
Defines functions classed seqN Tobs Tobs.default start.tframed end.tframed frequency.tframed time.tframed Tobs.tframed start.tframe end.tframe frequency.tframe time.tframe Tobs.tframe tfstart tfend tffrequency tftime tfstart.default tfend.default tffrequency.default tftime.default tfL tfL.tframe tfL.default diff.tframed tfspan tfprint tfprint.default tfwindow tfwindow.default tfwindow.tframe is.tframe is.tframed is.tframed.default tframe tframe.default as.tframed as.tframe tfUnSet tfUnSet.default tfSet tfSet.list tfSet.default tframed tframed.default tfprint.tframe print.tframe tfTruncate.tframe tfExpand.tframe checktframeConsistent checktframeConsistent.default testEqualtframes testEqualtframes.default earliestStart earliestStartIndex earliestStartIndex.default earliestStartIndex.tframe earliestEnd earliestEndIndex earliestEndIndex.default earliestEndIndex.tframe latestStart latestStartIndex latestStartIndex.default latestStartIndex.tframe latestEnd latestEndIndex latestEndIndex.default latestEndIndex.tframe testEqualtframes.stamped Tobs.stamped testEqual testEqual.default testEqual.array testEqual.numeric testEqual.list splice splice.default tfTruncate tfTruncate.default tfExpand tfExpand.default trimNA trimNA.default nseries nseries.default seriesNames seriesNames.default selectSeries selectSeries.default tbind

Documented in as.tframe as.tframed checktframeConsistent checktframeConsistent.default classed diff.tframed earliestEnd earliestEndIndex earliestEndIndex.default earliestEndIndex.tframe earliestStart earliestStartIndex earliestStartIndex.default earliestStartIndex.tframe end.tframe end.tframed frequency.tframe frequency.tframed is.tframe is.tframed latestEnd latestEndIndex latestEndIndex.default latestEndIndex.tframe latestStart latestStartIndex latestStartIndex.default latestStartIndex.tframe nseries nseries.default print.tframe selectSeries selectSeries.default seqN seriesNames seriesNames.default splice splice.default start.tframe start.tframed tbind testEqual testEqual.array testEqual.default testEqual.list testEqual.numeric testEqualtframes testEqualtframes.default testEqualtframes.stamped tfend tfend.default tfExpand tfExpand.default tfExpand.tframe tffrequency tffrequency.default tfL tfL.default tfL.tframe tfprint tfprint.default tfprint.tframe tframe tframed tframed.default tframe.default tfSet tfSet.default tfSet.list tfspan tfstart tfstart.default tftime tftime.default tfTruncate tfTruncate.default tfTruncate.tframe tfwindow tfwindow.default tfwindow.tframe time.tframe time.tframed Tobs Tobs.default Tobs.stamped Tobs.tframe Tobs.tframed trimNA trimNA.default

classed <- function(x, cls) {class(x) <- cls; x}
# structure would work to replace classed (but adds some overhead).
#classed <- function(x, cls) structure(x, class=cls)


#internal utility
# Use this with "for (i in seq(length=m) )" as m==0 returns NULL and for does no loops
seqN <- function(N) {if (0==length(N)) NULL else if (N<=0) NULL else seq(N)}

# start, end, frequency, time need to be masked from R base so that
# tframe methods can work on the tframe attribute rather than class(x)

# The .tframe methods are "default" methods for tframes. Other more specific
#  methods can be defined (see eg start.tstframe for tframes from ts objects). 

# Tobs should give the number of data points in the time direction.
# for consistency check Tobs needs to look at the data not the tframe,
# i.e. the number of (vector) observations.
Tobs <- function(x) UseMethod("Tobs")
Tobs.default <- function(x) {if (is.array(x)) dim(x)[1] else length(x) }

# the functions start, end, and frequency in tframe and dse do not 
#  need "...", but the generic in R has it, so it is added here.

