_kind == i)]
		# toggle FALSE-->TRUE for these pedons
		l[[i]][which(l[['peiid']] %in% matching.peiid)] <- TRUE
	# convert to DF

## TODO: this may need some review
## try and pick the best possible taxhistory record
.pickBestTaxHistory <- function(d) {
	# add a method field
	d$selection_method <- NA
	# try to get the most recent:
	d.order <- order(d$classdate, decreasing=TRUE)
	# if there are multiple (unique) dates, return the most recent
	if(length(unique(d$classdate)) > 1) {
		d$selection_method <- 'most recent'
		return(d[d.order[1], ])
	# otherwise, return the record with the least number of missing cells
	# if there are the same number of missing cells, the first record is returned
	n.na <- apply(d, 1, function(i) length(which(is.na(i))))
	best.record <- which.min(n.na)
	d$selection_method <- 'least missing data'
	return(d[best.record, ])

## TODO: this may need some review
## try and pick the best possible ecosite record
.pickBestEcosite <- function(d) {
	# add a method field
	d$es_selection_method <- NA
	# try to get the most recent:
	d.order <- order(d$ecositecorrdate, decreasing=TRUE)
	# if there are multiple (unique) dates, return the most recent
	if(length(unique(d$ecositecorrdate)) > 1) {
		d$es_selection_method <- 'most recent'
		return(d[d.order[1], ])
	# otherwise, return the record with the least number of missing cells
	# if there are the same number of missing cells, the first record is returned
	n.na <- apply(d, 1, function(i) length(which(is.na(i))))
	best.record <- which.min(n.na)
	d$es_selection_method <- 'least missing data'
	return(d[best.record, ])

## 2015-11-30: short-circuts could use some work, consider pre-marking mistakes in calling function
# attempt to format "landform" records into a single string
# note: there are several assumptions made about the data, 
# see "short-circuits" used when there are funky data
.formatLandformString <- function(i.gm, name.sep='|') {
  # get the current 
  u.peiid <- unique(i.gm$peiid)
  # sanity check: this function can only be applied to data from a single pedon
  if(length(u.peiid) > 1)
    stop('data are from multiple pedon records')
  # subset geomorph data to landforms
  i.gm <- i.gm[which(i.gm$geomftname == 'landform'), ]
  # allow for NA's
  if(nrow(i.gm) == 0)
    return(data.frame(peiid=u.peiid, landform.string=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
  # short-circuit: if any geomfeatid are NA, then we don't know the order
  # string together as-is, in row-order
  if(any(is.na(i.gm$geomfeatid))) {
    # optional information on which pedons have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      message(paste0('Using row-order. NA in geomfeatid:', u.peiid))
    ft.string <- paste(i.gm$geomfname, collapse=name.sep)
    return(data.frame(peiid=u.peiid, landform.string=ft.string, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
  # short-circuit: if any feature exists on itself, then use row-order
  # string together as-is, in row-order
  if(any(na.omit(c(i.gm$geomfeatid == i.gm$existsonfeat), FALSE))) {
    # optional information on which pedons have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      message(paste0('Using row-order. Error in exists-on logic:', u.peiid))
    ft.string <- paste(i.gm$geomfname, collapse=name.sep)
    return(data.frame(peiid=u.peiid, landform.string=ft.string, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
  # get an index to the top-most and bottom-most features
  # only 1 row should match these criteria
  top.feature <- which(! i.gm$geomfeatid %in% i.gm$existsonfeat)
  bottom.feature <- which(! i.gm$existsonfeat %in% i.gm$geomfeatid)
  ## short-circuit: only 1 row, and exists-on logic is wrong, use row-order
  if(nrow(i.gm) == 1 & length(top.feature) == length(bottom.feature)) {
    # optional information on which pedons have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      warning(paste0('Using row-order. Single row / error in exists-on logic:', u.peiid), call.=FALSE)
    ft.string <- paste(i.gm$geomfname, collapse=name.sep)
    return(data.frame(peiid=u.peiid, landform.string=ft.string, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
  # short-circuit: if the exists-on logic is wrong, use row-order
  if(length(top.feature) > 1 | length(bottom.feature) > 1) {
    # optional information on which pedons have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      warning(paste0('Using row-order. Incorrect exists-on specification:', u.peiid), call.=FALSE)
    ft.string <- paste(i.gm$geomfname, collapse=name.sep)
    return(data.frame(peiid=u.peiid, landform.string=ft.string, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
  # init a vector to store feature names
  ft.vect <- vector(mode='character', length=nrow(i.gm))
  # the first feature is the top-most feature
  this.feature.idx <- top.feature
  # loop over features, until the bottom-most feature
  i <- 1
  while(i <= nrow(i.gm)){
    # get the current feature
    f.i <- i.gm$geomfname[this.feature.idx]
    if(length(f.i) == 0) {
    # assign to vector of labels
    ft.vect[i] <- f.i
    # jump to the next feature
    this.feature.idx <- which(i.gm$geomfeatid == i.gm$existsonfeat[this.feature.idx])
    i <- i + 1
  # paste into single string
  ft.string <- paste(ft.vect, collapse=name.sep)
  # done!
  return(data.frame(peiid=u.peiid, landform.string=ft.string, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

