
## Test unit 'twDEMC'
# twUtestF(twDEMC)
# twUtestF(twDEMC, "test.goodStartSeqData")
# twUtestF(twDEMC, "test_int.goodStartSeqData.plot2d")
# twUtestF(twDEMC, "dump")

.setUp <- function(){

.tearDown <- function(){
	#detach( twdemcEx1 )
	detach( twLinreg1 )

.tmp.f <- function(){

test.distinctLogDen <- function(){
	lmDummy <- lm( obs ~ xval, weights=1/sdObs^2)		# results without priors
	(.expTheta <- coef(lmDummy))
	(.expCovTheta <- vcov(lmDummy))		# a is very weak constrained, negative covariance between a an b
	(.expSdTheta <- structure(sqrt(diag(.expCovTheta)), names=c("a","b")) )
	#plot( obs ~ xval )
	#abline(thetaTrue, col="red")
	# nice starting values
	argsFLogDen <- list(
		fModel=dummyTwDEMCModel,		### the model function, which predicts the output based on theta 
		obs=obs,			### vector of data to compare with
		invCovar=invCovar,		### do not constrain by data, the inverse of the Covariance of obs (its uncertainty)
		#thetaPrior = thetaTrue,	### the prior estimate of the parameters
		#invCovarTheta = invCovarTheta,	### the inverse of the Covariance of the prior parameter estimates
	#mtrace(logDenGaussian) logDenGaussian, c(list(theta=theta0),argsFLogDen))
	ZinitPops <- initZtwDEMCNormal( theta0, .expCovTheta, nChainPop=4, nPop=.nPop)
	pops0 <- list(
		pop1 <- list(
			parms = ZinitPops[1:3,,1:4,drop=FALSE]	# the first population with less initial conditions
		,pop2 <- list(
			parms = ZinitPops[,,5:8,drop=FALSE]	# the first population with less initial conditions
		,pop3 <- list(
			parms = ZinitPops[,,9:12,drop=FALSE]	# the first population with less initial conditions
	#tmp <- .checkPop(pops[[1]])
	# both fLogDen compare the same model against the same observations but use different priors
	dInfoDefault <- list(
		,argsFLogDen = list(
			fModel=dummyTwDEMCModel,		### the model function, which predicts the output based on theta 
			obs=obs,				### vector of data to compare with
			invCovar=invCovar,		### the inverse of the Covariance of obs (its uncertainty)
	dInfos0 <- list(
		logDenA = within(dInfoDefault,{
				argsFLogDen <- c( argsFLogDen, list(
						#,thetaPrior= thetaTrue["a"]	### the prior estimate of the parameters
						# underestimates variances ,invCovarTheta = invCovarTheta[1,1,drop=FALSE]	### the inverse of the Covariance of the prior parameter estimates
						#,invCovarTheta = sdTheta^2
		,logDenB = within(dInfoDefault,{
				argsFLogDen <- c( argsFLogDen, list(
						#,thetaPrior= thetaTrue["b"]	### the prior estimate of the parameters
						#,invCovarTheta = invCovarTheta[2,2,drop=FALSE]	### the inverse of the Covariance of the prior parameter estimates
	blocks0 <- list(
		blockA <- list(compPos="a", dInfoPos="logDenA")
		,blockB <- list(compPos="b", dInfoPos="logDenB")
	# here no nGen argument to use different nGen of pops
	# issues a warning because of too few initial cases of pop1. (This is because we subsetted initial Zinit to test different Zinit Length)
	res <- twDEMCBlockInt( pops=pops0, dInfos=dInfos0, blocks=blocks0, controlTwDEMC=list(thin=.thin)  )
	.nGenThinned=sapply(pops0, "[[", "nGen")%/%.thin+1
	for( iPop in seq_along(res$pops) ){
		resPop <- res$pops[[iPop]]
		checkEquals( .nGenThinned[iPop], nrow(resPop$parms), msg="number of states in parms mismatch" )
		checkEquals( .nGenThinned[iPop], nrow(resPop$temp), msg="number of states in temp mismatch" )
		checkEquals( .nGenThinned[iPop], nrow(resPop$pAccept), msg="number of states in pAccept mismatch" )