start.tframed     <- function(x, ...) tfstart(tframe(x)) 
end.tframed       <- function(x, ...) tfend(tframe(x)) 
frequency.tframed <- function(x, ...) tffrequency(tframe(x)) 
time.tframed      <- function(x, ...) tftime(tframe(x)) 
Tobs.tframed   <- function(x)      Tobs(tframe(x)) 

start.tframe     <- function(x, ...) tfstart(x)
end.tframe       <- function(x, ...) tfend(x) 
frequency.tframe <- function(x, ...) tffrequency(x) 
time.tframe      <- function(x, ...) tftime(x) 
Tobs.tframe   <- function(x) # formerly default for tfTobs
  {if (is.null(x)) return(NULL) else
   if (!is.tframe(x)) x <- tframe(x)

tfstart     <- function(x) UseMethod("tfstart")
tfend       <- function(x) UseMethod("tfend")
tffrequency <- function(x) UseMethod("tffrequency")
tftime <- function(x) UseMethod("tftime")

# these server two purposes. One is a method for tframe's. Two is a consistent
#programming method with tfstart(NULL) returning NULL (which start does not).
tfstart.default     <- function(x) 
  {if (is.null(x)) return(NULL) else
   #if (!is.tframe(x)) x <- tframe(x)
   #c(floor(x[1]), round(1 +(x[1]%%1)*x[3]))
   if (is.tframe(x)) c(floor(x[1]), round(1 +(x[1]%%1)*x[3]))
   else start(x)
tfend.default       <- function(x)
  {if (is.null(x)) return(NULL) else
   #if (!is.tframe(x)) x <- tframe(x)
   #c(floor(x[2]), round(1 + (x[2]%%1)*x[3]))
   if (is.tframe(x)) c(floor(x[2]), round(1 + (x[2]%%1)*x[3]))
   else end(x)
tffrequency.default <- function(x)
  {if (is.null(x)) return(NULL) else
   #if (!is.tframe(x)) x <- tframe(x)
   if (is.tframe(x)) x[3] else frequency(x)
tftime.default      <- function(x)
  {if (is.null(x)) return(NULL) else
   #if (!is.tframe(x)) x <- tframe(x)
   #tframed(x[1]+(seq(Tobs(x))-1)/x[3], tf=x)
   if (is.tframe(x)) tframed(x[1]+(seq(Tobs(x))-1)/x[3], tf=x)
   else time(x)

tfL <- function(x, p=1) UseMethod("tfL") 
tfL.tframe <- function(x, p=1){ x + (p/x[3]) * c(1, 1, 0)}

tfL.default <- function(x, p=1){
    tframe(x) <- tfL(tframe(as.ts(x)), p=p)

diff.tframed <- function(x, lag=1,   differences=1, ...)
   {tf <- diff(tframe(x), lag=lag, differences=differences) 
    tframe(x) <- NULL
    tframed(diff(x, lag=lag, differences=differences), tf)

diff.tframe <- function (x,lag=1, differences=1, ...) 
 {d <- lag * differences
  tfTruncate(x, start=if(d >= 0) 1+d else NULL, 
                  end=if(d <  0) Tobs(x)-d else NULL)

tfspan <- function(x, ...)
  {others <- list(...)
   tfspan <- x
   #this is a kludge to get the overall time span from the result of tbind.
   if (0 != length(others)) for (d in others) tfspan <- tbind(tfspan , d)

# Note tfprint prints the data. tframePrint  prints the tframe info. 

tfprint <- function(x, ...)  UseMethod("tfprint")

tfprint.default <- function(x,...)
 {xx <- x
  if(1 == nseries(xx)) xx <- matrix(xx, length(xx), 1)
  dimnames(xx) <- list(format(time(tframe(x))), seriesNames(x))
  tframe(xx) <- NULL
  seriesNames(xx) <- NULL
  print(xx, ...)

tfwindow <- function(x, tf=NULL, start=tfstart(tf), end=tfend(tf), warn=TRUE)

tfwindow.default <- function(x, tf=NULL, start=tfstart(tf), end=tfend(tf), warn=TRUE)
  {# With the default warn=TRUE warnings will be issued if no truncation takes
   #  place because start or end is outside the range of data.
   # kludge
   x <- ts(x, start=tfstart(x), end=tfend(x), frequency=tffrequency(x))
   if (!warn) 
     {opts <- options(warn = -1)
   y <- window(x, start=start, end=end)
   if (is.matrix(x) && !is.matrix(y) ) y <- matrix(y, length(y), ncol(x))
   y <- tframed(unclass(y), tframe(y))
   seriesNames(y) <- seriesNames(x)

# window a tframe
tfwindow.tframe <- function(x, tf=NULL, start=tfstart(tf), end=tfend(tf), warn=TRUE)
      tframe(tfwindow(time(x), tf=tf, start=start, end=end, warn=warn))


