
Defines functions plot.cvloss.tvcm print.cvloss.tvcm cvloss.tvcm tvcm_folds folds_control oobloss.tvcm

Documented in cvloss.tvcm folds_control oobloss.tvcm plot.cvloss.tvcm

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
## Author:          Reto Burgin
## E-Mail:          rbuergin@gmx.ch
## Date:            2017-08-19
## Description:
## Function for model selection and assessment for 'tvcm' objects.
## Contents:
## oobloss.tvcm:        computes the out.of-bag loss
## folds:               parameters for cross-validation folds
## tvcm_folds:          create cross-validation folds
## cvloss.tvcm:         cross-validation for 'tvcm' objects
## print.cvloss.tvcm:   print for 'cv.tvcm' objects
## plot.cvloss.tvcm:    plot fot 'cv.tvcm' objects
## Last modifications:
## 2017-08-17: delete model.frame.tvcm calls
## 2017-08-11: prettify code
## 2016-02-22: adapt code of 'tvcm_folds' to allow creating folds
##             for olmm objects (not officially!!!)
## 2014-09-09: tvcm_folds: the 'seed' attribute is now the number
##             of the seed and not the RNG state anymore.
## 2014-09-07: modifications for direct call from 'tvcm'
## 2014-09-02: - modifications on 'tvcm_get_node'. The former
##               implementation was a time-killer an therefore
##               there is a new argument 'formList' and a
##               auxiliary function 'tvcm_get_fitted' was added
## 2014-08-30: - deleted 'nsplit' extension of in 'cvloss'. Reason:
##               cross-validation for number of split would
##               require a different pruning procedure
##             - small justifications for the plot
## 2014-08-06: - substituted 'cvfolds' by 'folds', which defines
##               a list of parameters for the new function
##               'tvcm_folds' that creates the cross-validation
##               matrix
##               matrix
## 2014-07-29: - defined 'cvfolds' as method for 'tvcm' objects
##             - added new argument 'weights' to 'cvfolds' to
##               allow for models where the weights represent
##               counts
## 2014-07-22: - removed AIC and BIC methods since they do
##               not apply to the 'tvcm' framework
## 2014-07-17: - change the column names of the cross-validation
##               output matrix
##             - improve the desciption
## 2014-07-08: - remove the 'sub' argument of AIC.tvcm, BIC.tvcm
##             - remove additional methods for AIC.tvcm and BIC.tvcm
##             - remove stabsel.tvcm and and corresponding methods
##             - cvloss: set 'cp' as the only tuning parameter
##             - cvloss: add 'direction' as new parameter 
## --------------------------------------------------------- #

oobloss.tvcm <- function(object, newdata = NULL, weights = NULL, 
                         fun = NULL, ...) {
    if (is.null(fun)) {
        fun <- function(y, mu, wt)
            sum(object$info$family$dev.resids(y, mu, wt))
    if (missing(newdata)) stop("require 'newdata'.")
    if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1.0, nrow(newdata))
    yName <- all.vars(object$info$formula$original)[1]
    yMat <- model.matrix(formula(paste("~ -1 + ", yName)), data = newdata)
    if (object$info$family$family == "binomial" && ncol(yMat) > 1L)
        yMat <- yMat[,2L,drop = FALSE]
    mu <- suppressWarnings(predict(object, newdata, type = "response", ...))
    rval <- fun(yMat, mu, weights)

folds_control <- function(type = c("kfold", "subsampling", "bootstrap"),
                          K = ifelse(type == "kfold", 5, 100),
                          prob = 0.5, weights = c("case", "freq"),
                          seed = NULL) {
    if ("bootstrapping" %in% type) type <- "bootstrap"
    type <- match.arg(type)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(K) && length(K) == 1L)
    if (round(K) < 1L) stop("'K' must be a positive number.")
    if (type == "kfold" && K < 2L)
        stop("'K' must be larger than 1 for 'type = 'kfold''")
    if (K != as.integer(round(K)))
        warning(paste("'K' has been set to ", K, ".", sep = ""))
    K <- as.integer(round(K))
    if (prob < 0 | prob > 1)
        stop("'prob' must be within the interval [0, 1].")
    K <- round(K)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(prob) && length(prob) == 1L)
    weights <- match.arg(weights)
    return(structure(list(type = type,
                          K = K,
                          prob = prob,
                          weights = weights,
                          seed = seed),
                     class = "folds"))

