
#----------------------------------- subset ---------------
R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("subset","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Condenses MCMC results in an \code{twDEMCPops} object to the specified cases.
		x 			##<< twDEMCPops object
		,boKeep		##<< either logical vector or numeric vector of indices of cases to keep
		,iPops=seq_along(x$pops)	##<< integer vector: only these populations are subset, others are kept
		,dropShortPops=FALSE		##<< if set to TRUE, pops in iPops with less samples than to what \code{boKeep} refers to are dropped
		# subset.twDEMCPops 
		## \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		# To help re-initializing the arguments to fLogDen \itemize{
		# \item{ transforming parameters \code{\link{subsetArgsFLogDen}}  }}
		nSamplesPop <- getNSamples(x)
		iKeep <- if( is.numeric(boKeep)) boKeep else which(boKeep)
		maxStep <- max(iKeep)
		if( dropShortPops ){
			x <- subPops( x, which( (1:seq_along(x$pops) == iPops) && (nSamplesPop >= maxStep)) )
		}else if( maxStep > min(nSamplesPop[iPops])) stop(
				"subset.twDEMCPops: provided indices outside the steps of the smalles population. Use dropShortPops=TRUE to drop shorter populations before.")
		for( iPop in iPops ){
			x$pops[[iPop]] <- tmp <- .subsetTwDEMCPop(x$pops[[iPop]], iKeep)
		## components \code{thin,Y,nGenBurnin} are kept, but may be meaningless after subsetting.
		### list of class twDEMCPops with subset of cases in parsm, logDen, pAccept, and temp
        ## \describe{ \item{The twDEMCPops class}{
        ## The class twDEMCPops encapsulates the result of a MCMC run of several populations each consisting of different chains.
        ## It is described as result value of \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}.
        ## The chains within each population have the same length. The chains of different populations, however, may have different length.
        ## The chains within one population are not fully independent, because the proposals are based on
        ## a common past chain values. In order to combine each population to a single chain, use \code{\link{stackChainsPop.twDEMCPops}}.
        ## In order to make all the chains the same length and create results as arrays across all populations (as class \code{twDEMC}), 
        ## use function \code{\link{concatPops.twDEMCPops}}.
        ## There are several methods accessing properties of an object of the \code{twDEMCPops} class: \itemize{
        ## \item{ number of generations: \code{\link{getNGen.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        ## \item{ number of samples (only one sample each thinning inteval): \code{\link{getNSamples.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        ## \item{ number of chains: \code{\link{getNChains.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        ## \item{ number of populations: \code{\link{getNPops.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        ## \item{ number of chains per population: \code{\link{getNChainsPop.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        ## \item{ number of parameters: \code{\link{getNParms.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        ## \item{ thinning interval: \code{res$thin}  } 
        ## \item{ space replicate that the poplation belongs to: \code{\link{getSpacesPop.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        ## \item{ number of space replicates: \code{\link{getNSpaces.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        ## \item{ number of blocks: \code{\link{getNBlocks.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        ## \item{ parameter bounds: \code{\link{getParBoundsPop.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        ## \item{ current temperature of streams: \code{\link{getCurrentTemp.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        ## \item{ temperatue at aggregated level: \code{\link{getCurrentBaseTemp.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        ## There are several methods to transform or subset the results of the \code{twDEMCPops} class. \itemize{
        ## \item{ transforming to array representation across populations of type \code{twDEMC}: \code{\link{concatPops.twDEMCPops}}  }
        ## \item{ select sub-populations: \code{\link{subPops.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        ## \item{ select subset of cases: \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}} (this function) }
        ## \item{ make populations the same length: \code{\link{squeeze.twDEMCPops}}  }
        ## \item{ stack all the results of all chains to one big matrix: \code{\link{stackChains.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        ## \item{ thin all the chains: \code{\link{thin.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        ## \item{ combine several twDEMCPops results to a bigger set of populations: \code{\link{combineTwDEMCPops}}  }
        ## \item{ combine populations for subspaces to bigger populations: \code{\link{stackPopsInSpace.twDEMCPops}}  }
        ## \item{ combine MarkovChains of each population of a twDEMC to a single chain: \code{\link{stackChainsPop.twDEMCPops}}  }
        ## There are several methods to utilize the functions of the coda package for the the \code{twDEMCPops} class. \itemize{
        ## \item{ convert an twDEMCPops to a coda mcmc.list \code{\link{as.mcmc.list.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        ## \item{ applying a function to all of the chains: \code{\link{mcmcListApply}}  }
        ## \item{ stack all the results of all chains to one big matrix: \code{\link{stackChains.mcmc.list}}  } 
        ## \item{ transforming parameters \code{\link{transOrigPopt.mcmc.list}}  }
        ## }
        ## }} 
        #? \item{ stack all the results of all chains to one big matrix \code{\link{stackChains.twDEMCPops}}  } 
        #? \item{ plotting a subset of the chains and cases: \code{\link{plotThinned.mcmc.list}}  } 
attr(subset.twDEMCPops,"ex") <- function(){
	if( FALSE){
		tmp <- subset(res,1:3)
		tmp <- subset(res,1:10)  # should produce an error
		tmp <- subset(res,1:10,dropShortPops=TRUE)  