#  tframe  methods   <<<<<<<<<<<<

is.tframe <- function(x) inherits(x, "tframe")
#is.tframed <- function(x) inherits(tframe(x), "tframe")
is.tframed <- function(x) UseMethod("is.tframed")
is.tframed.default <- function(x) {!is.null(tsp(x))}

# above does not distinguish "true" tframed objects since tframe(x) needs
# to try very hard to return tframes from ts and old tsp objects.
#is.Ttframed <- function(x) {!is.null(attr(x, "tframe"))}

tframe <- function(x) UseMethod("tframe")

tframe.default <- function(x){ #extract the tframe
  if(is.null(x)) NULL
  else if(is.tframe(x)) x   
  else if(!is.tframed(x)) NULL   
  #else if(is.tframed(x)) tframe(x)  this causes recursion. instead use
  else if (!is.null(attr(x, "tframe"))) attr(x, "tframe") # extractor
  else if (!is.null(tsp(x)))	classed(tsp(x), "tframe") # extractor
  else if(is.vector(x)) classed(c(1,length(x),1), "tframe") # extractor
  else if(is.matrix(x)) classed(c(1,  nrow(x),1), "tframe") # extractor
  else if(is.array(x) ) classed(c(1,dim(x)[1],1), "tframe") # extractor
  #else NULL
  # to catch possible lingering old representations
  else stop("Cannot extract tframe from tframed object")
# using classed(tsp(as.ts(x)), "tframe") in the last line above 
# makes too many things into tframes (eg lists)

as.tframed <- function(x) # guarantee x has a tframe 
 {# tframe(x) generates a default
  if (is.tframed(x)) x else tframed(x, tf=tframe(x))
as.tframe <- function(...) #constructor
 {#expecting a combination of start, end, frequency, delta, Tobs,
  #which has enough info to calculate periods. (defaults work for other things.)
  # This is not very generic. The list must define a ts.
  lst <- list(...)
  if(is.null(lst$Tobs) & (is.null(lst$start) | is.null(lst$end)) ) 
     stop("Must supply Tobs or start and end.")

  if(is.null(lst$start) & is.null(lst$end)) lst$start <- c(1,1)
  if (! is.null(lst$frequency))   f <- lst$frequency
  else if (! is.null(lst$deltat)) f <- 1/lst$deltat
  else f <- 1
  #more generic date calc. would be nice here
  if (! is.null(lst$Tobs)) p <- lst$Tobs
  else p <- 1 + f * (lst$end[1] - lst$start[1]) + (lst$end[2] - lst$start[2])

  # ts seems to want missing values rather than null.
  if (is.null(lst$start)) z <- ts(rep(0,p), end=lst$end,   frequency=f) 
  else                    z <- ts(rep(0,p), start=lst$start, frequency=f)

"tframe<-" <- function(x, value) 
  {if(is.null(value)) tfUnSet(x) else tfSet(value, x) 

tfUnSet <- function(x) UseMethod("tfUnSet") # for NULL value
tfUnSet.default <- function(x) {
     # this is for unusual cases that actually are tframed class
     attr(x, "tframe") <- NULL
     class(x) <- class(x)[class(x) != "tframed"]
     # this is for old tsp cases
     tsp(x) <- NULL

tfSet <- function(value, x) UseMethod("tfSet") # dispatch on value

# tfSet.default <- function(value, x) {
#   # It is tempting in the next to try and make a ts if value is from a ts, 
#   #  but that will not work for cases were x does not fit the ts model, so
#   #  that would break  tframe(x) <- tframe(y) 
#   if(!is.tframe(value)) {
#       # do.call does not seem to work when x is passed as NULL 
#       if(is.null(value$start) & is.null(value$end))
#                         stop("Could not determine a tframe from value.")
#       value <- as.tframe(start=value$start, end=value$end, 
#                         frequency=value$frequency, Tobs=Tobs(x))
#       }
#   if(! is.tframe(value)) stop("Could not determine a tframe from value.")
#   # next is checking after the fact, but value may just be start and freq
#   #  which is not enough to know Tobs
#   attr(x, "tframe") <- value
#   if((!is.null(value)) && !checktframeConsistent(tframe(x), x))
#      stop("time frame value in tframe assignment is not consistent with data.")
#   classed(x, c(class(x), "tframed"))
# }

