
Defines functions track.rescan

Documented in track.rescan

track.rescan <- function(pos=1, envir=as.environment(pos), discardMissing=FALSE,
                         forgetModified=FALSE, level=c("low", "high"), dryRun=FALSE,
                         verbose=TRUE) {
    ## Rescan the tracking dir, so that if anything has changed there,
    ## the current variables on file will be used instead of any cached
    ## in memory.
    ## If we have some modified variables cached in memory but not saved
    ## to disk, this function will stop with an error unless
    ## forgetModified==TRUE.
    ## Variables that have disappeared from the tracking dir (outside of
    ## this session) will disappear from visibility, and variables added
    ## to the tracking dir will become available.
    level <- match.arg(level)
    if (length(pos)>1) {
        if (!missing(envir))
            stop("cannot supply both envir and pos with length > 1")
        for (p in pos)
            track.rescan(p, discardMissing=discardMissing, forgetModified=forgetModified, level=level, dryRun=dryRun)
    unsaved <- track.unsaved(envir=envir)
    if (!forgetModified && length(unsaved))
        stop("env ", envname(envir), " has unsaved variables: ",
             paste("'", unsaved[seq(len=min(3, length(unsaved)))], "'", sep="", collapse=", "),
             if (length(unsaved) > 3) " ...", " (supply forgetModified=TRUE to lose these changes)")
    if (length(unsaved)) {
        if (dryRun)
            cat("track.rescan(dryRun): would forget unsaved variables: ", paste(unsaved, collapse=", "), "\n", sep="")
            track.forget(list=unsaved, envir=envir)
    dir <- find.relative.path(getwd(), track.dir(envir=envir))
    opt <- track.options(envir=envir)
    verbose <- max(verbose, dryRun, ifelse(opt$debug>0, 2, 0))
    if (level=="high") {
        # High-level rescan is stop (forget everything) and re-start.
        # Check that there won't be any obvious problems re-starting -- check that
        # no variables are masked, etc.  If new variables have been added, these might
        # prevent re-starting if there are name conflicts, but there's not much we can do
        # about that except try and fail.
        status <- track.status(envir=envir, tracked=TRUE, all.names=TRUE)
        if (any(is.element(status$status, c("untrackable", "masked"))))
            stop("will not be able to reattach tracking env because some vars are untrackable or masked (look at output of track.status(envir, tracked=TRUE))")
        envName <- environmentName(envir)
        ## We don't actually detach the environment, so we don't need to
        ## worry about the pos, but work it out in case we decide to code
        ## that in the future.
        if (envName == "R_GlobalEnv")
            pos <- 1
            pos <- match(envName, search())
        if (verbose>1 & dryRun)
            cat("track.rescan: stopping and restart tracking on ", envName, "\n", sep="")
        if (!dryRun) {
            track.stop(envir=envir, detach=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
            track.start(dir=dir, envir=envir, create=FALSE, verbose=TRUE,
                        readonly=opt$readonly, lockEnv=environmentIsLocked(envir))
    } else {
        if (environmentIsLocked(envir))
            if (dryRun)
                warning("can't actually make changes to this tracked env because it is locked -- can only do track.rescan(level='high')")
                stop("can't actually make changes to this tracked env because it is locked -- do track.rescan(level='high') instead")
        trackingEnv <- getTrackingEnv(envir)
        dir <- getTrackingDir(trackingEnv)
        fileMap <- getFileMapObj(trackingEnv)
        dataDir <- getDataDir(dir)
        all.objs <- ls(envir=envir, all.names=TRUE)
        ## The use case here is that the tracking db on disk has changed
        ## (and the tracking env is readonly), so need to delete/add active bindings
        ## as appropriate.  Here, just delete unneeded active bindings, and let the
        ## code further down take care of adding the new ones.
        fileMapEnv <- fileMap
        fileMap <- readFileMapFile(trackingEnv, getTrackingDir(trackingEnv), assignObj=!dryRun)
        objSummaryFromEnv <- getObjSummary(trackingEnv, opt=opt)
        if (discardMissing)
            warning("discardMissing nyi for level='low' -- need to check on existence of files")