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("getNGen","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Extract the number of completed generations in res
		x	##<< object of class twDEMCPops
		## the number of generations corresponds to the steps after time 0 (sample 1).
		## Hence the sample of size 2 and thinning 1 describes one generation (one step forward).
		## A sample of size 2 of thinning 5 encompasses times 0 and 5, i.e. 5 generations.
		## see 
		# getNGen.twDEMCPops
		## \code{\link{iSample2time}}
		## \code{\link{time2iSample}}
		## \code{\link{getNPops.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{getNSamples.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{getNSamplesSpace.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{getNChains.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{getNChainsPop.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{getNParms.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{getNSpaces.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{getSpacesPop.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
		## ,\code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		nS <- getNSamples(x)
		ifelse( nS == 0, 0, (nS-1)*x$thin )
		### integer vector, number of completed generations
attr( getNGen.twDEMCPops, "ex") <- function(){

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("getNPops","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Extracts the number of populations
		x	##<< object of class twDEMCPops
		# getNPops.twDEMCPops
		## \code{\link{getNGen.twDEMCPops}}
		## ,\code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
		## ,\code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		### integer, number of populations in twDEMCPops

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("getNChains","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Extracts the number of chains
		x	##<< object of class twDEMCPops
		# getNChains.twDEMCPops
		## \code{\link{getNGen.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
		## ,\code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		length(x$pops) * dim(x$pops[[1]]$parms)[3]
		### integer, number of chains in twDEMCPops

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("getNChainsPop","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Extracts the number of chains per population
		x	##<< object of class twDEMCPops
		# getNChainsPop.twDEMCPops
		## \code{\link{getNGen.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
		## ,\code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		### integer, number of chains per population in twDEMCPops

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("getNParms","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Extracts the number of parameters, i.e. the dimension of the parameter vector
		x	##<< object of class twDEMCPops
		# getNParms.twDEMCPops
		## \code{\link{getNGen.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
		## ,\code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		### integer, number of parameters in twDEMCPops

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("getNSamples","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Extracts the number of samples
		x	##<< object of class twDEMCPops
		# getNSamples.twDEMCPops
		## \code{\link{getNSamplesSpace.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{getNGen.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
		## ,\code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		##details<< There is only one sample per thinning interval of length \code{x$thin}.
		sapply( x$pops, function(pop){ nrow(pop$parms) })
		### integer vector: number of samples in each population of twDEMCPops

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("getNSamplesSpace","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Extracts the number of samples summed over population within one space
		x	##<< object of class twDEMCPops
		# getNSamples.twDEMCPops
		## \code{\link{getNGen.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{getNSamples.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
		## ,\code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		##details<< There is only one sample per thinning interval of length \code{x$thin}.
		.nSamplesPop <- getNSamples(x)
		.spacePop <- getSpacesPop(x)
		spaceInds <- unique(.spacePop)
		.nSamplesSpace <- structure( sapply(spaceInds, function(spaceInd){ sum(.nSamplesPop[.spacePop==spaceInd])}), names=spaceInds)
		### integer vector: number of samples in each population of twDEMCPops

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("getSpacesPop","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Extracts the space replicate that each population belongs to.
		x	##<< object of class twDEMCPops
		# getSpacesPop.twDEMCPops
		## \code{\link{getNSpaces.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{getNGen.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
		## ,\code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		sapply( x$pops, "[[" ,"spaceInd" )
		### integer vector (nPop): index of the replicated space.

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("getNSpaces","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Extracts the number of space replicates.
		x	##<< object of class twDEMCPops
		# getNSpaces.twDEMCPops
		## \code{\link{getSpacesPop.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{getNGen.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
		## ,\code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		### scalar integer: the number of spaces

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("getNBlocks","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Extracts the number of samples
		x	##<< object of class twDEMCPops
		# getNBlocks.twDEMCPops
		## \code{\link{getNGen.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
		## ,\code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		##details<< There is only one sample per thinning interval of length \code{x$thin}.
		### integer vector: number of samples in each population of twDEMCPops

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("getCurrentTemp","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Get the Temperature, i.e. cost reduction factor of the last sample
		x	##<< object of class twDEMCPops
        # getCurrentTemp.twDEMCPops
        ## \code{\link{getNGen.twDEMCPops}}
        ## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
        ## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
        ## ,\code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
        iPop <- which.max(getNSamples(x))	# very short pops may have not sampled low temperature
        x$pops[[iPop]]$temp[ nrow(x$pops[[iPop]]$temp), ]
        ### numeric vector: Temperature for each result component for the last sample