# attempt to flatten parent material data into 2 strings
.formatParentMaterialString <- function(i.pm, name.sep='|') {
  # get the current site
  u.siteiid <- unique(i.pm$siteiid)
  # sanity check: this function can only be applied to data from a single site
  if(length(u.siteiid) > 1)
    stop('data are from multiple site records')
  # subset sitepm data to remove any with NA for pm_kind
  i.pm <- i.pm[which(!is.na(i.pm$pm_kind)), ]
  # if there is no data, then return a DF formatted as if there were data
  if(nrow(i.pm) == 0)
    return(data.frame(siteiid=u.siteiid, pmkind=NA, pmorigin=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
  # short-circuit: if any pmorder are NA, then we don't know the order
  # string together as-is, in row-order
  if(any(is.na(i.pm$pmorder))) {
    # optional information on which sites have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      warning(paste0('Using row-order. NA in pmorder:', u.siteiid), call.=FALSE)
    # there are no NAs in pmorder --> sort according to pmorder
    i.pm <- i.pm[order(i.pm$pmorder), ]
  # composite strings and return
  str.kind <- paste(i.pm$pm_kind, collapse=name.sep)
  str.origin <- paste(unique(i.pm$pm_origin), collapse=name.sep)
  return(data.frame(siteiid=u.siteiid, pmkind=str.kind, pmorigin=str.origin, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

.metadata_replace <- function(df){
  get_metadata <- function() {
    # must have RODBC installed
      stop('please install the `RODBC` package', call.=FALSE)
    q <- "SELECT mdd.DomainID, DomainName, ChoiceValue, ChoiceLabel, ChoiceDescription, ColumnPhysicalName, ColumnLogicalName
    FROM MetadataDomainDetail mdd
    INNER JOIN MetadataDomainMaster mdm ON mdm.DomainID = mdd.DomainID
    INNER JOIN (SELECT MIN(DomainID) DomainID, MIN(ColumnPhysicalName) ColumnPhysicalName, MIN(ColumnLogicalName) ColumnLogicalName FROM MetadataTableColumn GROUP BY DomainID) mtc ON mtc.DomainID = mdd.DomainID
    ORDER BY DomainID, ChoiceValue"
    # setup connection local NASIS
    channel <- RODBC::odbcDriverConnect(connection = "DSN=nasis_local; UID=NasisSqlRO; PWD=nasisRe@d0n1y")
    # exec query
    d <- RODBC::sqlQuery(channel, q, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # close connection
    # done
  metadata <- get_metadata()

  for (i in seq_along(df)){
    if (any(names(df[i]) %in% unique(metadata$ColumnPhysicalName))) {
      sub <- metadata[metadata$ColumnPhysicalName %in% names(df[i]), ]
      df[i] <- factor(df[i], levels = sub$ChoiceValue, labels = sub$ChoiceLabel)
    } else df[i] = df[i]

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soilDB documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:17 p.m.