
Defines functions env.is.tracked getDataDir tracked.envs summaryRow isReservedName objIsTracked getTrackingDir setTrackingEnv getTrackingEnv getFileMapObj writeFileMapFile readFileMapFile getObjSummary getUnsavedObj envname notyetdone isSimpleName makeObjFileName setTrackedVar getTrackedVar quietNormalizePath find.relative.path exclude.from.tracking dir.exists fake.Sys.time set.fake.Sys.time saveObjSummary loadObjSummary createBindingClosure

Documented in env.is.tracked tracked.envs

## Various internal utility functions for trackObjs

## Design:
## There is a trackingEnv variable in the tracked
## environment (e.g., .GlobalEnv)
## Tracked vars are active bindings, whose function refers to their
## name and trackingEnv
## The trackingEnv has several pieces of metadata:
##   * .trackingSummary
##   * .trackingFileMap (contains all objects)
##   * .trackingUnsaved (contains names of unsaved objects, only used if writeToDisk==FALSE)
##   * .trackOptions (list(writeToDisk=TRUE/FALSE, cache=TRUE/FALSE)) (default TRUE/TRUE)
##   * .trackingDir (absolute path -- don't depend on getwd() -- can be changed
## The first two are stored on disk, and written back out whenever
## they are changed.
## .trackingUnsaved is only stored in memory.
## When the database is initially read, .trackingFileMap and .trackingSummary
## might be created.  Note that object names are stored in RData files,
## so we can recreate these objects if they are missing, and check
## consistency when we read them.
## Functions: ( * = to be written)
##   track.start(dir=trackingDir)
##   track.dir()
##   track.stop()
##   track(var) track(var <- value) track(list=...) track(all=TRUE)
##   track.status(): return a list of track env, track dir, and tracked, untracked, and untrackable vars
##   untrack(var) untrack(list=) untrack(all=TRUE)
##   track.remove(var) track.remove(list=) track.remove(all=TRUE) (call this track.remove() ?)
##   track.summary()
##   tracked(): return all tracked variables
##   untracked(): return all untracked, but trackable variables
##   untrackable(): return all untrackable variables
##   track.unsaved(): return all tracked but unsaved variables
##   track.orphaned(): return variables that exist in the tracking dir, but have no binding
##   track.masked(): return variables that exist in the tracking dir, but have an ordinary binding
##   track.flush(var, list, all): write unsaved variables to disk, and remove from memory
##   track.save(var, list, all, book): write unsaved variables to disk
##   track.forget(var, list, all): delete cached versions without saving to file
##   track.rescan(): reload info from disk (forget all cached vars, might remove some no-longer existing tracked vars)
##   track.rebuild(dir=trackingDir)
## Don't need to use delayedAssign if use makeActiveBinding
## vars that have a binding, and no corresponding var in trackingEnv
## means the var must be out on disk.  However, can still use
## the same structure as a ddp from g.data().
## database of object data is stored in .trackingSummary
## contains the following columns:
##   name
##   class
##   mode
##   extent
##   length
##   size
##   time: modified
##   time: created
##   time: accessed
##   ES: sessions alive
##   SA: num accesses this session
##   SW: num writes this session
##   PA: total accesses before this session
##   PW: total writes before this session
## Also need to have mapping of object names -> file names:
## store this in .trackingFileMap.
## Any names that contain upper case letters or don't conform
## to starting with alphanum and then continuing with alphanum . _
## are given a filename like .XXXX where XXXX is a number.
## When reconstructing trackingSummary, use file.info() to get file
## creation, modification and last access times.
## Rules for names of RData files:
##    'simple' names satisfy the following conditions:
##       * contain lowercase letters, digits, '.', "_"
##       * start with a lowercase letter
##       * are 55 characters or less
##       * are not one of 'con', 'prn', 'aux', 'nul', 'com1' .. 'com9', 'lpt1' .. 'lpt9'
##    * when an object has a filename that does not begin with a '_',
##      the filename and the object name must be simple and identical
##    * objects that do not have a simple name must be stored in
##      files with names beginning with a '_'

env.is.tracked <- function(pos=1, envir=as.environment(pos)) {
    # .trackingEnv could be present and NULL for a non-tracked environment
    env <- mget(".trackingEnv", ifnotfound=list(NULL), envir=envir)[[1]]
           && exists(".trackingPid", envir=env, inherits=FALSE)
           && identical(get(".trackingPid", envir=env, inherits=FALSE), Sys.getpid()))

getDataDir <- function(trackingDir) {
    ## If we wanted to store saved RData files in a subdirectory called 'data',
    ## we would use this here:
    ## return(file.path(dir, "data"))

tracked.envs <- function(envirs=search()) {
    ## returns environment names, not environments!
    i <- sapply(envirs, function(envir) env.is.tracked(envir=as.environment(envir)))