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("getCurrentBaseTemp","twDEMCPops", function( 
                ### Get the Base Temperature, i.e. cost reduction factor at aggregated level
                x	                    ##<< object of class twDEMCPops
                ,nObs = x$args$nObs     ##<< number of observations for each result component, see \code{\link{calcBaseTemp}}
                ,TFix = x$args$ctrlT$TFix   ##<< fixed temperatures for several result components, see \code{\link{calcBaseTemp}}
            # getCurrentBaseTemp.twDEMCPops
            ## \code{\link{getCurrentTemp.twDEMCPops}}
            ## \code{\link{calcBaseTemp}}
            ## \code{\link{getNGen.twDEMCPops}}
            ## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
            ## ,\code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
            T <- getCurrentTemp(x)
            calcBaseTemp(T, nObs=nObs, TFix=TFix )
            ### numeric scalar: Base Temperature at aggregated level

.getParBoundsPops <- function(
#	lapply( c("upperParBounds","lowerParBounds","splits"), function(entry){
#			sapply(pops, function(pop){ pop[entry] })
#		} )
	lapply(pops, function(pop){ pop[c("upperParBounds","lowerParBounds","splits")] })

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("getParBoundsPop","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Extracts lower or upper ParBounds
		x	##<< object of class twDEMCPops
		# getParBoundsPop.twDEMCPops
		## \code{\link{getNGen.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
		## ,\code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		list( ##describe<<
			upperParBoundsPop = lapply(x$pops, "[[", "upperParBounds")	##<< list of named numeric vectors giving upper parameter bounds per population 
			,lowerParBoundsPop = lapply(x$pops, "[[", "lowerParBounds") ##<< list of named numeric vectors giving lower parameter bounds per population
		) ##end <<

#------------------------ concatPops -------------------------------------
R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("concatPops","twDEMCPops", function( 
                ### Concatenates all the chains of all subpopulations to array across all chains as class \code{twDEMC}.
                x                   ##<< the twDEMCPops object to transform
                ,...                ##<< not used
                , isUsingThinning=TRUE	##<< if TRUE (defaul) thinning is used to make populations the same length (the minimum across populations' length), if FALSE they are cut to shortest population
                , minPopLength=NULL	##<< integer scalar: if specified, populations with less samples than length.out are dropped from the results
            ## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
            ## ,\code{\link{subChains.twDEMC}}
            ## ,\code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
            nStepsPop <- getNSamples(x)     # length for each population
            # if minimal length is specified, drop short populations and recalculate population length vector
            if( 1 == length(minPopLength) ){
                iKeepPops <- which( nStepsPop >= minPopLength )
                x <- subPops(x, iPops=iKeepPops )
                nStepsPop <- nStepsPop[iKeepPops]
            nSteps <- min(nStepsPop)
            if( nSteps < 2 ) stop("concatPops.twDEMCPops: min(nStepsPop)<2: cannot reduce to single state. use minPopLength=2 to drop degenerated populations")
            if( !all(nStepsPop == nSteps) ){
                if( isUsingThinning)
                    x <- squeeze(x, length.out=nSteps )
                    x <- subset(x, 1:nSteps)
            pops <- x$pops
            p1 <- pops[[1]]
            x$pops <- NULL
            x$parms <- structure( abind( lapply(pops,"[[","parms"), along=3), dimnames=dimnames(p1$parms))
            #x$temp <- structure( abind( lapply(pops,"[[","temp"), along=3), dimnames=dimnames(p1$temp))
            x$temp <- p1$temp	# temperature of all population and chains have equal start and end
            x$pAccept <- structure( abind( lapply(pops,"[[","pAccept"), along=3), dimnames=dimnames(p1$pAccept))
            x$resLogDen <- structure( abind( lapply(pops,"[[","resLogDen"), along=3), dimnames=dimnames(p1$resLogDen))
            x$logDen <- structure( abind( lapply(pops,"[[","logDen"), along=3), dimnames=dimnames(p1$logDen))
            # for YL constrain to the 
            YL <-  lapply(pops,"[[","Y")
            nY <- min(sapply(YL,nrow))
            YLs <- lapply(YL, function(Y){ Y[nrow(Y)-((nY-1):0),,,drop=FALSE] })
            x$Y <- structure( abind(YLs, along=3), dimnames=dimnames(p1$Y))
            x$upperParBoundsPop = lapply( pops, "[[", "upperParBounds" )
            x$lowerParBoundsPop = lapply( pops, "[[", "lowerParBounds" )
            x$nPop <- length(pops)
            class(x) <- c("list","twDEMC")
            ## In the twDEMCPops object \code{x}, the information on results is scattered in a list of populations 
            ## (result component \code{pop} described in \code{link{twDEMCBlockInt}}).
            ## This function makes all chains the same length, and combines the populations by appending all the chains in a big array.
            ## All other entry besides \code{pops} is retained from the original twDEMCPops object \code{x}.
            ##value<< An object of class \code{twDEMC} (see \code{\link{subChains.twDEMC}})
attr(concatPops,"ex") <- function(){
	if( FALSE ){
		getNSamples(tmp <- concatPops(res))
		getNSamples(tmp <- concatPops(res,minPopLength=10))