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Creates a cross-validation matrix
##' @param object  an object of class \code{tvcm}
##' @param args    a list of arguments as produced by
##'    \code{\link{folds}}.
##' @return A matrix.
tvcm_folds <- function(object, control) {
    stopifnot(inherits(control, "folds"))
    ## detach input
    type <- control$type
    K <- control$K
    prob <- control$prob
    weights <- control$weights
    seed <- control$seed
    if (inherits(object, "tvcm")) object <- extract(object, "model")
    subject <- object$subject
    if (inherits(object, "olmm")) {
        if (max(table(subject)) > 1L) {
            if (weights == "freq")
                stop("option 'weights = 'freq'' is not available for ",
                     "'olmm' objects")
            if (type == "bootstrap")
                stop("option 'type = 'bootstrap'' is not available for ",
                     "'olmm' objects with 2-stage structures.")
    freq <- switch(weights,
                   case = rep(1, nobs(object)),
                   freq = weights(object))
    if (weights == "freq" && any(!freq == round(freq)))
        stop("some of the weights are not integers.")
    if (is.null(subject)) subject <- factor(rep(1:length(freq), freq))
    N <- nlevels(subject)
    getSample <- function(subject, freq, prob, replace, weights) {
        levs <- if (weights == "case") 1:nlevels(subject) else freq = 1:length(subject)
        rSample <- sample(x = levs,
                          size = ceiling(prob * length(levs)),
                          replace = replace)
        rSample <- table(factor(rSample, levels = levs))
        if (weights == "case") rSample <- rSample[subject]
        if (weights == "freq") rSample <- tapply(rSample, subject, sum)
    if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)) runif(1)
    oldSeed <- get(".Random.seed", mode="numeric", envir=globalenv())
    if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
    RNGstate <- .Random.seed
    if (type == "subsampling") {
        folds <- replicate(K, getSample(subject, freq, prob, FALSE, weights))
    } else if (type == "kfold") {
        if (type == "kfold" & (K > length(subject)) || (K <= 1)) 
            stop("'K' outside allowable range")
        levs <-
            if (weights == "case") 1:nlevels(subject) else 1:length(subject)
        selected <- sample(levs, length(levs))
        split <- c(0, quantile(levs, (1:(K - 1)) / K, type = 1L), max(levs))
        folds <- matrix(, length(levs), K)
        for (i in 1:K) {
            subs <- levs > split[i] & levs <= split[i + 1L]
            folds[, i] <- 1.0 * (!levs %in% selected[subs])
        if (weights == "case") folds <- folds[subject, ]
        if (weights == "freq") folds <- apply(folds, 2, tapply, subject, sum)
    } else if (type == "bootstrap") {
        folds <- replicate(K, getSample(
                                  subject, freq, prob = 1, TRUE, weights))
    colnames(folds) <- 1:K
    rownames(folds) <- rownames(object$data)
    assign(".Random.seed", oldSeed, envir=globalenv())
    attr(folds, "type") <- type
    attr(folds, "value") <- ifelse(weights == "freq", "weights", "freq")
    attr(folds, "seed") <- seed

cvloss.tvcm <- function(object, folds = folds_control(), ...) {
    mc <- match.call()
    control <- extract(object, "control")
    stopifnot(inherits(folds, "folds"))
    control$folds <- folds
    ## set the verbose (no verbose is shown when evaluating the
    ## validation sets)
    object$info$control$verbose <- FALSE