# Create or update a row for the summary data frame
summaryRow <- function(name, opt, sumRow=NULL, obj=NULL, file=NULL, change=FALSE, times=NULL, accessed=TRUE) {
    if (opt$use.fake.Sys.time)
        tt <- fake.Sys.time()
        tt <- Sys.time()
    new <- FALSE
    if (is.null(sumRow)) {
        new <- TRUE
        sumRow <- data.frame(row.names=name, class="", mode="", extent="",
                             length=length(obj), size=as.double(object.size(obj)),
                             modified=tt, created=tt, accessed=tt,
                             A=as.integer(1), ES=as.integer(1), SA=as.integer(0),
                             SW=as.integer(0), PA=as.integer(0), PW=as.integer(0),
                             cache=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        if (!is.null(file) && file.exists(file)
            && !inherits(info <- try(file.info(file), silent=TRUE), "try-error")) {
            if (length(info$mtime)==1 && !is.na(info$mtime))
                sumRow$modified <- info$mtime
            if (length(info$ctime)==1 && !is.na(info$ctime))
                sumRow$created <- info$ctime
            if (length(info$atime)==1 && !is.na(info$atime))
                sumRow$accessed <- info$atime

    if (change || new) {
        cl <- class(obj)
        ## Neither the first or last element of the returned value of 'class' is
        ## clearly the most useful class to note, so include all classes as a comma
        ## separated string.
        ## E.g., class of an object returned by 'glm()': "glm" "lm"
        ## while class of an object returned by Sys.time(): "POSIXt" "POSIXct"
        sumRow$class <- if (length(cl)==0) "?" else paste(cl, collapse=",")
        sumRow$mode <- mode(obj)
        if (new || (change && (is.na(sumRow$cache) || ! (sumRow$cache %in% c("fixedyes", "fixedno"))))) {
            sumRow$cache <- factor(ifelse(   is.element(name, opt$alwaysCache)
                                          || any(is.element(cl, opt$alwaysCacheClass)),
                                          "yes", "no"),
                                   levels=c("fixedno", "no", "yes", "fixedyes"))
        l <- try(length(obj), silent=TRUE)
        if (inherits(l, "try-error"))
            sumRow$length <- NA
            sumRow$length <- as.integer(l)
        d <- try(dim(obj), silent=TRUE)
        if (inherits(d, "try-error"))
            sumRow$extent <- "(error)"
        else if (is.numeric(d))
            sumRow$extent <- paste("[", paste(d, collapse="x"), "]", sep="")
            sumRow$extent <- paste("[", format(sumRow$length), "]", sep="")
        if (is.list(obj))
            sumRow$extent <- paste("[", sumRow$extent, "]", sep="")
        sumRow$size <- object.size(obj)
        if (accessed)
            sumRow$modified <- tt
        sumRow$SW <- sumRow$SW + as.integer(1)
    } else if (accessed) {
        sumRow$accessed <- tt
        sumRow$SA <- sumRow$SA + as.integer(1)
    if (!is.null(times)) {
        sumRow$modified <- times$mtime
        sumRow$created <- times$ctime
        sumRow$accessed <- times$atime


isReservedName <- function(objName)
    ## ".trackingEnv" is a reserved name to allow for storing the
    ## tracking env as an object in the tracked environment instead
    ## of an attribute on the tracked environment.
    return((regexpr("[\n\r]", objName) > 0)
           | is.element(objName, c(".trackingEnv", ".trackingDir", ".trackingFileMap",
                                   ".trackingUnsaved", ".trackingSummary",
                                   ".trackingSummaryChanged", ".trackingOptions",
                                   ".trackingPid", ".trackingCreated", ".trackingCacheMark",
                                   ".trackAuto", ".trackingFinished", ".trackingModTime")))

objIsTracked <- function(objNames, envir, trackingEnv, all.objs=ls(envir=envir, all.names=TRUE)) {
    if (length(objNames)==0)
    fileMap <- getFileMapObj(trackingEnv)
    return(sapply(objNames, function(objName) {
        ## an object is already tracked if the following 2 conditions are met:
        ##   - it exists as an activing binding in envir
        ##   - there is an entry in the fileMap in the trackingEnv
        ## Don't use exists() because it gets the object
        ## if (!exists(objName, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE))
        if (!is.element(objName, all.objs))
        if (!bindingIsActive(objName, envir))
        if (!is.element(objName, names(fileMap)))