		checkEquals( .nGenThinned[iPop], nrow(resPop$resLogDen), msg="number of states in resLogDen mismatch" )
		checkEquals( .nGenThinned[iPop], nrow(resPop$logDen), msg="number of states in logDen mismatch" )
		ZinitI <- pops0[[iPop]]$parms
		checkEquals( ZinitI[nrow(ZinitI),,], resPop$parms[1,,], msg="first row of parms should correspond to the last row of parms" )		
		checkEquals( 1, resPop$temp[.nGenThinned[iPop] ], , msg="end temperature need to be 1" )		
		checkTrue( all(is.finite(resPop$parms)), msg="found non-finite values in parameters")	
		checkTrue( all(is.finite(resPop$temp)), msg="found non-finite values in temp")	
		checkTrue( all(is.finite(resPop$pAccept)), msg="found non-finite values in pAccept")	
		checkTrue( all(is.finite(resPop$resLogDen)), msg="found non-finite values in resLogDen")	
	checkEquals( 1, res$pops[[1]]$temp[1], "first row of temperature of first population must be 1" )
	res <- resAll <- twDEMCBlockInt( pops=pops0, dInfos=dInfos0, blocks=blocks0, nGen=.nGen, controlTwDEMC=list(thin=.thin, DRgamma=0.15)	,debugSequential=TRUE, doRecordProposals=TRUE	)
	plot( as.mcmc.list(res, minPopLength=10), smooth=FALSE )
	plot( as.mcmc.list(subPops(res,2), minPopLength=10), smooth=FALSE )
	resB <- thin(res,start=20)	
	for( iPop in seq_along(res$pops) ){
		resPop <- res$pops[[iPop]]
		checkEquals( .nGenThinned[iPop], nrow(resPop$parms), msg="number of states in parms mismatch" )
		checkEquals( .nGenThinned[iPop], nrow(resPop$temp), msg="number of states in temp mismatch" )
		checkEquals( .nGenThinned[iPop], nrow(resPop$pAccept), msg="number of states in pAccept mismatch" )
		checkEquals( .nGenThinned[iPop], nrow(resPop$resLogDen), msg="number of states in resLogDen mismatch" )
		checkEquals( .nGenThinned[iPop], nrow(resPop$logDen), msg="number of states in logDen mismatch" )
		ZinitI <- pops0[[iPop]]$parms
		checkEquals( ZinitI[nrow(ZinitI),,], resPop$parms[1,,], msg="first row of parms should correspond to the last row of parms" )		
		checkEquals( 1, resPop$temp[.nGenThinned[iPop] ], , msg="end temperature need to be 1" )		
	checkEquals( 1, res$pops[[1]]$temp[1], "first row of temperature of first population must be 1" )
	.tmp.f <- function(){
		pop <- resB$pops[[1]]
		pop <- resB$pops[[2]]  # with higher temp
		matplot( pop$logDen[,1,], type="l" )	# acceptance rates of first block
		matplot( pop$pAccept[,1,], type="l" )	# acceptance rates of first block
		matplot( pop$temp, type="l" )	# temperature
		matplot( pop$resLogDen[,1,], type="l" )	# logLik obs
		matplot( pop$resLogDen[,2,], type="l" )	# logLik parms
		plot( pop$parms[,"a",], pop$parms[,"b",], col=rainbow(.nGenThinned)  )
		plot( pop$parms[,"a",], pop$parms[,"b",], col=rainbow(dim(pop$parms)[3])[rep(1:dim(pop$parms)[3], each=dim(pop$parms)[1])]  )
		plot( density(pop$parms[,"a",]) )		
		plot( density(pop$parms[,"b",]) )
	.tmp.f <- function(){
		# with blocked updates chains do not sample the distribution
		suppressWarnings({	#glm fit in summary
				(.popmean <- lapply(list(p1=1:4,p2=5:8),function(i){summary(rescoda[i])$statistics[,"Mean"]}))
				(.popsd <- lapply(list(p1=1:4,p2=5:8),function(i){summary(rescoda[i])$statistics[,"SD"]}))
		# 1/2 orders of magnitude around prescribed sd for theta
		for( .pop in seq(along.with=.popsd) ){
			checkMagnitude( .expSdTheta, .popsd[[.pop]] )
		# check that thetaTrue is in 95% interval 
		.pthetaTrue <- sapply(1:2, function(.pop){
				pnorm(.expTheta, mean=.popmean[[.pop]], sd=.popsd[[.pop]])
		checkInterval( .pthetaTrue )