    ## desactivate parallelization in single evaluations
    object$info$control$papply <- "lapply"
    object$info$control$papply.args <- list()
    ## (hidden) type of evaluation ('loss', 'forest' etc.)
    type <- list(...)$type
    if (is.null(type)) type <- "loss"
    ## (hidden) whether the original sample should be evaluated
    original <- list(...)$original
    if (is.null(original)) original <- FALSE
    ## get folds
    foldsMat <- tvcm_folds(object, folds)
    ## get initial complexity penalty
    cp <- control$cp
    ## weights and model frame
    weights <- weights(object$info$model)
    md <- object$info$data
    ## cross-validation function
    cvFun <- function(i) {
        ## the return value of 'cvFun'
        cv <- vector(mode = "list",
                     length = switch(type, loss = 2L, forest = 3L))
        if (control$verbose) {
            if (control$papply == "lapply" && i > 1L)
            if (control$papply != "lapply")
                cat("[", i, "]") else cat("* fold", i, "...")
        if (i > 0L) {
            ## extract subset
            if (attr(foldsMat, "value") == "weights") {
                ibSubs <- foldsMat[, i] > 0.0
                ibWeights <- foldsMat[ibSubs, i]
                oobSubs <- rep(TRUE, nrow(foldsMat))
                oobWeights <- weights - foldsMat[, i]
            } else {
                ibSubs <- foldsMat[, i]
                ibSubs <- rep(1:length(ibSubs), ibSubs) # rep. bootstrap
                ## replications  
                oobSubs <- foldsMat[, i] <= 0
                ibWeights <- weights[ibSubs]
                oobWeights <- weights[oobSubs]
        } else {
            object$info$control <- control
            ibSubs <- NULL
            ibWeights <- NULL
        ## re-fit the tree with training sample (in-bag)
        ibTree <- try(tvcm_grow(object, ibSubs, ibWeights), silent = TRUE)
        if (i == 0) {
            if (inherits(ibTree, "try-error"))
                stop("partitioning failed.")
        if (!inherits(ibTree, "try-error")) {
            if (type == "loss") {
                run <- 1L
                while (run > 0L) {
                    ibTree <- try(prune(tree = ibTree, cp = cp), TRUE)
                    if (!inherits(ibTree, "try-error")) {
                        ## save the out-of-bag loss and the current tuning
                        ## parameter
                        oobLoss <-
                                    newdata = md[oobSubs,,drop = FALSE],
                                    weights = oobWeights,
                                    fun = control$ooblossfun)
                        cv[[1L]] <-
                            cbind(cv[[1L]], cp)
                        cv[[2L]] <-
                            cbind(cv[[2L]], oobLoss)

                        ## set a new and stronger tuning parameter
                        tab <- ibTree$info$prunepath[[length(ibTree$info$prunepath)]]$tab
                        if (nrow(tab) > 1L) cp <- min(tab[, "dev"][-1L])
                        if (nrow(tab) == 1L) run <- 0L
                    } else {
                        cv <- NULL
                        run <- 0L
            } else if (type == "forest") {        
                if (control$verbose && control$papply == "lapply") cat("...")
                ibTreePr <- ibTree
                cv[[1]] <- ibTree$info$node
                cv[[2]] <- coef(extract(ibTree, "model"))
                if (!is.null(con <- extract(ibTree, "model")$contrasts))
                    cv[[3]] <- con
        } else {
            cv <- ibTree
        if (control$verbose) {
            if (control$papply != "lapply") {
                if (inherits(cv, "try-error")) cat("failed")
            } else {
                if (inherits(cv, "try-error")) cat("failed") else cat(" OK")
        ## return output

    call <- list(name = as.name(control$papply),
                 X = quote(seq(ifelse(original, 0L, 1L), ncol(foldsMat))),
                 FUN = quote(cvFun))
    call[names(control$papply.args)] <- control$papply.args
    mode(call) <- "call"
    cv <- eval(call)
    if (type %in% c("loss")) {