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("subsetF","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### keeps only cases within population which evaluate to TRUE for a given function.
		x		##<< object of class twDEMCPops
		,fKeep	##<< function(pop) returning an boolean matrix (nStep x nChain) of cases to keep
			##<< ,alternatively returning an integer matrix (niStep x nChain) with the indices to keep
			##<< ,alternatively returning an integer or boolean vector, that is applied to each chain
		,...    ##<< further arguments to fKeep
		##details<< The samples are redistributed across chains
		xNew <- x
		nChainPop <- getNChainsPop(x)
		xNew$pops <- lapply(x$pops, function(pop){
				if( nrow(pop$parms) == 0){
					pop # no rows to apply fKeep to
					boKeep <- fKeep(pop,...)
					if( is.matrix(boKeep) ){
						# create a subset population for each chain
						.subSamplesChain <- lapply( 1:nChainPop, function(iChain){
								.subsetTwDEMCPop(pop, boKeep[,iChain], iChain)
						# combine all the populations to a common population of one chain
						ss <- combineTwDEMCPops(.subSamplesChain, mergeMethod="random")			
						# split into pops, of equal length
						ssu <- .unstackPopsTwDEMCPops(ss$pop, nChainPop)	# here may loose or gain a few samples due to not a multiple of nChains
						# combine the pops of the chains into one populatin again
						newPop <- .concatChainsTwDEMCPops(ssu)	# combine chains into one array
						newPop$splits <- pop$splits
						# if only a vector all chains have the same length 
						# not need of combine/unstack
						.subsetTwDEMCPop(pop, boKeep)
					}# if is.matix 
				}# nrow(parms) != 0
		### twDEMCPops with each population with some cases removed.
attr(subsetF.twDEMCPops,"ex") <- function(){
	range(concatPops(twdemcEx1)$parms[,"a",]) # spanning 9 to 11
	#pop <- twdemcEx1$pops[[1]]
	# note that the numer of samples across chains within one population is allowed to differ
	fKeep <- function(pop){ tmp <- (pop$parms[,"a",] < 10) }
	res <- subsetF(twdemcEx1, fKeep )
	plot( as.mcmc.list(res), smooth=FALSE )

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("subsetTail","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### discards the first part of all the chains
		x		##<< object of class twDEMCPops
		,pKeep=0.5	##<< the percentage of the samples to keep 
		fKeep <- function(pop){
			nR <- nrow(pop$parms)
			nDrop <- round(nR*(1-pKeep))
			if( nDrop >= nR) return(FALSE) else return( (nDrop+1):nR )
attr(subsetTail.twDEMCPops,"ex") <- function(){
	res <- subsetTail(twdemcEx1)
	plot( as.mcmc.list(res), smooth=FALSE )

.subsetTwDEMCPop <- function(
	### subset all items of a twDEMCPops population
	pop		##<< single populatin of a twDEMCPops object
	,iKeep	##<< indices to keep (integer vector or boolean)
	,iChain=TRUE	##<< indices of chains to keep
	##details<< no checking of bounds performed
	newPop <- pop	# keep entries upperParBounds, lowerParBounds, splits
	if( nrow(pop$parms)==0 ) iKeep<-0
	newPop$parms <- pop$parms[iKeep,,iChain  ,drop=FALSE] 
	newPop$logDen <- pop$logDen[iKeep,,iChain ,drop=FALSE] 
	newPop$resLogDen <- pop$resLogDen[iKeep,,iChain ,drop=FALSE] 
	newPop$pAccept <- pop$pAccept[iKeep,,iChain ,drop=FALSE]
	newPop$temp <- pop$temp[iKeep, ,drop=FALSE]

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("subPops","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Condenses an twDEMCPops List to given population indices or space replicates
		, iPops 		##<< integer vector listing those spaceInd to keep
		, iSpaces=NULL	##<< alternatively specifying the space replicates for which to keep populations
	#, doKeepBatchCall=FALSE	##<< wheter to retain the batch call attribute of x
		# subPops.twDEMCPops
		## \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
		if( 0 != length(iSpaces) )
			iPops <- which(getSpacesPop(x) %in% iSpaces )
		x$pops <- x$pops[iPops]