getTrackingDir <- function(trackingEnv) {
    dir <- NULL
    ## avoid partial name matching for attributes...
    dir <- mget(".trackingDir", ifnotfound=list(NULL), envir=trackingEnv)[[1]]
    if (is.null(dir))
        stop("trackingEnv ", envname(trackingEnv), " has no '.trackingDir' variable")
    if (!is.character(dir) || length(dir)!=1)
        stop("variable '.trackingDir' in trackingEnv ", envname(trackingEnv),
             " must be a length one character vector")

setTrackingEnv <- function(trackedEnv, trackingEnv, readonly=FALSE) {
    ## When trackingEnv=NULL, this function should remove the tracking env
    ## if it can, otherwise set it to NULL.
    if (is.null(trackingEnv) && !environmentIsLocked(trackedEnv)) {
        if (exists(".trackingEnv", envir=trackedEnv, inherits=FALSE))
            remove(list=".trackingEnv", envir=trackedEnv)
    } else {
        assign(".trackingEnv", trackingEnv, envir=trackedEnv)

getTrackingEnv <- function(trackedEnv, stop.on.not.tracked = TRUE) {
    env <- mget(".trackingEnv", ifnotfound=list(NULL), envir=trackedEnv)[[1]]
    if (is.null(env))
        if (stop.on.not.tracked)
            stop("env ", envname(trackedEnv), " is not tracked (has no '.trackingEnv' variable)")
    if (!is.environment(env))
        stop("variable '.trackingEnv' in env ", envname(trackedEnv),
             " is not an environment")

getFileMapObj <- function(trackingEnv) {
    fileMap <- mget(".trackingFileMap", envir=trackingEnv, ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]]
    if (is.null(fileMap) || !is.character(fileMap))
        stop("no usable .trackingFileMap object in tracking env ", envname(trackingEnv), " - recommend using track.rebuild()")

writeFileMapFile <- function(fileMap, trackingEnv, dataDir, assignObj=TRUE) {
    if (assignObj && inherits(try(assign(".trackingFileMap", fileMap, envir=trackingEnv), silent=TRUE), "try-error"))
        warning("failed to assign '.trackingFileMap' in ", envname(trackingEnv))
    if (length(fileMap)) {
        i <- order(names(fileMap))
        fileData <- paste(fileMap[i], ":", names(fileMap)[i], sep="")
    } else {
        fileData <- character(0)
    ## open in binary mode so that we use just "\n" as a separator
    open.res <- (con <- file(file.path(dataDir, "filemap.txt"), open="wb"))
    if (inherits(open.res, "try-error")) {
        warning("failed to open ", file.path(dataDir, "filemap.txt"), " for writing: if this message appears repeatedly try to fix problem, then do 'track.resave()'")
    save.res <- try(writeLines(text=fileData, con=con, sep="\n"), silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(save.res, "try-error")) {
        warning("failed to save filemap.txt: if this message appears repeatedly try to fix problem, then do 'track.resave()'")

readFileMapFile <- function(trackingEnv, dataDir, assignObj) {
    ## open in binary mode so that we use just "\n" as a separator
    open.res <- (con <- file(file.path(dataDir, "filemap.txt"), open="rb"))
    if (inherits(open.res, "try-error"))
        stop("failed to open \"", file.path(dataDir, "filemap.txt"), "\" for reading: try using track.rebuild()")
    fileData <- try(readLines(con=con, n=-1), silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(fileData, "try-error"))
        stop("failed to read file map data from \"", file.path(dataDir, "filemap.txt"), "\": try using track.rebuild()")
    ## Remove Windows line termination
    fileData <- gsub("\r", "", fileData)
    i <- regexpr(":", fileData, fixed=TRUE)
    if (any(i < 1))
        stop("file map contains invalid data (need a ':' in each line): \"", file.path(dataDir, "filemap.txt"), "\": try using track.rebuild()")
    fileMap <- substring(fileData, 1, i-1)
    names(fileMap) <- substring(fileData, i+1)
    if (assignObj && inherits(try(assign(".trackingFileMap", fileMap, envir=trackingEnv), silent=TRUE), "try-error"))
        warning("failed to assign '.trackingFileMap' in ", envname(trackingEnv))