  # It is tempting in the next to try and make a ts if value is from a ts, 
  #  but that will not work for cases were x does not fit the ts model, so
  #  that would break  tframe(x) <- tframe(y) 

tfSet.list <- function(value, x) {
  if(!is.tframe(value)) {
      # If value is not a tframe then only ts is attempted
      # do.call does not seem to work when x is passed as NULL 
      if(is.null(value$start) & is.null(value$end))
                        stop("Could not determine a tframe from value.")
      #value <- as.tframe(start=value$start, end=value$end, 
      #                  frequency=value$frequency, Tobs=Tobs(x))
      return(tfSet.tstframe(value, x))
  #  if(! is.tframe(value)) stop("Could not determine a tframe from value.")
  #  # next is checking after the fact, but value may just be start and freq
  #  #  which is not enough to know Tobs
  #  attr(x, "tframe") <- value
  #  if((!is.null(value)) && !checktframeConsistent(tframe(x), x))
  #     stop("time frame value in tframe assignment is not consistent with data.")
  stop("stopped in tfSet.list")  #classed(x, c(class(x), "tframed"))

tfSet.default <- function(value, x) {
  if(  is.tframed(value)) return( tfSet(tframe(value), x)) #recall  
  if(is.numeric(value) && (length(value) == 3)) {
      # assuming tsp 
      tsp(x) <- value
#  if(! is.tframe(value))  value <- as.tframe(value)  
#  if(! is.tframe(value)) stop("Could not determine a tframe from value.")
#  # next is checking after the fact, but value may just be start and freq
#  #  which is not enough to know Tobs
#  attr(x, "tframe") <- value
#  if((!is.null(value)) && !checktframeConsistent(tframe(x), x))
#     stop("time frame value in tframe assignment is not consistent with data.")
  stop("stopped in tfSet.default. Should never be here.")  #  classed(x, c(class(x), "tframed"))

# making tframed generic allows tframed.TSdata to specify input and output names

tframed <- function(x, tf=NULL, names = NULL, ...) UseMethod("tframed")

tframed.default <- function(x, tf=NULL, names = NULL, start=NULL, end=NULL, ...)
 {# return x as a tframed object with tframe tf
  if (!is.null(names))  seriesNames(x) <-  names
  if (is.null(tf))
     if ((!is.null(start)) | (!is.null(end))) 
           tf <- as.tframe(start=start, end=end, Tobs=Tobs(x), ...)
     else  tf <- tframe(x) # this generates a default
  tframe(x) <- tf


#  Generic .tframe methods (these act on the tframe not on the data)


#tfprint.tframe <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("tframePrint")
tfprint.tframe <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("print")
#tframePrint <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("tframePrint")

#tframePrint.default <- function(x, digits=NULL, quote=TRUE, prefix="", ...) 
#  {if (! is.tframe(x)) x <- tframe(x)
#   invisible(print(unclass(x), quote=quote, prefix=prefix, ...)) }

print.tframe <- function(x, ...) invisible(print(unclass(x), ...))

tfTruncate.tframe <- function(x, start=NULL, end=NULL)
    {# like window but uses indexes rather than dates 
     if (!is.null(end))   x[2] <- x[1] + (end-1)/x[3]
     if (!is.null(start)) x[1] <- x[1] + (start-1)/x[3]

tfExpand.tframe <- function(x, add.start=0, add.end=0)
    {x[2] <- x[2] + add.end/x[3]
     x[1] <- x[1] - add.start/x[3]

checktframeConsistent <- function(tf, x) UseMethod("checktframeConsistent")

checktframeConsistent.default <- function(tf, x) Tobs(tf) == Tobs(x)

testEqualtframes <- function(tf1, tf2) UseMethod("testEqualtframes")

testEqualtframes.default <- function(tf1, tf2) { all(tf1==tf2)}

# Following could be used to do date comparisons like tfstart() < tfend()

earliestStart <- function(x, ...)
    tfstart(append(list(x),list(...))[[earliestStartIndex(x, ...)]])