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("squeeze","twDEMCPops", function(
	### Reduces the rows of populations so that all populations have the same number of samples. 
	x, ##<< the twDEMCPops list to thin 
	length.out=min(getNSamples(x)),	##<< number vector (nPops) of steps in each population, or numeric scalar specifying the lenght for all populations
	dropShortPops=FALSE				##<< if set to TRUE, pops with less samples than length.out[1] are dropped
	# squeeze.twDEMCPops
	## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
	nPop <- getNPops(x)
	nSamplesPop <- getNSamples(x)
	if( 1==length(length.out)){
		if( dropShortPops ){
			x <- subPops( x, iPops=which(nSamplesPop < length.out))
		}else if( length.out > min(nSamplesPop)) stop(
				"squeeze.twDEMCPops: specified a length that is longer than the shortest population. Use dropShortPops=TRUE to drop shorter populations.")
		length.out = rep( length.out, nPop)
	if( nPop != length(length.out)) stop("squeeze.twDEMCPops: length.out must specify a length for each population.")
	length.out <- pmin( length.out, nSamplesPop ) # avoid lengthening the pops
	if( all( length.out == nSamplesPop) )
	for( iPop in seq_along(x$pops) ){
		iKeep <- seq(1,nSamplesPop[iPop],length.out=length.out[iPop])
		iKeep[length(iKeep)] <- nSamplesPop[iPop]	# take the last row
		x$pops[[iPop]]$parms <- x$pops[[iPop]]$parms[iKeep,, ,drop=FALSE] 
		x$pops[[iPop]]$logDen <- x$pops[[iPop]]$logDen[iKeep,, ,drop=FALSE] 
		x$pops[[iPop]]$resLogDen <- x$pops[[iPop]]$resLogDen[iKeep,, ,drop=FALSE] 
		x$pops[[iPop]]$pAccept <- x$pops[[iPop]]$pAccept[iKeep,, ,drop=FALSE]
		x$pops[[iPop]]$temp <- x$pops[[iPop]]$temp[iKeep, ,drop=FALSE]
	## components \code{thin,Y,nGenBurnin} are kept, but may be meaningless after subsetting.
attr(squeeze.twDEMCPops,"ex") <- function(){
	if( FALSE){
		tmp <- squeeze(res)
		tmp2 <- subPops(res,2)
		getNSamples( squeeze(tmp2,length.out=10) )
		getNSamples( squeeze(tmp,length.out=10) )	# should produce error
		getNSamples( squeeze(tmp,length.out=10, dropShortPops=TRUE) )	# should produce error

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("stackChains","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Combine logLik and parms of MarkovChains of a twDEMCPops object to one matrix. 
		,...				##<< not used
        ,useTemperatedLogDen=FALSE  ##<< set to true to calculate temperatedLogDen
        ,returnComponents=FALSE     ##<< set to TRUE to return logDenComp instead of logDen
		# stackChains.twDEMCPops
		## \code{\link{stackPopsInSpace.twDEMCPops}}, \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}} 
		cPop <- combineTwDEMCPops(x$pops)$pop
        logDen <- if( isTRUE(useTemperatedLogDen)){
            T <- getCurrentTemp(x)
            #logDenM <- cPop$resLogDen[,,1]
            #refDen=apply(cPop$resLogDen,2,quantile,probs=0.9)   # need common reference temperature to compare blocks
            logDenBlocksTL <- alply( cPop$resLogDen, .margins=3, .fun=function(logDenM){
                        #resLogDenT <- calcTemperatedLogDen(logDenM, T, refDen=refDen)
                        resLogDenT <- calcTemperatedLogDen(logDenM, T)
                        logDenBlocksT <- if( isTRUE(returnComponents) ) resLogDenT else sumLogDenCompBlocks(resLogDenT, x$dInfos)
            logDenBlocksT <- abind(logDenBlocksTL, along=3)
            #plot( logDenBlocksT ~ cPop$logDen )
        } else if( isTRUE(returnComponents) )  cPop$resLogDen else cPop$logDen
		cArr <- abind( logDen, cPop$parms, along=2)
		res <- stackChains.array( cArr )
        attr(res,"nBlock") = getNBlocks(x)
		### Matrix with first nDen columns the logDensity logDen and the remaining columns the variables.

.tmp.f <- function(){
    Y <- array(1:24, dim=c(3,4,2))
    X <- aperm(Y, c(1,3,2) )
    dim(X) <- c( dim(X)[1]*dim(X)[2], dim(X)[3] )