        ## extract tree on all data
        if (original) {
            tree <- cv[[1L]]
            tree$info$control <- control
            cv <- cv[2:length(cv)]
            if (is.null(tree)) stop("partitioning failed.")
        } else {
            tree <- NULL
        ## delete fails
        if (length(cv))
        fails <- sapply(cv, function(x) sum(sapply(x, length)) == 0)
        if (all(fails)) stop("no valid results.")
        cv <- cv[!fails]
        if (type == "loss") {
            ## function that evaluates the loss at each alpha of 'grid'
            getVals <- function(x, grid, rowsG = 1L, rowsL = 1L) {
                rval <- matrix(NA, length(row), length(grid))
                for (i in 1:length(grid)) {
                    cols <- which(x[[1L]][rowsG,] <= grid[i])
                    if (length(cols) > 1)
                        cols <- which(x[[1L]][rowsG, ] ==
                                      max(x[[1L]][rowsG, cols]))
                    if (length(cols) > 0)
                        rval[, i] <- x[[2L]][rowsL, cols]
            ## compute results
            grid <- sort(unique(c(unlist(lapply(
                cv, function(x) x[[1]][1, ])))))
            rval <- list(grid = grid)
            ## make a matrix with the 'loss' for each fold
            ## at each cp in 'grid'
            cv <- lapply(cv, function(x) {
                x[[2]][is.nan(x[[2]]) | is.infinite(x[[2]])] <- NA;
            ## oob-loss (computes the average loss)
            oobLoss <- t(sapply(cv, getVals,
                                grid = grid,
                                rowsG = 1L,
                                rowsL = 1L))
            if (length(grid) == 1L) oobLoss <- t(oobLoss)
            oobWeights <- matrix(rep(weights, ncol(foldsMat)),
                                 ncol = ncol(foldsMat))
            if (attr(foldsMat, "value") == "weights") {
                oobWeights <- oobWeights - foldsMat
            } else {
                oobWeights[foldsMat > 0] <- 0
            oobLoss <- oobLoss / colSums(oobWeights)[!fails]
            rownames(oobLoss) <- paste("fold", 1L:length(cv))
            colnames(oobLoss) <-
                if (length(grid) > 1L) {
                    cn <- c(paste("<=", round(grid[2L], 2)),
                            paste(">", round(grid[-1L], 2)))
                } else {
                    cn <- "0"
            rval <- append(rval, list(oobloss = oobLoss))
            meanLoss <- colMeans(rval$oobloss, na.rm = TRUE)
            ## cp with minimal loss
            minSubs <- which(meanLoss == min(meanLoss))
            if (length(minSubs) > 1L) minSubs <- max(minSubs)
            rval$cp.hat <-
                max(0, mean(c(rval$grid, Inf)[minSubs:(minSubs + 1)]))
            rval$foldsMat <- foldsMat
            class(rval) <- "cvloss.tvcm"     
        rval$call <- getCall(object)
        environment(rval$call) <- NULL
        if (original) {
            tree$info$cv <- rval
            rval <- tree
    } else if (type == "forest") {
        rval <- vector(mode = "list", length = 5L)
        names(rval) <-
            c("node", "coefficients", "contrasts", "error", "folds")
        rval$error$which <-
            which(sapply(cv, function(x) inherits(x, "try-error")))
        rval$error$message <- unlist(cv[rval$error$which])
        cv[rval$error$which] <- NULL
        rval$node <- lapply(cv, function(x) x[[1L]])
        rval$coefficients <- lapply(cv, function(x) x[[2L]])
        rval$contrasts <- lapply(cv, function(x) x[[3L]])   
        rval$folds <- foldsMat
    if (control$verbose) cat("\n")

print.cvloss.tvcm <- function(x, ...) {
    cat("Cross-Validated Loss", "\n\n")
    cat("Call: ", deparseCall(x$call), "\n\n")
    rval <- colMeans(x$oobloss, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (length(rval) > 10L)
        rval <- rval[seq(1L, length(rval), length.out = 10)]
    cat("cp with minimal oob-loss:", format(x$cp.hat, digits = 3), "\n")

plot.cvloss.tvcm <- function(x, legend = TRUE, details = TRUE, ...) {
    xlab <- "cp"
    ylab <- "average loss(cp)"
    type <- "s"
    lpos <- "topleft"
    lsubs <- if (details) 1L:2L else 1L
    if (x$cp.hat < Inf) lsubs <- c(lsubs, 3L)
    lcol <- c("black", "grey80", "black")
    llty <- c(1, 1, 2)
    dotList <- list(...)
    defArgs <- list(type = type, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
                    col = lcol[1], lty = llty[1])
    xx <- matrix(x$grid, length(x$grid), nrow(x$oobloss))  
    xx <- rbind(xx, 1.1 * xx[nrow(xx),])
    yy2 <- t(cbind(x$oobloss, x$oobloss[,ncol(x$oobloss)]))
    yy1 <- rowMeans(yy2, na.rm = TRUE)
    defArgs$ylim <- range(if (details) yy2 else yy1, na.rm = TRUE)
    ## set plot arguments
    call <- list(name = as.name("plot"), x = quote(xx[, 1]), y = quote(yy1))
    call <- appendDefArgs(call, list(...))
    call <- appendDefArgs(call, defArgs)
    type <- call$type
    call$type <- "n"
    llty[1L] <- call$lty
    lcol[1L] <- call$col
    mode(call) <- "call"
    ## plot mean validated prediction error
    ## plot details
    if (details)
        matplot(x = xx, yy2, type = type,
                lty = llty[2L], col = lcol[2L], add = TRUE)
    ## plot average oob-loss as last
    call$name <- as.name("points")
    call$type <- type
    if (legend) {
        ltext <- c("average oob-loss",
                   "foldwise oob-loss",
                   "cp with minimal oob-loss")
        legend(lpos, ltext[lsubs], col = lcol[lsubs], lty = llty[lsubs])
    if (x$cp.hat < Inf) {
        subsMin <- max(which(x$grid <= x$cp.hat))
        minLoss <- colMeans(x$oobloss, na.rm = TRUE)[subsMin]
        segments(x$cp.hat, par()$usr[3], x$cp.hat, minLoss, lty = 2)
        axis(1, x$cp.hat, format(x$cp.hat, digits = 3),
             line = 1, tick = FALSE)

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