getObjSummary <- function(trackingEnv, opt, stop.if.not.found=TRUE, fromWhere=paste('tracking env ', envname(trackingEnv))) {
    objSummary <- mget(".trackingSummary", envir=trackingEnv, ifnotfound=list(NULL))[[1]]
    problem <- NULL
    if (is.null(objSummary))
        problem <- paste("no .trackingSummary object ", fromWhere,
                         " - recommend using track.rebuild()", sep='')
    else if (!is.data.frame(objSummary))
        problem <- paste(".trackingSummary object found in ", fromWhere,
                         " but is not a data frame - recommend using track.rebuild()", sep='')
    if (!is.null(problem))
        if (stop.if.not.found)
            return(structure(problem, class='try-error'))
    ## The 'cache' column was added in version 1.03.
    ## If we read a .trackingSummary without it, just add it.
    if (!is.element("cache", names(objSummary)))
        objSummary$cache <- factor(rep(NA, nrow(objSummary)), levels=c("fixedno", "no", "yes", "fixedyes"))
    i <- is.na(objSummary$cache)
    objSummaryChanged <- FALSE
    ## If there are any NA values in 'cache', set them based on name and class.
    if (any(i)) {
        j <- is.element(rownames(objSummary)[i], opt$alwaysCache)
        if (any(j))
            objSummary[which(i)[j], "cache"] <- "yes"
        i <- is.na(objSummary$cache)
        if (any(i) & length(opt$alwaysCacheClasses)) {
            j <- sapply(strsplit(objSummary$class[i], ","), is.element, opt$alwaysCacheClasses)
            if (any(j))
                objSummary[which(i)[j], "cache"] <- "yes"
        i <- is.na(objSummary$cache)
        if (any(i))
            objSummary[i, "cache"] <- "no"
        objSummaryChanged <- TRUE
    if (objSummaryChanged) {
        assign(".trackingSummary", objSummary, envir=trackingEnv)
        assign(".trackingSummaryChanged", TRUE, envir=trackingEnv)

getUnsavedObj <- function(trackingEnv, notfound=character(0))
    mget(".trackingUnsaved", envir=trackingEnv, ifnotfound=list(notfound))[[1]]

envname <- function(envir) {
    # Produce a 1-line name for the environment.
    # Use the name it has on the search() list, if possible.
    # This is simpler now that R has the environmentName() function
    n <- environmentName(envir)
    if (n!="") {
        return(paste("<env ", n, ">", sep=""))

notyetdone <- function(msg) cat("Not yet done: ", msg, "\n", sep="")

isSimpleName <- function(objName) {
           && regexpr("^[[:lower:]][._[:digit:][:lower:]]*$", objName, perl=TRUE)==1
           && regexpr("^(prn|aux|con|nul|com[1-9]|lpt[1-9])(\\.|$)", objName)<0)

makeObjFileName <- function(objName, fileNames) {
    ## check if we can use objName as a filename
    if (isSimpleName(objName))
    ## fileNames is a list of vectors of file names that are already used.
    ## Generate a filename of the form _NNN (NNN is a number without a leading zero)
    ## work out what numbers have been used
    if (is.list(fileNames))
        used <- unlist(use.names=FALSE, lapply(fileNames, function(x) as.numeric(substring(grep("^_[1-9][0-9]*$", x, value=TRUE), 2))))
        used <- as.numeric(substring(grep("^_[1-9][0-9]*$", fileNames, value=TRUE), 2))
    used <- unique(used)
    used <- sort(c(0, used, length(used)+2))
    ## find the first gap
    i <- used[c(diff(used)!=1, TRUE)][1] + 1
    if (is.element(i, used))
        stop("algorithm failure!")
    file <- paste("_", i, sep="")