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("thin","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Reduces the rows of an twDEMCPops object (list returned by \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}) to correspond to a thinning of \code{newThin}.
		x, ##<< the twDEMCPops list to thin 
		newThin=x$thin, ##<< finite numeric scalar: the target thinning factor, must be positive multiple of x$thin
		### numeric scalar: the start time of the chain. 
		### Note that time starts from zero.
		### If a vector or matrix is supplied (e.g. nGenBurnin) then the maximum is used
		### numeric vector the maximum end time of the populations. 
		### Note that time starts from zero.
		### If a scalar is supplied, then it is repeateed NPop times 
		, doKeepBatchCall=FALSE	##<< wheter to retain the batch call attribute of x
		# thin.twDEMCPops
		## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
		# with the thinned list having mZ rows, this corresponds to (mZ-1)*thin Metropolis steps + 1 row for the initial state
		if( (newThin < x$thin) | (newThin %% x$thin) )
			stop(paste("thin.twDEMCPops: increased thin must be a positive multiple of former thin",x$thin))
		start <- max(start)	#
		if( start < 0)
			stop(paste("thin.twDEMCPops: argument start must be at least 0 but was ",start))
		nSPops <- getNSamples(x)
		thinFac <- newThin %/% x$thin
		startT <- ceiling( start / x$thin ) * x$thin		# adjust start time so that it coincides with next start of next thinning interval
		if( 1 == length(end) ) end <- rep(end, length(x$pops) )
		#nGenPops <- getNGen(x)
		for( iPop in seq_along(x$pops)){
			maxSampleTime <- iSample2time(nSPops[iPop], thin=x$thin)
			endi <- end[[iPop]]
			if( is.null(endi) || !is.finite(endi) || endi>maxSampleTime) endi=maxSampleTime 	
			if( endi < 1)
				stop(paste("thin.twDEMCPops: argument end must be at least 1 (one generation from 0 to 1) but was",endi))
			#thin own past: keep first line and every occurenc of multiple thin
			endT <- startT + floor( (endi-startT) / newThin) * newThin 			# adjust end time so that it coincides with beginning of thinning interval of end
			iStartEnd <- time2iSample( c(startT,endT), thin=x$thin, match="none" )
			iKeep <- seq(iStartEnd[1],iStartEnd[2],by=thinFac)
			x <- tmp <- subset.twDEMCPops( x, iKeep, iPops=iPop )
		x$thin <- newThin
		#if( !is.null(x$nGenBurnin) ) res$nGenBurnin <- pmax(0,x$nGenBurnin-startT) 
		#if(!doKeepBatchCall) attr(res,"batchCall") <- NULL
attr(thin.twDEMCPops,"ex") <- function(){
	if( FALSE ){
		tmp <- thin(res, start=4, newThin=8 )
		all.equals( c(1, 11), getNSamples(tmp))
	x <- twdemcEx1
	c( nGen=getNGen(twdemcEx1), thin=twdemcEx1$thin, nSample=getNSamples(twdemcEx1) )
    .nGenBurnin <- max(getNGen(twdemcEx1))-50
	thinned <- thin(twdemcEx1, start=.nGenBurnin)	# removing burnin period
	c( nGen=getNGen(thinned), thin=thinned$thin, nSample=getNSamples(thinned) )	#13 sample describing 48 generations
	thinned <- thin(twdemcEx1, start=.nGenBurnin, newThin=8)	
	c( nGen=getNGen(thinned), thin=thinned$thin, nSample=getNSamples(thinned), nGenBurnin=thinned$nGenBurnin )	#7 samples describing 48 generations

#R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("as.mcmc.list","twDEMCPops", function( 
as.mcmc.list.twDEMCPops <- function( 
	### Converts list of type twDEMCPops (result of \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}) to coda's \code{mcmc.list}. 
	x				##<< the output of \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}) run
	,useThinning=TRUE	##<< if TRUE thinning is used to make populations the same length, if FALSE they are cut to shortest population
	,minPopLength=NULL	##<< integer: if given, shorter populations are dropped 
	xStack <- concatPops.twDEMCPops(x, useThinning=useThinning, minPopLength=minPopLength)

.unstackPopsTwDEMCPops <- function(
	### unstacks a stacked population (by \code{combineTwDEMCPops(mergeMethod="stack")})
	pop	##<< stacked population
	#print(".unstackPopsTwDEMCPops: start"); recover()
	# if nCases in pop is not a multiple of nChain, then last rows are skipped.
	nCases <- nrow(pop$parms) %/% nChain
	pops <- vector("list", nChain)
	#iChain <- nChain
	for( iChain in (1:nChain) ){
		#cases <- if( nCases==0) FALSE else nCases*(iChain-1) + (1:nCases)
		cases <- if( nCases==0) FALSE else (0:(nCases-1))*nChain+iChain	# all chains spread across initial chain
		pops[[iChain]] <- pop	# keeping entries spaceInd, upperParBound, lowerParBounds, and splits		
		pops[[iChain]]$parms <- pop$parms[cases,, ,drop=FALSE] 
		pops[[iChain]]$logDen <- pop$logDen[cases,, ,drop=FALSE] 
		pops[[iChain]]$resLogDen <- pop$resLogDen[cases,, ,drop=FALSE] 
		pops[[iChain]]$pAccept <- pop$pAccept[cases,, ,drop=FALSE] 
		pops[[iChain]]$temp <- pop$temp[cases, ,drop=FALSE] 
	### list of subsets (by rows)