profile.f <- function(){
	#same setup as test.distinctLogDen
	res <- resAll <- twDEMCBlockInt( pops=pops, dInfos=dInfos, blocks=blocks, nGen=.nGen, controlTwDEMC=list(thin=.thin) )
	prof <- profr(
		res <- resAll <- twDEMCBlockInt( pops=pops, dInfos=dInfos, blocks=blocks, nGen=1, controlTwDEMC=list(thin=1), debugSequential=TRUE )
		,interval=0.001	)
	prof2 <- subset(prof, start >= 0.01)
	plot(prof2, minlabel=0.05, angle=10)
	prof <- profr(
		res <- resAll <- twDEMCBlockInt( pops=pops, dInfos=dInfos, blocks=blocks, nGen=1, controlTwDEMC=list(thin=1), debugSequential=FALSE )
		,interval=0.001	)
	res <- resAll <- twDEMCBlockInt( pops=pops, dInfos=dInfos, blocks=blocks, nGen=.nGen, controlTwDEMC=list(thin=1)
	, debugSequential=TRUE )	
	res <- resAll <- twDEMCBlockInt( pops=pops, dInfos=dInfos, blocks=blocks, nGen=.nGen, controlTwDEMC=list(thin=1)
	, debugSequential=FALSE )	
	tmp <- system.time( res <- resAll <- twDEMCBlockInt( pops=pops, dInfos=dInfos, blocks=blocks, nGen=.nGen, controlTwDEMC=list(thin=4)) )
	# about 4 seconds for 200 runs 
	tmp2 <- system.time( res <- resAll <- twDEMCBlockInt( pops=pops, dInfos=dInfos, blocks=blocks, nGen=.nGen, controlTwDEMC=list(thin=4), debugSequential=FALSE) )
	# about 4 seconds for 200 runs with 4 cpus
	# overhead for one update is so about 20ms

test.extendRun <- function(){
	lmDummy <- lm( obs ~ xval, weights=1/sdObs^2)		# results without priors
	(.expTheta <- coef(lmDummy))
	(.expCovTheta <- vcov(lmDummy))		# a is very weak constrained, negative covariance between a an b
	(.expSdTheta <- structure(sqrt(diag(.expCovTheta)), names=c("a","b")) )
	# nice starting values
	argsFLogDen <- list(
		fModel=dummyTwDEMCModel,		### the model function, which predicts the output based on theta 
		obs=obs,			### vector of data to compare with
		invCovar=invCovar,		### do not constrain by data, the inverse of the Covariance of obs (its uncertainty)
		#thetaPrior = thetaTrue,	### the prior estimate of the parameters
		#invCovarTheta = invCovarTheta,	### the inverse of the Covariance of the prior parameter estimates
	) logDenGaussian, c(list(theta=theta0),argsFLogDen))
	Zinit <- initZtwDEMCNormal( theta0, .expCovTheta, nChainPop=4, nPop=.nPop)
	res <-  concatPops( resBlock <- twDEMCBlock( Zinit, nGen=.nGen, 
				d1 = list(fLogDen=logDenGaussian, argsFLogDen=argsFLogDen)
				,d2 = list(fLogDen=logDenGaussian, argsFLogDen=argsFLogDen)
			,blocks = list(
				b1 = list(dInfoPos="d1", compPos="a")
				,b1 = list(dInfoPos="d1", compPos="b")
		), minPopLength=2)	# omitting the zero generation chain from  
	rescoda <- as.mcmc.list(res) 
	plot(rescoda, smooth=FALSE)

	checkEquals(.nGen, getNGen(resBlock) )
	checkEquals(.nGen, sapply(resBlock$pops, function(pop){ nrow(pop$Y)}) )
	.nGen2 <- c(0,64+32,16,0)	# will produce warnings for those populations 3,4 with 0 generations
	resBlock2 <- twDEMCBlock(resBlock, nGen=.nGen2
	checkEquals( .nGen+.nGen2, getNGen(resBlock2) )
	checkEquals( .nGen+.nGen2, sapply( resBlock2$pops, function(pop){ nrow(pop$Y)}) )
	resBlock2b <- twDEMCBlock(resBlock, nGen=.nGen2
	checkEquals( .nGen+.nGen2, getNGen(resBlock2b) )
	checkEquals( pmin(.nGen+.nGen2,128), sapply( resBlock2b$pops, function(pop){ nrow(pop$Y)}) )