setTrackedVar <- function(objName, value, trackingEnv, opt=track.options(trackingEnv=trackingEnv), times=NULL, file=NULL, doAssign=TRUE) {
    ## 'file' should be without path or suffix
    if (opt$readonly)
        stop("variable '", objName, "' cannot be changed -- it is in a readonly tracking environment")
    ## Set the tracked var, and write it to disk if required
    if (opt$debug)
        cat("setting tracked var '", objName, "' in ", envname(trackingEnv), "\n", sep="")
    ## Need to assign it in the tracking env, because save() requires
    ## an object in an env. Maybe we could skip this step when cache=FALSE,
    ## but then we'd need to try to find it in its original location (if any).
    ## No longer true: could remove doAssign arg -- in one use case, the var
    ## is already in the env, so don't need the assign.
    ## Robustness: what to do if the assign fails?
    if (doAssign)
        assign(objName, value, envir=trackingEnv)
    ## Find the directory where we are saving, and create subdirs if necessary
    dir <- getTrackingDir(trackingEnv)
    for (d in unique(c(dir, getDataDir(dir))))
        if (!dir.exists(d))
    ## Work out the name of the file to use for this var
    if (is.null(file)) {
        fileMap <- getFileMapObj(trackingEnv)
        fileMapChanged <- FALSE
        isNew <- FALSE
        if (is.na(file <- fileMap[match(objName, names(fileMap))])) {
            file <- makeObjFileName(objName, fileMap)
            fileMap[objName] <- file
            fileMapChanged <- TRUE
            isNew <- TRUE
        if (fileMapChanged) {
            ##  always write a changed file map back out to disk
            writeFileMapFile(fileMap, trackingEnv=trackingEnv, dataDir=getDataDir(dir))
    fullFile <- NULL
    if (opt$writeToDisk && !is.element("eotPurge", opt$cachePolicy)) {
        ##  the value of 'file' is the base of the filename -- work out the full pathname
        fullFile <- file.path(getDataDir(dir), paste(file, opt$RDataSuffix, sep="."))
        if (opt$debug)
            cat("saving '", objName, "' to file ", fullFile, "\n", sep="")
        save.res <- try(save(list=objName, file=fullFile, envir=trackingEnv,
                             compress=opt$compress, compression_level=opt$compression_level), silent=TRUE)
        if (!inherits(save.res, "try-error")) {
            if (opt$debug >= 2)
                cat('setTrackedVar: removing', paste(objName, collapse=', '), 'from trackingEnv\n')
            if (!opt$cache && !is.element(objName, opt$alwaysCache))
                remove(list=objName, envir=trackingEnv)
            unsaved <- getUnsavedObj(trackingEnv)
            if (length(unsaved) && is.element(objName, unsaved))
                if (length(unsaved)>1)
                    assign(".trackingUnsaved", setdiff(unsaved, objName), envir=trackingEnv)
                    remove(".trackingUnsaved", envir=trackingEnv)
        } else {
            stop("failed to save obj '", objName, "' in file '", fullFile,
                 "' (", as.character(save.res), ") - '", objName,
                 "' is currently in env ", envname(trackingEnv), " but is not saved to disk",
                 " (suggestion: fix disk problems then do track.save())")
    } else {
        ## mark the object as unsaved
        unsaved <- getUnsavedObj(trackingEnv)
        if (!is.element(objName, unsaved))
            assign(".trackingUnsaved", sort(c(objName, unsaved)), envir=trackingEnv)
    if (opt$maintainSummary) {
        objSummary <- getObjSummary(trackingEnv, opt=opt)
        if (!is.data.frame(objSummary)) {
            warning(".trackingSummary in ", envname(trackingEnv), " is not a data.frame: not updating summary; run track.rebuild()")
        } else {
            if (is.element(objName, rownames(objSummary))) {
                sumRow <- summaryRow(objName, opt=opt, sumRow=objSummary[objName, , drop=FALSE], obj=value,
                                        file=NULL, change=TRUE, times=times)
            } else {
                ## Don't have a row in the summary for this object.
                if (!isNew) {
                    if (is.null(fullFile))
                        fullFile <- file.path(getDataDir(dir), paste(file, opt$RDataSuffix, sep="."))
                    if (!file.exists(fullFile)) {
                        ## This can happen when an object is created via track.ff() -- want to avoid noise
                        ## so don't issue this warning.
                        ## warning("file '", fullFile, "' does not yet exist (for obj '", objName, "') - will create it when needed")
                        fullFile <- NULL
                ## summaryRow will get times from the file if we supply it -- only
                ## want to do this in the exceptional case that this object was not
                ## new, but didn't have a summary row.
                sumRow <- summaryRow(objName, opt=opt, obj=value, file=if (!isNew) fullFile else NULL,
                                     change=TRUE, times=times)
                ## If this is not a new object, record that the times are not accurrate.
                if (!isNew)
                    sumRow$A <- 0
            objSummary[objName, ] <- sumRow
            assign.res <- try(assign(".trackingSummary", objSummary, envir=trackingEnv), silent=TRUE)
            if (inherits(assign.res, "try-error")) {
                warning("unable to assign .trackingSummary back to tracking env on ",
                        envname(trackingEnv), ": ", assign.res)
            } else {
                assign(".trackingSummaryChanged", TRUE, envir=trackingEnv)
                if (opt$writeToDisk && !is.element("eotPurge", opt$cachePolicy)) {
                    save.res <- saveObjSummary(trackingEnv, opt=opt, dataDir=getDataDir(dir))
                    if (inherits(save.res, "try-error"))
                        warning("unable to save .trackingSummary to ", dir)
                        assign(".trackingSummaryChanged", FALSE, envir=trackingEnv)
    ## return the value of the variable