earliestStartIndex <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("earliestStartIndex")

earliestStartIndex.default <- function(x, ...)
  {tf <- list(tframe(x))
   for (i in list(...)) tf <- append(tf, list(tframe(i)))
   do.call("earliestStartIndex", tf) #dispatch on 1st element of tf

earliestStartIndex.tframe <- function(x, ...) 
    {r <- 1
     fr <- tffrequency(x)
     args <- list(x, ...)
     for (i in seq(length(args)))
         {tf <- args[[i]]
          if (tf[3] != fr) stop("frequencies must be that same.")
          if (tf[1] < args[[r]][1]) r <- i

earliestEnd <- function(x, ...)
    tfend(append(list(x),list(...))[[earliestEndIndex(x, ...)]])

earliestEndIndex <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("earliestEndIndex")

earliestEndIndex.default <- function(x, ...)
  {tf <- list(tframe(x))
   for (i in list(...)) tf <- append(tf, list(tframe(i)))
   do.call("earliestEndIndex", tf) #dispatch on 1st element of tf

earliestEndIndex.tframe <- function(x, ...) 
    {r <- 1
     fr <- tffrequency(x)
     args <- list(x, ...)
     for (i in seq(length(args)))
         {tf <- args[[i]]
          if (tf[3] != fr) stop("frequencies must be that same.")
          if (tf[2] < args[[r]][2]) r <- i

latestStart <- function(x, ...)
    tfstart(append(list(x),list(...))[[latestStartIndex(x, ...)]])

latestStartIndex <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("latestStartIndex")

latestStartIndex.default <- function(x, ...)
  {tf <- list(tframe(x))
   for (i in list(...)) tf <- append(tf, list(tframe(i)))
   do.call("latestStartIndex", tf)

latestStartIndex.tframe <- function(x, ...) 
    {r <- 1
     fr <- tffrequency(x)
     args <- list(x, ...)
     for (i in seq(length(args)))
         {tf <- args[[i]]
          if (tf[3] != fr) stop("frequencies must be that same.")
          if (tf[1] > args[[r]][1]) r <- i

latestEnd <- function(x, ...)
    tfend(append(list(x),list(...))[[latestEndIndex(x, ...)]])

latestEndIndex <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("latestEndIndex")

latestEndIndex.default <- function(x, ...)
  {tf <- list(tframe(x))
   for (i in list(...)) tf <- append(tf, list(tframe(i)))
   do.call("latestEndIndex", tf)

latestEndIndex.tframe <- function(x, ...) 
    {r <- 1
     fr <- tffrequency(x)
     args <- list(x, ...)
     for (i in seq(length(args)))
         {tf <- args[[i]]
          if (tf[3] != fr) stop("frequencies must be that same.")
          if (tf[2] > args[[r]][2]) r <- i


#  stamped specific methods   <<<<<<<<<<<<
#  stamped class TS have a date/time stamp associated with each time point

#checktframeConsistent.stamped <- function(tf, x)
#  {Tobs(x) == Tobs(tf)}

testEqualtframes.stamped <- function(tf1, tf2)
  {all(tf1$stamp == tf2$stamp)}

Tobs.stamped <- function(x) length(tframe(x))


testEqual <- function(obj1, obj2, fuzz = 0) UseMethod("testEqual")

testEqual.default <- function(obj1, obj2, fuzz=1e-16) 
  {if      (is.null(obj1)) is.null(obj2)
   else if (is.array(obj1)) testEqual.array(obj1, obj2, fuzz=fuzz)
   else if (is.numeric(obj1)) testEqual.numeric(obj1, obj2, fuzz=fuzz)
   else if (is.list(obj1)) testEqual.list(obj1, obj2, fuzz=fuzz)
   else is.logical(all.equal(obj1, obj2, tolerance=fuzz))

testEqual.array <- function(obj1, obj2, fuzz=1e-16) 
  {if(!is.array(obj2))                     r <-FALSE
   else if (any(dim(obj1) != dim(obj2)))   r <- FALSE
   else if ("character" == mode(obj1))     r <- all(obj1 == obj2)
   else if ("numeric" == mode(obj1))
              r <- testEqual.numeric(obj1, obj2, fuzz=fuzz)
   else stop(paste("matrix of mode ", mode(obj1), " not testable."))
   if (is.na(r))  r <- FALSE

testEqual.matrix <- testEqual.array

testEqual.numeric <- function(obj1, obj2, fuzz=1e-16) 
  {r <- all(is.infinite(obj1) == is.infinite(obj2))
   if (r) 
          {nna <- !is.na(c(obj1))
           r <- fuzz >= max(abs(c(obj1)[nna] - c(obj2)[nna]))
   if (is.na(r))  r <- FALSE

testEqual.list <- function(obj1, obj2, fuzz=1e-16) 
  {r <- length(obj1) == length(obj2)
   if (r) for (i in seq(length(obj1)))
        {if(r) r <- testEqual(obj1[[i]], obj2[[i]], fuzz=fuzz) }