.concatChainsTwDEMCPops <- function(
	### combine given populations to one big population with more chains  
	newPop <- pops[[1]]	# keeping entries spaceInd
	if( length(pops) > 1){
		along = 3 
		newPop$parms <- abind( lapply(pops,"[[","parms"), along=along ) 
		newPop$logDen <- abind( lapply(pops,"[[","logDen"), along=along )
		newPop$resLogDen <- abind( lapply(pops,"[[","resLogDen"), along=along )
		newPop$pAccept <- abind( lapply(pops,"[[","pAccept"), along=along )
		#only one temp for all chain and pops newPop$temp <- abind( lapply(pops,"[[","temp"), along=2 ) 
		#---- update the parameter bounds
		pB <- .parBoundsEnvelope(pops)
		newPop[ names(pB)] <- pB	
		## entry splits is discarded, as it is not generally determined.
		newPop$splits <- numeric(0)	 

combineTwDEMCPops <- function(
	### combine given populations to one big chain with more cases
	pops					##<< list of population objects
	,popCases=integer(0)	##<< integer vector (sum(getNSamples(pops))): specifying for each case (row) from which population it is filled
	,mergeMethod="random"	##<< method of merging the pops, see \code{\link{twMergeSequences}}
	,nInSlice=4		##<< sequence length from each population (only for mergeMethod \code{slice}
	#print("start of combineTwDEMCPops"); recover()
	nPop <- length(pops)
	newPop <- pop1 <- pops[[1]]
	if( nPop > 1){
		nSamplePop <- sapply(pops,function(pop){nrow(pop$parms)})
		nSample <- sum(nSamplePop)
		if( 0 == length(popCases))
			popCases <- twMergeSequences(nSamplePop, mergeMethod=mergeMethod, nInSlice=nInSlice )
		if( nSample != length(popCases) )
			stop("combineTwDEMCPops: length of argument popCases must equal sum of samples of all populations")
		#----  initialize entries
		tmp <- "parms"; newPop[[tmp]] <- array( NA_real_, dim=c(nSample,dim(pop1[[tmp]])[2:3]), dimnames=dimnames(pop1[[tmp]])) 
		tmp <- "logDen"; newPop[[tmp]] <- array( NA_real_, dim=c(nSample,dim(pop1[[tmp]])[2:3]), dimnames=dimnames(pop1[[tmp]])) 
		tmp <- "resLogDen"; newPop[[tmp]] <- array( NA_real_, dim=c(nSample,dim(pop1[[tmp]])[2:3]), dimnames=dimnames(pop1[[tmp]])) 
		tmp <- "pAccept"; newPop[[tmp]] <- array( NA_real_, dim=c(nSample,dim(pop1[[tmp]])[2:3]), dimnames=dimnames(pop1[[tmp]])) 
		tmp <- "temp"; newPop[[tmp]] <- matrix( NA_real_, nrow=nSample, ncol=ncol(pop1[[tmp]]),dimnames=dimnames(pop1[[tmp]])) 
		#---- copy the entries
		for( iPop in 1:nPop){
			pop <- pops[[iPop]]
			is <- which(popCases==iPop)
			tmp <- "parms"; newPop[[tmp]][is,,] <- pop[[tmp]]
			tmp <- "logDen"; newPop[[tmp]][is,,] <- pop[[tmp]]  
			tmp <- "resLogDen"; newPop[[tmp]][is,,] <- pop[[tmp]]  
			tmp <- "pAccept"; newPop[[tmp]][is,,] <- pop[[tmp]]  
			tmp <- "temp"; newPop[[tmp]][is,] <- pop[[tmp]]  
		} # iPop
		# newPop$parms[,1,1]
		#---- update the parameter bounds
		# .getParBoundsPops(pops)
		# mtrace(.parBoundsEnvelope)
		pB <- .parBoundsEnvelope(pops)
		newPop[ names(pB)] <- pB	
		## entry splits is discarded, as it is not generally determined.
		newPop$splits <- numeric(0)	 
	} # length(pops) > 1
		pop=newPop			##<< the merged population
		,popCases=popCases 	##<< integer vector (nSample): population that case is taken from

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("stackPopsInSpace","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Combine populations for subspaces to bigger populations 
		,...	##<< arguments passed \code{\link{combineTwDEMCPops}} such as \code{mergeMethod=stack/slice/random}
		,spacePop = getSpacesPop(x)
		# stackPopsInSpace.twDEMCPops
		## \code{\link{stackPops.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{combineTwDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{stackChains.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
		resComb <- lapply( unique(spacePop), function(iSpace){
			iPops <- which(spacePop == iSpace)
			combineTwDEMCPops(x$pops[iPops], ...) 
		x$pops <- lapply( resComb, "[[", "pop" )
		### twDEMCPops object with nSpace populations
#attr(stackPopsInSpace.twDEMCPops,"ex") <- function(){
.tmp.f <- function(){     
	res <- stackPopsInSpace( den2dCorEx$mcSubspaces0 )
	getNSamples(res)	# lost a few samples in sorting chains to subspaces
	plot( as.mcmc.list(den2dCorEx$mcBulk), smooth=FALSE ) # original before splitting into subspaces
	plot( as.mcmc.list(res), smooth=FALSE )		# stacked populations of subspaces
	plot( as.mcmc.list(stackPopsInSpace( den2dCorEx$mcSubspaces0,mergeMethod="stack" )), smooth=FALSE )
	plot( as.mcmc.list(stackPopsInSpace( den2dCorEx$mcSubspaces0,mergeMethod="slice" )), smooth=FALSE )