getTrackedVar <- function(objName, trackingEnv, opt=track.options(trackingEnv=trackingEnv)) {
    ## Get the tracked var if it exists, or load it from disk if it doesn't
    ## Special case when getting variable '.Last' -- don't want to stop with
    ## an error because that can cause an infinite loop, so if can't retrieve
    ## that var, then print a warning and return NULL
    if (!is.character(objName) || length(objName)!=1)
        stop("objName must be a length one character vector")
    if (exists(objName, envir=trackingEnv, inherits=FALSE)) {
        if (opt$debug)
            cat("getTrackedVar: '", objName, "' from cached obj in ", envname(trackingEnv), "\n", sep="")
        value <- get(objName, envir=trackingEnv, inherits=FALSE)
        dir <- NULL
        fullFile <- NULL
    } else {
        if (opt$debug)
            cat("getting tracked var '", objName, "' from file\n", sep="")
        fileMap <- getFileMapObj(trackingEnv)
        file <- fileMap[match(objName, names(fileMap))]
        if (is.na(file))
            if (objName=='.Last') {
                warning("'", objName, "' does not exist in tracking env ", envname(trackingEnv),
                     " (has no entry in .trackingFileMap); returning NULL")
            } else {
                stop("'", objName, "' does not exist in tracking env ", envname(trackingEnv),
                     " (has no entry in .trackingFileMap)")
        dir <- getTrackingDir(trackingEnv)
        fullFile <- file.path(getDataDir(dir), paste(file, opt$RDataSuffix, sep="."))
        if (!file.exists(fullFile)) {
            if (objName=='.Last') {
                warning("file '", fullFile, "' does not exist (for obj '", objName, "'); returning NULL")
            } else {
                stop("file '", fullFile, "' does not exist (for obj '", objName, "')")
        tmpenv <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
        ## hopefully, no actual copies are made while loading the object into tmpenv,
        ## then copying it to envir and returning it as the value of this function
        load.res <- load(fullFile, envir=tmpenv)
        ## call the load callback
        if (length(load.res)<1 || load.res[1] != objName)
            stop("file '", fullFile, "' did not contain obj '", objName, "' as its first object")
        if (length(load.res)>1)
            warning("ignoring ", length(load.res)-1, " other objects in file '", fullFile, "'")
        value <- get(objName, envir=tmpenv, inherits=FALSE)
        if (opt$cache)
            assign(objName, value, envir=trackingEnv)
        ## Call the load hooks based on class
        if (is.element('ff', class(value))) {
            fff <- attr(attr(value, 'physical'), 'filename')
            ffd <- dirname(fff)
            ffd2 <- dirname(ffd)
            fff1 <- basename(fff)
            fff2 <- basename(ffd)
            ## If the ff filename looks like .../ff/<varfile>.ff, and
            ## the file <trackingDir>/ff/<varfile>.ff exists, then
            ## switch to using that file.
            if (fff2 == 'ff' && fff1 == paste(file, '.ff', sep='')) {
                fffr <- file.path(dir, 'ff', fff1)
                if (file.exists(fffr) && fffr != fff) {
                    attr(attr(value, 'physical'), 'orig.filename') <- fff
                    attr(attr(value, 'physical'), 'filename') <- fffr
    ## Update the object table (object characteristics, accesses)
    if (opt$maintainSummary && opt$recordAccesses) {
        objSummary <- getObjSummary(trackingEnv, opt=opt)
        if (!is.data.frame(objSummary)) {
            warning(".trackingSummary in ", envname(trackingEnv), " is not a data.frame: not updating objSummary; run track.rebuild()")
        } else {
            if (is.element(objName, rownames(objSummary))) {
                sumRow <- summaryRow(objName, opt=opt, sumRow=objSummary[objName, , drop=FALSE], obj=value,
                                        file=NULL, change=FALSE, times=NULL)
            } else {
                if (is.null(fullFile)) {
                    fileMap <- getFileMapObj(trackingEnv)
                    file <- fileMap[match(objName, names(fileMap))]
                    if (is.na(file)) {
                        warning("'", objName, "' does not exist in tracking env ", envname(trackingEnv),
                             " (has no entry in .trackingFileMap)")
                    } else {
                        dir <- getTrackingDir(trackingEnv)
                        fullFile <- file.path(getDataDir(dir), paste(file, opt$RDataSuffix, sep="."))
                        if (!file.exists(fullFile)) {
                            warning("file '", fullFile, "' does not exist (for obj '", objName, "')")
                            fullFile <- NULL
                sumRow <- summaryRow(objName, opt=opt, obj=value, file=fullFile, change=FALSE, times=NULL)
                ## Since this is not a new object, but this we are creating a new summary
                ## row for it, record that the times are not accurrate
                sumRow$A <- 0
            objSummary[objName, ] <- sumRow
            assign.res <- try(assign(".trackingSummary", objSummary, envir=trackingEnv))
            if (inherits(assign.res, "try-error")) {
                warning("unable to assign .trackingSummary back to tracking env on ", envname(trackingEnv))
            } else {
                ## only makes sense to save() .trackingSummary if we were able to assign it
                assign(".trackingSummaryChanged", TRUE, envir=trackingEnv)
                if (opt$alwaysSaveSummary && !is.element("eotPurge", opt$cachePolicy)) {
                    if (is.null(dir))
                        dir <- getTrackingDir(trackingEnv)
                    save.res <- saveObjSummary(trackingEnv, opt=opt, dataDir=getDataDir(dir))
                    if (inherits(save.res, "try-error"))
                        warning("unable to save .trackingSummary to ", dir, ": ", save.res)
                        assign(".trackingSummaryChanged", FALSE, envir=trackingEnv)

