
PackageSum2 <- function(x,
      fields=c("Title", "Version", "Author", "Maintainer",
        "Packaged", 'helpPages', 'vignette', 'URL'), 
          lib.loc=NULL, ...){

PackageSum2.findFn <- function(x,
      fields=c("Title", "Version", "Author", "Maintainer",
        "Packaged", 'helpPages', 'vignette', 'URL'), 
          lib.loc=NULL, ...){
  PackageSum2(attr(x, 'PackageSummary'), fields, lib.loc, ...)

PackageSum2.list <- function(x,
      fields=c("Title", "Version", "Author", "Maintainer",
        "Packaged", 'helpPages', 'vignette', 'URL'), 
          lib.loc=NULL, ...){
  PackageSum2(x$PackageSummary, fields, lib.loc, ...)

PackageSum2.data.frame <- function(x,
      fields=c("Title", "Version", "Author", "Maintainer",
        "Packaged", 'helpPages', 'vignette', 'URL'), 
          lib.loc=NULL, ...){
## 1.  Create character matrix for fields
#  cat('PackageSum2.data.frame\n')
  nf <- length(fields)
  nx <- nrow(x)
#  xout <- x
#  for(ic in seq(1, length=nf))
#       xout[[fields[ic]]] <- rep('', nx)
  xP <- as.character(x$Package)
  xnew <- matrix('', nx, nf, dimnames=list(xP, fields))
## 2.  installed packages?
  instPkgs <- .packages(TRUE)
## 3.  Get packageDescription for each package
# Make sure getOption('width') is at least 80 
# so the call to utils::help doesn't error  
# when calling formatDL from within library
# 2017-03-09 per William Dunlap
  w0 <-options(width=80)
# reset after the   
  for(ip in seq(1, length=nx)){
    if(xP[ip] %in% instPkgs){
      pkgDesci <- utils::packageDescription(x$Package[ip], 
      pkgHelp <- try(utils::help(package=x$Package[ip], 
                      lib.loc=lib.loc, help_type='text'))
      if(class(pkgHelp) != 'try-error'){
        for(ic in seq(1, length=nf)){
          if(fields[ic] == "Packaged"){
              pkgd <- (strsplit(pkgDesci$Built, ';')[[1]][3])
            } else
              pkgd <- (strsplit(pkgDesci$Packaged, 
            xnew[ip, ic] <- pkgd
#          xout$Packaged[ip] <- pkgd
          } else
            if(fields[ic] %in% names(pkgDesci)){
              xnew[ip, ic] <- pkgDesci[[fields[ic]]]
#            xout[ip, fields[ic]] <- pkgDesci[[fields[ic]]]
            } else {
              if(fields[ic] == 'helpPages'){
                helpInfo2 <- pkgHelp$info[[2]]
                nhr <- (length(helpInfo2) -
                    sum(substring(helpInfo2, 1, 1) == ' '))
                xnew[ip, ic] <- nhr
              } else {
                if(fields[ic] == 'vignette') {
#  The following says nrow(vinfo) has zero length in vignette
#  using R version 3.0.1 Patched (2013-06-21 r63003)
#  using platform: i386-pc-solaris2.10 (32-bit) in a CRAN test
#  For x$Package[ip] == 'base', dim(vignette(.)$results) = 0  4
#         vig <- (vignette(package=x$Package[ip])$results)
                  xPi <- x$Package[ip]
                  VIG <- utils::vignette(package=x$Package[ip])
                  vig <- VIG$results
                    clps <- paste(vig[, 'Item'], collapse=', ')
                    xnew[ip, ic] <- paste(nrow(vig), clps, 
                                          sep=':  ')
                  } else if(nrow(vig)>0)
                      xnew[ip, ic] <- vig[ 1, 'Title']
## 4.  Parse Packaged and update Date
  xnew. <- as.data.frame(xnew, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    pkgd <- xnew[, 'Packaged']
    nch <- nchar(pkgd)
    dateCh <- pkgd[nch>0]
    nd <- length(dateCh)
    dateC <- dateCh
      bl1 <- (substring(dateCh, 1,1)==' ')
      dateCh[bl1] <- substring(dateCh[bl1], 2)
      num. <- regexpr('[0123456789]', dateCh)
      dateC[num.<9] <- substring(dateCh[num.<9], 1, 10)
      mo <- substring(dateCh[num.>8], 5)
      dd <- as.Date(mo, '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
      dateC[num.>8] <- as.character(dd)
#    pkgd[nch>0] <- dateC
#    xnew.$Packaged <- pkgd
    x$Date[nch>0] <- dateC
  xnew.$Packaged <- NULL
## 5.  Done
  fixSpace <- function(x){
      x. <- gsub('\n', ' ', x)
      nx <- nchar(x.)
          x. <- gsub('  ', ' ', x.)
          nx2 <- nchar(x.)
          nx <- nx2
  x. <- cbind(x, xnew.)
  rownames(x.) <- 1:nx
  x.$Title <- fixSpace(x.$Title)
  x.$Author <- fixSpace(x.$Author)
  x.$Maintainer <- fixSpace(x.$Maintainer)
  x.$vignette <- fixSpace(x.$vignette)

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sos documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:48 p.m.