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("stackPops","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Combine all populations (across subspaces) to one big population 
		,...	##<< arguments passed \code{\link{combineTwDEMCPops}} such as \code{mergeMethod=stack/slice/random}
		# stackPopsInSpace.twDEMCPops
		## \code{\link{stackPopsInSpace.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{combineTwDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{stackChains.twDEMCPops}}
		## \code{\link{subset.twDEMCPops}}
		x$pops <- list(combineTwDEMCPops(x$pops, ...)$pop)

.stackChainsWithinPop <- function(
	nc <- dim(pop$parms)[3]
	nr <- nrow(pop$parms)
	newPop <- pop
	if( nc != 1 ){
		newPop$parms <- abind( lapply( 1:nc, function(iChain){ pop$parms[,,iChain ,drop=FALSE]}), along=1 ) 
		newPop$logDen <- abind( lapply( 1:nc, function(iChain){ pop$logDen[,,iChain ,drop=FALSE]}), along=1 )
		newPop$resLogDen <-abind( lapply( 1:nc, function(iChain){ pop$resLogDen[,,iChain ,drop=FALSE]}), along=1 )
		newPop$pAccept <- abind( lapply( 1:nc, function(iChain){ pop$pAccept[,,iChain ,drop=FALSE]}), along=1 )
		newPop$temp <- abind( lapply( 1:nc, function(iChain){ pop$temp }), along=1 )  # repeat the temperature
		newPop$Y <- abind( lapply( 1:nc, function(iChain){ pop$Y[,,iChain ,drop=FALSE]}), along=1 )
		if( mergeMethod != "stack" && nr != 0){
			# need to resort the entries
			chainInd <- twMergeSequences( rep(nr,nc), mergeMethod=mergeMethod )
			chainIndY <- twMergeSequences( rep(nrow(pop$Y),nc), mergeMethod=mergeMethod )
			#iChain <- 1
			for( iChain in 1:nc){
				iPos <- which(chainInd==iChain)
				iPosY <- which(chainIndY==iChain)
				newPop$parms[iPos,,1] <- pop$parms[,,iChain]
				newPop$logDen[iPos,,1] <- pop$logDen[,,iChain]
				newPop$resLogDen[iPos,,1] <- pop$resLogDen[,,iChain]
				newPop$pAccept[iPos,,1] <- pop$pAccept[,,iChain]
				newPop$temp[iPos,] <- pop$temp
				newPop$Y[iPosY,,1] <- pop$Y[,,iChain]

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("stackChainsPop","twDEMCPops", function( 
		### Combine MarkovChains of each population of a twDEMC to a single chain.
		# stack logDen for each population
		#nPop = getNPops(x)
		#iPop = nPop
		#pop <- x$pops[[nPop]]
		xNew <- x
		xNew$pops <- newPops <- lapply( x$pops, .stackChainsWithinPop, mergeMethod=mergeMethod )
attr(stackChainsPop.twDEMCPops,"ex") <- function(){
	getNChainsPop(twdemcEx1)	# four chains within population
	getNSamples(twdemcEx1)		# with 26 samples
	res <- stackChainsPop(twdemcEx1)
	getNChainsPop(res)			# only 1 chains
	getNSamples(res)			# but with 26*4=104 samples

.depr.useWithMatrix.sumLogDenComp <- function(
	### sum LogDen components within density
	resLogDen		##<< numeric matrix (nStep x nResComp x nChain): of log-Densities
	,dInfos=NULL	##<< list of densities each a list with entry resCompPos: integer vector, specifying the result components within density
		##<< If dInfos is of length 0, all components are summed and a matrix instead of a array is returned
	if( 0 == length(dInfos) ){
		# sum sum within chain
		sumD <- apply(resLogDen, c(1,3), sum )
		dimnames(sumD) <- dimnames(resLogDen)[c(1,3)]
		#iInfo <- 1
		logDenSumL <- lapply( seq_along(dInfos), function(iInfo){
			resCompPos <- dInfos[[iInfo]]$resCompPos
			if( 0 == length(resCompPos)) stop("sumLogDenComp: each entry of dInfos must provide entry resCompPos of length > 0")
			if( 1 == length(resCompPos)) adrop( resLogDen[,resCompPos, ,drop=FALSE],2) 
			tmp <- apply(resLogDen[,resCompPos, ,drop=FALSE], c(1,3), sum )
		logDenSumArr1 <- abind(logDenSumL, rev.along=0)
		dimnames(logDenSumArr1)[3] <- names(dInfos)
		sumD <- aperm(logDenSumArr1, c(1,3,2))
	##value<< numeric array (nStep x nDensities x nChain )
	##seealso<< \code{\link{calcTemperatedLogDenChains.array}}

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twDEMC documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:38 p.m.