quietNormalizePath <- function(path, winslash='/', mustWork=FALSE) {
    if (isTRUE(mustWork))
        return(normalizePath(path, winslash='/', mustWork=mustWork))
    newPath <- try(normalizePath(path, winslash='/', mustWork=mustWork), silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(newPath, 'try-error'))
        newPath <- path
    allComp <- strsplit(gsub('[/\\\\]', winslash, newPath), winslash)[[1]]
    newComp <- allComp
    j <- 2
    for (i in seq(2, len=length(allComp)-1)) {
        if (allComp[i]=='.') {
            newComp <- newComp[-j]
        } else if (allComp[i]=='..') {
            newComp <- newComp[-c(j, j-1)]
            j <- max(1, j-1)
        } else {
            j <- j+1
    paste0(allComp, collapse=winslash)

find.relative.path <- function(path, file) {
    ## Find a way to express file as a relative path to path
    path <- quietNormalizePath(path, winslash='/')
    file <- quietNormalizePath(file, winslash='/')
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
        path <- gsub("\\", "/", path, fixed=TRUE)
        file <- gsub("\\", "/", file, fixed=TRUE)
    path.comp <- strsplit(path, split="/", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
    file.comp <- strsplit(file, split="/", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
    ## Windows doesn't normalize drive letters to all caps,
    ## which can result in a mismatch
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
        if (length(grep("^[a-zA-Z]:$", path.comp[1])))
            path.comp[1] <- casefold(path.comp[1], upper=FALSE)
        if (length(grep("^[a-zA-Z]:$", file.comp[1])))
            file.comp[1] <- casefold(file.comp[1], upper=FALSE)
    i <- 1
    while (i <= min(length(path.comp), length(file.comp))
           && path.comp[i] == file.comp[i])
        i <- i+1
    if (i>1) {
        file.rel <- file.comp[seq(to=length(file.comp), len=length(file.comp)-(i-1))]
        ## path.use <- path.comp[seq(from=1, len=i-1)]
        if (i <= length(path.comp))
            file.rel <- c(rep("..", length(path.comp)-(i-1)), file.rel)
        if (length(file.rel)==0)
            file.rel <- "."
        return(paste(file.rel, collapse=.Platform$file.sep))
    } else {
        return(paste(file.comp, collapse=.Platform$file.sep))

exclude.from.tracking <- function(objName, objClasses=NULL, opt) {
    exclude <- rep(FALSE, length(objName))
    if (length(objName) > 1 && length(objClasses) && (!is.list(objClasses) || length(objClasses)!=length(objName)))
        stop("objClasses must be list the same length as objName when objName is a vector")
    if (length(objName)==1 && !is.list(objClasses) && length(objClasses))
        objClasses <- list(objClasses)
    if (length(opt$autoTrackExcludeClass) && length(objClasses))
        exclude <- sapply(objClasses, is.element, opt$autoTrackExcludeClass)
    for (re in opt$autoTrackExcludePattern)
        exclude <- exclude | regexpr(re, objName) >= 1

dir.exists <- function(dir) {
    ## Need this because sometimes directories on network drives
    ## under windows aren't seen by file.exists().  This can be
    ## true even if they have files in them.  In such cases the
    ## tests for existence for the files in them seem to work fine.
    ## However, file.access() seems more reliable, so try both.
    file.exists(dir) || (file.access(dir, mode=0)==0)