#if (!exists("lag")) lag <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("lag")

#if (!exists("lag.default"))  lag.default <- function(x, ...) {stop("no lag function") }


# Time dimension methods for data manipulation


splice <- function(mat1, mat2, ...) UseMethod("splice")

splice.default <- function(mat1, mat2, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
 # splice together 2 time series matrices. If data  is provided in both for
 #  a given period then mat1 takes priority.
 # The result starts at the earlier of mat1 and mat2 and ends at the later.
 # dimnames are taken from mat1.
 # The frequencies should be the same.
 if (is.null(mat1)) return(mat2)
 if (is.null(mat2)) return(mat1)
 freq <- tffrequency(mat1)
 if (freq != tffrequency(mat2)) stop("frequencies must be the same.")
 p <- nseries(mat1)
 if (p != nseries(mat2))   stop("number of series must be the same.")
 fr <- c(freq,1)
 st <- min(fr %*% tfstart(mat1), fr %*% tfstart(mat2))
 strt <- c(st %/% freq, st %% freq)
 en <- max(fr %*% tfend(mat1), fr%*% tfend(mat2))
 r1 <-r2 <-tframed(matrix(NA, 1+en-st, p), list(start=strt, frequency=freq))
 r1[c((fr %*% tfstart(mat1))-st) + 1:Tobs(mat1),] <- mat1
 r2[c((fr %*% tfstart(mat2))-st) + 1:Tobs(mat2),] <- mat2
 na <- is.na(r1)
 r1[na] <- r2[na] # put mat2 only in na locations of mat1
 seriesNames(r1)<- seriesNames(mat1)
 r1 <- tframed(r1, list(start=earliestStart(mat1,mat2), 
                        end =latestEnd(mat1,mat2), frequency=freq))

tfTruncate <- function(x, start=NULL, end=NULL) 
    if(is.null(x)) return(NULL) else UseMethod("tfTruncate")
  # similar to window but start and end specify periods relative to the 
  #   beginning (eg x[start:end] for a vector).
  #   NULL means no truncation.

tfTruncate.default <- function(x, start=NULL, end=NULL)
    {tf <- tfTruncate(tframe(x), start, end)
     if (is.null(start)) start <- 1
     if (is.matrix(x)) 
        {if (is.null(end)) end <- dim(x)[1]
         z <- x[start:end,,drop=FALSE]
        {if (is.null(end)) end <- length(x)
         z <- x[start:end]
     tframe(z) <- tf

tfExpand <- function(x, add.start=0, add.end=0)  
    if(is.null(x)) return(NULL) else UseMethod("tfExpand")
  # expand (a tframe) by add.start periods on the beginning
  # and add.end Tobs on the end

tfExpand.default <- function(x, add.start=0, add.end=0)
    {tf <- tfExpand(tframe(x), add.start=add.start, add.end=add.end)
     selectSeries(tbind(x, time(tf)), series = -(nseries(x)+1))

trimNA <- function(x, startNAs= TRUE, endNAs= TRUE) UseMethod("trimNA") 

trimNA.default <- function(x, startNAs= TRUE, endNAs= TRUE)
{# trim NAs from the ends of a ts matrix or vector.
 # (Observations for all series are dropped in a given period if any 
 #  one contains an NA in that period.)
 # if startNAs=F then beginning NAs are not trimmed.
 # If endNAs=F   then ending NAs are not trimmed.
 sample <- ! if (is.matrix(x)) apply(is.na(x),1, any) else is.na(x)
 if (!any(sample)) warning("data is empty after triming NAs.")
 s <- if (startNAs) min(time(x)[sample]) else tfstart(x)
 e <- if (endNAs)   max(time(x)[sample]) else tfend(x)
 tfwindow(x, start=s, end=e, warn=FALSE)

aggregate.tframed <- function (x, ...)
   {tf <- tframe(x)
    nm <- seriesNames(x)
    # this is assuming tf is actual a ts tframe
    r <- aggregate(ts(unclass(x), start=tf[1], end=tf[2], frequency=tf[3]), ...)
    tframed(r, tf=tframe(r), names=nm)