        ## Read and save the summary from file.
        objSummaryFromFile <- loadObjSummary(trackingEnv, opt, dataDir)

        ## Use some info from exisiting summary to update the summary read
        ## from file (to retain access counts, etc.)
        retained <- intersect(rownames(objSummaryFromFile), rownames(objSummaryFromEnv))
        ## Might want to think about what to do with non-zero SA & SW just read
        ## from the file -- these might reflect another session currently
        ## attached to this DB -- currently ignore those here.
        if (nrow(objSummaryFromFile))
            objSummaryFromFile[, c("SA", "SW")] <- 0
        if (length(retained)) {
            if (verbose>1)
                cat("track.rescan: updating re-read object summary with session read-count data for vars: ",
                    paste(retained, collapse=", "), "\n", sep="")
            if (!dryRun)
                objSummaryFromFile[retained, c("SA", "SW")] <- objSummaryFromEnv[retained, c("SA", "SW")]
        ## Delete unneeded active bindings and cached objects
        unneeded.bindings <- character(0)
        unneeded <- setdiff(names(fileMapEnv), names(fileMap))
        if (length(unneeded)) {
            unneeded.bindings <- unneeded[sapply(unneeded, exists, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)]
            unneeded.cached <- unneeded[sapply(unneeded, exists, envir=trackingEnv, inherits=FALSE)]
            if (verbose>1) {
                if (length(unneeded.bindings))
                    cat("track.rescan: removing unneeded bindings: ", paste(unneeded.bindings, collapse=", "), "\n", sep="")
                if (length(unneeded.cached))
                    cat("track.rescan: removing unneeded cached objects: ", paste(unneeded.cached, collapse=", "), "\n", sep="")
            if (!dryRun) {
                if (length(unneeded.bindings))
                    remove(list=unneeded.bindings, envir=envir)
                if (length(unneeded.cached))
                    remove(list=unneeded.cached, envir=trackingEnv)
        ## Remove all cached objects for variables we still have (because
        ## they might have changed on disk)
        ## Could try to be smart about this here -- would need to look at
        ## modification times on files and in the env copy of objectSummary
        ## to make sure we removed all cached objects where the file might
        ## have changed.
        flushed <- character(0)
        changed <- character(0)
        if (length(fileMap)) {
            cached <- names(fileMap)[sapply(names(fileMap), exists, envir=trackingEnv, inherits=FALSE)]
            uncached <- intersect(setdiff(names(fileMap), cached), rownames(objSummaryFromEnv))
            ## Look at which objects are in the objSummary's, and have the same mod time don't need to be flushed
            cached2 <- cached[(cached %in% rownames(objSummaryFromEnv)) & (cached %in% rownames(objSummaryFromFile))]
            cached.keep <- cached2[objSummaryFromEnv[cached2, 'modified'] >= objSummaryFromFile[cached2, 'modified']]
            changed <- uncached[objSummaryFromEnv[uncached, 'modified'] < objSummaryFromFile[uncached, 'modified']]
            if (verbose>1 && length(cached.keep))
                cat("track.rescan: not removing these unchanged cached variables: ",
                    paste(cached.keep, collapse=", "), "\n", sep="")
            flushed <- setdiff(cached, cached.keep)
            if (length(flushed)) {
                if (verbose>1)
                    cat("track.rescan: removing cached variables: ", paste(flushed, collapse=", "), "\n", sep="")
                if (!dryRun)
                    remove(list=flushed, envir=trackingEnv)
        new.vars <- setdiff(names(fileMap), all.objs)
        if (length(new.vars)) {
            if (verbose>1)
                cat("track.rescan: creating active bindings for ", length(new.vars), " new variables: ", paste(new.vars, collapse=", "), "\n", sep="")
            if (!dryRun) for (objName in new.vars) {
                f <- createBindingClosure(objName, trackingEnv)
                makeActiveBinding(objName, env=envir, fun=f)
        if (!dryRun) {
            assign(".trackingSummary", objSummaryFromFile, envir=trackingEnv)
            assign(".trackingFileMap", fileMap, envir=trackingEnv)
        if (verbose)
            cat('[', length(new.vars), 'n; ', length(unneeded.bindings), 'd; ',
                length(changed), 'c; ', length(flushed), 'f]\n', sep='')
        invisible(list(new=new.vars, deleted=unneeded.bindings, changed=changed, flushed=flushed))

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track documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:45 p.m.