## Use these to override Sys.time() for testing purposes (to get Sys.time() to return
## reproducible, steadily incrementing "times".  This  just counts 1 second forward
## from a fixed starting time each time it is called.
## Only use these for testing because they introduce overhead for Sys.time().

fake.Sys.time <- function() {
    fake.Sys.time.counter <- get("fake.Sys.time.counter", envir=fake.Sys.time.env)
    assign("fake.Sys.time.counter", fake.Sys.time.counter + 1, envir=fake.Sys.time.env)

fake.Sys.time.env <- as.environment(list(fake.Sys.time.counter=as.POSIXct("2001/01/01 09:00:00", tz="GMT")+1))

set.fake.Sys.time <- function(offset=1) {
    assign("fake.Sys.time.counter", as.POSIXct("2001/01/01 09:00:00", tz="GMT")+offset, envir=fake.Sys.time.env)
    return(invisible(get("fake.Sys.time.counter", envir=fake.Sys.time.env)))

saveObjSummary <- function(trackingEnv,
                           envir=trackingEnv) {
    ## Save the object summary out to the file system
    ## envir is the actual environment where the .trackingSummary object lives; it is
    ## usually the same as trackingEnv
    file <- file.path(dataDir, paste(".trackingSummary", opt$RDataSuffix, sep="."))
    if (!exists(".trackingSummary", envir=envir, inherits=FALSE))
        return(structure('saveObjSummary: .trackingSummary does not exist', class='try-error'))
    objSummary <- get(".trackingSummary", envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)
    ## pad just serves to make the saved tracking summary have different size on disk
    ## which helps with noticing when a tracking summary has changed, because if
    ## it changes within the same second, it will still have the same mod time.
    ## However, most of the time, we're not concerned with second-level accuracy.
    if (opt$debug) {
        pad <- attr(objSummary, 'pad')
        if (is.null(pad))
            pad <- raw(1)
        length(pad) <- (length(pad) + 17) %% 101
        attr(objSummary, 'pad') <- pad
        assign(".trackingSummary", objSummary, envir=envir)
    save.res <- try(save(list=".trackingSummary", file=file, envir=envir, compress=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(save.res, 'try-error'))
        attr(save.res, 'file') <- file
    if (identical(envir, trackingEnv)) {
        modTime <- file.info(file)
        if (!is.na(modTime$mtime))
            try(assign('.trackingModTime', modTime[,c('size','mtime')], envir=trackingEnv), silent=TRUE)

loadObjSummary <- function(trackingEnv,
                           stop.on.not.exists=FALSE) {
    # Load the object summary from the file system
    file <- file.path(dataDir, paste(".trackingSummary", opt$RDataSuffix, sep="."))
    tmpenv <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
    if (!file.exists(file))
        if (stop.on.not.exists)
            stop("file storing object summary doesn't exist: ", file)
    load.res <- try(load(file, envir=tmpenv), silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(load.res, "try-error"))
        stop(file, " cannot be loaded -- for recovery see ?track.rebuild (",
             as.character(load.res), ")")
    if (length(load.res)!=1 || load.res != ".trackingSummary")
        stop(file, " does not contain just '.trackingSummary' -- for recovery see ?track.rebuild")
    modTime <- file.info(file)
    if (!is.na(modTime$mtime))
        try(assign('.trackingModTime', modTime[,c('size','mtime')], envir=trackingEnv), silent=TRUE)
    ## .trackingSummary has to exist in tmpenv because we just loaded it
    getObjSummary(tmpenv, opt=opt, fromWhere=file)

# used to store data around failures in an attempt to avoid infinite loops
track.private.env <- as.environment(list(standard.Last=FALSE, last.failed.get=character(100), last.failed.time=rep(Sys.time(), 100), last.failed.i=1))

# Create a closure that can be used as the active binding
# It has to store the objName and environment where the actual
# object data could be cached.
createBindingClosure <- function(objName, trackingEnv) {
    # Need to force evaluation of the args, otherwise the closure
    # can get the wrong values :-(
    force(objName); force(trackingEnv)
    function(v) {
        if (missing(v))
            getTrackedVar(objName, trackingEnv)
            setTrackedVar(objName, v, trackingEnv)

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track documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:45 p.m.