test.split <- function(){
    # test advance of subspaces with lower and upper par bounds 
    # and with different nGen
	lmDummy <- lm( obs ~ xval, weights=1/sdObs^2)		# results without priors
	(.expTheta <- coef(lmDummy))
	(.expCovTheta <- vcov(lmDummy))		# a is very weak constrained, negative covariance between a an b
	(.expSdTheta <- structure(sqrt(diag(.expCovTheta)), names=c("a","b")) )
	# nice starting values
	argsFLogDen <- list(
		fModel=dummyTwDEMCModel,		### the model function, which predicts the output based on theta 
		obs=obs,			### vector of data to compare with
		invCovar=invCovar,		### do not constrain by data, the inverse of the Covariance of obs (its uncertainty)
		thetaPrior = thetaTrue,	### the prior estimate of the parameters
		invCovarTheta = invCovarTheta,	### the inverse of the Covariance of the prior parameter estimates
	) logDenGaussian, c(list(theta=theta0),argsFLogDen))
	#Zinit <- initZtwDEMCNormal( theta0, .expCovTheta, nChainPop=4, nPop=.nPop)
	Zinit <- initZtwDEMCNormal( theta0, diag(sdTheta^2), nChainPop=4, nPop=1, m0FiniteFac=0.4)
	ZinitL <- initZtwDEMCSub( {tmp <- stackChains(Zinit); tmp[tmp[,"a"] <= aSplit,]}, nChainPop=4, nPop=1 )
	ZinitU <- initZtwDEMCSub( {tmp <- stackChains(Zinit); tmp[tmp[,"a"] > aSplit,]}, nChainPop=4, nPop=1 )
	Zinit <- abind(ZinitL, ZinitU, along=3)
	.nGenL <- 128
	resBlockA <- twDEMCBlock( Zinit, nGen=.nGen, 
				d1 = list(fLogDen=logDenGaussian, argsFLogDen=argsFLogDen)
				,d2 = list(fLogDen=logDenGaussian, argsFLogDen=argsFLogDen)
			,blocks = list(
				b1 = list(dInfoPos="d1", compPos="a")
				,b1 = list(dInfoPos="d1", compPos="b")
			,lowerParBounds=list(NULL, c(a=aSplit))
	res <- resB <-  concatPops(resBlock <- thin(resBlockA, start=8))
	res <- resL <- subChains(resB,iPops=1)
	rescoda <- as.mcmc.list(res) 
	plot(rescoda, smooth=FALSE)
	res <- resU <- subChains(resB,iPops=2)
	rescoda <- as.mcmc.list(res) 
	plot(rescoda, smooth=FALSE)
    # inspect entire (unsqueezed upper population 
    resU <- subPops(resBlockA, iPops=2)
	checkTrue( all( stackChains(resL)[,"a"] <= aSplit ) )
	checkTrue( all( aSplit < stackChains(resU)[,"a"] ) )
	.nGen2 <- .nGen + c(32,16) 
	resBlock2 <- twDEMCBlock(resBlockA, nGen=.nGen2
	checkEquals( .nGen+.nGen2, getNGen(resBlock2) )
	res <- resB <-  concatPops(resBlock <- thin(resBlock2, start=8))
	rescoda <- as.mcmc.list(res) 
	plot(rescoda, smooth=FALSE)
	res <- resL <- subChains(resB,iPops=1)
	rescoda <- as.mcmc.list(res) 
	plot(rescoda, smooth=FALSE)
	res <- resU <- subChains(resB,iPops=2)
	rescoda <- as.mcmc.list(res) 
	plot(rescoda, smooth=FALSE)
	checkTrue( all( stackChains(resL)[,"a"] <= aSplit ) )
	checkTrue( all( stackChains(resU)[,"a"] > aSplit ) )
	ssc <- stackChains(concatPops(resBlock2))
	.popmean <- colMeans( ssc[,-(1:2)])
	.popsd <- apply(ssc[,-(1:2)], 2, sd )
	# 1/2 orders of magnitude around prescribed sd for theta
	for( .pop in seq(along.with=.popsd) ){
		checkMagnitude( sdTheta, .popsd[[.pop]] )
	# check that thetaTrue is in 95% interval 
	.pthetaTrue <- sapply(1:2, function(.pop){
			pnorm(thetaTrue, mean=.popmean[[.pop]], sd=.popsd[[.pop]])
	checkInterval( .pthetaTrue ) 

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twDEMC documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:38 p.m.