# Non-time dimension methods


nseries <- function(x) UseMethod("nseries") 
nseries.default <- function(x)   if (is.null(x)) 0 else NCOL(x)


 seriesNames <- function(x)       UseMethod("seriesNames")
"seriesNames<-" <- function(x, value)UseMethod("seriesNames<-")

 seriesNames.default <- function(x) {
    if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)
    else names <- if (is.matrix(x)) dimnames(x)[[2]] else attr(x, "seriesNames")
    if (is.null(names)) names <- paste("Series", seq(NCOL(x)))

"seriesNames<-.default" <- function(x, value) {
   if (is.null(value)) {
      if (is.matrix(x)) dimnames(x)[[2]] <- NULL
      attr(x,"seriesNames") <- NULL
   else {
      if (mode(value) != "character") value <- seriesNames(value)
      if (length(value) != nseries(x))
         stop("length of names (",length(value),
	      ") does not match number of series(",nseries(x),").")
      if (is.matrix(x)) dimnames(x) <- list(dimnames(x)[[1]], value)
      else attr(x,"seriesNames") <- value

selectSeries <- function(x, series=seqN(nseries(x))) UseMethod("selectSeries")

selectSeries.default <- function(x, series=seqN(nseries(x))) {
  names <- seriesNames(x)
  if (is.character(series)) series <- match(names,series, nomatch=0) > 0
  if(all(0==series) | is.null(series)) r <- NULL
  else if (!is.matrix(x)) r <- x  # vector case
  else {
#    r <- classed(tframed(x[, series, drop = FALSE], tframe(x)), class(x))# reconstructor
#   tframe assignment cannot guarantee that the object has the right structure
#   for a class, so above can give a deformed object in the class.
    r <- tframed(x[, series, drop = FALSE], tframe(x))
    seriesNames(r) <- names[series]

tbind <- function(x, ..., pad.start=TRUE, pad.end=TRUE, warn=TRUE)

tbind.default <- function (x, ..., pad.start = TRUE, pad.end = TRUE, warn = TRUE) 
    if (is.null(x)) {
	#stop("first argument cannot be NULL.")
        r <- list(...)
	if(1 != length(r))
	    stop("If first argument is NULL then only one other series should be supplied.")
    fr <- tffrequency(x)
    for (i in list(...)) {
        if (!is.null(i) && (fr != tffrequency(i))) 
            stop("frequencies must be the same.")
    fr <- c(fr, 1)
    st <- fr %*% tfstart(x)
    for (i in list(...)) if (!is.null(i)) 
        st <- min(st, fr %*% tfstart(i))
    en <- fr %*% tfend(x)
    for (i in list(...)) if (!is.null(i)) 
        en <- max(en, fr %*% tfend(i))
    r <- NULL
    sn <- NULL
    nm <- attr(x, "names")
    attr(x, "names") <- NULL
    for (z in append(list(x), list(...))) {
        if (!is.null(z)) {
            if (is.matrix(z)) {
                if (st == (fr %*% tfstart(z))) 
                  before <- NULL
                else before <- matrix(NA, (fr %*% tfstart(z)) - 
                  st, dim(z)[2])
                if (en == (fr %*% tfend(z))) 
                  aft <- NULL
                else aft <- matrix(NA, en - (fr %*% tfend(z)), 
                r <- cbind(r, rbind(before, z, aft))
            else {
                if (st == (fr %*% tfstart(z))) 
                  before <- NULL
                else before <- rep(NA, (fr %*% tfstart(z)) - 
                if (en == (fr %*% tfend(z))) 
                  aft <- NULL
                else aft <- rep(NA, en - (fr %*% tfend(z)))
                r <- cbind(r, c(before, z, aft))
            sn <- c(sn, seriesNames(z))
    if (!is.null(nm)) 
        dimnames(r) <- list(nm, NULL)
    if (length(sn) == ncol(r)) 
        seriesNames(r) <- sn
    r <- tframed(r, list(start = c((st - 1)%/%fr[1], 1 + (st - 
        1)%%fr[1]), frequency = fr[1]))
    if (!(pad.start & pad.end)) 
        r <- trimNA(r, startNAs = !pad.start, endNAs = !pad.end)
    if (is.null(r)) 
        warning("intersection is NULL")

Try the tframe package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

tframe documentation built on Sept. 23, 2019, 3:01 a.m.