Man pages for spiderDev
Species Identity and Evolution in R--development

AICgmycCalculate AIC values for GMYC objects
baseContentBase composition analysis of an alignment
best2nullLRTCalculate likelihood ratio tests on GMYC objects
branchesFromNodeReturn the indices of branches descending from a given node
branches.per.tipBranches leading to each tip
carpophilusSequence alignments of _Carpophilus_ species
clustCI.gmycCalculate GMYC statistics
clustGMYCCreate a species vector from a GMYC object
col2stringConverts R colous names to RGB strings
compListCompares two lists
compVectorDistCalculate composition vector distance
DNAccfCross-correlation of DNA sequences
doloGMYCGMYC results from New Zealand _Dolomedes_ species
enzymesData frame of restriction endonuclease enzyme names and...
exConEvaluation of sequence contamination
homoPHomopolymers in DNA sequences
IDunknownIdentifies unknown sequences by comparison against a local...
narrowingWindowMake all sequences the same length
nodeDescReturn the descendants of nodes
nodeRectPlots rectangles on nodes
nucDiagExptlExperimental nucleotide diagnostic function for species...
permDNAPermutation of DNA sequences
phylo2MRPCreate a matrix representing a tree
pindelDNA distance model incorporating alignment gaps
plot.simRFLPPlot an 'simRFLP' object
salticidaeCytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequences of world-wide species of...
satPlotSaturation plots
screelineNumber of clusters over a range of thresholds
search.GBSearches for and downloads DNA sequences from GenBank
seeSegSitesVisualise the informative sites of an alignment
simRFLPSimulation of Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism...
tclust2sppVectorCreates a species vector from the results of tclust.
tipToRootDistDistance from root to tip
spiderDev documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:23 p.m.